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Water Treatment H83WAT (10 credits)

Coursework Guidelines and Assessment

1. Background
Your team works for Water Company based at Klang, Malaysia. The Water Company provides drinking water to their customers and also treats the wastewater produced by their customers. Their customers include the general public and numerous industries. They also meet all the legislative requirements and regulations overseen by the Environment Agency (for abstraction of water from, and release of water into the aquatic environment) and Drinking Water Inspectorate (for drinking water quality). The Water Company has several options they are considering to enable them to continue delivering drinking water to their customers and clean the wastewater so it is fit for release into the aquatic environment. Working within a team, you will be asked to deliver a presentation and report on one of the following water scenarios and treatment options.

2. Coursework topics
1. Desalination plant: The Water Company is seeking to design and build a water treatment plant capable of turning seawater into drinking water for their customers. The board would like a recommendation on the water treatment plant to build and treatment options required. Your team is tasked with selecting the most appropriate treatment technologies, and to justify the selection and your choice of the final process design. 2. Direct water reuse plant: The Water Company is considering designing and building a water treatment plant which is pipe-to-pipe, directly reusing wastewater effluent for potable drinking water use. The board would like a recommendation on the water treatment technologies to use for building the plant. Include in your report and presentation any potential and technical challenges of implementing this approach. Would you recommend the Water Company invest in this water treatment process in the future? 3. Nitrate removal technology: The Water Company has identified that nitrates are a big issue affecting the quality of drinking water. To deal with this problem and meet the drinking water standard for nitrate, they have been blending high-nitrate water with lownitrate water sources. However with high-nitrate water sources increasing, they recognise the need to design and build a nitrate removal treatment technology to reduce the nitrate levels in source water. Your team is tasked with selecting the most appropriate treatment and incorporating into a drinking water treatment plant. You need to justify the selection and your choice of the final process design. 4. Advanced wastewater treatment for phosphorous removal: The Water Company has identified that phosphorous is a key pollutant in municipal wastewater. One of their large wastewater treatment plants must reduce the amount of phosphorous in their wastewater effluent to minimise eutrophication in the river that receives the plant effluent. The board would like a recommendation on the water treatment technologies to use for phosphorous removal. Include in your report and presentation any opportunities for phosphorous recovery and associated economic drivers. 5. Water softening technology: The Water Company has identified a water source but the level of Calcium and Magnesium and other metal cations in that source is high which necessitates the removal of these ions. The board would like a recommendation on a novel technology to soften the water. You need to justify the selection and your choice of the final process design.

3. Assessment
The coursework exercise amounts to 30% of the total module mark and is made of two component parts, the groups presentation and the report document. Presentations will be made during week 11 (15th April to 19th April 2013). Attendance is compulsory at these presentations for everyone on the course. To ensure there is no time advantage all groups will be required to submit their presentation PowerPoint file and report on the same dates irrespective of presentation date. Submission of PowerPoint presentation files will be by email to, and the report will be through the faculty office as normal. The submission dates are by the following dates. The usual rules will apply for the late submission of coursework. Assessment Report PowerPoint Presentation Submission date 12th April 2013 (before 4.30 pm) to the Faculty office 12th April 2013 emailed to Delivery of presentations During week 11 (15th April to 19th April 2013)

3.1. Report Structure

The report should include the following sections and should be a short concise document. The following format must be followed - Font type: Verdana, Font size: 10, Line spacing: single, unbolded except for the title and any subheadings. Word limits are given for guidance below: Executive Summary: Please provide a summary of your water treatment assessment, particularly the key findings - 300 words Background: Provide an introduction to your water scenario and treatment challenge - 600 words Discussion and Justification: Provide a concise report of your technology assessment, include in your summary justification and evidence for the choices and conclusions made - 1300 words Conclusions / Recommendations: 300 words References: unlimited Figures and Tables: To be included in the main body of the text, there is no limit of the number that can be included as long as they are relevant.

