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Miskin Theatre Project

Assignment Cover Sheet

Project Reference: Title: Units: Timing within Course: Start Date: Production Dates: Submission Deadline: Assessment Dates: Special Considerations: BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Performing Arts (Production) SHOW NAME A1 Working in the Performing Arts Industry, D18 Lighting Operations for Stage Performance Yr 1, Term 1, 2011 w/c DATE w/c DATE Logbook by DATE Week commencing DATE

As well as working with group leader and other company members, independent Study and blog work is essential. NOTE: Your personal blog is regarded as part of your log book and will be marked accordingly Research is vital, proof of which will be in your Logbook. Departmental and team discussions will also be taken into account. Resources include all workshop, backstage, F.O.H. and technical facilities in place at the Miskin Theatre. This project will go towards covering Functional Skills outcomes.


Functional Skills Outcomes:

Chief Lighting Designer: Darren Jones Relevant Departmental Notes: Assessment throughout this course is essentially formative, therefore company members can re-visit or elect criteria as stated within this brief and from past and future briefs to arrive at their final assessment grades .

BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Performing Arts (Production) Brief IVd by NAME

Miskin Theatre Project

SHOW NAME A Designers Brief

As a lighting designer you will often have to deal with non-conformist issues, spaces and deadlines. You will often work in different venues with some times difficult directors, your responsibility is to ensure their view of the piece is developed for the public, no matter what difficulties. You will get a directors brief, it is our job as a lighting team to work with the other teams to create the vision of the world. Bear in mind, directors vary, some are very visual, others less so. This is where your partnership with the piece is important. You have a role on the lighting team for SHOW NAME. By thoroughly researching the themes within the piece we undertake the correct industrial model for the design process. We work to the directors brief. The target audience for this show is multi-aged and therefore the piece should appeal to both children and adults alike. The director is asking us to look at a simple but striking lighting design. He is asking for the design to be magical and easily transformable to create the various worlds within the piece. There are also gantry platforms placed either side of the audience, so lighting must be included to fill these spaces. There may be actors flying within the piece, therefore we need to make provision for the relevant equipment (ladders, pulleys etc) We need to start with research into SHOW NAME . The process begins analysing the script and looking at the full colour model. This model is the basis of the set design. It is then our responsibility to produce relevant paperwork and lighting plans and develop this into a working production. The rig should be authorised by the director in conjunction with the L.D. then hung and patched. Through this process you will inevitably gain and use an artistic skill and a develop a designers eye. You will be involved in the LX Plot, technical and dress rehearsals. Eventually running the show from cues given by the DSM. Throughout the process we need to confer and discuss relevant ideas and concepts with all other departments of backstage theatre, taking on board their ideas and concerns. For this to be a successful production it is vital that everyone in the company works as part of a team. The team has a particular responsibility for making sure that the process is smooth running, efficient, reliable and above all safe. You must make sure that you know what is going on in the wider company. A vital part of the process is to ensure a close working relationship within the team and everyone must be a good listener as well as a good communicator. Explore and develop the themes to the piece; develop an understanding of your role as team member and working independently and with enthusiasm to see the design through to completion BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Performing Arts (Production) Brief IVd by NAME

Miskin Theatre Project

When you successfully complete this project you will:

Unit A1 Working in the Performing Arts Industry Know different types of organisations in the performing arts industry. Know job roles in the performing arts industry. Unit D18 Lighting Operations for Stage Performance Know how to use a portfolio of reference material. Be able to rig equipment safely to a lighting plan. Be able to demonstrate the use of colour in a performance context. Be able to focus and control luminaires. Be able to operate lighting controls.


This will be in the form of diaries, blog site, research, completed production designs and observed participation. For a more in depth analysis of what is required refer to the Unit Specifications on the technicians blog

Grading criteria:

Pass / Merit / Distinction.

BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Performing Arts (Production) Brief IVd by NAME

Miskin Theatre Project What you need to do Keep a technicians logbook. In this technicians log you must include visual images, research and discussions. It must be typed, annotated and in a folder / ring binder. You must include your name on it. Throughout your logbook and blog site entries you should also include evidence of the following;
Unit A1 Working in the Performing Arts Industry

Task 1 (Cr 1) Research into different performing arts industrys small, medium and large scale theatre Task 1 (Cr 2) Research into a job in the performance area of theatre and how it relate to other roles. Task 1 (Cr 2) Research into a job in the arts administration area of theatre and how it relate to other roles.
Unit D18 Lighting Operations for Stage Performance Task 1 (Cr 1)

Research lighting equipment (Luminaires, dimmers, control equipment)

Task 2 (Cr 2,4)

Use plans to rig the desired lighting rig to bars, booms an/or truss using effective cabling and the correct clamps and fittings Use access equipment correctly and safely Focus the rig effectively and safely using appropriate beam control Use effective communication methods

BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Performing Arts (Production) Brief IVd by NAME

Miskin Theatre Project

Task 3 (Cr 3) Show understanding of Colour theory Show understanding of theatrical conventions to create mood and effect. Research types of gel for lighting including different manufacturers, cutting, identification and installation Task 4 (Cr 5) Undertake a role as operator Take accurate cues from the DSM

BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Performing Arts (Production) Brief IVd by NAME

Miskin Theatre Project

This age we are living in is full of communication on a faster and faster scale. To deal with this you need to be on the ball and communicate fully throughout, so you have the opportunity while working as a member of the Miskin to improve your skills and broaden your horizons! Which is why Functional Skills is absolutely vital. See below for more information.

Functional Skills English- Entry 3, Level 1

Speaking Listening and Communication

Discuss within our group ideas and concepts of design. As a team we need to agree with decisions made and to understand the difficulties and opportunities presented by this project.
(Level 1 - Take full part in formal and informal discussions and exchanges that include unfamiliar subjects.) (Entry 3 - Respond appropriately to others and make some extended contributions in familiar formal and informal discussions and exchanges)


As a designer it is imperative to read and thoroughly understand the script and any background materials and research.
(Level 1 - Read and understand a range of straightforward texts) (Entry 3 - Read and understand the purpose and content of straightforward texts that explain, inform and recount information)


As part of this process you must keep a Designers Log, this must be written in the appropriate format, logging our process and all design and experimentation taking place.
(Level 1 - Write a range of texts to communicate information, ideas and opinions, using formats and styles suitable for their purpose and audience) (Entry 3 - Write texts with some adaptation to the intended audience)

Functional Skills briefs will be issued separately at relevant points during the process.

BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Performing Arts (Production) Brief IVd by NAME

Miskin Theatre Project

Qualification:BTECLevel 2 Diplomain PerformingArts (Production)

Name: Unit Title: Workingin the PerformingArts Industry(Unit A1)


Aim and Purpose: This unit aims to give learners knowledge of employment opportunities within the performing arts industry and the jobs undertaken by those who work in it. Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall GradeAchieved: Date:

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the technician is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the technician is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the technician is able to:



P1 describe a performing arts organisation, its function and relation to other areas of the industry P2 describe a job role from the performance area of employment and how it relates to other roles in the same and different areas of the industry P3 describe a job role from the arts administration or production area of employment and how it relates to other roles from the same and different areas of the industry.

M1 explain the function of a performing arts organisation, relating it to other areas of the industry M2 explain a job role from the performance area of employment and how it relates to other roles from the same and different areas of the industry M3 explain a job role from the arts administration or production area of employment and how it relates to other roles from the same and different areas of the industry.

D1 explain the function of a performing arts organisation, drawing supported conclusions about its relation to other areas of the industry D2 explain a job role from the performance area employment, providing detailed account of relates to other roles the same and different of the industry, using well chosen examples D3 explain a job role from the arts administration or production area of employment, providing a detailed account of how it relates to other roles from the same and different areas of the industry, using wellchosen

BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Performing Arts (Production) Brief IVd by NAME

Miskin Theatre Project

Qualification:BTECLevel 2 Diplomain PerformingArts (Production)

Name: Unit Title: LightingOperationsfor StagePerformance(Unit D18)


Aim and Purpose: The aim of this unit is to develop learners knowledge of lighting equipment and operation; they will be equipped with the skills needed to provide lighting services that can enhance performances. Criteria: Initials: IV: Overall GradeAchieved: Date:

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the technician is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the technician is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that the technician is able to:



P1 identify key components from data collected during research P2 rig equipment to a plan safely under guidance P3 select and use some appropriate colours for specific set projects P4 focus lighting equipment safely with some accuracy

M1 describe collected relevant data including technical information M2 rig equipment safely to a scale lighting plan with minimal guidance M3 select and use appropriate and conventional colours for specific set projects M4 focus lighting equipment safely, with considerable accuracy

D1 describe in detail collected relevant data in a format suitable for use D2 rig equipment safely, competently and accurately to a scale lighting plan without guidance D3 select and use successful and unconventional colours for specific set projects D4 focus lighting equipment safely with total accuracy D5 record, edit and run cues using advanced control functions.

P5 record and run cues using M5 record, edit and run basic control functions. cues using control functions.

BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Performing Arts (Production) Brief IVd by NAME

Miskin Theatre Project

Blogs/Logs Marksheet
Daily/Weekly Evaluation (including action plan)

Strengths and Weaknesses

Directors Notes/Response


Spelling, Layout and Grammar

BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Performing Arts (Production) Brief IVd by NAME

Miskin Theatre Project

HODs Comments:

Agreed as Fair and Accurate:




BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Performing Arts (Production) Brief IVd by NAME

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