My Predictions

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My Predictions Getting Private Readings | Future World Predictions | Past World Predictions Getting Private Readings I have a full

time job in high tech that takes up a lot of my time. I have an active family life. I spend a lot of time on spiritual activities. I spend a lot of time on Jagannatha Hora development and improvements. I spend a lot of time on Vedic astrology research. I spend some time teaching astrology and sharing my researches with others. I have very little time left for giving private readings. People may think, "it will just take 5 minutes to help me", but I get so many mails and so tight on time. So I have to ignore many emails. I reply to very few emails. So send me an email only if you are prepared for not getting a reply. Send me a private email at with your birthdata (date, time and place of birth), 4-5 events from your life with approximate dates and one or two clear and unambiguous questions. Please make your email short and to the point. If you write a very long email, it is unlikely I will be able to read it. Also, one is better off doing a Mahaganapthi homam (or any homam) every day or every weekend and praying to god about one's problems, than contacting me. I have no ability to solve people's problems. Even my diagnosis of their problems and prognosis of when things may improve, may not be that good. Prayer is more useful and reliable. Future World Predictions Geopolitical Transformation: The period 2000-2030 will see tremendous geo-political transformation and re-arrangement. The changes may be drastic in 2015-2020. Fall of Capitalism as we know it: When communism fell in 1980s, world assumed that capitalism won. But capitalism as we know it will fall too, in 2000-2030. The changes will be quite rapid during 2015-2025. Eventually, capitalism will be replaced by a newer ideology that will be based more on fairness and Dharma. Barack Obama Will Be Re-elected: US President Barack Obama will be re-elected in the 2012 Presidential election. Past World Predictions Kargil War of 1999: I predicted in an article in "Express Star Teller" magazine that India may have an "unpleasant confrontation with some countries" after "May 19, 1999" and that "India's point of view may be respected in international fora". Kargil War started on May 25, 1999 and Pakistan was forced to beat a retreat after Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's emergency visit to US on July 4, 1999.

Vajpayee Govt Fall & Rise in 1999: I predicted in early 1999 that Jayalalita will pull the plug on Vajpayee government in 1999. I also predicted that she would be the loser. I predicted that Vajpayee would continue. I also predicted that Vajpayee's strength would increase from the second half of 1999 and that he would be much more confident and assertive. All that happened. Fall of Gujral government: I predicted in September 1997 that Indian Prime Minister IK Gujral's minority coalition government at the centre may be in danger soon, despite repeated assurances by Congress to keep supporting. I wrote that the period Nov 10-Dec 20 may be turbulent in Indian politics. The government lost its support on 1997 November 28. George W Bush second term: Though most astrologers wrote GeorgeW Bush down, I predicted that he would beat Kerry in 2004 presidential elections. Rise of India in World during 2002-2011 I predicted in 2001: "India will rise in stature and become a dominant nation in the world, politically, economically, culturally and spiritually. From a nation of self-doubters suffering from an inferiority complex and slave mentality developed during the long foreign rule, India will rise like a phoenix and claim its rightful place as a confident and progressive world leader." Russian conflicts in 1999: I predicted in an article in "Express Star Teller" magazine that "Russia would face unrest and get involved in an armed conflict from August 1999". Russia took action against the Dagestani militants in August 1999 and attacked Chechnya later. BJP success in 1998-2000: I wrote in early 1998: "It is very likely that BJP will steal the limelight on the stage of Indian politics during 1998-2000 and that they will be in charge of India's destiny for a few years atleast. BJP's tryst with destiny, which eluded them during the brief stint as India's ruling party, may be coming very soon!"
About Me
I was born and brought up in India and currently living near Boston, US with a wife and two children. Work & Education I am a software engineer specializing in low level embedded software related to digital video and video codecs. I have a bachelors degree in engineering from Indian Institute of Technnology, Madras/Chennai and a masters degree from Rice University, Houston, US. I am also a Sanskrit scholar. By an age of 11, I passed two series of examinations both equivalent to a Bachelor's degree in Sanskrit language (one of them with a distinction) and, at an age of 12, I passed a series of examinations equivalent to a Bachelor's degree in Hindi language. Personal Life

