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Oracle 10g R2 Real Application Cluster (RAC) with EnterpriseOne

An Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Performance and Tuning Paper July 2006

PURPOSE STATEMENT This document provides considerations when reviewing system performance relative to your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. Many factors can influence performance and your results may differ depending on many different variables. This document is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracles products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle. Updates and enhancements are provided in accordance with Oracles Technical Support Policies at:

Oracle 10g R2 Real Application Cluster (RAC) with EnterpriseOne Page i

Oracle 10g R2 Real Application Cluster

Introduction........................................................................................................................................................1 Test Objectives ..............................................................................................................................................1 Red Hat Linux Test Environment..............................................................................................................1 Requirements......................................................................................................................................................3 Cluster Hardware Requirements .................................................................................................................3 Cluster Software Requirements ...................................................................................................................3 Oracle Requirements.....................................................................................................................................4 EnterpriseOne Requirements ......................................................................................................................4 Steps used for Client Fail-Over Test...............................................................................................................5 Procedural Steps ............................................................................................................................................5 Steps used for UBE Batch Fail-Over Test.....................................................................................................6 Procedural Steps ............................................................................................................................................6 Applications Tested within EnterpriseOne....................................................................................................7 EnterpriseOne Fastpath Reference ............................................................................................................7 Load Balancing RAC Option ...........................................................................................................................8 Load Balancing Options...............................................................................................................................8 Load Balancing Simulation ..........................................................................................................................8 Load Balancing Observations......................................................................................................................8 Fail-Over RAC Option .....................................................................................................................................9 Fail-Over Explanation ..................................................................................................................................9 Fail-Over Simulation.....................................................................................................................................9 Fail-Over Observations ................................................................................................................................9 EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server Fail-Over Behavior........................................................................9 Web Client Fail-Over Behavior ..............................................................................................................9 Fail-Over Behavior Summaries.............................................................................................................10 Preliminary Recommendations ......................................................................................................................12 Preliminary Recommendations .................................................................................................................12 EnterpriseOne Supported Versions..............................................................................................................14 EnterpriseOne Supported Versions .........................................................................................................14 Related Reference Materials ...........................................................................................................................14 General All Plaforms ..................................................................................................................................14 Red Hat Linux (x86) ...................................................................................................................................14 Microsoft Windows (x86) ..........................................................................................................................14 Solaris (UltraSPARC)..................................................................................................................................15 AIX (IBM pSeries) ......................................................................................................................................15 HP-UX (PA-RISC) .....................................................................................................................................15 Reference Internet Sites ..................................................................................................................................15

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Reference Internet Sites..............................................................................................................................15 Technical Specifications and Documentation .............................................................................................16 Specific Environment Configuration System Diagrams........................................................................16 Oracle Application Server Equipment and Software............................................................................................................................16 Red Hat Linux (x86)...............................................................................................................................16 Oracle Information..........................................................................................................................................18 Oracle Files and Settings ............................................................................................................................18 TNSNAMES.ORA.................................................................................................................................18 SQLNET.ORA .......................................................................................................................................21 LISTENER.ORA ...................................................................................................................................22 Listener Status .........................................................................................................................................23 Database Node 2 denpro7 rac2 .....................................................................................................24 Initialization Parameter File.......................................................................................................................25 Database Node 1 & 2 Shared Pfile Entries.........................................................................................25 Appendix A Specific Testing Steps............................................................................................................35 Testing Steps ................................................................................................................................................35 Appendix B Validation and Feedback.......................................................................................................45 Customer Validation ...................................................................................................................................46 Field Validation............................................................................................................................................46

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Oracle 10g R2 Real Application Cluster


Oracle 10g R2 Real Application Cluster (RAC) is an option offered with the Oracle 10g R2 Database Enterprise Edition ( Following are the benefits of implementing the RAC option: RAC is a shared cache architecture that overcomes the limitations of the traditional shared nothing and shared disk cluster solutions. RAC software is designed to provide a highly scalable and available database solution for business applications. RAC allows a large number of transactions to be separated onto many machines for fast parallel execution. RAC provides high throughput for large workloads and scales incrementally for growing user populations.
Test Objectives

The desired results of this test are to evaluate, document, and publish the information gathered that will address how to install, implement, and configure Oracle 10g R2-RAC software with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 8.96. There are two main areas of functionality that will specifically be addressed: scalability and availability. Scalability is addressed by determining EnterpriseOne softwares ability to use the load balancing features of Oracle 10g R2-RAC. The load balancing specifics are outlined below. Availability is addressed by determining the ability of EnterpriseOne to use the fail-over features of Oracle 10g R2RAC. The fail-over specifics are outlined below. Due to time and resource constraints, this project was completed using only Linux based environments for database, application, and enterprise servers. The objective is to determine the interaction of EnterpriseOne with Oracle RAC software. This test produced EnterpriseOne user experience information that we believe is relevant to other operating systems and physical hardware platforms. In the future, if additional testing is performed with Oracle RAC, a different operating system and set of hardware will be used, and the results added to this document.
Red Hat Linux Test Environment

Testing was conducted using the following: EnterpriseOne 8.96 GA with 8.11-SP-1

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Oracle 10g R2 Real Application Cluster (RAC) with EnterpriseOne Page 1

Oracle 10g R2 (version database software with the Real Application Cluster (RAC) features installed Oracle Cluster File System Oracle Cluster Ready Services Oracle Application Server and Oracle Automatic Storage Management on HP Proliant with Red Hat Linux 3.0 Update 6 Installation prerequisites, suggestions, and examples are shown to help implement the RAC environment. The EnterpriseOne software functionality, behavior, and end user experience observed during test scenarios is explained. This establishes the baseline for EnterpriseOne 8.96 GA configured with the Oracle RAC software. Proper installation and configuration methods are identified to insure successful implementation of the Oracle RAC option. We use common installation processes that mirror the steps you use to implement the software on this platform. This paper can be used by technical users, installers, system administrators, and programmers who implement, maintain, or develop applications for your EnterpriseOne system. However, this paper does not address every configuration variable that might be encountered in this process. The information was gathered while testing the Oracle 10g R2 RAC environment. Not all possible hardware and software combinations were tested. Your system may show different results. When RAC is used with EnterpriseOne you should create a RAC environment using the Oracle version of Database Software. As newer versions are released, additional testing will be conducted and the results noted in an updated version of this document.

