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PanMacmillan TranslationRightsGuide Frankfurt 2012 Contents

Fiction 3 Fantasy&ScienceFiction 28 NonFiction 35

JonMitchell Tel:+442070146151 Germany,Italy,Netherlands, Brazil,Portugal,Spain

LizJohnson Tel:+442070146153 France,NordicCountries,Greece EasternEurope,FarEastandall otherterritories Allterritoriesforcoeditions



fiction A thrilling YA trilogy for fans of The Hunger Games from Amazon UK Number1.BestsellingAuthor

KINGDOMCOME SilverBlackthorneTrilogyBook1 KerryWilkinson

In the village of Martindale, hundreds of miles north of the new English capital of Windsor, sixteenyearold Silver Blackthorn must take a comingofage test. How she fares in the test not only decides her place in societys strict hierarchy but it also determines thatSilveristobecomeanOfferingforKingVictor. Buttheseareuncertaintimesandnoonereallyknowswhathappens to the teenagers who disappear into the castle. Is being an Offering the privilege everyone assumes it to be, or do the walls of Windsor havesomethingtohide? Pan KingdomCome:Oct2013 Manuscriptavailable SilverBlackthorne2:Apr2014 SilverBlackthorne3:Oct2014 Kerry Wilkinsons self published debut crime novel, Locked In, became a number one bestseller in the UK, selling over 100,000 copies in just six months. Pan Macmillan acquired the entire sixbook series featuring DS Jessica Daniel with the fourth book, Think of the Children,to be released as a paperback in February 2013. Trapped in a maze of ancient corridors, Silver finds herself at the mercy of the mad King. In this warped world of suspicion it is difficult to know who to trust and who to fear. The one thing Silver doesknowisthatshemustfindawayout...

[Kerry Wilkinson] has beaten names including Lee Child, James Patterson and Stieg Larsson to become lastthreemonthsof2011 TheGuardian Publishers scrambled to sign Wilkinsonafter the phenomenal success of his foray into ebook publishing, and the backing of Macmillan could propel him into the same league as Lee Child and MartinaCole. TheTelegraph

fiction The first book in an extraordinary new adventure series set in the world of theepicSEGAgameTotalWar:RomeII

HowfarwillyougoforRome? Author David Gibbins will be collaborating with The Creative Assembly tocreate originalstoriessetinthe worldoftheepic game Total War: Rome II, a multimillioncopyselling and highly strategicwarbasedgame,publishedbySEGA. The first book follows the rise of Fabius Petronius Secundus, a fictional Roman legionary and centurion whose life closely shadows that of Scipio Africanus the Younger, conqueror of Carthage in 146 BCfromhisfirstbattleagainsttheMacedonians,thatsealthefate of Alexanders the Greats empire, to those in North Africa and the SeigeofCarthage. Fabiuss success will bring admiration, but will also attract greed and jealousy the closest allies can be turned into the bitterest of enemies. And Julia, of the Caesar family a dark horse in love with bothFabiusandhisrivalPaulluswillcauseabitterfeud. Ultimately, it will all come down to one question: how much is FabiusreadytosacrificeforhisvisionofRome?

Macmillan October2013 Deliveryspring2013 DavidGibbinsistheauthor of seven previous historical adventure novels that have sold over two million copies and are published in twenty nine languages. He taught archaeology, ancient history and art history as a university lecturer, before turning to writing fiction fulltime. Hes a passionate diver and has led numerous expeditions, some of which uncovered extraordinary discoveries of ancient artefacts. David divides his time between England and Canada. Publishers US:ThomasDunne

What do you get if you cross Indiana Jones with Dan Brown?Answer:DavidGibbins DailyMirror

A beautifully observed, offbeat, tender and touching debut for fans of Anne Tyler, MaggieOFarrellandSarahWinman Picador January2013 Bookproofsavailable Sarah Butler is based in London, where she runs UrbanWords, a consultancy developing literature & arts that engage with projects regeneration. Sarah urban has been writerin residence for various commissions and her short stories are published widely. Publishers US:PenguinPress ChineseComplex: Linking NovoConceito Brazil: Danish: L&R Dutch: Artemis German:Droemer Greek:Klidarithmos Hebrew: Kinneret Garzanti Italian: Norwegian: Cappelen Damm Spanish:Duomo

Told in their alternating voices, Ten Things Ive Learnt About Love is thestoryofAliceandDaniel: Alice has just returned to London from a long period of travelling there was no way for her sisters to contact her in Mongolia, so she is latetohearthenewsthattheirfatherisdyingandreturnstothefamily homeonlyjustintimetosaygoodbye. Daniel hasnt had a roof over his head for over thirty years, but to him thecityfeelslikehomeinawaythatnobricksandmortareverdid.He islookingforhisdaughter;thedaughterhehasnevermet.Untilnow. Ten Things Ive Learnt About Love is a moving, captivating and gorgeously evocative debut novel. It is a story of fathers and daughters, of rootlessness and homecoming, and the power of the ties thatbind.

fiction With shades of Bolao and DeLillo, The Kills is a teasing study set in a shady world of conspiracy and danger, warfare and cultural terror, where nothingiseverquitewhatitseems

THEKILLS RichardHouse
The Kills quartet is a remarkable publishing event, consisting of four linked novels, to be published in digital and physical form. The first three novels Sutler; The Massive; and The Hit are linked literary thrillers, all set in Southern Iraq and various locations in the Middle East,startingwithitsreconstructionpostGulfWars. The novels open in Camp Liberty in Amrah, where a mysterious camp is being constructed, both a new city and a series of waste disposal burn pits. Economic mercenaries are brought together, a disparate group of characters who do not know what they are really building, who they are working for, or who each other is. Three men tellthreestoriesastheyseektopiecetogetherthetruth. Picador Materialavailable The Kills will be launched as Ebooks starting with Sutler (Jan 13), The Massive (Feb 13), The Hit (Mar 13), and The Kill (Apr 13). An omnibus hardcover edition of the four books will be releasedinJune2013. Richard House is a writer, artist, filmmaker and teacher. He is also the editor of the digital magazine Fatboy Review: Publishers Japanese:Hayakawa In Sutler, The Massive and The Hit a scam to embezzle enormous amounts of reconstruction funds plays out through the lives of three men,JohnFord,RemGunnersen,andTomasBerens. The fourth novel, The Kill, is set in Italy, and is a standalone crime novel,butitrefersconstantlytothethreeprecedingnovels,linkedin oblique and surprising ways. It tells the story, through the accounts of five witnesses, of the murder of an American student by two violent and scheming brothers. It is a book and a story that appears mysteriously throughout the first three novels; and it is a story that canbereadchronologicallyorbytheindividualaccounts.

crime fiction '[David Hewson] has taken what was television gold and turned it into literarygold' Telegraph

THEKILLINGII DavidHewson&SrenSveistrup
It is two years since the notorious Nanna Birk Larsen case. Two years since Detective Sarah Lund left Copenhagen in disgrace for a remoteoutpostinnorthernDenmark. When the body of a female lawyer is found in macabre circumstances in a military graveyard, there are elements of the crime scene that take Head of Homicide, Lennart Brix, back to an occupied wartime Denmark a time its countrymen would wish to forget. Brix knows that Lund is the one person he can rely on to discover the truth. Reluctantly she returns to Copenhagen and becomes intrigued with the facts surrounding the case. As more bodies are found,Lundcomestoseeapatternandsherealisesthattheidentity of the killer will be known once the truth behind a more recent wartimemissionisfinallyrevealed... Novelised from the scripts of the awardwinning Danish TV series, TheKillingIIispowerful,grippingandutterlycompelling. SarahLundisthedetectivecrimefictionhasbeenwaitingfor.

Macmillan January2013 Proofsavailable David Hewson is the bestselling author of more than sixteen books published in over twenty languages. His popular Costa crime series is in development for a series of TVmoviessetinRome. Sren Sveistrup is the Emmy awardwinning screenwriter of Denmarks hitTVseries;Forbrydelsen

Publishers Brazil:Record Danish:Lindhardt& Ringhof Dutch:Meulenhoff French:Jailu German:Zsolnay Italian:Mondadori Japanese:Hayakawa Polish:Marginesy Portugal:DomQuixote

psychological thriller / horror AgrippingpsychologicalhorrorfrominternationalbestsellingauthorFrank Tallis

When promising young psychiatrist Dr James Richardson is offered the opportunity of a lifetime by Dr Hugh Maitland, a highly respected clinical psychiatrist, he is thrilled. Setting off to become head doctor at Wyldehope Hall, Richardson doesn't look back. One of his tasks is to maintain Maitland's pet project a pioneering therapy where extremely disturbed patients are sent to sleep, for months on end, to try to cure them. If The Sleep Room's radical efforts are successful, it could mean professional glory for both doctors. However, miles out on the bleak heath, Wyldehope proves a lonely place. As he tries to settle into his new life, Richardson begins to sense something uncanny about the sleepers. What do these six women, who society has forsaken, have in common? Why are the nurses often on edge, and unwilling to talk? And what can it mean when,onenight,thesleepersbegintodreaminunison?Inthisghost storylikenoother,Richardsonfindshimselfquestioningnotonlyhis training but his senses themselves, as he tries to discover the true secretsofTheSleepRoom...

