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I worked with Mrs. Cynthia Grantham a 3rd grade teacher at Mason Creek Elementary.

Students in the 3rd grade did not take the CRCT last year so we decided to use data from the Common Core Coach ELA test and local Common District Assessments we give in the county. We decided that her students had difficulty locating information. They were unsure of what sources were used for and when they should use them. Mrs. Grantham and I decided that it would be good for her students to actually use different resources when researching. In this unit students will creating a Wordle and using a pathfinder to locate facts about American heroes studied in 3rd grade. Students will learn how to use different resources accurately.

Jennifer BakerSLMS Cynthia Grantham--Teacher 3rd grade

Content StandardSocial Studies Duration3-4 days

Stage 1-Desired Results 21st Century Standards: 1.1.2-Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning. 1.1.4-Find, evaluate, and select appropriate sources to answer questions. 1.2.3-Demonstrate creativity by using multiple resources and formats. 1.3.5-Use information technology responsibly. 2.1.4-Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize information. 2.2.4-Demonstrate personal productivity by completing products to express learning. 2.4.3-Recognize new knowledge and understanding. 3.2.3-Demonstrate teamwork by working productively with others. 3.4.2-Assess the quality and effectiveness of the learning product. 4.1.8-Use creative and artistic formats to express personal learning.

Content Standards:
SS3H2 The student will discuss the lives of Americans who expanded peoples rights and freedoms in a democracy.

a. Susan B. Anthony (womens rights), Frederick Douglass (civil rights), Thurgood Marshall (civil rights) b. Explain social barriers, restrictions, and obstacles these historical figures had to overcome and describe how they overcame them.

Understanding(s): Students will understand that . . There are many resources available to them in the media center and on the internet. A pathfinder is a tool used to gather information. Each American Hero is identified by his/her character traits and obstacles he/she had to overcome.

Essential Question(s): How can I use different resources to find information I need? What types of resources are available to me? What are the character traits of Susan B. Anthony, Thurgood Marshall, and Frederick Douglass? What obstacles did each American Hero have to overcome?

Students will know . . . The character traits of Susan B. Anthony, Thurgood Marshall, and Frederick Douglass. The obstacles Susan B Anthony, Thurgood Marshall, and Frederick Douglass had to overcome. The different types of resources that are available for research. How to use different resources to locate information.

Stage 2-Assessment Evidence Performance Task(s) Pretest (Sources) Pretest (American Hero) American Hero Wordle: Your job is to create a Wordle from one of the following American Heroes: Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglass, or Paul Revere. Your Wordle should contain the character traits and obstacles the hero had to overcome. Posttest (Sources) Posttest (American Hero) Other Evidence:

Observations American Hero Rubric Ability to navigate through different websites Ability to locate information in different resources Ability to work in a small group collaboratively

Stage 3- Learning Plan Learning Activities: SLMS: 1. The SLMS will give pretest and posttest. 2. The SLMS will introduce Wordle. 3. The SLMS will show students how to navigate through the pathfinder. 4. The SLMS will teach students how to use different resources in the media center to locate desired information. Students: 1. Students will take a pretest on how to use different sources in the media center and an American Hero pretest. 2. Students will learn how learn how to locate desired information in resources. 3. Students will learn how to navigate through a pathfinder to locate information. 4. Students will research information about American Heroes. 5. Students will work in groups to create a Wordle about a chosen American Hero. 6. Students will use a rubric to grade themselves. 7. Students will take a posttest about the uses of resources. Learning Plan *Students will be given a pretest: Resources *SLMS will then explain that they will be learning how to use different resources to locate information in the media center and on the internet. *Explain to students that they will be choosing an American Hero to complete their research on. They may choose from Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglass, or Thurgood Marshall. *The SLMS will explain to the students what a Wordle is and show them an example. *Students will then create their own Wordle with crayons and paper. The Wordle should be about one American Hero. Students will work in groups to create this. *SLMS will then discuss with students the different resources that are available to them and how to locate information in each resource. *SLMS will show students a pathfinder and demonstrate how to navigate through it to get the desired information. *Students will then be given the Performance Task: American Hero Wordle: Your job is to create a Wordle from one of the following American Heroes: Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglass, or Paul Revere. Your Wordle should contain the character traits and obstacles the hero had to overcome. You should include at least

3 resources you used when creating your Wordle. *Students will present their Wordles to the class. *Students will take a posttest on sources in the media center.

American Hero Wordle Rubric

3 2 1

Character Traits



Includes at least 2 correct character traits Correctly identifies obstacles the American hero had to overcome Includes at least 3 sources

Includes at least 1 correct trait

Includes 2 sources

Does not include any correct character traits Does not correctly identify obstacles the American Hero had to overocme Includes only 1 source

Pretest/PosttestSources 1. When should I use an atlas? a. When I want to locate information about a person b. When I want to see a map of a state c. When I want to see the weather


A pathfinder is used for: a. To navigate a path through the media center b. Locating information about a certain topic c. To look up the current weather in an area


Where should I look to see what page a chapter starts on? a. Table of contents b. Index c. Title page Which source should I use to find out the latest information on a famous movie star? a. Encyclopedia b. Thesaurus c. Internet


5. When researching a particular topic it is best to use books and not the internet. a. True b. False

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