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Oracle 10g R2 Real Application Cluster (RAC) with EnterpriseOne Page 2

REQUIREMENTS Cluster Hardware Requirements

A cluster is a group of independent computers working together as a single computer. A cluster is composed of two or more computers, called cluster members, which are connected using one or more physically independent networks called cluster interconnects. Cluster members use one or more shared buses to access the shared storage system. Todays clustering technology is designed to keep server-based applications running, even when an individual component fails.

Cluster Software Requirements

Cluster software (either running on Oracle or the operating system) links the cluster members together so they function as a single computer. The shared bus storage is usually an external storage device that is used by the cluster software to store files that are accessible to all cluster members. Storage can be either a set of unformatted shared disk devices, also referred to as raw devices, or a shared file system, also referred to as a cluster file system. Vendors usually supply a utility that can partition the external shared hard disks into multiple raw devices. Each raw device can function as an Oracle data file and is available to all members in a cluster. For this test, the Oracle Cluster File System and Oracle Cluster Ready Services were used as the cluster software to interconnect the nodes. Oracle Automatic Storage Management was also implemented as the disk management software.

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Oracle Requirements

Oracle 10g R2 RAC is an option of Oracle 10g R2 that harnesses the processing power of multiple, interconnected computers in a cluster. All software, including operating-system-specific cluster software that is required by Oracle 10g R2 RAC, must also be installed on each cluster member, except when using an Oracle cluster file system. The main difference between Oracle 10g R2 and Oracle 10g R2 RAC is that RAC is a multi-Oracle-instance environment that uses cluster software to communicate between different Oracle instances on cluster members. Therefore, using multiple Oracle 10g R2 RAC instances can be functionally identical to using a single Oracle 10g R2 instance.

Cluster Member 1
Oracle 10g R2 RAC Instance 1 Cluster Software

Cluster Member 2
Oracle 10g R2 RAC Instance 2 Cluster Software

Cluster Interconnect

Operating System

Operating System

Shared Access

Shared Database for Oracle Instances 1 and 2

Shared Access

In a multi-Oracle10g R2-RAC instance environment, each Oracle instance must have its own: Oracle System Identifier (SID) Redo Log Groups Private rollback segments for manual undo management, or private undo tablespace for automatic undo management Note: For automatic undo management, you do not need to create private rollback segments for each Oracle instance.
EnterpriseOne Requirements

This test was conducted with EnterpriseOne 8.96 GA - refer to the EnterpriseOne Minimum Technical Requirement documents to verify the specific platforms and versions that support Oracle RAC.

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Database 1 node is running Database is started reported as Database Opened. Database 2 node is not running Database is stopped. Database 1 node Oracle Listener is running. Database 2 node Oracle Listener is running. The Enterprise Server System is started, making the kernel connections to Database 1 node. The Oracle Application Server is started. The HTTP Server is started. Begin an EnterpriseOne session web client. Begin performing the work as outlined in Appendix A following the script steps. Complete about 50% of the script, stopping in the middle of making the entries. Start Database 2 node Once the Database reports Database Opened proceed. Fail Database 1 node use command shutdown abort. Proceed on following the script steps. If possible, finish the script and check the results. If the test is successful and the entered information is available, document the user experience. If the test fails, document the user experience. Reset the entire environment so every test begins with the same hardware and software configuration.

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Database 1 node is running Database is started reported as Database Opened. Database 2 node is not running Database is stopped. Database 1 node Oracle Listener is running. Database 2 node Oracle Listener is running. The Enterprise Server System is started, making the kernel connections to Database 1 node. The Oracle Application Server is started. The HTTP Server is started. Begin an EnterpriseOne session web client. Begin performing the work as outlined in Appendix A following the script steps for Tests 2 and 12. Complete the entries and submit the job to run. Start Database 2 node Once the Database reports Database Opened proceed. Fail Database 1 node use command shutdown abort. Proceed to monitor the running job. If the job reports DONE, verify the report and the work that was done. If the job continues to run and not appear to finish, view all the appropriate logs and determine what is happened. If the job appears to be running but the logs indicate a connection can not be made, either let the job continue to run and hope it finishes, or terminate the job, and determine why it failed and what else might be tried. Re-test the failed job and observe the results. If the test is successful and the entered information is available, document the user experience. If the test fails, document the user experience. Reset the entire environment so every test begins with the same hardware and software configuration.

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Oracle 10g R2 Real Application Cluster (RAC) with EnterpriseOne Page 6


The following applications were used for testing. These applications show how EnterpriseOne reacts with the Oracle 10g R2-RAC software in different circumstances, and we observed that each application reacts in its own way. Not every application could be tested in this project. If you implement Oracle 10g R2-RAC, perform similar tests using the applications specific to your companys. The specific test results should be documented before you activate the Production environment. Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 Test 9 Address Book Entry fastpath 3/G01 fastpath 3/G0121

Address Book Report UBE Batch Sales Order Entry

fastpath 3/G4211

Standard Voucher Entry fastpath 3/G0411 Supplier Ledger Inquiry fastpath 16/G0411

Standard Receipts Entry fastpath 5/G03B12 Journal Entry fastpath 2/G0911

Trial Balance Ledger Comparison fastpath 22/G0912 Inventory Adjustments fastpath 65/G4111 fastpath 15/G41112 fastpath 3/G43A11 fastpath 4/G4211

Test 10 Summary Availability Test 11 Purchase Order Entry

Test 12 Print Pick Slips UBE Batch

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There are two types of load balancing: client based and server based. Client based load balancing is enabled by setting load_balancing=on in the tnsnames.ora file. Client load balancing enables clients to randomize requests to multiple listeners. This load balancing is connection based, and the connections are assigned to instances at random. If you don't set up load_balancing in the tnsnames.ora file, the default load_balancing is based on CPU utilization and is called server based load_balancing.
Load Balancing Simulation

LoadRunner software was used to generate many JD Edwards EnterpriseOne user connections. The test suite of scripts that are usually run for the benchmark test process were used to simulate the work performed by these users.
Load Balancing Observations

For our test observations we used the Client load balancing method. This method made the process easier to observe, and determine if the appropriate files were configured correctly. The Oracle 10g R2-RAC Load Balancing feature worked very well. When the necessary EnterpriseOne kernel database connections needed to be established, each of the database nodes were used. As additional users were added to the test, additional connections were established across each of the database nodes. At no time during the test was there an observed imbalance on either database node.