Macmillan May2013 Manuscriptavailable Frank Tallis is a writer, lecturer and clinical psychologist. He has received or been shortlisted for numerous awards and his Dr Liebermann series has been translated into fourteen languages and has been optioned for TV adaptation bytheBBC. The Forbidden was his first gothic horror story set in Paris and he is currently writing a third Hidden Voices for2014

'. . .a proper scareyoursocksoff horror tale, featuring gore,demons,possessionandexorcism.Tallisweavesreal historical figures into the narrative and conjures up fin desicle France beautifully, but his main intention, excellentlyachieved,istojolteventhehardiestofhearts' FinancialTimes 'adarklyjoyfulridewithcreepyandthrillingmomentsin abundance' TheIndependentonSunday

Publishers TheForbidden Czech:Baronet French:10/18* German:BTB* Russian:Centrepolygraph Spanish:Espasa *alsoTheSleepRoom

psychological thriller Millar is a genius at capturing the complicated emotions of parenthood, andhertaut,suspensefulplotmakesthisanunputdownableread. MarieClaire

Whatiftheoneinamillionisyou? How many times, when things go wrong, have you said to yourself Why me? Some people seem to have more than their fair share of badluck,andKateParkerisoneofthem. So when Kate and her tenyearold son Jack move to Oxford to start a new life, Kate is determined that events of the past will not come back to haunt them. Despite the suffocating support she receives from her overbearing inlaws, she begins to feel threatened. Somehow her comfortable family home doesnt feel quitesafeitsalmostasthoughsomeoneiswatchingthem. Pan April2013 Manuscriptavailable Louise Millar started her career as a freelance sub editor for many leading music and entertainment magazines, and most recently has worked as a senior commissioning editor at Marie Claire, as well as writingpiecesforTheSunday Telegraphs Stella Magazine, Eve,Psychologies,Stylist,and the Guardian travel section. ShelivesinLondon. ButthenachancemeetingwithacharmingOxfordprofessorhelps to convince her that she can overcome her fears, and that she and Jack can start to live a normal life once again. But just when she feelshappierthanshesfeltinyears,ashockingrevelationblowsall oftheirlivesapart.

'Istartedreadingandcouldn'tstop...amustreadthat willtapintoeverymother'sprimalfears' SophieHannah a disturbing psychological thriller that probes the insularlivesofsocialmisfitsinaLondonsuburb TheNewYorkTimes

Publishers US:Atria(S&S) Brazil: NovoConceito Chinesesimplified: BeijingHepingYahua Dutch:DeKern French:PressesdelaCite German:Kruger Norwegian:Cappelen Damm Spanish:EdicionesB


psychological thriller Hilary Bonner returns to fiction with a terrifying tale of deadly deceit and murder

Theliewasjustthebeginning... MarionAndertonlivestheperfectlife. She has a beautiful home, a handsome and loving husband, and anintelligentandcaringson. But as easily as perfect lives are built, they can also be demolished. When a shocking tragedy suddenly strikes at the heart of her family, Marion finds herself in the middle of a horrificnightmare,withnosignofwakingup. The life she treasured is fast disintegrating before her very eyes, but it is just the beginning of something much worse and altogethermoredeadly...

Macmillan May2013 DeliveryNovember2012 Hilary Bonner is a crime writer and former journalist. She has chaired the Crime Writers' Association and been Showbusiness Editor of both The Mail on Sunday and The Daily Mirror. She is the author of many novels including The Cruelty of Morning, For Death Comes Softly, No Reason to Die, and CryDarkness.

Bonner is adroit at turning clichs inside outa grasp of character that would not be out of place in amoreliterarynovel TheSundayExpress


fiction The deepest family secrets lead to the darkest deeds in Lulu Taylor's hauntingnewnovel

FortStirling:houseofmystery,keeperofsecrets. Many scenes have played out within its seductive walls. But none as shocking as that uncovered by Delilah Stirling, wife of Fort Stirlingsinheritor,John. When she married, Delilah knew that her husbands family had sufferedtragediesinthepast.Withinthewallsofthemagnificent house owned by the Stirling family, many scenes had been played out:love,anger,lossanddespair.ButDelilahcouldnotguessthat she was about to uncover longburied family secrets, and that the pastwouldbegintoforceitswaybackintothepresent... As Delilah begins to piece together the mystery of the past, she realises that not everything is as it seems. There are people who were lost who may yet be found but will their reappearances leadtojoy,ormoredespair? From the green fields of Dorset, to the glamour of London, the danger of Colombia and the seductiveness of Italy, The Winter Follytakesthereaderonadangerousjourneytodiscoverthetruth of what really happened at Fort Stirling, and how two womens livesareinextricablylinked.

Pan November2013 DeliveryMarch2013 Lulu Taylor travelled the world as a child before settling in the Oxfordshire countryside. She studied English at Oxford University andhadasuccessfulcareerin publishingbeforeshebecame a writer. Her first novel, Heiresses, was published in 2007 and nominated for the RNA Readers Choice award. It was followed by Midnight Girls, Beautiful Creatures and Outrageous Fortune, all set against the backdrop of glamorous high society. She is married and lives in London.


fiction Philippa Gregory meets Barbara Erskine and Kate Mosse. A mighty tale that burstswithstunninghistoricaldetailandunsettlingprose

TIMESECHO PamelaHartshorne
Sometimesthepastjustwontletgo York, 1575: Hawise Aske smiles at a stranger in the market, and sets in train a story of obsession and sibling jealousy, of love and hate and warped desire. Drowned as a witch, Hawise pays a high price for that smile, but for a girl like her in Elizabethan York, there is nowheretogoandnowheretohide. Four and a half centuries later, Grace Trewe, who has travelled the world, is trying to outrun the memories of being caught up in the BoxingDaytsunami.HerstayinYorkismeanttobeabriefone. ButinYorkGracediscoversthattimecantwistandturninwaysshe never imagined. Drawn inexorably into Hawises life, Grace finds that this time she cannot move on. Will she too be engulfed in the gripofthepast? Times Echo is a novel of superb power that will appeal to all those entrancedbytheworksofBarbaraErskineandKateMosse.

Pan August2012 Pamela Hartshorne has a Ph.D. in Medieval Studies from the University of York. Overthepast15yearsshehas managed to combine her historical research with a successful career as a novelist, winning a number of prestigious awards, including a coveted RITA from the Romance Writers of America.ShelivesinYork.

Publishers French:lArchipel German:Goldmann Italian:EditriceNord NL:VanHolkerna& Warendorf


fiction ThedevastatingnewnovelfromtheauthorofdoubleOrangePrizenominated ThePersonalHistoryofRachelDuPree

THEPROMISE AnnWeisgarber
1900. Young pianist Catherine Wainwright flees the fashionable town of Dayton, Ohio in the wake of a terrible scandal. Heartbroken and facing destitution, she finds herself striking up correspondence with a childhood admirer, the recently widowed OscarWilliams.Indesperationsheagreestomarryhim. But when Catherine travels to Oscar's ranch on an island outside Galveston, Texas a thousand miles from home she finds she is littlepreparedforthelifethatawaitsher.Theislandisremote,the weather sweltering, and Oscar's little boy is grieving hard for his lostmother. Though Oscar tries hard to please his new wife, the secrets of the past sit uncomfortably between them. And when the worst storm inagenerationdescends,Catherinewillfindherselftestedasnever before.

Mantle March2013 Proofsavailable Ann Weisgarber was born andraisedinKettering,Ohio. She now splits her time between Sugarland and Galveston,Texas. Publishers ThePersonalHistoryof RachelDupree US:VikingPenguin French:Belfond

The Promise is a riveting tale, told in lean luminous prose, of the power of love and the frailty of the human condition...Her characters will live in your imagination longafteryouveturnedthelastdeeplymovingpage EllenFeldman,authorofNexttoLove

beautifully done, rendered in spare, unshowy proseas denuded astheDakotaearth TheGuardian

Film rights in The Personal History of Rachel DuPree have been optioned to the productioncompanyofViolaDavis,starofTheHelp 14

fiction Newbabies...Newproblems...Newfriends...

WhenMelsboyfriendLeofleesandleavesherstrandedonthesteps of her first pregnancy class, the expectant mother believes she is about to face parenthood alone. Instead, Mel finds herself introduced to the world of pain relief and labour positions with a diversegroupofwomenwhoquicklybecomevaluablefriendsinthe terrifyingnewworldofmotherhood. Katy, a rich and successful professional woman with the dream husband, has her birth designed to perfection but soon realises that naturedoesntalwaysfollowplans. Rebecca, the youngest of the group and still a student, is an independent and strongminded woman who is determined to hold ontoherdreams. Lexie is loud and brash in every way, although it soon becomes apparentthatthereisalotgoingonbehindhercolourfulexterior. AndErinalreadyseemsanexpertonbabies,butheroverprotective attitudetoherbumpishidingasadstoryfromherpast. Each of thesewomen hasa differentkind ofcomplicated life, but as mumstobe the five discover together that preparing for the birth ofababyisonetimewheneverywomanneedsfourbrandnewgood friends.

Pan April2013 Manuscriptavailable Amy Bratley is the author of the chicklit renaissance novels The Girls Guide to Homemaking and The Saturday Supper Club. She works as a freelance journalistandlivesinDorset.

Publishers Italy:NewtonCompton

PraiseforTheGirlsGuidetoHomemaking: 'Superiorchicklit' Grazia 'Thisofthemomentdebutnovelbythisbrilliantwriter features rotten men, good men, handmade aprons and family secrets. Its a fresh new style of chick lit which everyonewillfindutterlyunputdownable.' PeopleTakeitEasymagazine


contemporary horror

Horrifyinglyscary...Nevillsinuouslyrampsupthetension SundayTimes


Pan May2013 DeliveryOctober2012 Adam Nevill is author of four highly acclaimed horror novels, The Banquet for the Damned, Apartment 16, The Ritual, and most recently, LastDays.

Littleshadowswillwatchyouasyourest... Catherines last job ended badly. Corporate bullying at a top antiques publication saw her fired and forced to leave London, but shewasdeterminedtogetherlifeback. A new job and a few therapists later, things look much brighter. Especially when a challenging new project presents itself to catalogue the late M H Masons wildly eccentric cache of antique dollsandpuppets.Rarestofall,shellgettoexaminehiselaborate displays of posed, costumed and preserved animals, depicting bloodyscenesfromWorldWarII. CatherinecantbelieveherluckwhenMasonselderlynieceinvites her tostayatRed House itself, whereshemaintainsthecollection. Until his niece exposes her to the dark message behind her uncles Art and though Catherine tries to concentrate on the job, Masons damaged visions begin to raise dark shadows from her ownpast.Shadowsshedhopedtherapyhadfinallyerased. Soon the barriers between reality, sanity and memory start to mergeandsometruthsseemtooterribletobereal...

