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Contraceptive methods by putting a device in the uterus Two types of IUDs: With a copper IUD (ParaGard) IUD with progesterone (Mirena)

Working Mechanism The IUD is a foreign body in the uterus, causing a foreign body reaction with a pile of leukocytes, macrophages and lymphocytes. IUDs cause changes in discharge, prostaglandins, which prevents sperm capacitation. Compaction endometrium by leukocytes, macrophages, and lymphocytes cause blastokis may be undermined by macrophages and incapable blastokis nidasi. Cu ions released by the IUD Cupper cause movement disorders spermatozoa thereby reducing the ability to carry out conception.

complication perforation infection

side effects bleeding abdominal pain yarn missing dysmenorrhoea Smelling vaginal discharge Disorders of the husband expulsion

profit high effectiveness One-time installation (1 time motivation) economical Suitable for use mass

No systemic effects reversible

Still a pregnancy with an IUD in situ. There is bleeding (spotting and menometroragia). Infection can occur. The final level of primary infection or secondary cause of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. Tali IUD can cause injury portio uteri and disturbing sexual relationship. loss

contraindications absolute relative

Absolute contraindications gestation The presence of active infection in the genital tract The existence of a malignant tumor of genital tract Metroragia

Relative contraindications Benign Abnormalities in the cervix uteri Uterus with former scarring Insufficiency cervix uteri Myoma uteri with uterine cavity deformation

CONDOMS Rubber membrane attached to the penis during intercourse. Condoms are made from synthetic rubber thin, cylindrical shape, with thick brimmed estuary, when rolled flat or shaped like a nipple. Diameter of approximately 31 to 36.5 mm and a length of approximately 19mm.

Working Principle Shielding of the penis during coitus and perform in the vagina to prevent sperm collection

profit Provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases / prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS.

loss Rubber membrane interfere with coitus.

instructions for use Condoms used on the erect penis before the penis into the vagina. If there is no container diujungnya condom, leaving 1-2cm at the tip of the condom to hold the ejaculate. Remove the condom before the penis erection is complete, hold the condom at the base with a finger to prevent sperm spill or leak. Each condom is only for single use and disposed of. Do not store condoms in hot places, and do not use cooking oil, baby oil or petroleum jelly for lubricant condoms because condoms will cause damage.

SPERMATISID Mixture spermatisid consists of two components, namely chemicals that can kill sperm and vehikulum used to make tablets, cream, or jelly.

How It Works The content of the existing materials will damage the cell membranes of sperm and affect sperm mobility and the ability to fertilize an ovum.

Various Spermatisid Suppositories: Lorofin suppositories, pessaries Rendel . Suppositorium inserted as far as possible into the vagina before intercourse. This drug was active after 5 minutes, longer work 20 minutes to 1 hour.

Jelly or cream: Perseptin vaginal jelly, Orthogynol vaginal jelly, Delfen vaginal creme. Contraception is effective immediately without waiting. Old work about 20 minutes to 1 hour.

Tablet foam: Sampoon , Volpar , Syn-A-Gene . Shake the container before use 20-30 times. Then insert it into the vagina as far as possible. Wait 7-10 minutes before intercourse. 30-60 minutes of work a long time.

C-film: a thin object can be folded and soluble in water. Drugs became effective after 30 minutes.

Tubektomi adalah proses sterilisasi dengan cara mengikat saluran telur (tuba falopi). Ada 4 cara melakukan tubektomi yaitu :

Sterilisasi tuba yang dilakukan saat operasi Sectio Caesar atau operasi perut lainnya. Biasanya pilihan anestesinya adalah anestesi spinal pada SC. Minilaparotomy postpartum setelah persalinan pervaginam. Biasanya dilakukan 12-24 jam setelah persalinan dengan anestesi local dan sedasi ringan bila perlu. Minilaparotomy interval. Sterilisasi di luar masa nifas. (sama dengan atas) Laparoskopi. Dapat dilakukan 6-8minggu setelah persalinan, atau setelah abortus atau kapanpun pasien siap. Anestesi yang digunakan adalah bius umum.

Tubectomy is a sterilization process by binding to oviduct (fallopian tube). There are 4 ways of doing tubectomy are: Tubal sterilization performed at Caesar Sectio surgery or other abdominal surgery. Usually the choice of anesthesia is spinal anesthesia in SC. Minilaparotomy postpartum after vaginal delivery. Usually done 12-24 hours after delivery with local anesthesia and mild sedation if necessary. Minilaparotomy interval. Sterilization outside during childbirth. (same as above) Laparoscopy. Do 6-8minggu after childbirth, or after abortion or whenever the patient is ready. Anesthesia is used general anesthesia.

Bagaimana proses tubektomi ini dilakukan? Prinsip tubektomi adalah menghalangi telur melewati saluran telur sehingga tidak terjadi konsepsi dengan sperma. Tubektomi dilakukan dengan cara mengikat kedua saluran telur anda, dapat melalui ligasi langsung pada saluran, elektrokoagulasi tuba, pemasangan cincin tuba, pemasangan klip pada tuba (ketiga cara terakhir dilakukan dengan laparoskopi).

Kemudian minilaparotomy adalah tekhnik dengan sayatan sebesar 3cm di atas pubis anda, untuk kemudian kemudian dilakukan ligasi tuba. Minilaparotomy dapat dilakukan dokter terlatih dengan biaya lebih murah, hanya saja parut luka yang dihasilkan cukup besar.Sedangkan laparoskopi harus dilakukan spesialis kebidanan dan biaya lebih mahal, tetapi luka parut yang dihasilkan kecil bahkan nyaris tak terlihat dan penyembuhan lebih cepat.

How tubectomy process is done? Principle tubectomy is blocking the egg through the fallopian tubes so that no conception with sperm. Tubectomy done by tying both your fallopian tubes, can be through direct ligation to the channel, tubal electrocoagulation, tubal ring mounting, mounting clips on the tube (three way last performed by laparoscopy).

Then minilaparotomy is the technique of 3cm incision above your pubic, and then later performed a tubal ligation. Minilaparotomy do doctors trained at lower costs, it's just scar produced quite besar.Sedangkan laparoscopy should be a specialist in obstetrics and costs are more expensive, but the resulting scar was barely visible even smaller and faster healing.

What is a vasectomy? Vasectomy is a sterilization method by binding to sperm duct (vas deferens) men. Unlike tubectomy, vasectomy is the process that only requires minor surgery under local anesthesia only to the process. Apa itu vasektomi?

Vasektomi adalah metode sterilisasi dengan cara mengikat saluran sperma (vas deferens) pria. Tidak seperti tubektomi, maka proses vasektomi merupakan bedah minor sehingga hanya memerlukan bius lokal saja untuk prosesnya.

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