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FAIL-OVER RAC OPTION Fail-Over Explanation

Clients that connect to any instance of the database use the net service name entry for the database. This entry also enables Oracle Enterprise Manager to discover a Real Application Clusters database. A listener address is configured for each node that runs an instance of the database. The load_balance option causes Oracle to choose the address randomly. If the chosen address fails, then the failover option causes the connection request to fail over to the next address. Thus, if an instance fails, clients can still connect using another instance. Failover=on is set by default for a list of addresses. Thus, it isn't necessary to explicitly specify the failover=on parameter.
Fail-Over Simulation

During our tests, we simulated database node failures by shutting down the database using the database command shutdown abort. This test allowed a controlled shutdown of the database and was least destructive to hardware and software. Also, by doing the failure simulation this way, we could simulate what happened when this database was restarted.
Fail-Over Observations

The Oracle 10g R2-RAC Fail-Over option yielded different results depending on the application tested. When a specific test was conducted, the results were documented and compiled into the behavior summaries in this document. Although full use of the fail-over features provided within RAC can not be tested, there were some applications within EnterpriseOne that work well. To fully utilize the Oracle 10g R2-RAC Transparent Application Fail-over (TAF) features, EnterpriseOne must be enhanced to include coding to specifically interact with the TAF features of Oracle-RAC.
EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server Fail-Over Behavior

The EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server was able to utilize the fail-over feature and was able to re-establish the necessary database connections for the kernels immediately or upon request when needed. No observable delay was visible to the user. At no time during any of the fail-over testing did the EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server need to be stopped and restarted due to a database failure.
Web Client Fail-Over Behavior

Following is a high level explanation of the observed fail-over behavior when the Web client was tested. No predictable behavior is observed from the client. The following results describe the user experience observed during the testing. The summary explanations below are each unique. There may not be substantial differences between them but the user experience was different so a slightly different explanation is provided. The results indicate a success or failure of an application to work with Oracle 10g R2-RAC database software features when a database node fails. Note that all the tested EnterpriseOne applications function properly when running in an Oracle database RAC environment. EnterpriseOne behaves exactly as if running on a single Oracle database instance. EnterpriseOne

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only malfunctions when one of the RAC nodes fail. Any user or process accessing the failed node is affected by the failure. This failure may or may not be a user friendly experience. Each of the tests below is associated with the corresponding user experience.
Fail-Over Behavior Summaries RESULT 1 Test 1. Address Book Entry - fastpath 3/G01

When the database was forced to fail, the user did not get any indication that the RAC node failed. The only visual indication observed after the failure was that no address book number was shown on the screen when the OK button was pressed. If the user did not notice this behavior, many entries might be made then later realize that none of the entries is actually saved. If users exit from the application but stay logged onto the same EnterpriseOne session, they can reopen the application but it will not be able to function correctly. However, the application is restored when users exit the application, log off EnterpriseOne, close the Explorer window, and then start a new EnterpriseOne session. All entries made before the failure were saved in the database and had address book numbers assigned to them. In summary, this application did not have a user friendly experience during a RAC node failure.
RESULT 2 Test 2. Address Book Report UBE fastpath 3/G0121

This UBE is a query type batch process that generates a report. During processing, when the database was forced to fail, the runbatch process automatically re-established its connection with the remaining running RAC database nodes and the UBE continued to process. The processing time was about twice as long, but the expected report was produced in its entirety. This operation did have a user friendly experience during a RAC node failure.
RESULT 3 Test 3. Test 4. Test 5. Test 8. Sales Order Entry fastpath 3/G4211 Standard Voucher Entry fastpath 3/G0411 Supplier Ledger Inquiry fastpath 16/G0411 Trial Balance Ledger Comparison fastpath 22/G0912

Test 10. Summary Availability fastpath 15/G41112

During this entry type process, when the database was forced to fail, the user did not get any indication that the RAC node failed. The input process continued after the failure without any interruption or abnormalities. After exiting from the entry application, a query was performed, and EnterpriseOne reported every entry and line as successfully completed. This included all entries made before the failure as well as all entries completed after the failure.

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Overall these applications gave a user friendly experience during a RAC node failure.
RESULT 4 Test 6. Standard Receipts Entry fastpath 5/G03B12

During this entry type process, when the database was forced to fail, EnterpriseOne displayed an error indicating that the Next Number was not obtained. This occurred because a database connection could not be made to assign the next number. The EnterpriseOne session must be exited and a new session established for work to continue without errors. The work performed before the failure was saved, but the current entry made during the failure was not saved. This application failed to function correctly during the RAC node failure, but the user was notified of the problem, although wasnt given details. This result was more user friendly and did not waste a lot of the users time.
RESULT 5 Test 7. Test 9. Journal Entry fastpath 2/G0911 Inventory Adjustments fastpath 65/G4111

During this entry process, when the database was forced to fail, the user did not get any indication that anything was wrong. The input process continued after the failure and appeared to be working correctly. When the operation was finalized, such as by pressing the OK button, an error window appeared and notified the user that there was a problem with the entry. When a search for the entered data was conducted, no data was found from before or after the database failure. To continue without errors, the EnterpriseOne session must be exited and a new session established in order. This was an undesirable user experience. The user was not aware of the failure until finalizing the entry, which might occur after entering many lines. At this point, the user discovered that the inputted data was not accepted. In addition to the loss of entered data, the users time was lost.

RESULT 6 Test 11. Purchase Order Entry fastpath 3/G43A11

During this entry process, the user did not receive any indication of error when the database was forced to fail. The input process continued and it appeared that everything was working correctly. When the operation finalized (such as by pressing the OK button), the process appeared to complete successfully. No error window appeared and no interruption to the current session was encountered. There was no indication that the RAC node failed. When a search for the entered data was conducted, no data was found from before or after the failure. To correct the problem, the EnterpriseOne session had to be exited and a new session started.

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Oracle 10g R2 Real Application Cluster (RAC) with EnterpriseOne Page 11

This user experience was the worst possible. The user was not alerted to the failure, and had no way to know that data was not being entered into the database. The user could potentially lose a lot of time entering data before discovering the problem. In addition to the loss of entered data, the users time was lost.
RESULT 7 Test 12. Print Pick Slips Batch UBE fastpath 4/G4211

During the processing of this type of batch query (which generates Pick Slips), the runbatch process automatically re-established its connection with the remaining running RAC database node and the UBE continued to process. The UBE appeared to continue running, and the job status did not change or indicate a problem. After 30 minutes, the job was terminated. No data was produced from the job that was running. When investigated, we discovered that no database connection was made and the process could not connect to the table and assign the next number. Within the same session, the job was submitted again, which ran without end until the process was terminated. To correct the problem, the EnterpriseOne session had to be exited and a new session established, then the job had to be resubmitted. This operation did have a user friendly experience during a RAC node failure.