Publishers US:StMartinsPress Chinesesimplified: ShanghaiTranslation Chinesecomplex:Faces French:Bragelonne German:Heyne Polish:Ksiaznica Russian:EXMO Spanish:Minotauro Thai:Tawansong Turkish:Pegasus

Someofthetensest,scariesthorrorthisreviewerhas readinyears SFXMagazine


contemporary horror


Adam Nevill has wrought something genuinely creepy in histale...firstrate SFX Not since reading Stephen Kings It has a book managed to instill sucha feeling offear and disquiet in me. . .Apartment 16isanexcellenthorrorbookfromatalentedauthor.Highly recommended. FantasyBookReview:BookoftheMonth


grabs from the very first page, refuses to be laid aside, and carries the hapless reader, exhausted and wrung out, to the verylastsentence... TheGuardian FilmrightsinTheRitualhavebeenoptionbyStillkingFilms, whose credits include Casino Royale, The Ring, and The BourneIdentity

His previous novel was the superb The Ritual, but withLast Dayshe's gone one better. This is riveting, and Nevill is fast becomingBritain'sanswertoStephenKing. TheGuardian


Ryan David Jahn Dark, compelling and powerful. . .a book of real substance. Ryan David JahnisarareandfinetalentR.J.Ellory


Macmillan July2012 Ryan David Jahn is a novelist and screenwriter. He is author of Acts of Violence (published in the US as Good Neighbors), winner of the 2010 CWA Debut Dagger, Low Life and The Dispatcher. Down City is his fourthnovel.

Acorruptaccountantstabsacheatingcarddealer. Two unrelated murders that have nothing to do with milkman EugeneDahl.Butsomeonedecideshesgoingtobetheconnection between them, and suddenly Dahl is drawn into a frenzied vortex of accusations, false evidence and betrayal. His only hope for survival is to carry out an impossibly audacious plan which will involveapainfulbetrayalofhisown. Veteran LA homicide cop Carl Bachman is no stranger to pain but mustputhispersonallifeasidetoseebeyondwhatappearstobea clearcut scenario. And he knows only too well that every death hasitsprice Tense, atmospheric, fastpaced, this is crime writing at its very best.

ReminiscentofCormacMcCarthystalesofvengeance, The Dispatcher is an impressively accomplished performance that never strains for mythic power but neverthelessacquiresit SundayTimes

Publishers US:Penguin Chinesecomplex: SpringInternational Danish:H.R.Ferdinand Dutch:DeFontein French:ActesSud German:Heyne Icelandic:BjarturVerold Italian:Fanucci Japanese:Shinchosha Norwegian:Schibsted Spanish:Circulode Lectores/RBA


Ryan David Jahn


'Acts of Violence us a wonderfully visual book the effect is of watching, unseen, through a dozen different windows as Jahn switches from one scenario to the next. Powerful, compassionate and authentic, it works both as a mystery andasasnapshotofAmericaintheearly1960s.' Guardian


Miserable loner Simon Johnson is attacked by a man who turns out to be his exact double; Johnson kills him and, in attempting to discover who the man was, finds himself assuming his doppelgnger's life[a] funny, unputdownable chiller. The Telegraph

I walked into a tree reading it; nogreater recommendation needed.' FinancialTimes


I guarantee that if you pick this up, then everything else in your life will immediately be pushed to the margins, and when youve finished youll resurface dazed, confused and withathinlayerofcoldsweatonthebackofyourneck.Iread TheDispatcherinsixhoursstraight,fromguntotape. DylanJones,GQ&TheMailonSunday


Jeffrey Archer The third novel in The Clifton Chronicles, a multigenerational blockbuster fromthemasterstoryteller

TheCliftonChroniclesisJeffreyArcher'smostambitiousworkin four decades as an international bestselling author. Harry Clifton'sstorycontinuesinthis,thethirdnovel... 'Archerisontopform' DailyTelegraph 'The abilityto tell astory isa great andunusualgift ...[it]is notsomethingthatcanbetaughtoracquired.Youhaveitoryou don't . . . Jeffrey Archer is, first and foremost, a storyteller . . . You don't sell 250 million copies of your books (250 million!) if you can't keep an audience hooked and thats what Archer does, book after book. Archer's audience will stick with him to thelast.Theywanttoknowwhathappensnext' EricaWagner,LiteraryEditor,TheTimes 'This is a cracker of a read. And quite "unputdownable". The whole thing about Jeffrey is that he has always had the knack of producing pageturners . . . This is a tale about love, treachery, deceit, decency and good triumphing over evil. It is quite captivating . . . and just as you sit on the end of your seat expecting all the loose ends to be tied into a neat little bow, Archer drops a bombshell in the last paragraph of the last chapter . . . If I was head of drama at the BBC I'd start planning thefirstseasonnow' JerryHayes,Spectator

Macmillan March2013 Manuscriptavailable Bestselling author Jeffrey Archer has sold over 135 millionbooksworldwide. Publishers US:StMartinsPress Brazil:Bertrand Bulgarian:Bard French:lesEscales Greek:HarlenicHellas Gujarati:Navbharat SahityaMandir Hebrew:Modan Hungarian:GeneralPress Japanese:Shinchosha Marathi:Mehta Norwegian:Vigmostad& Bjrke Polish:Rebis Romanian:Vivaldi Serbian:Laguna Spanish:Planeta Swedish:DammFrlag Turkish:Altin Vietnamese:Phuong Dong


Jeffrey Archer


Archerhasagiftforplotthatcanonlybedescribedas genius DailyTelegraph

JeffreyArchersInternationalPublishers: US:StMartinsPress Gujarati:NavbharatSahityaMandir Arabic:Jarir Hebrew:Modan Bengali:Westland Hungarian:GeneralPressKado Brazil:BertrandBrasil Indonesian:PTGramedia Bulgarian:Bard Japanese:Shinchosha ChineseComplex:MarcoPolo Kannada:Westland ChineseSimple:Hongwenguan Korean:Moonyedang Czech:Alpress Lithuanian:MediaIncognito French:EditionslesEscales Macedonian:ProsvetnoDelo German:Scherz Marathi:Mehta Greek:Harlenic Malayalam:Westland Norwegian:Vigmostad&Bjrke

Polish:Rebis Portugal:EuropaAmerica Romanian:Vivaldi Serbian:Laguna Slovakian:IkarAS Spanish:RHMondadori Swedish:Damm Tamil:Westland Thai:SiamInter Turkish:Altin Vietnamese:PhuongDong




Hewasthekeeper ArnoHolmstrandisabouttodie,hislifecutshortbyanorganization intent on taking all of his secrets about the one thing he has spent a lifetime guarding: the whereabouts and vast knowledge of the LibraryofAlexandria. Shewillinherithislegacy Emily Wess is about to have her life change beyond all recognition. Oneminutesheisaprofessorofhistory,thenextsheisflyingaround the world deciphering clues left by her mentor Arno Holmstrand. Is shebeingtested? Theywillkillforcontrol TheyaretheCouncilandcravepowerandposition.Theircorruption spreads from the highest points of government to the assassins they hire to commit their crimes. They will kill for the ancient knowledge contained in the Library. And Emily Wess has exactly what they want.

Pan August2012 A. M. Dean was a Professor of Theology and Early Church History atthe University of Oxford before moving to San Francisco where he is a Professor at SantaClaraUniversity.Heis also a practicing monastic priest in the Russian OrthodoxChurch. Publishers Brazil:Prumo Bulgarian:Enthusiast Czech:Euromedia Danish:Punktum Dutch:DeFontein German:Lubbe Greek:Klidarithmos Italian:Nord/Longanesi Russian:AST Serbian:Alnari Slovakian:Ikar Spanish:Santillana Turkish:ArtDagitim& Pozitif

A. M. Deans second novel THE GNOSTIC KEY will be publishedin2013



When the Titanic sank it took a dangerous secret with it that has remained trappedbeneaththeoceanforahundredyears...untilnow

375 miles SE of Newfoundland, the crew of a ship film an extraordinary event. The surface of the ocean bubbles as though boiling, covered with thousands of dead fish. Then an enormous sperm whale roars through the water, before crashing down, dead, onto the surface. Within twentyfour hours, the film has gone viral and become a global phenomenon. The precise coordinates of the event are where the wreck of the Titanic lies some 13,000 feet beneath, and scientists quickly ascertain that the marine life was killedbyapowerfulsourceofradiation. Engineer Kate Wetherall and her onetime boyfriend, marine archaeologist Lou Bates have been working together for almost a year specializing in the scientific investigation of shipwrecks at the Institute of Marine Studies. Three days after the incident off Newfoundland, Commander Jerry Derham, head of a team investigating what the military have designated 'Marine Phenomenon REZ375', arrives to see them. Derham plays them footage of a deepocean probe that has been sent down to the wreck of the Titanic. The source of the radiation lies directly under the starboard stern section of the sunken ship. They need to get a teamdowntheretoinvestigate. But none of the team are prepared for what they find in the wreckage. Someone on the Titanic had been keeping a world changing secret. A secret that might have cost lives, and that has remained trapped beneath the ocean for a hundred years. But now, there are those who would kill again to get hold of what one man diedforin1912.

Pan June2013 DeliveryNovember2012 Tom West is the pseudonym for an internationally bestselling author of action adventure novels. The Art of Murder, which he cowrote with James Patterson under the name Michael White. Tom West lives in Sydney, Australia.



RecallsHarlanCobenthoughformymoneyJacksonisthebetterwriter TheGuardian

MARKED DavidJackson
ThethirdblisteringCallumDoylethriller Detective Callum Doyle is used to solving cases on his intuition. He knows this city and its reprobate scum, as well as the back of his hand. So when a young girl is brutally raped and murdered in the East Village, not long after getting a tattoo, Doyle is convinced heknowsthekiller.Andheisdeterminedtobringthemtojustice, atwhateverthecost. But as fresh incidentsraise doubts about Doylesconviction, Doyle beginstoslideaslipperyslopebetweenwhatheknowstoberight, and the evidence mounted against him. Is he going completely off the rails or is a sick and twisted person playing a very dangerous game?

