Quality Teaching UNIT Code Report

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This workbook automates the process of generating a one page report of unit codes with descriptors

NOTE: To code a unit of work, use the Quality Teaching Assessment Practice Guide and substitiute the word "task" for "unit" throughout the guide. (You'll note that the wording of the coding scales means that some elements score higher or lower more in units than they would in tasks. For the elements that are coded in a proportional way (it's the proportion of students or the task that influences the coding from 1 - 5), elements often score lower for units as they do for tasks, simply because there is more substance in a unit than a task. For the elements that are coded in a conditional way (it's whether or not the unit meets a certain condition - such as whether or not the unit connects with students on a personal level for Connectedness - that influences the coding from 1 - 5), elements often score higher for units as they do for tasks, In the "FORM" tab enter the codes you asign for each element for the unit in the grey column. The descriptors for each code will be automatically populated in the template. In the "notes" column, add any notes you wish, such as justification for wy you assigned the code you assigned, or how you might plan to improve this element. To save your report for each unit, copy the tab 'FORM' by right clicking on the "FORM" tab, selecting "move or copy", selecting "move to end" and "create a copy". Right click on the new tab that you've created and select "rename" and enter an identifier for the unit (e.g. The year and title of the unit). Save the work book. You can print each spreadsheet to create a one page report of your analysis of each unit. For more reports, just repeat the process. That way you end up with one file with a record of the coding of all of the units you've coded. Note: the 'Template' page is locked against editing. This is just used to help wth populating the data on the FORM page. Please ignore.

word "task" for "unit" throughout the guide. n units than they would in tasks. For the elements that are coded in nts often score lower for units as they do for tasks, simply because ether or not the unit meets a certain condition - such as whether or m 1 - 5), elements often score higher for units as they do for tasks,

gned, or how you might plan to improve this element. ve or copy", selecting "move to end" and "create a copy". The year and title of the unit).

all of the units you've coded.

e FORM page. Please ignore.

Intellectual Quality
Deep knowledge

Deep understanding

Problematic knowledge

Higher order thinking


Substantive communication

Quality Learning Environment

Explicit quality criteria

High expectations

Student direction

Background knowledge

Cultural knowledge

Knowledge integration



Unit Quality Teaching Coding Report

Subject Area: Stage: Focus area: Unit coded by: Intellectual Quality
Deep knowledge


The unit does not require students to address significant concepts or ideas. The unit requires students to demonstrate only shallow understanding. The unit requires all knowledge to be presented only as fact and not open to question.


Deep understanding

Problematic knowledge

Higher order thinking

The unit requires students to demonstrate only lowerorder thinking. The unit does not require students to refer to or comment on the language being used. The unit requires no substantive communication.


Substantive communication

Quality Learning Environment

No explicit statements regarding the quality of work are made. Only technical and procedural criteria are made explicit. The unit does not require students to participate in any challenging work. High expectations 1

Explicit quality criteria

Student direction

All aspects of the unit are explicitly designated by the teacher for students.

Students background knowledge is not mentioned or elicited.

Background knowledge

Cultural knowledge

The unit requires no explicit recognition or valuing of other than the knowledge of the dominant culture. The unit requires no meaningful connections. All knowledge required for the unit is restricted to that explicitly defined within a single topic or subject area. The unit has no clear connection to anything beyond itself. No justification is offered for the unit beyond school requirements.

Knowledge integration



Either the unit makes no use of narrative, or the narratives used are disconnected or detract from the unit.


Unit Quality Teaching Coding Report


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