The following preliminary recommendations are based on the test results described in this document. Further testing will be conducted and the results will be published. Overall the EnterpriseOne Applications tested worked well with the Oracle 10g R2-RAC database software. It has been proven that EnterpriseOne software will function equally well when used with the Oracle database RAC option installed on multiple nodes, or on a single machine with a single instance of the Oracle database software. An advantage of using the Oracle 10g R2-RAC database option is realized when evaluating the load balancing feature. This option of the RAC software enables the database connections to automatically balance across each of the database nodes. The load balancing method implemented may be a client-based or server-based load balancing method. Either method works well; each individual site should evaluate the utilization of the RAC nodes and implement the method that works best for them. Specific performance results were not gathered in the scope of this project. As described in the Fail-Over Behavior Summaries section of this paper, the user experience varied depending on the application being tested. The RAC fail-over feature performed better than expected with some applications but also provided a less than acceptable user experience with others. The RAC fail-over features are not expected to work as well as the RAC load balancing feature due to the fact that EnterpriseOne software has not been specifically written to take advantage of the RAC fail-over features. The load balancing feature does not require any specially written code to function correctly. The EnterpriseOne Services that run on the Enterprise Server are necessary to allow all aspects of EnterpriseOne to function. These services establish database connections that allow users to utilize the EnterpriseOne software.

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The user tasks can include log on security verification, interactive application navigation, and submitting batch UBE jobs. While performing the fail-over part of this project, the EnterpriseOne Services were able to maintain the necessary database connections to allow EnterpriseOne to continue functioning. If the Services were connected to the failed RAC node, their current connection was lost. When the Services were called upon by EnterpriseOne they would re-establish a new connection to the surviving RAC node. As the RAC nodes were repeatedly forced to fail the EnterpriseOne Services continued to re-establish database connections without any user interaction to manually restart the services. This highlights how well EnterpriseOne Services work with the Oracle RAC fail-over feature. EnterpriseOne interactive clients and batch processing UBEs produced various results that were not consistent across the EnterpriseOne applications tested when the RAC node fail-over occurred. If Oracle 10g R2-RAC is implemented, users must be aware of the normal EnterpriseOne application interactive behavior and be very observant to visual differences that might indicate a node failure has occurred. When the Oracle database RAC option is implemented a data verification process needs to be previously defined, tested, and accepted as a reliable method to be able to check the integrity of the data that was being accessed when the RAC node fail-over occurred. The methods implemented to perform this data integrity check may be an automated job, a manual interactive user process or a combination of both that every company implementing RAC must decide on how to best perform this check. Administrators that implement the RAC option must have a method of monitoring the nodes so they can be notified when a failure occurs. The Oracle Enterprise Manager does include a variety of methods to notify administrators based on user defined values depending on what is important to each company. If the administrator knows that a RAC node has caused a fail-over to occur and the reason why, the administrator can then notify the users and tell them about the specific problem so the users will be able to check the data integrity. In summary, Oracle 10g R2-RAC worked with EnterpriseOne 8.96 GA software. There are EnterpriseOne improvements that have been noted, will be addressed, and possibly made available in future EnterpriseOne releases to take full advantage of the Oracle Database RAC options offered.

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Oracle 10g R2 Real Application Clusters (RAC) version is supported with EnterpriseOne 8.96 GA

This paper is not intended to be the only source of information for implementing the Oracle RAC database software options. You should form a cross-functional team for this implementation. This team should be very familiar with system administration, hardware and software clusters, database concepts, the Oracle Application Server, and EnterpriseOne installation and operation. EnterpriseOne installation and configuration documentation must be used in conjunction with the platform specific guides for each of the corresponding software products installed.
General All Plaforms

ASMCMD - ASM Command Line Utility Oracle Metalink Document ID: Note:332180.1
Red Hat Linux (x86)

Oracle Database Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2) for Linux Part Number B14203-05 Oracle Database Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2) for Linux x86 Part Number B15660-02 Step By Step 10gR2 RAC with ASM install on Linux(x86) Demo Oracle Metalink Document ID: Note: 337937.1
Microsoft Windows (x86)

Oracle Database Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2) for Microsoft Windows Part Number B14207-04 Oracle Database Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2) for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit) Part Number B14316-01 Step-By-Step Install of RAC with OCFS on Windows 2003 Oracle Metalink Document ID: Note:178882.1 How to setup ASM on Windows Oracle Metalink Document ID: Note:331796.1

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Solaris (UltraSPARC)

Oracle Database Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2) for Solaris Operating System Part Number B14205-05 Oracle Database Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2) for Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit) Part Number B15690-02
AIX (IBM pSeries)

Oracle Database Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2) for AIX Part Number B14201-03 Oracle Database Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2) for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit) Part Number B19075-02

Oracle Database Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2) for HP-UX Part Number B14202-04 Oracle Database Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2) for hp-ux PA-RISC (64-Bit) Part Number B19068-02

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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND DOCUMENTATION Specific Environment Configuration System Diagrams

The following information indicates the hardware and software used during this test. This information does not indicate the only supported configurations. Any configuration specified in the EnterpriseOne Tools 8.9x Minimum Technical Requirements is supported. Note the specific versions of Operating Systems as well as the other software that is compatible and certified for the RAC Environments.
Oracle Application Server

This system was tested with OAS using a Linux based OAS server.
Equipment and Software
Red Hat Linux (x86) EnterpriseOne 8.96 GA

Oracle RAC Oracle Application Server Red Hat Linux 3.0 Update 6 denpro6 database server rac1 instance Linux denpro7 database server rac2 instance Linux denpro8 enterprise server Linux denpro9 OAS server Linux denpro1 windows client Windows 2003
denpro6 and denpro7 specific configuration:

Intel Xeon 2-cpu x 3.066Ghz ProLiant DL380 G3 5gb memory 2 1Gb lan interfaces 6 X 36gb Internal Drives 1 Fibre storage interface both share three fibre storage arrays totaling 30 x 36gb using an MSA1000 Controller both run Red Hat Linux 3.0 Update 6
denpro8 and denpro9 specific configuration:

Intel Xeon 2-cpu x 3.066Ghz ProLiant DL380 G3 5gb memory 1 1Gb lan interface

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2 x 146gb Internal Drives both are running Red Hat Linux 3.0 Update 6

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ORACLE INFORMATION Oracle Files and Settings