Macmillan January2013 Manuscriptavailable David Jacksons debut novel Pariah, first introduced Detective Callum Doyle to the crime scene and was Highly Commended in the Crime Writers' Association Debut Dagger Awards. The secondnovel,TheHelper,saw the welcome return of DetectiveDoyle. Publishers Pariah German:Rowohlt

Thewritingispunchyandpropulsive...' TheGuardianonPariah


thriller Oneofmyfavouritebooksoftheyear.Arealwinner.TessGerritsen

WEBOFDECEIT KatherineHowell
ThebrilliantnewDetectiveEllaMarconithriller WhenparamedicsJaneandAlexencounteramanrefusingtoget out of his crashed car with bystanders saying he deliberately drove into a pole, it looks like a desperate cry for help. His frantic claim that someone is out to get him adds to their assumptionthathesdelusional. Later that day he is found dead under a train in what might be a suicide, but Jane is no longer so sure: she remembers the raw terrorinhiseyes. Detective Ella Marconi shares Janes doubts, which are only compounded as the case becomes increasingly tangled. The victims boss tries to commit suicide when being questioned, a witness flees their attempt to interview her, and then to confuse mattersfurther,awomanisbeatenunconsciousinfrontofJanes houseandAlexsdaughtergoesmissing. Ella is at a loss to know how all these clues add up, and feels the investigation is being held back by her budgetfocused boss. Then,justwhenshethinksshesclosinginontherightperson,a shocking turn of events puts more people in danger and might justseethekillerslipthroughherhands.

MacmillanAustralia February2013 Manuscriptavailable Katherine Howell worked as a paramedic for fifteen years and draws on that experience in her bestselling crime fiction. Web of Deceit is her sixth novel featuring DetectiveEllaMarconi. Publishers Frantic French:PressesdelaCit German:Blanvalet* Italian:Rizzoli Russian:FamilyLeisure Club *alsoTheDarkestHour TheDarkestHourand ColdJustice Dutch:Unieboek

. . .races along at a tearing pace the authors insights into a job fuelled by adrenaline are authentic. . . an originalandexcitingseriesofnovels TheSundayTimes


thriller CliveCusslermeetsMatthewReilly...violent,visceral,andvery,verygood AustralianSouthCoastRegister

Alex Hunter, code named Arcadian, wakes up with no knowledge of who he is, in the care of a woman he doesn't recognise, in a country not his own. But there is a calling deep withinhim,toreturnhometoBlackMountain. Formed a billion years ago, the Appalachian's Black Mountain hostsaterriblelegend.Onlyoneelderremainstoguarditslong forgotten, deadly secret and there is a fear that there is evil lurking again. Some hikers have gone missing, and the rescue team sent to search for them has not returned. Meanwhile, in nearbyAshville,ProfessorMattKearnsisdrawnintothemystery of an ancient artefact recovered from the mountainside, and an imagetoogrotesquetobereal. A survivor is then found halfalive, covered in blood blood revealedtobenotquitehuman. Alex must confront an ageold enemy of man and discover the truth about his past, and confront the horror that stalks the frozenmountain,andalsotheonehauntinghisverysoul.

Pan December2012 Manuscriptavailable Greig Beck is the author of three previous thrillers featuring Captain Alex Hunter,BeneaththeDarkIce, Dark Rising, and This Green Hell Publishers BeneaththeDarkIce US:StMartinsPress* Bulgarian:AlexSoftLtd German:Rowohlt Italian:Mondadori *alsoDarkRising

This book wanders through thriller, science fiction, horrorandmilitaryadventure,withatouchofpolitics thrown in. It has all the right stuff: exotic location, deadlythreatsandaherowithspecialpowers WesternAustralian


fiction A master storyteller in the best tradition of Wilbur Smith, Ken Follett and JefferyArcher

BEYONDTHEHORIZON: TheDuffy&Macintosh FrontierSeries PeterWatt

It is 1918, a year when War will end, but an even greater killer arises.OnthebloodyfieldsoftheWesternFrontandthebattle scarred desert plains of the Middle East, Tom and Matthew Duffy are battling the enemy in the final year of the Great War. Even as they are trapped on the front lines, they must also find the courage to fight for the women they love when all hope is lost. Back in Australia, George Macintosh is outraged by the stipulations of his fathers will that provide for his despised nephew,andisdeterminedtoeliminateanythreatstohispower. And in a sacred cave in the far Outback, old Wallarie foresees a tideofunspeakabledeathsweepingthroughhishomeland. As all nations come to terms with the devastating consequences oftheGreatWar,anewworldwillbeborn.Butnoteveryonewill livetoseeit.

PanMacmillanAustralia October2012 Peter Watt has spent time as a soldier, prawn trawler deckhand, private investigator and police sergeant. He now lives at Maclean, on the Clarence River in northern New South Wales.

AustraliasanswertoWilburSmith HeraldSun

Publishers FrontierSeries: CryoftheCurlewBulgarian:Pleyada ShadowoftheOspreyBulgarian:Pleyada FlightoftheEagleBulgarian:Pleyada ToChasetheStormCzech:Alpress;Bulgarian:Pleyada ToTouchtheCloudsCzech:Alpress ToRidetheWindCzech:Alpress PapuaTrilogy: EdenCzech:Alpress;Dutch:KarakterUitgeverij;Bulgarian:Pleyada PapuaCzech:Alpress;Dutch:KarakterUitgeverij;Bulgarian:Pleyada ThePacific TheStoneDragonCzech:Alpress;Bulgarian:Pleyada SilentFrontierCzech:Alpress TheFrozenCircle


Fantasy & ScienceFiction


fantasy With wonderfully realised characters, dark magic, and a deeply engaging storyline, John Gwynnes debut announces the arrival of a major new talent.

MALICE TheFaithful&TheFallen:BookOne JohnGwynne

With one foot in Celtic myth and the other straddling the imagined beginning of the Roman Empire, this is a captivating epic fantasy with immediate appeal to fans of George RR Martin andRobertJordan Set on a continent called the Banished Lands, populated by men and giants, dark forests, dreadwolves and draigs; this stunning debut follows the story of Corban, a young man who just wants to become a warrior, but whose path will lead him to so much more. Populated with original and engaging characters, set in a primal, feral world, soon to become the battleground of angels and demons,Maliceisataleoflove,betrayal,truthandcourage. A comingofage tale filled with mystery, Machiavellian politics, adventure,joyandtragedy.

Tor December2012 Pageproofsavailable John Gwynne studied and lectured at Brighton University. Hes been in a rock n roll band, playing the double bass, travelled the USA and lived in Canada for a time. Malice is his debut novel and he is currently workingonthesecond.


fantasy The eighth novel in Adrian Tchaikovskys thrilling Shadows of the Apt series

THEAIRWAR AdrianTchaikovsky

Tor August2012 Adrian Tchaikovsky is the author of the Shadows of the Apt series. He is currently writing the ninth book: Warmasters Gate to be publishedinAugust2013.

There is magic and engineering, epic fantasy story lines and steampunkones,lovestories,betrayals,andintrigue,mysterious and powerful artefacts and deadly mass produced weapons, flying people and flying machines. There are large scale battles with aerial bombings, rail invasions, mechanized attacks as well as sword duels, night attacks in forests, initiation rituals and knifefightsincrowdedstreetsordarkrooms.Thebookspackso much and develop so many characters and threads that they are starting to form one of the most complex series in recent SFF... Highly,highlyrecommended. FantasyBookCritic . . .brimming with imagination and execution The Shadows of the Apt series is quite distinct, mainly due to the insectkinden andTchaikovskysfertileimagination SciFiNow

Publishers: US: Prometheus, Bulgarian: Bard, Czech: Zoner, German: Heyne, Polish: Rebis, Russian:AST


fantasy AdarkepicwhichshowsitsdebttoGormenghast...withvastscopeand ambition...acomplex,eldritchvisionTheGuardian

The epic conclusion to the compelling adventure of The Legends of the Sun series. War spills into the Boreal Archipelago, as two rival cultures bring their eternal battle to one final conflict to decidetheirfatesforever. AcclaimforLegendsoftheRedSun Newtoncombines strangeand vivid creationswithvery real and pressingconcernswithestimablecommitmentandpassion ChinaMiville Liquid prose with noir stylings evoke a brooding city in all its gloryanddespair SpeculativeHorizons While the sun over Villjamur is dying, Mark Charan Newton's starasawriterisburningwithafiercetalent. StephenHunt Adeftmeldingofmurdermystery,gangwarfare,corruptpolitics &fullblownwararewardingexperience. SFXMagazine This is such a pleasure to readI really believe in years to come we will be talking about new authors, and asking, are they the newMarkCharanNewton? FantasyBookReview Newton handles his multilayered world and diverse cast of characters with the assurance of an experienced author and balances his fantasy tropes with elements of horror and political commentaryinvividlydescriptive,compellingprose. PublishersWeekly

Tor July2012 Mark Charan Newton is author of The Nights of Villjamur, City of Ruin, and The Book of Transformations which form the Legends of theRedSunseries. August 2013 will see the publication of Drakenfeld, thefirstbookinabrandnew series. Publishes NightsofVilljamur& CityofRuin US:DelRey German:EgmontVGS Italian:Gargoyle


fantasy something specialThe story grips from the astonishing opening sequence totheunexpectedconclusionTheTimes


Tor July2011 Col Buchanan is the author ofFarlander,thefirstnovelin the Heart of the World series. He is currently working on the third book in The Heart of The World series, to be published September 2013. Manuscript due for delivery bytheendof2012. Publishers US:Tor Dutch:Luitingh French:Bragelonne German:Heyne Italian:Rizzoli Polish:Amber Romania:Trei Russia:Centrepolygraph Spanish:Minotauro