3.2. Marking Scheme: A. Group Presentation (Total 50 Marks)

All members of the group are expected to contribute to a presentation on the topic set for evaluation. This presentation will be strictly limited to ten minutes. After the formal presentation the group will be asked questions from a panel assessing the presentation. Marks will be awarded for the presentation itself (both the slides and the delivered content) as well as a component given to how well the groups respond to questions, a full breakdown of marks and indication of performance required are as follows: Oral Presentation (20) Clear presentation getting key points across clearly and to time 17-20 Clear presentation, some loss of clarity 13-16 Some good points, but overall message lost 9-12 Presentation lacking structure, hard to follow logic 5-8 Presentation has not logical progression, read from notes, dull 0-4 Response to questions and overall demonstration of understanding (20) Excellent demonstration of understanding, respond well to questions 17-20

Good understanding of topic and clear response to questions Average knowledge of the topic, some explanations unclear Poor grasp of the topic, little insight or evidence of independent thought No original though, poorly informed presentation and responses PowerPoint presentation (10) Excellent, clear presentation and use of graphics Good presentation, some areas could be more polished Average slide, possibly too much text in places / unclear images Slides hard to read, poor presentation Unclear slides, impossible to read or understand

13-16 9-12 5-8 0-4 10 8 6 4 2

B. Coursework Report (Total 50 marks)

The group will produce a short summary of the water treatment technology assessment. This will be submitted using the information under Section 3.1 and is limited to a set length for each section. Due to the limit on document length, the text needs to be concise and to the point. The summary document will be marked against the following scheme: References (10) Up-to-date and complete 10 Reasonably up-to-date 8 Average 6 Not up-to-date 4 Too old / limited 2 Discussion (20) Intelligent with original comments 17-20 Some original comments 13-16 Occasional comments 9-13 Few comments 5-8 No original comments 0-4 Summary and Conclusions / recommendation (10) Realistic and follow on logically from the text 10 Satisfactory 8 Average 6 Poor 4 Unrealistic and un-founded 2 Additional Materials, Tables and Figures (10) Excellent figures with clear explanation 10 Good figures with some comments 8 Some used, few comments 6 Few used 4 None used, no comments 2

3.3. Some General Comments

The best marks will be given to well-structured critical assessments that provide a well-informed, reasoned review and discussion of the topic and treatment technologies. Try to be quantitative in your assessment. Think of wider implications, for example design considerations, financial costs / benefits, safety, plant operation (not all of these will be relevant). There is not a right or wrong answer to the questions set. An educated decision based on the information and evidence in the literature is required. To answer the question it is best if a logical, evidence based conclusion and consensus view is achieved.

We are not looking for a literature review type work. Presentations that are simply descriptive of the literature will rarely gain better than a low 2:1. It is important to use up to date information, review a wide range of sources, from books to peer reviewed journal publications. Using one or two papers or books from 20 years ago is not going to get you good marks. Simply lifting or plagiarising large volumes of text from books or journals will result in zero marks. Care should be taken to correctly reference material. Students are reminded that plagiarism is an academic offence.

4. Assignment of teams and coursework topics

The teams and coursework topics assigned to each group is given below: Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Team 4

Team 5

Team 6

Team 7

Team 8

Team 9

Team 10

Team 11

8007768 8007790 8007852 8007918 8007826 8007899 8008111 8008453 8007800 8007905 8008277 8805952 8007771 8007945 8805872 8007931 8805874 8805978 8806107 8007798 8007980 8805948 8806071 8007860 8008322 8805868 8806125 8007773 8806009 8806204 8805713 8806067 8007919 8806068 8806100 8007950 8806134 8806238 8007761 8007864

Kho Shui Wei Balaji Anand Bellam Yap Wei Khang Lee Pay Herng Loke Siew Wei K.Karinalili Rutheran Fong Kok Leong Chimbayo Stephen Chong Jared Sh'Ng Yuan Vejayan Surendar Tan Kok Jun Liu Xiaoyu Mendis Ayodhya Chiranjiv Adhiratha Yew Eddie Chin Wei Shanmuganantha Lohashenpahan Raviadaran Revathi Omer Ahmed Abdi Loh Xuejing Poh Yong Wei Tan Wei Jun Robson Nazeer Fathima Ruqqaiyah Ramachandran Deepaluxumy Md Ishak Nurliyana Kho Gwendolyn Tian Yin Shenkar Dhayalan Foong Hua Yeang Anthony Che Harun Mohammad Hakim Tan Michelle Siaw Yin Thambirajah Cooberan Rajiv Rohan Girish Folarin Ahmed Atanda Saravanan Mhthesvaran Quadir Riasat Saquif Krishnan Lavaneswaran Ang Teck Yeong Teoh Su-Fern, Elyse Kymberly Chan Wei Leong R. Jagadish Priyanka Lim Chang Nong Ho See Chai

Desalination plant

Direct water reuse plant

Nitrate technology


Advanced wastewater treatment for phosphorous removal Water technology softening

Desalination plant

Direct water reuse plant

Nitrate technology


Advanced wastewater treatment for phosphorous removal Water technology softening

Desalination plant

8007862 8007758 8806026

Lee Pei Sean Ramgoolam Keshav Lukak Wani Tombe Logale

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