The files below are shown as examples only. The contents of each file depend upon your system configuration, hardware, and operating system. The important settings in these files are those that are used to communicate with and configure Oracle 10g R2-RAC. Use these examples to reference the concepts of the installed RAC components. These concepts apply across platforms and systems.
TNSNAMES.ORA Database Node 1 denpro6 rac1


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Database Node 2 denpro7 rac2


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Windows Client denpro1

Oracle Application Server ( Server denpro9

rac = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = denpro6)(PORT = 1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = denpro7)(PORT = 1521))

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EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server denpro8

Deployment Server denpro5

SQLNET.ORA Database Nodes 1 and 2 denpro6 rac1 and denpro7 rac2


Oracle Application Server denpro9


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Windows Client denpro1 and Deployment Server denpro5


LISTENER.ORA Database Node 1 denpro6 rac1

SID_LIST_LISTENER_DENPRO6 = (SID_LIST = (SID_DESC = (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc) (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1) (PROGRAM = extproc) ) ) LISTENER_DENPRO6 = (DESCRIPTION_LIST = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = EXTPROC1)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = denpro6-vip)(PORT = 1521)(IP = FIRST)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)(IP = FIRST)) ) )
Database Node 2 denpro7 rac2

SID_LIST_LISTENER_DENPRO7 = (SID_LIST = (SID_DESC = (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc) (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1) (PROGRAM = extproc) ) ) LISTENER_DENPRO7 = (DESCRIPTION_LIST = (DESCRIPTION =

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Oracle 10g R2 Real Application Cluster (RAC) with EnterpriseOne Page 22

Listener Status

When the statement, lsnrctl status, is used, the following should appear: Database Node 1 denpro6 rac1 LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 15-JUN-2006 07:49:41 Copyright (c) 1991, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521)) STATUS of the LISTENER -----------------------Alias LISTENER_DENPRO6 Version TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production Start Date 22-MAY-2006 07:39:32 Uptime 24 days 0 hr. 10 min. 8 sec Trace Level off Security ON: Local OS Authentication SNMP ON Listener Parameter File /u01/app/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora Listener Log File /u01/app/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/log/listener_denpro6.log Listening Endpoints Summary... (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(KEY=EXTPROC1))) (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= Services Summary... Service "+ASM" has 1 instance(s). Instance "+ASM1", status BLOCKED, has 1 handler(s) for this service... Service "+ASM_XPT" has 1 instance(s). Instance "+ASM1", status BLOCKED, has 1 handler(s) for this service... Service "PLSExtProc" has 1 instance(s). Instance "PLSExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service... Service "rac" has 2 instance(s). Instance "rac1", status READY, has 2 handler(s) for this service... Instance "rac2", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service... Service "racXDB" has 2 instance(s). Instance "rac1", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service... Instance "rac2", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...

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Oracle 10g R2 Real Application Cluster (RAC) with EnterpriseOne Page 23

Service "rac_XPT" has 2 instance(s). Instance "rac1", status READY, has 2 handler(s) for this service... Instance "rac2", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service... The command completed successfully
Database Node 2 denpro7 rac2

LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 15-JUN-2006 07:51:47 Copyright (c) 1991, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521)) STATUS of the LISTENER -----------------------Alias LISTENER_DENPRO7 Version TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production Start Date 25-MAY-2006 13:57:22 Uptime 20 days 17 hr. 54 min. 25 sec Trace Level off Security ON: Local OS Authentication SNMP ON Listener Parameter File /u01/app/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora Listener Log File /u01/app/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/log/listener_denpro7.log Listening Endpoints Summary... (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(KEY=EXTPROC1))) (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= Services Summary... Service "+ASM" has 1 instance(s). Instance "+ASM2", status BLOCKED, has 1 handler(s) for this service... Service "+ASM_XPT" has 1 instance(s). Instance "+ASM2", status BLOCKED, has 1 handler(s) for this service... Service "PLSExtProc" has 1 instance(s). Instance "PLSExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service... Service "rac" has 2 instance(s). Instance "rac1", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service... Instance "rac2", status READY, has 2 handler(s) for this service... Service "racXDB" has 2 instance(s). Instance "rac1", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service... Instance "rac2", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service... Service "rac_XPT" has 2 instance(s). Instance "rac1", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service... Instance "rac2", status READY, has 2 handler(s) for this service... The command completed successfully

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Oracle 10g R2 Real Application Cluster (RAC) with EnterpriseOne Page 24

Initialization Parameter File

For this test, the Initialization Parameter File was used to easily make changes and track modifications to configure and control the database. The SPFILE was created from the pfile and mutually shared between the two nodes. The values in these files were used to perform our tests. Due to the scope of this test, there were no performance configuration tests performed. The values used allowed our environment to function in conjunction with the specific hardware used. These settings will not be justified or defended as the perfect set of values for numbers in all environments. These settings produced satisfactory results in our system, but may not be optimal for your system. These are the settings used in this test to produce results that we were satisfied with at the conclusion of the test. Everyone must configure their own systems to meet their own needs and equipment. As with a single Oracle instance configuration, the values used in the initialization files are very dependant on the hardware used, as well as the actual work performed with the EnterpriseOne system.
Database Node 1 & 2 Shared Pfile Entries

rac1.__db_cache_size=1023410176 rac2.__db_cache_size=889192448 rac1.__java_pool_size=16777216 rac2.__java_pool_size=16777216 rac1.__large_pool_size=16777216 rac2.__large_pool_size=16777216 rac1.__shared_pool_size=318767104 rac2.__shared_pool_size=452984832 rac1.__streams_pool_size=117440512 rac2.__streams_pool_size=117440512 *._db_block_lru_latches=3 *._kgl_large_heap_warning_threshold=8388608 *.audit_file_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/rac/adump' *.background_dump_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/rac/bdump' *.cluster_database_instances=2 *.cluster_database=true *.compatible='' *.control_files='+GRP1/rac/controlfile/current.260.583161227' *.core_dump_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/rac/cdump' *.cursor_space_for_time=TRUE *.db_block_checking='FALSE' *.db_block_checksum='FALSE' *.db_block_size=8192 *.db_cache_size=0 *.db_create_file_dest='+GRP1' *.db_domain='' *.db_file_multiblock_read_count=128 *.db_name='rac' *.db_writer_processes=3