Book Two of The Heart of The World, the epic story which beganinFarlander. Still grieving the death of her son, the Holy Matriarch of Mann has ordered her troops to embark on a mission to the Mercian Free Ports. Riding at the head of her army she plans to finally conquerthe cityofBarKhos, whose walls havekeptthematbay fortenlongyears... PraiseforFarlander:BookOneofTheHeartofTheWorld Bold, fearless in execution, exhilaratingly new and with a steely intensity. . .this is a series to be reckoned with. Everyone take note TheTruthAboutBooks ThequalityofBuchananswritingisnearlypeerlessIfyouarea fan of fantasy, then Farlander is a novel you should go out immediately and buy. . .Farlander is the beginning of something special.Highlyrecommended. CivilianReader Farlanderpulledtherugfromundermyexpectations...Asolid Aandaveryenjoyablenovel FantasyBookCritic A compelling read. . .Buchanans voice is distinct, his central character memorably rendered, and the setting for his fiction starklyconvincing SpeculativeScotsman


science fiction ThesecondAlanSaulnovelinTheOwnerSeriesfromthemasterofspace opera

The billions of Zero Asset citizens of Earth are free from their sectors, free from the prospect of extermination from orbit, for AlanSaulhasallbutannihilatedtheCommitteebydroppingthe Argus satellite laser network on it. The shepherds, spiderguns and razorbirds are somnolent, govnet is down and Inspectorate HQs are smoking craters. But power abhors a vacuum and, scrambling from the ruins, comes Serene Galahad. She must act before the remnants of Committee power are overrun by the masses,andshehasthemeans. Var Delex knows that Earth will eventually reach out to Antares Base and, because of her position under Chairman Messina, knows that the warship the Alexander is still available. An even more immediate problem is Argus Station hurtling towards the red planet, with whomever, or whatever trashed Earth still aboard. Var must maintain her grip on power and find a way for themalltosurvive. Ashefirmlyestablisheshisrule,AlanSauldelvesintothesecrets ofArgusStation:theresultsofghastlyexperimentsinHumanoid Unit Development, a madman who may hold the keys to interstellar flight and research that might unlock eternity. But theagents ofEarth arestilldetermined toexacttheirvengeance, andthekillingisnotover... TheOwnerSeries TheDeparture AgentCormacnovels Gridlinked TheLineofPolity BrassMan PolityAgent LineWar Spatterjaynovels TheSkinner TheVoyageofSableKeech Orbus Standalonenovels &shortstorycollections Cowl Hilldiggers TheGabble ShadowoftheScorpion TheTechnician PradorMoon

Tor August2012 Neal Asher was born in Billericay, Essex, and is the author of more than 15 SF novels.

Publishers US:NightShadeBooks Tor(previousseries) Czech:Polaris French:FleuveNoir German:Lubbe Japanese:Hayakawa Lithuanian:Eridanas Romanian:Nemira Russian:Eksmo Spanish:Factorade Ideas

OneofthebestwritersofadventureSF presentlyworkinganywhere PictureMagazine


science fiction The new highoctane space adventure from this master storyteller perfectforfansofPeterFHamilton,AlistairReynoldsandNealAsher


Tor June2012 GaryGibsonistheauthorof three standalone SF novels, as well as the acclaimed Shoal Sequence, comprising Stealing Light; Nova War; and Empire of Light. The fourth book in the sequence, The Core, will be published inAugust2013 Publishers StealingLight: German:Heyne* Russian:AST Spanish:ViaMagna *alsoNovaWar

Archivist Luc Gabion has achieved what he has been so determined to do bring down Winchell Antonov and cut the head off the rebel cabal of the Black Lotus who have caused terroracrosstheworldsoftheTianDiforcountlessyears. But his encounter with Antonov has left him scarred in more ways than one. Forcibly implanted with a technology far in advance of anything hes encountered before before, Luc can now see things and hear things hes not supposed to. But such technologycouldkillhim. When hes called to investigate a murder of one of the leading council members of the Tian Di the EightyFive he knows that hes in real trouble. Any of the councillors could have him puttodeathonawhimandanyofthemcouldbethekiller... The victim had been working on the reunification of the two sides of the human race, separated for centuries by their disagreements about the Founder network and wormhole technology. But theres someone out there who will do anything tomakesurethatthetworacesstayseparate...

Aviolent,inventive,relentlesslygrippingadventure TheTimes StealingLightisagrippinginterplanetarysagacloseintonetobothAlistairReynolds and Peter F . Hamilton, but with enough edge and imagination to give it its own uniqueflavour...aseriouslyentertainingscifipageturner SFX




non-fiction Afascinatingexplorationintohowthemindworksandthenatureofobsession

In Obsessed, Dr. David Adam looks at the latest scientific developments and thinking that seeks to explain the nature of obsession.Butitisalsohisownpersonalstoryofliving,andcoping, withObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder(OCD). The average person can have up to four thousand thoughts a day, not all of them useful or rational and some of which can be perplexing and disturbing. Mental flotsam comes in many forms. Someintrusivethoughtsareharmlessirrelevantwords,phrases,or images that flash unprompted into our minds and which exit our heads as quickly as they arrive. Others can be mildly distracting or irritating the snippet of a tune or song that becomes temporarily wedgedinourmind,repeatingitselfendlesslyonaloopuntilfinally leaving. But some thoughts are unwanted and troubling, and not the sort that ever get talked about: the kind that can make a straightlaced teacher randomly wonder about sex with a dog, or a newlymarried and happy businesswoman feel a sudden unexplainedurgetothrowherselfinfrontofaspeedingtrain. Fortunately, as Dr. David Adam explains, these thoughts are perfectly normal and, although sometimes odd, are simply part of the way our minds function and process information. But for a minority of people, these unwanted and intrusive thoughts can lead to debilitating psychological problems and turn into a lifelong OCD. As David Adam explains how the mind works and the nature of obsession, examining evolutionary biology, psychology and neuroscience, we also learn about his own OCD that threatened to destroyhislifeandcareer.

Macmillan TBC2014 Proposalavailable Dr David Adam is an editor at Nature scientific journal. Previously he has been a correspondent at the Guardian and was named feature writer of the year by the Association of British Science Writers. He frequently talks at and chairs public events, and has contributed to the books How slow can you water ski? (Arrow, 2007) and One hundred ideas that changed theworld(BBCBooks,2011).

Publishers US:FSG/SarahCrichton Brazil:Objetiva


criticism / architecture A provocative and brilliant examination of what inspires great architectureandhowbuildingscanchangeourlives

Architecture,goodandbad,isdrivenbyemotion. In Why We Build Rowan Moore shows how buildingsare shaped by human emotions and desires such as hope, power, money, sex, and the idea of home and how buildings then shape our experiences. He explores the making of buildings from conception to inhabitation, and reveals the paradoxical power of architecture: it looks fixed and solid, but is always changing, in responsetothelivesaroundit. Moore takes us on a personal journey, moving freely across the globe and through history, through works of folly, beauty, spectacle, and subtlety. He uncovers the doomed mansion of an Atlantamultimillionaire, the phenomenallysuccessful HighLine in New York, and the remarkable Museu de Arte in So Paulo. HediscussesbaroquechurchesandEgyptianpyramidsalongside worksofthemoment.Wemeetextraordinarycharacters:Sheikh MohammedofDubai,thelecherousStanfordWhite,andLinaBo Bardi,themostunderratedarchitectofthetwentiethcentury. Refusing to bow to fashion or reputation, Moore gives a provocative and iconoclastic view of what makes architecture, whyitmatters,andwhywefinditfascinating. AcclaimforWhyWeBuild Moores writing is lively and engaging, his language straightforward, his case studies unpredictable and instructive. Anyonewithaninterestinarchitecturewillfindgoodthingshere EveningStandard brimming with knowledge and useful information. . .an enthralling account of how and why architects like to create their ownlittleworlds,andimposecertainidealsuponthem EntertainmentFocus Moore decrypts the ideological narratives of buildings with the same fluency he brings to bear on materials, forms and spaces: todays architectural criticism rarely seems so humane or intelligent. DailyTelegraph Why we Build is actually a paean to the way we inhabit. . .Moore explains how our houses and buildings express our values and politicsmoreclearlythananythingwemightsay. FinancialTimes

Picador August2012 Rowan Moore is one of Britains leading writers on architecture. He writes a weekly column for The Observer, and was formerly Architecture Critic of the London Evening Standard. He was also editor of the groundbreaking architecture and design magazine Blueprint.

Publishers Korea:StairwayMedia


history A dramatic narrative history of the pivotal year that shaped the modern world

In 1946 Victor Sebestyen traces the aftermath and human consequences of World War Two as ordinary people around the worldtriedtoreconstructlifefromthepostwarruins. 1946 was a pivotal year in the making of the modern world. It was the year the Cold War began and Europe was divided along ideological lines on two sides of an Iron Curtain. It was the momentous year that the state of Israel was born. It was the year an independent India was born as the worlds biggest democracy, and oldBritainasagreatimperialpowerbegantodie.Itwastheyearthe Chinese Communists launched their final push for victory in a civil warthatledtothereemergenceofChinaasasuperpower. This is not a book about the peace agreements that brought the war to an end or of elderly statesmen in smoke filled conference chambers deciding the fate of the world, although they do have a leading role to play. At its heart, 1946 offers a dramatic narrative of events and tells how the lives of generations of ordinary people acrosscontinentswereshapedbythatyear. Using vivid, panoramic storytelling, Sebestyen tells a fastmoving human story which shifts from Berlin, to London, Moscow, Washington, Paris as well as Jerusalem, Shanghai, Tokyo, Delhi, and beyond. Piecing together a narrative that reveals how the world we live in today was built on foundations laid then from the creation of the European Union, the birth of the tiger economies of Asia, to the rise of globalisation many big themes emerge that resonatepowerfullyinourcontemporaryworld. Bringing the postwar story together globally and chronologically, as an interlinking and exciting narrative, 1946 is the story of how the modernworldwasrebuilt. PraiseforVictorSebestyen Sebestyens strength is his sharp focus and racy prose . . . Here is historywrittenlikeaGreektragedy TheTimes Victor Sebestyens vivid, panoramic work is a fine accountThe writingistaut,thescenesettingdramatic,givingthebookanalmost cinematicfeel TheSundayTimes Its a complex story spanning many countries, but this exciting yet deeplyresearchedworkbringsitimpressivelytolife...Compelling SimonSebagMontefiore,TheObserver