I got married in August 1993 to my wife Padmaja Bandaru. She is a Computer Science teacher at a charter school in greater Boston. She has a bachelors degree in engineering. She is active in state and national Computer Science Teachers Association activities. She is a good organizer and organizes our saamoohika (mass) Satya Narayana poojas. My daughter Sriharini was born in February 1996. She is a good student and her hobbies include Carnatic music (south Indian classical music) and Kuchipudi dance. An Adele song sung by her, while also playing on ukulele, can be viewed on youtube. My son Sriharish was born in August 1998. He is a good student and his hobbies include computer programming, music, basketball and football. He is also getting interested in film making. "The Chase", a 2-minute short film made by his team, can be viewed on youtube. There is a small story behind the name of my son. My wife wanted to give him the name of Lord Hanuman (a Hindu deity - Monkey God). My Jyotish guru suggested naming him after Lord Vishnu (another Hindu deity). My father wanted to name him after Lord Narasimha (the Lion-Man God). I wanted to name him after Lord Hayagreeva (Horseheaded God of knowledge).

My father suggested a name which satisfies all the requirements! The word "hari" means monkey, lion, horse and Lord Vishnu and "Sriharish" can be interpreted to mean all the four suggested names! Spirituality Interest One of my interests is to enable anybody interested in spiritual progress to do rituals such as homam (fire ritual), pitri tarpana (oblations to ancestors) and Satya Narayana vratam by themselves. There are a lot of free resources, such as manuals, audio and video, on this website. Thousands of people are doing a daily or weekly homam by themselves around the world now, using those resources.

Though I am a Vedantin (philosopher) inherently and emphasize internal transformation over external things, I recongize the usefulness of some external rituals in facilitating internal transformation and particularly the efficacy of Fire. Apart from the traditional ritual of homam, I also teach Fire Yoga, a religion agnostic method to worship God through Fire.

My spiritual guru is Dr Manish Pandit from Pune (living in UK now - single picture on left). His guru was Sri Nakhate Maharaj from Pune (right bottom in the leftmost picture). His guru was Yogiraj Sri Vamanrao Dattatreya Gulavani Maharaj (left bottom). His two gurus were
Paramahamsa Vasudevananda Parivrajakacharya Saraswati, Sri


known in Maharashtra as Sri Tembe Swami (top left in the picture), and Paramahamsa Parivrajakacharya Sri Loknath Tirth Swami Maharaj (top right in the picture). Astrology Pursuit I have been passionately conducting researches in India's Vedic astrology since 1993. My father Sri Pingali Venkata Subrahmanyachalapathi Rao is a brilliant astrologer. I learnt astrology from him. I learnt the basics when very young, but I always had doubts about astrology's worth. Several things did not make any sense to me. Sometimes I would be impressed with astrology and sometimes I would think it was just a superstition. I vacillated from admiring and believing in astrology to doubting the very basics of the subject. From second half of 1993, I pursued astrology in depth and I have studied and researched many classic and modern works and schools of thought. Apart from Dr B.V. Raman's books, guidance from my Jyotish guru Pt Sanjay Rath of Sri Jagannath Center helped my progress in particular. I am not yet satisfied that we have understood the words of rishis correctly, even in some key fundamental issues, and my research continues. Even as I continue research, I continually keep sharing the little I know. I wrote a textbook and many articles in "Astrological Magazine of India", "Jyotish Digest", "Express StarTeller" and "Modern Astrology" magazines. I wrote a lot of research articles on internet discussion groups. I teach free weekly Jyotish classes near Boston. Astrologers among you may be interested in my birthdata. I was born in Machilipatnam, AP, India (81 E 08, 16 N 10) on 1970 April 4 at 5:47:08 pm (IST: 5 1/2 hrs ahead of GMT). This data should be enough for astrologers among you to figure out why I became an astrologer.

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