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*.disk_asynch_io=TRUE *.dispatchers='(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=racXDB)' *.filesystemio_options='ASYNCH' rac1.instance_number=1 rac2.instance_number=2 *.job_queue_processes=10 *.open_cursors=6000 *.pga_aggregate_target=838860800 *.pre_page_sga=TRUE *.processes=3000 *.remote_listener='LISTENERS_RAC' *.remote_login_passwordfile='exclusive' *.session_cached_cursors=1024 *.sga_max_size=1500000000 *.sga_target=1500000000 *.streams_pool_size=104857600 rac2.thread=2 rac1.thread=1 *.undo_management='AUTO' rac1.undo_tablespace='UNDO_RAC1_1' rac2.undo_tablespace='UNDO_RAC2_1' *.user_dump_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/rac/udump' *.workarea_size_policy='AUTO'

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Database Node 2 denpro7 Initialization Parameter Values NAME TYPE VALUE

O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY _db_block_lru_latches _kgl_large_heap_warning_threshold active_instance_count aq_tm_processes archive_lag_target asm_diskgroups asm_diskstring asm_power_limit audit_file_dest audit_sys_operations audit_syslog_level audit_trail background_core_dump background_dump_dest backup_tape_io_slaves bitmap_merge_area_size blank_trimming buffer_pool_keep buffer_pool_recycle circuits cluster_database cluster_database_instances cluster_interconnects commit_point_strength commit_write compatible control_file_record_keep_time control_files core_dump_dest cpu_count create_bitmap_area_size create_stored_outlines

boolean integer integer integer integer integer string string integer string boolean string string string string boolean integer boolean string string integer boolean integer string integer string string integer string string integer integer string

FALSE 24 8388608 0 0

1 /u01/app/oracle/admin/rac/adump FALSE NONE partial /u01/app/oracle/admin/rac/bdump FALSE 1048576 FALSE

TRUE 2 1 7 +GRP1/rac/controlfile/current.260.583161227 /u01/app/oracle/admin/rac/cdump 4 8388608

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Database Node 2 denpro7 Initialization Parameter Values NAME TYPE VALUE

cursor_sharing cursor_space_for_time db_16k_cache_size db_2k_cache_size db_32k_cache_size db_4k_cache_size db_8k_cache_size db_block_buffers db_block_checking db_block_checksum db_block_size db_cache_advice db_cache_size db_create_file_dest db_create_online_log_dest_1 db_create_online_log_dest_2 db_create_online_log_dest_3 db_create_online_log_dest_4 db_create_online_log_dest_5 db_domain db_file_multiblock_read_count db_file_name_convert db_files db_flashback_retention_target db_keep_cache_size db_name db_recovery_file_dest db_recovery_file_dest_size db_recycle_cache_size db_unique_name db_writer_processes dbwr_io_slaves ddl_wait_for_locks

string boolean big integer big integer big integer big integer big integer integer string string integer string big integer string string string string string string string integer string integer integer big integer string string big integer big integer string integer integer boolean

EXACT TRUE 0 0 0 0 0 0 FALSE FALSE 8192 ON 0 +GRP1

128 200 1440 0 rac 0 0 rac 3 0 FALSE

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Database Node 2 denpro7 Initialization Parameter Values NAME TYPE VALUE

dg_broker_config_file1 dg_broker_config_file2 dg_broker_start disk_asynch_io dispatchers distributed_lock_timeout dml_locks drs_start event fal_client fal_server fast_start_io_target fast_start_mttr_target fast_start_parallel_rollback file_mapping fileio_network_adapters filesystemio_options fixed_date gc_files_to_locks gcs_server_processes global_context_pool_size global_names hash_area_size hi_shared_memory_address hs_autoregister ifile instance_groups instance_name instance_number instance_type java_max_sessionspace_size

string string boolean boolean string integer integer boolean string string string integer integer string boolean string string string string integer string boolean integer integer boolean file string string integer string integer

/u01/app/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0 /db_1/dbs/dr1rac.dat /u01/app/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0 /db_1/dbs/dr2rac.dat FALSE TRUE (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=racXDB) 60 14540 FALSE


2 FALSE 131072 0 TRUE

rac2 2 RDBMS 0

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Oracle 10g R2 Real Application Cluster (RAC) with EnterpriseOne Page 29

Database Node 2 denpro7 Initialization Parameter Values NAME TYPE VALUE

java_pool_size java_soft_sessionspace_limit job_queue_processes large_pool_size ldap_directory_access license_max_sessions license_max_users license_sessions_warning local_listener lock_name_space lock_sga log_archive_config log_archive_dest log_archive_dest_1 log_archive_dest_10 log_archive_dest_2 log_archive_dest_3 log_archive_dest_4 log_archive_dest_5 log_archive_dest_6 log_archive_dest_7 log_archive_dest_8 log_archive_dest_9 log_archive_dest_state_1 log_archive_dest_state_10 log_archive_dest_state_2 log_archive_dest_state_3 log_archive_dest_state_4 log_archive_dest_state_5 log_archive_dest_state_6 log_archive_dest_state_7 log_archive_dest_state_8 log_archive_dest_state_9

big integer integer integer big integer string integer integer integer string string boolean string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string

0 0 10 0 NONE 0 0 0


enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable

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Database Node 2 denpro7 Initialization Parameter Values NAME TYPE VALUE

log_archive_duplex_dest log_archive_format log_archive_local_first log_archive_max_processes log_archive_min_succeed_dest log_archive_start log_archive_trace log_buffer log_checkpoint_interval log_checkpoint_timeout log_checkpoints_to_alert log_file_name_convert logmnr_max_persistent_sessions max_commit_propagation_delay max_dispatchers max_dump_file_size max_enabled_roles max_shared_servers nls_calendar nls_comp nls_currency nls_date_format nls_date_language nls_dual_currency nls_iso_currency nls_language nls_length_semantics nls_nchar_conv_excp nls_numeric_characters nls_sort nls_territory nls_time_format nls_time_tz_format

string string boolean nteger integer boolean integer integer integer integer boolean string integer integer integer string integer integer string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string AMERICA AMERICAN BYTE FALSE UNLIMITED 150 1 0 %t_%s_%r.dbf TRUE 2 1 FALSE 0 15316992 0 1800 FALSE