Macmillan April2014 Proposalavailable Deliverysummer2013 Victor Sebestyenwas born in Budapest. As a journalist, he reported widely from Eastern Europe when Communism collapsed, and covered the war in former Yugoslavia. He is the author of Twelve Days: Revolution 1956 (Weidenfeld, 2006), an account of the 1956 Hungarian uprising; and Revolution 1989: Fall of the SovietEmpire(W&N,2009)

Previouspublishers (n.b.noexistingoptions) Twelve Days US:Pantheon Brazilian:Objetiva Danish:Borgens Dutch:Balans French:CalmannLvy Italian:Rizzoli Japanese:Hakusuisha Polish:Magnum Portuguese:Objetiva Swedish:Prisma


history a rare combination of scholarship and flair for narrative. With this book, a powerful searchlight has been shone upon the shadowdimmed end of Rome'swesternempire.TomHolland

The dazzling sequel to Peter Heather's critically acclaimed internationalbestsellerTheFallofTheRomanEmpire. In 476AD the last of Romes emperors was deposed by a barbarian general, the son of one of Attila the Huns henchmen, and the imperialvestmentsweredespatchedtoConstantinople.Thecurtain fell on the Roman Empire in Western Europe, its territories divided between successor kingdoms constructed aroundbarbarian military manpower. ButiftheRomanEmpirewasdead,thedreamofrestoringitrefused to die. In many parts of the old Empire, real Romans still lived, holding on to their lands and guarding the values of their civilisation. The barbarians were ready to reignite the imperial flame and to enjoy the benefits of Roman civilization, the three greatest contenders being Theoderic, Justinian and Charlemagne. But, ultimately, they would fail and it was not until the reinvention of the papacy in the eleventh century that Europes barbarians found the means to generate a new Roman Empire, an empire whichhaslastedathousandyears.

Macmillan July2013 DeliveryOctober2012 Peter Heather is a Fellow of Medieval History at Worcester College, Oxford. He is the author of many books, including the acclaimed bestsellers The Fall of the Roman Empire and Empires&Barbarians.

Publishers FalloftheRomanEmpire US:OUP Brazil:JorgeZahar German:KlettCotta Greek:Analios Italian:Garzanti Korean:PuriwaIpari Polish:Rebis Russian:AST Spanish:Critica Empires&Barbarians US:OUP German:KlettCotta Italian:Garzanti Korean:DDWorld Polish:Rebis Russian:Centrepolygraph Spanish:Critica

'[The Fall of the Roman Empire] is a fearfully complicated narrative, which Heather handles with consummate skill and authority. . .Macaulay said popular historians should aim to replace the latest novel on a young lady's bedside table. For this you need good stories, an easy style and academicexcellence.Heatherisamasterofallthree. TheGuardian


history The great untold story of the Russian Revolution, from our finest historian ofRussia

SPIES&COMMISSARS BolshevikRussiaandtheWest RobertService

Robert Services new book revels in the sheer exuberance of the first months of Russias 1917 upheavalsAs befits the serial biographer of Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin, Service is wellprimed to draw sharp portraits of the leading actorsServices cast list of journalists, diplomats, agents and their lovers is a joy a winning combination of scholarship, narrative drive and details to guide us throughaconstantshiftingsetofrealities. TheObserver his most vividly written book so his best and most engaging when he describes the mindsets and idiosyncrasies of the Bolsheviks and their foreign admirers. He captures wonderfully the moodoftherevolutionarymigrswhentheyheardthenewsofthe February Revolution and the abdication of the tsarThere is much toenjoyinSpiesandCommissars LiteraryReview 'a fascinating book, which recounts the fraught relationship between the young communist state and the West... Service has a wonderful eye for the telling detail[he] makes his rich cast into humanbeingsagainanddoessowithgreatskill. TheIndependent Crazytimesthrowupremarkablepeople,andmuchoftheallureof the book lies in the colourful figures of the espionage world of the timeAs in his superbly demystifying biography of Trotsky, once againServicetellsitlikeitwas SundayTelegraph Service has rendered a highly complicated entanglement of personalities and institutions into an always readable and never boring account of the interstices of politics and diplomacy, not forgetting the colourful private lives of his charactersWith its unexpected and highly original assembly of materials, Spies and Commissars greatly expands Services panorama of Russias 20th century history and enriches our knowledge of a time when personal venality and ruthless behaviours were barely redeemed by thealltoohumanqualitiesexhibitedhere. TimesHigherEducationSupplement

Macmillan November2011 Robert Service is a Fellow of theBritishAcademyandofSt Antonys College, Oxford. Hisnextbook,TheEndofThe Cold War, will be published in September 2014 (delivery autumn2013). Publishers US:PublicAffairs (Perseus) Brazil:EditoraRecord Estonia:Varrak Japanese:Hakusuisha Polish:Znak


history Delivers the grisly annals of Tudor persecutions with an eye for detailed pathos...superblyaccessibleandreadableFT

TUDORS TheHistoryofEngland:VolumeII PeterAckroyd

Rich in detail and atmosphere and told in vivid prose, Tudors recounts the transformation of England from a settled Catholic country to a Protestant superpower. It is the story of Henry VIII's cataclysmicbreakwithRome,andhisrelentlesspursuitofboththe perfect wife and the perfect heir; of how the brief reign of the teenage king, Edward VI, gave way to the violent reimposition of Catholicism and the stench of bonfires under 'Bloody Mary'. It tells,too,ofthelongreignofElizabethI,which,thoughmarkedby civil strife, plots against the queen and even an invasion force, finallybroughtstability. Above all, however, it is the story of the English Reformation and the making of the Anglican Church. At the beginning of the sixteenth century, England was still largely feudal and looked to Rome for direction; at its end, it was a country where good governance was the duty of the state, not the church, and where men and women began to look to themselves for answers rather thantothosewhoruledthem.

Macmillan September2012 Peter Ackroyd is an award winning novelist, as well as a broadcaster, biographer, poet and historian. He is the author of more than 40 books, including the acclaimed nonfiction bestsellers, Thames: Sacred River and London: The Biography. He holds a CBE forservicestoliterature.

THEHISTORYOFENGLAND Volume 1: Foundation from Neolithic times to the death of HenryVII Volume 2: Tudors from Henry VIII. England breaks with Rome, burning Catholics under Edward VI and Protestants under Mary Tudor and establishes its churchunderElizabethI Volume 3: Rebellion from the accession of James VI and I to the Restoration of Charles II, taking in the civil war between Charles Is cavaliers and Oliver Cromwells roundheads(delivery2014) Volume4: Revolution the Industrial Revolution, from a nation of farmers to a nation of factory builders and workers (delivery2016) Volume5: Dominion the Victorian era and Englands extraordinaryempire(delivery2018)

Publishers US:St.MartinsPress

Volume6: InnovationTheTwentiethCentury.Twoworldwars, the Great Depression, the New Elizabethan Age, the death of Empire and the birth of the Commonwealth (delivery2020)


non-fiction 50YearsofClassicSongwritingastoldby25oftheGreatestArtists

In conversations conducted exclusively for this book, 25 award winning musicians come together in a rare collection of interviews about what they love most: songwriting. These are the great songwriters who have created a songwriting tradition that has become part of our culture. Its a line that takes in Ray Davies to Lily Allen, via the voices of heavy metal, glam rock, punk, ska, Britpop,andthecontemporarymusicscene. At the heart of the book is a quest to understand songwriting and the creative process behind the craft. The combination of personal insightsandcollectivecontributionwillprovideauniquehistorical document of an amazing epoch and fascinating art form. Artists discuss the creative process and craft of songwriting, disclosing lyrical and melodic inspiration and considering how the writing processisenabled. Each chapter contains an introduction to the songwriter, their workandaneditedtranscriptoftheinterview.

Picador September2013 DeliveryJanuary2013 Daniel Rachel is a writer, singer/songwriter and theatre director. His passion has always been to understand the creative process and how artists write.

Artistsinterviewedinclude: LilyAllen JoanArmatrading DamonAlbarnBlur/Gorillaz BillyBragg RayDaviesTheKinks BryanFerryRoxyMusic NoelGallagherOasis RobinGibbBeeGees PaulWellerTheJam

MickJonesTheClash JohnLydonSexPistols/PIL JohnnyMarrTheSmiths JimmyPageLedZeppelin MikeBarson&SuggsMadness NeilTennantPetShopBoys StingThePolice YusufformerlyCatStevens ChazJankelIanDury&TheBlockheads


non-fiction Asmart,funnybookabouttheriseandslowdeathoftheartofhandwriting; andwhyitstillmatters

THEMISSINGINK TheLostArtofHandwritingandWhyit StillMatters PhilipHensher

The Missing Ink is the story of our relationship with handwriting from the golden age of the 19th century, when the skill was finally embraced by the masses, to its long, slow decline as computers begantomaketheirwayintoeveryhome,officeandpocket. This is the story of the passionate Victorian evangelists of fine writing, such as Platt Rogers Spencer, who travelled to every corner of America preaching the moral worth of cursive penmanship; and the great modern reformers such as Marion Richardson, who had a deep understanding of how best children might be encouraged to learn to write.But thisisalsoa bookaboutink andpensthemselves, objects that are even now beginning to disappear from our homes and offices; and whether the style of our writing reveals something aboutourtrueselves. Many schools could soon make the move to drop the teaching of handwriting altogether in favour of keyboard skills and so as Hensher himself says: Before handwriting goes altogether, we might lookatwhatithasmeanttous,andwhatwehaveputintoit.

