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MARCH 2013

The Great Exchange


With our friends and teammates, Ben and Krista Beukema, before they went home for furlough

Paul, in Romans 1 and 2, often reserved his harshest words for Jewish leaders, who did not grasp the spirit of the law but rather put their confidence in the physical law. Too often, we as humans, become proud in well-doing and lose sight of humility. Paul says we exchange the truth for a lie and thinking ourselves wise, we become fools. The Jews of the time exchanged a spiritual circumcision for a physical one. At times I realize I do the same thing. And yet the irony of the Gospel is that Jesus Christ exchanged himself for the propitiation of our sins! If not for the GREAT EXCHANGE, we would be unqualified without grace and consumed without mercy. He humbled himself to the cross!

SNAPSHOTS OF THE LAST MONTH March 1 Day to play catch-up with so so many to-dos: skype calls with newly engaged buddy Ryan Smethers (congrats!) and a catchup call with Kirk Plattner, visit to a couple realtors, shop for solid surface countertops, drop off letters for ACWR Jamaica registration 8 Speak to a Youth Group at a friends church 11-15 Construction work with local mason 16 BASIC Team from Iowa arrives 17 Travel to Top Hill for worship and a tour of the Ridge Community Center 18 - 21 Begin work projects 22 Sports Day at school and last day of classes before Easter Holiday. Travel with the team to Dunns River Falls and then on to Montego Bay where they stayed before flying back to the States. 23 Clean up from the Iowa team and get ready for Gridley ACWR team 24 Passion Week worship service complete with a palm frond, followed by a trip to Port Royal for a history lesson and then delicious ice cream at Devon House 25-28 Normal days filled with fellowship, work projects and making memories 29 Trip to Ocho Rios and jerk chicken for dinner, yumm! 30 Team departs early in the morning, clean up the dorm and then crash!

Raising the Roof at JDV

On my third trip to Jamaica, back in 2005, some bulldozers arrived the day we were leaving in order to level some land in preparation for a new building. I returned in 2006 as a summer intern and recall digging out the footings and laying the rebar cages, and with the Taylor/West Lafayette team we even got to pour some of the footers after a week full of rain prevented work being done. Now, 8 years later, the building got its roof installed. Prayerful that this building can be utilized as a sustainable income generator to support the ministry.


49 Ziadie Avenue, Apt 2 Kingston 20, Jamaica, W.I. 876.587.3833 cell blake.widmer skype

The Great Exchange

Orchard Hill BASIC Campus Ministry Team
One of my favorite aspects of my role here in Jamaica is the diverse group of people I get to know, learn from and serve with, and its all the more interesting when you have never met before. Such was the case when 33 college kids and one team leader (Carter, just a couple years older than me) stepped off the bus late Saturday night on the 16th. Neither of us really knew what to expect of the other, but I think after a couple days of feeling each other out and seeing the other in action, realized that although we may perceive things through different filters, we respected and appreciated each other. They brought incredible energy and love for the Lord and we are prayerful for long-term relationships!

Romans 10:13-15

For "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the Gospel!
A PRAISE REPORT Completion of a few more project areas at CCCD Kingston, including a house mother apartment and staff lounge. Edifying and encouraging times with teams. Two years ago we were searching for a postwedding home to start our lives together and the Lord provided 49 Ziadie Avenue, Apt 2, even though we never knew the realtor nor had seen the place advertisedwe are so thankful!

Clockwise from top left: Team member Andrew Happ, one of my favorites, teaches at Deaf Bible Church on Sunday after the team made the trip from Kingston. Team picture from the top of Maranatha School for the Deaf in Ridge. Carter with Tashi and I. Ashley and Dominique in some of the teams work gearlookin good! Team picture at Dunns River Falls. Carter, Jeremy and Tucker with CCCD hosts Ms Lawrence and Miss Yvette and myself. Great memories!

US Address: 9036 Northridge Lane Battle Ground, IN 47920

The Great Exchange

Gridley ACWR Team
Just as the Iowa team was a completely new experience, in a good way, so it was a positive thing to know just what to expect with the Gridley team. After hosting this team a half dozen times, I can just about tell you exactly whats going to happen! Ok, that might be an exaggeration, but I do know them well and they know us well, which makes for a pretty well oiled machine. I also know Im gonna get a lot of loving, hard working people who although can be a bit hasty, sincerely love our kids and staff and want to honor God and support our ministry. We PRAYER REQUESTS: have tremendous testimony of the Lord working in relationships and pray that He will continue to connect our worlds. We planned to start construction at New Hope in March, but are now on hold due to the city council delaying the approval of building plansplease pray the we are faithful in waiting on the Lord and that the council will give us the green light soon! A fresh start with mentoring time with our students now that the chaos of teams and Easter holiday Above: Classic in action fist bump with one of my is behind us. favorite team members, Crazy Colin! Above: Say what Rog? I look stumped Semaj has faced some struggles Below: Family time with Ringgers! Below: Team pic at the gate with contentment and keeping a positive attitude due to the challenges of being away from home and in a place that stretches her. We are working on summer plans for her to stay in the Midwest and praying for guidance. We recently began house hunting and talking to realtorsyikes! Please pray for wisdom and patience as we learn how to navigate this arduous process. Lynn and Leonda Stieglitz are prayerfully considering joining our teamplease pray with us! Our spring sea container of material aid from ACWR Goodfield distribution center has shipped and we hope to deliver in May and not June. Newly-weds Todd and Stephanie Hanson as they begin their lives together!
Left: Carlyle tiling dorm showers and teaching the boys Right: Boys will be Boysgood times!


49 Ziadie Avenue, Apt 2 Kingston 20, Jamaica, W.I. 876.587.3833 cell blake.widmer skype

BLAKE AND TASHI WIDMER 49 Ziadie Avenue, Apt 2 Kingston 20, Jamaica, W.I. 876.587.3833 Cell Blake.Widmer Skype BLOG: PICS: Serving Through: Serving With:

A Glimpse of Normal Life

This section is typically used to share about a new student at CCCD or someone special in our lives either back in the States or who came to visit us, etc. etc. But I dont recall that its often been used just to give a glimpse into our circle of friends here on the island. Based on my title I suppose I am projecting normal life to be that of what I would suppose my life to be like were it being lived out in Indiana. In that case, I would expect Ben and Krista Beukema to be great friends. Praise be to God, they just so happen to be part of my not-so-normal life here on the island. And although this life seems to become more normal, there is really nothing that can replace friendship that understands me in almost every way, regarding my upbringing, childhood experiences and culture. Ben is that kind of guy and Im super excited about building our friendship. They replaced Chad and Pam Huber at JDV, and although we all miss them, we see Gods provision and timing. Without the foundation that the Hubers laid for the Beukemas they would not be in the healthy, growing state of ministry that they are in today. And for that, we praise God. One plants, another waters, but the Lord adds the increase. Please pray for the Beukemas as they minister at JDV.

Oceanside in St. Thomas at Suncoast Adventure Park. We all need time away from the work/life/ministry cycle and were super excited to have Ben and Krista spend a weekend with us. We kicked back and relaxed and enjoyed a day at a park in beautiful St. Thomas, some putt-putt and a walk on the beach.

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