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Database Node 2 denpro7 Initialization Parameter Values NAME TYPE VALUE

nls_timestamp_format nls_timestamp_tz_format object_cache_max_size_percent object_cache_optimal_size olap_page_pool_size open_cursors open_links open_links_per_instance optimizer_dynamic_sampling optimizer_features_enable optimizer_index_caching optimizer_index_cost_adj optimizer_mode optimizer_secure_view_merging os_authent_prefix os_roles parallel_adaptive_multi_user parallel_automatic_tuning parallel_execution_message_size parallel_instance_group parallel_max_servers parallel_min_percent parallel_min_servers parallel_server parallel_server_instances parallel_threads_per_cpu pga_aggregate_target plsql_ccflags plsql_code_type plsql_compiler_flags plsql_debug plsql_native_library_dir plsql_native_library_subdir_count

string string integer integer big integer integer integer integer integer string integer integer string boolean string boolean boolean boolean integer string integer integer integer boolean integer integer big integer string string string boolean string integer 0 INTERPRETED INTERPRETED, NON_DEBUG FALSE 80 0 0 TRUE 2 2 800M 10 102400 0 6000 4 4 2 0 100 ALL_ROWS TRUE ops$ FALSE TRUE FALSE 2148

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Database Node 2 denpro7 Initialization Parameter Values NAME TYPE VALUE

plsql_optimize_level plsql_v2_compatibility plsql_warnings pre_page_sga processes query_rewrite_enabled query_rewrite_integrity rdbms_server_dn read_only_open_delayed recovery_parallelism recyclebin remote_archive_enable remote_dependencies_mode remote_listener remote_login_passwordfile remote_os_authent remote_os_roles replication_dependency_tracking resource_limit resource_manager_plan resumable_timeout rollback_segments serial_reuse service_names session_cached_cursors session_max_open_files sessions sga_max_size sga_target shadow_core_dump shared_memory_address shared_pool_reserved_size shared_pool_size

integer boolean string boolean integer string string string boolean integer string string string string string boolean boolean boolean boolean string integer string string string integer integer integer big integer big integer string integer big integer big integer

2 FALSE DISABLE:ALL TRUE 3000 TRUE enforced FALSE 0 on true TIMESTAMP LISTENERS_RAC EXCLUSIVE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE 0 disable rac 1024 10 3305 1440M 1440M partial 0 22649241 0

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Database Node 2 denpro7 Initialization Parameter Values NAME TYPE VALUE

shared_server_sessions shared_servers skip_unusable_indexes smtp_out_server sort_area_retained_size sort_area_size spfile sql92_security sql_trace sql_version sqltune_category standby_archive_dest standby_file_management star_transformation_enabled statistics_level streams_pool_size tape_asynch_io thread timed_os_statistics timed_statistics trace_enabled tracefile_identifier transactions transactions_per_rollback_segment undo_management undo_retention undo_tablespace use_indirect_data_buffers user_dump_dest utl_file_dir workarea_size_policy

integer integer boolean string integer integer string boolean boolean string string string string string string big integer boolean integer integer boolean boolean string integer integer string integer string boolean string string string AUTO 3635 5 AUTO 900 UNDO_RAC2_1 FALSE /u01/app/oracle/admin/rac/udump 0 65536 +GRP1/rac/spfilerac.ora FALSE FALSE NATIVE DEFAULT ?/dbs/arch MANUAL FALSE TYPICAL 112M TRUE 2 0 TRUE TRUE 1 TRUE

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Oracle 10g R2 Real Application Cluster (RAC) with EnterpriseOne Page 34


Test 1 Address Book Entry 3/G01 Form Title Action Test Value

Master Directory Work With Addresses Enter Address Book Revision Information

Enter Fast path Press ADD Button Enter Alpha Name Enter Search Type Press OK button

3/G01 Abtest1 E

Supplier Master Revision Enter Address Book Revision Information

Press OK button Press OK button Enter Alpha Name Enter Search Type Press OK button Abtest2 E

Supplier Master Revision Enter Address Book Revision Information

Press OK button Press OK button Enter Alpha Name Enter Search Type Press OK button Abtest3 E

Supplier Master Revision

Press OK button Press OK button Press Cancel button

Work With Addresses

Enter Alpha Name Enter Search Type Press Find button

Abtest* E

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Oracle 10g R2 Real Application Cluster (RAC) with EnterpriseOne Page 35

Test 2 Address Book Report UBE 3/G0121

Form Title
Master Directory Work with Batch Versions Available Versions Version Prompting

Enter Fast path Select Check Box Press Select button Select Check Box Select Form Menu Select Advanced Press Check Box Press OK Button Override Location Data Selection 3/G0121 XJDE0001

Test Value

Version Prompting JDE Data Sources

Press Submit Button Select Enterprise Server radio button Press Select Select Left Operand Select Comparison Select Right Operand Address Number (F0101) (AN8) [BC] Is less than Literal Value 5000

Data Selection

Select Literal Value Data Selection Printer Selection Work With Batch Version Available Version Submitted Job Search

Enter Literal Value Press OK Button Press OK Button Press OK Button Select Form Menu Select Submitted Jobs Find the job you just submitted. When the Description field shows Done. Look at the PDF and determine the success.

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Test 3 Sales Order Entry 3/G4211 Form Title Action Test Value

Master Directory Customer Service Inquiry Sales Order Detail Revisions

Enter Fast path Press ADD button Enter Document Type Enter Branch/Plant Enter Sold To Enter Ship Enter Order Date Line 1 - Enter Quantity Ordered Line 1 - Enter Item Number Line 1 - Enter Unit of Measurement Line 2 - Enter Quantity Ordered Line 2 - Enter Item Number Line 2 - Enter Unit of Measurement Line 3 - Enter Quantity Ordered Line 3 - Enter Item Number Line 3 - Enter Unit of Measurement Line 4 - Enter Quantity Ordered Line 4 - Enter Item Number Line 4 - Enter Unit of Measurement Line 5 - Enter Quantity Ordered Line 5 - Enter Item Number Line 5 - Enter Unit of Measurement Line 6 - Enter Quantity Ordered Line 6 - Enter Item Number Line 6 - Enter Unit of Measurement Line 7 - Enter Quantity Ordered Line 7 - Enter Item Number Line 8 - Enter Quantity Ordered Line 8 - Enter Item Number Line 8 - Enter Unit of Measurement Line 9 - Enter Quantity Ordered


SO M30A 26403 26411 Todays Date + 1 week 1 702141 EA 2 702230 EA 3 702256 EA 4 702272 EA 5 702299 EA 6 702310 EA 7 702336 8 702352 EA 9

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Test 3 Sales Order Entry 3/G4211 Form Title Action Test Value

Line 9 - Enter Item Number Line 9 - Enter Unit of Measurement Line 10 - Enter Quantity Ordered Line 10 - Enter Item Number Line 10 - Enter Unit of Measurement Press OK button

