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Fun on the Farm

(Developed to support field day activities and events)

Teacher: Bradley - Herrington Grade: Pre-Kindergarten Subject: Reading Language Arts Unit Framework: 1 Week

Stage 1- Desired Results

Established Goals: Georgia Pre-Kindergarten Content Standards
SS1d Becomes aware of family and community celebrations and events. HPD1a Develops coordination and balance HPD1b Coordinates movements to perform tasks HPD1c Participates in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities that increase strength, endurance, and flexibility. LD1d Listens to stories read aloud and shows understand through body language or interacting appropriately. LD4b Engages in conversations with adults and children. LD4d Uses language to pretend or create. LD5b Discusses books or stories read aloud. LD5i Recognizes books as a source of information. LD5j Connects information and events in books to real life experiences

ALA Standards
1.1.6 Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g., textual, visual, media, digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning. 1.1.9 Collaborate with others to broaden and deepen understanding. 2.2.4 Demonstrate personal productivity by completing products to express learning. 3.2.3 Demonstrate teamwork by working productively with others. 4.1.1 Read, view, and listen for pleasure and personal growth.


Essential Questions:

Students will develop an understanding of the importance of farm animals to people and the importance of people to farm animals.

What type of activities happen on a farm? What animals are found on a farm? What sounds do farm animals make? Why are farms and farm animals important to people?

Student will know.

The type of animals found on a farm. The sounds made by individual farm animals. Physical features of select farm animals. Describe the type of work done on a farm.

Student will be able to

Listen to audio recordings of farm animal sounds and identify the animal. Name two or more physical features of a select farm animal. Identify types of equipment used on a farm.

Stage 2- Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks:
Select a book we have read in class. Looking at the illustrations, read the story to your teacher. With your friends select a story we read in class and act the story out. Remember to use props. Select artwork made by your classmates to go on field day banner.

Other Evidence:
Math Using farm animals plastic counters, sort animals by color, size, type. Science Listen to sounds found on a farm and identify. Writing Stencil tracing of farm animals. Class book. Art Animal Portraits

Journal Sheet:
Using a blank sheet of paper, students will be asked to tell about their learning through drawings. Teachers will meet individually with students to have them tell about their drawing.

Other Evidence, Summarized Check list book handling, peer interactions.

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Reading Activities:
Read the following books: Little Red Hen (story character cards) Make rebus story poster. Read book to students during morning reading segment. In the afternoon segment reread this using the rebus story poster. Place poster in the reading/library center after story reading. Gingerbread Man (story sequencing cards) Read story to students. Use story sequencing cards to determine the event order. Use card to retell story. Place in math center after story has been read. The Roster Who Went To His Own Uncles Wedding (Alma Flor Ada) Storytelling event to take place in the media center. The Three Little Pigs (story props for retelling) Storytelling bag. Pull out items brick, straw, sticks, plastic pigs. Place in block center after the story has been read. Mrs. Wishy Washy (story Props for retelling) Add real and found items to dramatic center after reading the story. Wash tub, plastic ducks, sponges, etc. Group discussion to list animals found on a farm. Students to vote on animal their class will be for field day tee shirts. Vote by posting pictures and having the students place name cards on the animal they want the class to be. Also design class parade banner around farm theme, class animal selection. Use items made in art center for 3 dimensional effects. Use items in Farm Animals LiveBinder to support and enhance learning activates and use of technology with students.

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