Lung Channel of Hand

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Lung channel of hand-taiyin 1. chize (lung5) Meaning He-Sea point. Chi, ruler or ulnar; ze, marsh.

h. Chi refers to the ulnar aspect (from the wrist to the elbow ), The point is in the depression of the elbow fossa at the ulnar aspect. The Qi of the meridian is infused here, like water flowing into a marsh.

2. Lieque(Lung7) a. Meaning - Lie, arrangement; que, depression. The lightning and the rift in the sky were called Lieque in ancient times. 3. Taiyuan(Lung9) a. Meaning Shu-Stream and Yuan-Source point. Tai, great; yuan, deep pool. Tai means abundance. b. The Qi of meridian in the local part of this point is abundant as in a deep pool. 4. Yuji(lung 10 a. Meaning - Yu, fish; ji, border. The muscular flexor, pollicis in the palm is prominent as fish, b. the point is located just at its border Yuji(chenar) is used as an anatomical word at present Ying-Spring point. 5. Shaoshang (lung11) a. Meaning - Shao, immaturity; shang, one of the Five Sounds, pertaining to metal. Shao means less. b. The Lung pertains to metal in the Five Elements and to shang sound in the Five Sounds. This is the last point of the lung Meridian where Qi is less. Jing-Well Point. Large Intestine Channel of Hand-Yangming 1. Sanjian(LI3) a. San, three, third; jian, clearance. Jian, indicates the point. This is the third point of the large Intestine Meridian. b. San, three, third; jian, clearance. Jian, indicates the point. This is the third point of the large Intestine Meridian. 2. Hegu(LI4) a. He, junction; gu, valley. This point is between the 1st and the 2nd metacarpal bones, location of the point is depressed as a valley. b. Yuan-Source point. Main point for dissipating pathogenic heat and sedating pain.

3. Yangxi(LI5) a. Yang, Yang of Yin-Yang; xi, brook. Yang, refers to the yang meridian. The local depression is like a brook in the mountains. b. Remarks Jing-River point. 4. Pianli(LI6) a. Pian, divergence; li, passway. The large Intestine Meridian separates a collateral from here and diverges to the lung. b. Remarks Luo-Connecting point. 5. Quchi(LI11) a. Qu, crooked; chi, pond. When the arm is flexed, a depression at the elbow is like a pool and the point is inside it. b. He-sea acupoint of the large intestine meridian of hand-yangming 6. Jianyu(LI15) a. Jian, shoulder; yu, corner. The point is at the corner of the shoulder. main point for shoulder diseases 7. Yingxiang(LI20) a. Meaning -Ying, to meet; xiang, fragrance. This point is at either side of the nose. b. It is used to treat disorders of the nose to improve the sense of smell, to enable the nose to "sense fragrance". 8.

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