Meet Andrew Hasek

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Contact: Rachel Jansen Phone: 763-486-5056 Email: teamhasek@gmail.



On February 7th, 2013, Andrew Hasek announced his candidacy for State Chairman of Minnesota College Republicans. Hasek is currently finishing his first term as Chairman of St. Thomas College Republicans. Along with his sister Angie, he began a revival of the USTCRs last spring. A chapter not known for its prior activism, the Haseks turned USTCRs into one of the largest and most effective chapters in Minnesota this past fall. They were able to more than double their membership list, nearly triple its number of Facebook likes, quadruple meeting attendance, and volunteer 630 hours on various campaigns across the state among 30 plus different members. Andrew Hasek is a native of Fairmont, Minnesota. He graduated from Fairmont High School in 2010. Andrew became interested in politics after completing the Minnesota High School page program during his junior year of high school and after watching coverage of the 2008 presidential election. His first political memory was a mock election held at his school during the 2000 presidential election. At the time I had no idea about the candidates or what they stood for, all I knew is that my family was going to vote for Bush. You better believe I told everyone to vote for Bush Hasek stated. Hasek has been involved with USTCRs since his freshman year where he helped with GOTV activities for the 2010 midterm elections. Hasek has also interned at the Minnesota House of Representatives and served as field staff for Senator Julie Rosen and Representative Bob Gunther. Haseks main focus as Chairman of MNCRs will be on chapter development and improving communication between chapters and the state board. In addition to his strengths in chapter development, networking, and communication - he looks to bring a team on board that has extensive campaign, student government, and social media experience. The most important thing that we need to do in 2013-2014 is to grow the size of our chapters in preparation for 2014. Our volunteers have served as boots-on-the ground assets for the Republican Party in the past and I look forward to growing the organization, much like I did at St. Thomas Hasek said. When not doing something political, Andrew loves running, reading, listening to music, and hanging out with his friends. A few things that he would like to do someday are to travel across Europe and skydive. Hasek currently studies Political Science and Economics at St. Thomas. Outside of College Republicans, he is active on the Junior Class Council and works on housing issues pertinent to UST students.

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