Macmillan October2012 Philip Hensher is the author of nine novels including Kitchen Venom, which won the Somerset Maugham Award, The Northern Clemency, which was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize, King of the Badgers, and, in April 2012, Scenes from Early Life. He is a regular contributor to the Independent, the Mail on Sunday,andtheSpectator

Publishers US:Farrar,Straus& Giroux

As one of the last novelists in England to write his books by hand, I was delighted to be asked to discuss the history and state of handwriting. Writing by hand is somethingthathasshapedandrevealedourhumanity... THE MISSING INK is going to be an investigation into the warmest of technologies, and the place it had in our lives. PhilipHensher


memoir Icantimagineevergoingbacktoasexlifewherepainandsubmissiondont feature.Imjustluckytohavediscoveredkinkquiteyoung AlexaRose

UNTIED LisbethBlack&AlexaRose
Adarklyerotictruestory.ChristianGreywasalightweight Afteryetanotherdisastrous date, thistimewith amanwho cried in bed, all Lisbeth wanted was a partner who was sure of himself, confident. Dominant, even. And that's what she found in the handsome, mysterious D. Their highlycharged relationship opened up her world, teaching her about dominance and submission, and pleasure she could never have imagined. Her friend Alexa, restless after dating several high flyers who bored her with their lack of imagination, is on her own journey. With her bohemian outlook on life and hedonistic streak, she is finally ready to confront her true desireswiththecharismaticJackthesexiestmanshe'severseen. As the two women find themselves falling too deep, they also share their adventures on the scene its parties and dungeons, fetish and fantasy, described in all their colourful, kinky glory. Shockingly honest,sexyandfunny, Untied is an unforgettable story about two strong modern women, andthelengthsthey'repreparedtogotofindfreedom.

Pan November2012 Manuscriptavailable Lisbeth Black & Alexa Rosearepseudonymsoftwo young woman who have been exploring the BDSM scene for several years. This istheirtruestory.

We are bound in secrecy, hiding ourselves from family and work colleagues for fear of being caught. But around each other we can be ourselves, we can trust each other, and I now understand that that makes us a community. I would defend at the drop of a hat the right of any of them tobeaskinkyastheyliked,andIwoulddoitproudly. LisbethBlack


biography The definitive biography of Thierry Henry, the Arsenal, France and Barcelonalegend

THIERRYHENRY LonelyattheTop PhilippeAuclair

Thierry Henry gifted, charismatic and a genuinely world class footballer has always been a prolific goalscorer of natural, apparently effortless brilliance. Impossibly good on his day, he has passed into footballing legend, winning a trophy room full of silverware and awards. Instrumental in Frances World Cup and European Cup glories in 1998 and 2000, he is Frances record goalscorer, and continued his incredibly successful career at Barcelonabywinningthetrebleinhissecondseason. But as he approached the autumn of his career, Thierrys crown began to slip from the infamous Hand of Gaul incident to a dismal World Cup 2010 campaign. Suddenly, for the first time, a player who Arsne Wenger once dubbed the greatest striker ever was not universally loved and admired. A man who had spent his career at the very top of the game, raised above his peers on a torrent of extraordinary statistics and trophies, began to learn how lonelysuchapositioncouldbe. So who is the real Thierry Henry? Drawing from numerous interviews and impeccable sources, as well as his own observations over the course of Henrys entire career, awardwinning author Philippe Auclair has produced the most complete portrait of the Arsenal hero ever to be written. Cleareyed, lyrical and passionately argued, Thierry Henry: Lonely at the Top is a biographical essay, in the fullest sense of the word and as raw, shocking and thought provokingasitiscelebratoryofHenrysoutstandingflairandtalent.

Macmillan November2012 Manuscriptavailable Philippe Auclair has been France Footballs and RMC Radios UK correspondent for over a decade, and is a prolific freelance journalist on both sides of the Channel. In 2009 he wrote the critically acclaimed and prizewinning Cantona: The Rebel Who Would Be King and a bestselling author in France.HelivesinLondon. Publishers Cantona: French:LeChercheMidi Italian:Bradipolibri ThierryHenry: Italian:Bradipolibri

PraiseforCantona:TheRebelWhoWouldBeKing a book about an outstanding gifted footballer by an outstandinglyaccomplishedjournalist.Atourdeforce. BrianGlanville A truly great book. . .Auclair announces himself as an outstandinglygiftedbiographer GQ A compelling narrative. . .Establishes this book as the likeliest text on which future historians of the game may basetheirjudgmentofthisextraordinaryman. DailyTelegraph 45

memoir The compelling memoir of one of the last surviving members of Churchills secretarmy

They Shall Not Grow Old is Noreen Riols compelling memoir of her time as a member of Winston Churchills secret army, the Special Operations Executive, during World War II. It was 1941 and, just before her eighteenth birthday, that Noreen received her call up papers and was faced with either working in a munitions factory or joiningtheWomensRoyalNavyService.Likingthelookofthenaval uniform, Noreen opted for that. But when one of her interviewers realized she spoke fluent French, she was directed to a government buildingonBakerStreet. It was SOE headquarters, where she was immediately recruited into FSection (F standing for France), led by Colonel Maurice Buckmaster, For the next four years, Noreen worked with Buckmaster and her fellow operatives to support the French Resistance. Sworn to secrecy, Noreen told no one that she spent her days meeting agents returning from behind enemy lines, acting as a decoy, passing on messages in tea rooms and picking up codes in crosswordpuzzles. Vivid, witty, insightful and often moving They Shall Never Surrender is the story of one young womans secret war, offering readers an authentic and compelling insight into what really went on in Churchillssecretarmyfromoneofitslastsurvivingmembers.

Macmillan September2013 DeliveryDecember2012 Noreen Riols was born in Malta and educated at the French Lyce in London. During the Second World War, she was a member of SOEandwhenitdisbanded after the war, she joined theBBC,whereshemether husband, a journalist with the World Service. She is the author of ten books, published in Britain, France, Germany, Holland, Norway, and the US. She has written numerous newspaper and magazine articles and contributed features from Paris to WomansHour.


wine Love love love this book. It doesnt just simplify wine, it simplifies life. Essentialreading IndiaKnight


Everything you ever needed to know about wine and much, muchmore... Aknackeredmotherfriendlywineguidewithinsidertipsonhowto choosetherightwineforeveryoccasion. The Knackered Mothers Wine Club explores the wonderful, but often daunting world of wine and delivers simple hints and tips to make the perfect selection for all occasions: From throwing a childrens party (because adults need something fizzy too), to planning a wedding or simply matching wine with food, this book will help even the busiest mother make the best wine choice every time. McGinn looks beyond the discount deals and reveals the affordable cantgowrong crowdpleasers, she explains grape varieties, gives menu and seasonal recommendations, uncovers the best wine to drink with chocolate and even gives tips on how to host the perfect tasting. Thisistheonewineguidethateverywomanshouldown...because life'ssimplytooshorttodrinkbadwine.

Macmillan February2013 Manuscriptavailable Helen McGinn is the authoroftopwineblogThe Knackered Mothers Wine Club and an ex supermarket wine buyer. She is married with three children, aged 8, 4 and 3, andnowworksparttimein the wine industry. She is also a senior wine judge for the annual International WineChallenge.


The School of Life Inanageofmoralandpracticalconfusions,theselfhelpbookiscryingout toberedesignedandrehabilitated.Weareproudtoannounceitsrebirth AlaindeBotton

For two thousand years in the history of the west, the selfhelp book stood as a pinnacle of literary achievement. The assumption behind this long tradition was that the words of otherscanbenefitusnotonlybygivingusapracticaladvice,but also by recasting our private confusions and grief into eloquent communalsentences.Wefeelatoncelessaloneandlessafraid. A key catalyst for the decline of the serious, intelligent selfhelp book has been the development of the modern university system, a system that in the mid 19th century became the main employer for philosophers and intellectuals and started to reward them not for being useful or consoling, but for being objective and rigorous. There began an obsession with accuracy and a corresponding neglect of utility. Alongside this came a growing secularisation of society, the citizens of the future werent supposed to need lectures in how to stay calm or free of anxiety. And so the selfhelp field was abandoned to the many curious types who thrive in it today, utterly cut off from the spirit of theirmorenoblepredecessors,whoknewthatrealismcouldalso haveitstherapeuticbenefits. We need selfhelp books like never before, and that is why The School of Life, in conjunction with Pan Macmillan, have launched a groundbreaking experiment: a series of intelligent, rigorous, wellwritten selfhelp books, put together by some of theleadingmindsinthefield.

Pan May2012 6books160pp The School of Life is dedicated to exploring lifes big questions and will direct you towardsavarietyofusefulideas from philosophy to literature, psychology to the visual arts that are guaranteed to stimulate,provoke,nourishand console. Publishers US:Picador Brazil:Objetiva Chinesecomplex: ProphetPress Chinesesimplified: Shanghai99 Dutch:DeArbeiderspers French:Editions10/18 German:KailashVerlag Greek:Patakis Hebrew:Modan Italian:UgoGuanda Korean:Sam&Parkers Portugesee:LuadePapel Spanish:EdicionesB Turkish:Sel

How to Spend Time Alone by Naomi Alderman and HowtoConnectwith Nature by TristanGooleywill be published in May 2013 with a further four How To titlestofollow. In 2014, the big thinker series will offer remedies to modern lifes big anxieties, by exploring the work and ideas of a philosopher, a classic author or other leadingculturalicon.


The School of Life



Bestselling author and psychologist Rob Yeung reveals how to make life improvementsthatlastbyfollowingsimpletechniques

Proventechniquestobringaboutlastingchangeinyourlife Looking to make a positive change in your life? Maybe youve read a few selfhelp books and think you know what you need to do maybe some positive thinking, making a resolution or simply wishingforhappiness?Well,heressomenews:noneofthisisgoing tohelp;yousimplydontgetthingsinlifejustbywishingforthem. In You Can Change Your Life top psychologist Rob Yeung investigates ways of making change stick. He offers the most upto datethinkingontheskills,beliefsandmethodsthatwillhelpyouto change your life. Rooted in evidencebased research and based on proven strategies and treatments, Rob offers a new perspective and newtechniquestoenableyoutotransformyourlife,orsimplywork outwhatsstoppingyoufromachievingyourgoals. You can lose weight, feel more positive, give up a bad habit, get ahead at work or improve anything about yourself. Whatever you want to achieve, you will feel inspired by the practical advice in this fascinationbookandbeabletotacklechangewithconfidence.

Macmillan December2012 Manuscriptavailable Psychologist Rob Yeung, PhD, is a researcher and educator in the areas of human communication, influence and persuasion, andhighachievement.

Publishers TheExtraOnePercent Chinesesimplified: QuestruthPress Marathi:Mehta Spanish:RBALibros Thai:WeLearnCo. I is for Influence Marathi:Mehta Russian: Piter Press Thai:WeLearnCo.


business / leadership

The groundbreaking new book from one of the world's foremost authorities onleadership

Few things are more important than the quality and credibility of leaders, as they play a vital role in every aspect of our modern lives. Yet strong leadership is a difficult skill to master. Good leaders must learn not only to manage, analyze and appraise, but also to encourage,improveandinspire. Here John Adair, the UK's foremost expert on leadership training, shows how lessons can be learned from the ancient wisdom of Confucian philosophy and applied to modern leadership techniques, enabling you to become a better leader. He demonstrates how, far from being merely interesting quotes from ancient lore, Confucius's sayings, or Analects, reveal how you can develop all aspects of your leadership ability from communication and creativity, to motivationanddecisionmaking. Whether you already lead a team or an organization, or you have aspirationsto doso, this uniquecombinationofancient andmodern wisdom will help you to develop the confidence, characteristics and skillsyouneedtobethebestleaderyoucanbe.

Macmillan March2013 Manuscriptavailable John Adair is an international leadership consultant to a wide variety oforganizationsinbusiness, government, the voluntary sector, education and health, and has been named as one of the forty people worldwide who have contributed most to the development of management thought and practice. He has written over forty books on leadership, management and history, which have been translated into many languages. Publishers EffectiveMotivation Korean:Dahaemedia EffectiveSeries2009 Turkish:BabialiKultur


health 'For those struggling with fertility issues she's a rock. For those who get pregnantshe'sagoddess' RedMagazine

EMMACANNON'STOTALFERTILITY TheAZofgettingpregnant EmmaCannon

Fertilityisoneofthemajorhealthandwellbeingissuesformodern women, and this book offers clear, warm and supportive advice to help and support anyone on the fertility journey. Emma Cannon's Total Fertility is the essential and easy guide aimed at any woman whois actively trying orthinkingabout trying toconceive,and willhelphertakechargeofherhealthandherfertility. Emma Cannon answers the many nagging questions women have about fertility and conception; questions such as, How can I get a sense of my fertility? Can I preserve my fertility? When exactly should we be having sex? Does my diet really matter? Does stress lowermychancesofconceiving?WhatexerciseshouldIbedoing? With her advice and guidance, readers can adjust their lifestyle and then relax and encourage Nature to play her part. Written in Emmas trademark optimistic, warm and nonjudgmental tone, thisissettobecomeaclassicinthegenre.

Macmillan June2013 DeliveryJanuary2013 EmmaCannonisoneofthe UKs leading complementary fertility specialists, and author of The BabyMaking Bible and You and Your Bump

Emma Cannon treats clients using a mindbody approach, making the connection between the physical bodyandtheemotions.Shedoesa360degreediagnosis looking at the body, its environment food, lifestyle anditspsychology Vogue Her unique approach to health and fertilitybridges the gapbetweenWesternandEasternMedicine DrTimEvans EmmaCannonistheUK'sgotofertilityguru GraziaMagazine


health Practical ways to treat and overcome IBS through diet and selfmanagement techniques

NATURALSOLUTIONSTOIBS Simplestepstorestoredigestive health Dr.MarilynGlenville

One in five people is affected by IBS irritable bowel syndrome and yet it is often dismissed by the medical profession as a condition they can do little to help with, plus there is a lot of confusing information out there. In this practical guide, womens health expert Marilyn Glenville cuts through the confusion with clarity and compassion, empowering the reader with information and practical ways forward. She looks at the whole body in relation to IBS, from how your digestive system is working to the role that emotionsandstresscanplay. This brilliant book offers the vital support that anyone with IBS, or general digestive problems, needs to gently heal and strengthen their digestive system back to normal function. With advice on tests, diet (including a 7day diet plan to soothe digestion), natural foods to consume as well as trigger foods to watch out for, this is a musthaveforanyonesufferingfromIBS.

Macmillan February2013 DeliveryNovember2013 MarilynGlenville,PhD,is a Fellow of The Royal Society of Medicine, a nutritional therapist, psychologist, author and broadcaster. Dr Glenville has practised nutritional therapy for over twenyfive years, specializing in the natural approach to female hormone problems. She appears regularly on radio and TV, and is the author of a number of bestselling books on womens health including Natural Solutions to Menopause and Natural SolutionstoPCOS

Publishers NaturalSolutionsto Menopause Dutch:ZNU


street art Slinkachu reinvents pavement art with his miniature tales of life on the streets Arena


The further adventures of the internationally bestselling streetartistSlinkachu... In 2008, acclaimed street artist Slinkachu's debut book, Little PeopleintheCity,outsoldBanksy'sWallandPiecetobecomethe bestselling art and photography book of its year. With a foreword by Will Self and a hundred witty, melancholy photographs of miniature model people lost in the big city, the book has become an instant classic, with over 200,000 copies nowinprint. Now Slinkachu's tiny people have been let loose in the world. Capturing the essence of what it feels like to be a small person in a big, bad, globalized modern world, Slinkachu brings his unique mix of humour, poignancy and political engagement to street installations in Germany, Italy, Holland, France, South Africa, Spain; and then foraging further afield to Thailand, AustraliaandtheUSA,andtoIsraelandevenIran...

Boxtree September2012 Slinkachu is an artist whose creations can be found in doorways and cracksinthepavement.See more of his work at Specifications: 196x164mmlandscape 4/4colour 120ppselfended,with centregatefolds 12.99

Oddly enough, even when you know they are just handpainted figurines, you cant help but feel that theirplightsconveysomethingofourownfearsabout beinglostandvulnerableinabig,badcity

Publishers US:BlueRiderPress (Penguin) German:Cadeau(H&C) Japanese:Sogensha LittlePeopleintheCity Dutch:Lebowski German:Cadeau(H&C) Japanese:Sogensha


humour A dark gothic gift book, for pet lovers and anguished existentialists of all ages


Wednesday,May7th Two of them came today, dragged me out of my cage and put me in some kind of improvised maze made out of books and old toilet tubes. A labyrinth with no escape. They were treating it like some kind of game, laughing and squealing as I desperately scrabbled from blind alley to blind alley, but I knew it was no game. They're trying to crush my will, to grind me down. They can take my freedom,buttheywillnevertakemysoul.MynameisEdward,and IAMAHAMSTER. Published inmemory of Poet, Thinker and noted rodent Edward the Hamster (19901990), this delightfully gothic hardback edition of his personal journals constitutes a celebration of his (very) short life. It's also very funny ('Eight months old today. Oh, the things I've seen. The Wheel. The Tray. The Ball. The Whe no, I forget.'). Complete with illustrations of our hard smoking existential hero, this is both abook for anyone who has loved and lost a beloved pet and a moving essay on the nature ofsufferingandthehamstercondition.

Boxtree August2012 Miriam Elia is a Sony Awardwinning comedy writer and performer. A Series of Psychotic Episodes featured on BBC Radio 7 and Radio4. Publishers Chinesesimplified: CommercialPress French:Flammarion German:Fischer Romanian:Humanitas Swedish:Brombergs


humour Imaverynaughtygirl,shesaid,bitingherlip,Ineedtobepunished... SoIinvitedmymothertostayfortheweekend.

Eroticaforthenottoomodernman 'Hurt me!' she begged, raising her skirt as she bent over the workbench. 'Very well,' I replied, 'You've got fat ankles and no dress sense.' Colin Grey's life was happy and simple until the day everything changedthedayhiswifereadTHATbook. Suddenly, he was thrust headfirst into a dark, illicit world of pleasure and pain. This is the story of one man's struggle against a tide of tempestuous, erotic desire and of the greatest love of all: the lovebetweenamanandhisshed. WARNING: This book contains graphic shedbased images. Please don'tlookifyouareeasilyoffended. Followthephenomenon@50ShedsofGrey

Boxtree September2012 Colin Trevor Grey is a passionate gardener and amateurshedowner. Publishers US:St.MartinsPress

My eyes watered as I howled with pain. I had learned my first lesson. Never again would I leaveagnomeonthegardenbench * As we stood there naked in Ikea, we came to an important decision. Next time only one of uswouldwearablindfold * It was damp, uncomfortable and didnt last very long but its true what they say you neverforgetyourfirstshed * She knelt before me on the shed floor and tugged gently at first, then harder until finally it came. I moaned with pleasure.Nowfortheotherboot *

Happy birthday, she said, placing a riding crop in my hand and lowering her skirt, Todays your lucky day. I couldnt believeitIwasgettingapony!


humour Is it a murder mystery? Is it biting social satire? Who knows? Who cares? You'renotmymotherwhereamI?

A brilliantly funny parody of the world's most hotly anticipatednewbook Nothing ever seems to happen in the sleepy English town of Mumford unless you count the man with the axe in his back, staggering down the street getting blood everywhere and leaving a vacancyontheParishCouncil... Into the fray steps Detective Inspector Bradley of the C.I.D. Although he appears to be a plodding buffoon, incapable of detecting his own backside, that is exactly what he is. But when he teams up with an alcoholic, drugaddled writer researching a detective novel, together they will blunder towards the identity of the vacant casualty. They just hope to get there before everyone in thetownismurdered. In this pottymouthed, depraved, disrespectful parody, strewn with casualviolence and sexual deviancy,youwill discoveraliens,farting tealadies, car chases, serial killers and lashings and lashings of tortoisemilk.Butnoimmigrants.Thisisthecountryside,afterall. By no stretch of the imagination is The Vacant Casualty prepared, authorized, licensed, approved, or endorsed by the author or the publishersofTheCasualVacancy.

Boxtree September2012 Patty OFurniture is the pseudonym of a Sunday Times bestselling humour writer


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