702459 EA 10 702467 EA

Test 4 Standard Voucher Entry 3/G0411 Form Title Action Test Value

Master Directory Supplier Ledger Inquiry Enter Voucher Payment Information

Enter Fast path Press ADD button Enter Company Enter Supplier Number Enter GL Date Press On Gross Amount Field Enter Gross Amount Press OK button

3/G0411 00050 4010 06/01/2000 500 M30.1510.A1 100 M30.1511.A1 100 M30.1710.A1 100 M30.6020.A1 100 M30.6030.A1 100

Enter Voucher G/L Distribution

Line 1 Enter Account Line 1 Enter Amount Line 2 Enter Account Line 2 Enter Amount Line 3 Enter Account Line 3 Enter Amount Line 4 Enter Account Line 4 Enter Amount Line 5 Enter Account Line 5 Enter Amount Press OK button

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Test 5 Supplier Ledger Inquiry 16/G0411 Form Title Action Test Value

Master Directory Supplier Ledger Inquiry Address Book Long Number Search

Enter Fast path Focus on Supplier Number and hit CTRL-S Enter Name Search Enter Search Type Press FIND button Select 1st row in grid Press SELECT button



Supplier Ledger Inquiry

Press OPEN radio button Press FIND button

Test 6 Standard Receipts Entry 5/G03B12

Form Title


Test Value

Master Directory Receipt Entry

Enter Fast path Press Add Enter Company Enter Payor Enter Customer Enter Receipt Number Enter GL Date Enter Receipt Amount Press Menu Option FORM/SELECT Press Find

5/G03B12 00200 or 00001 39950 39950 123ABC 6/1/2000 1

Select Invoices

Enter QBE Document Number Press FIND Select 1st row in grid Press Menu Option ROW/SELECT Press CLOSE


Receipt Entry

Press OK button

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Test 7 Journal Entry 2/G0911 Form Title Action Test Value

Master Directory Journal Entry

Enter Fast path Press Add Enter Document Type Enter Company Enter G/L Date Enter Explanation Enter Ledger Type Click on First Grid Line Line 1 - Enter Account Number Line 1 Enter positive Amount Line 2 - Enter Account Number Line 2 Enter negative Amount Line 3 - Enter Account Number Line 3 Enter positive Amount Line 4 - Enter Account Number Line 4 Enter negative Amount Line 5 - Enter Account Number Line 5 Enter positive Amount Line 6 - Enter Account Number Line 6 Enter negative Amount Line 7 - Enter Account Number Line 7 Enter positive Amount Line 8 - Enter Account Number Line 8 Enter negative Amount Line 9 - Enter Account Number Line 9 Enter positive Amount Line 10 - Enter Account Number Line 10 Enter negative Amount Press OK button

2/G0911 JE 00050 6/01/2000 Explanation AA M30.5010. 1 M30.5015. -1 M30.5020. 2 M30.5060. -2 M30.5080. 3 M30.5090. -3 M30.6020. 4 M30.6022. -4 M30.6024. 5 M30.6026. -5

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Test 8 Trial Balance Ledger Comparison 22/G0912 Form Title Action Test Value

Master Directory Trial Balance/Ledger Comparison

Enter Fast path Enter Skip to Account Select/Skip To Account Enter Thru Date 1 Enter Thru Date 2 Press FIND button

22/G0912 1 Uncheck 02/28/99 12/31/99 5

Trial Balance/Ledger Comparison

Enter LOD Press FIND button

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Test 9 Inventory Adjustments 65/G4111 Form Title Action Test Value

Master Directory Inventory Adjustments

Enter Fast path Enter Document Type Enter G/L Date Enter Branch/Plant Enter Explanation Line 1 - Enter Item Number Line 1 - Enter Quantity Line 2 - Enter Item Number Line 2 - Enter Quantity Line 3 - Enter Item Number Line 3 - Enter Quantity Line 4 - Enter Item Number Line 4 - Enter Quantity Line 5 - Enter Item Number Line 5 - Enter Quantity Line 6 - Enter Item Number Line 6 - Enter Quantity Line 7 - Enter Item Number Line 7 - Enter Quantity Line 8 - Enter Item Number Line 8 - Enter Quantity Line 9 - Enter Item Number Line 9 - Enter Quantity Line 10 - Enter Item Number Line 10 - Enter Quantity Press OK button

65/G4111 IA 06/01/2000 M30 Explanation 702459 1 746654 2 6008 3 6010 4 6012 5 704083 6 6015 7 6101 8 6102 9 6104 10

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Test 10 Summary Availability 15/G41112 Form Title Action Test Value

Master Directory Work With Item Availability

Enter Fast path Enter Item Number Enter Branch/Plant Check Omit Zero Quantities check box Press FIND button Select first grid row Press Menu Option Row/Detail Avail

15/G41112 708412 M30

Detail Availability

Press CANCEL button

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Test 11 Purchase Order Entry 3/G43A11 Form Title Action Test Value

Master Directory Order Detail

Enter Fast path Press Add Enter Document Type Enter Supplier Enter Branch/Plant Enter Order Date Line 1 - Enter Item Number Line 1 Enter Quantity Line 2 - Enter Item Number Line 2- Enter Quantity Line 3 - Enter Item Number Line 3 - Enter Quantity Line 4 - Enter Item Number Line 4 - Enter Quantity Line 5 - Enter Item Number Line 5 - Enter Quantity Line 6 - Enter Item Number Line 6 - Enter Quantity Line 7 - Enter Item Number Line 7 - Enter Quantity Line 8 - Enter Item Number Line 8 - Enter Quantity Line 9 - Enter Item Number Line 9 - Enter Quantity Line 10 - Enter Item Number Line 10 - Enter Quantity Press OK button

3/G43A11 OP 3480 M30 Todays Date 702459 1 746654 2 6008 3 6010 4 6012 5 6013 6 6015 7 6101 8 704083 9 6104 10

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Test 12 Print Pick Slips Batch 4/G4211 Form Title Action Test Value

Master Directory Work with Batch Versions Available Versions Version Prompting

Enter Fast path Select Check Box Press Select button Select Check Box Select Form Menu Select Advanced Press Check Box Press OK Button

4/G4211 XJDE0001

Data Selection

Override Location

Version Prompting JDE Data Sources Data Selection

Press Submit Button Select Enterprise Server radio button Press Select Select Left Operand Select Comparison Select Right Operand Document (Order NO, Invoice, etc.) (F4211) (DOCO) [BC] Is equal to Literal Value 10000 11000

Select Literal Value

Select Range of Values Tab Literal Value From: Literal value To: Press OK Button

Data Selection Processing Options

Press OK Button 1. Next Status From 2. Next Status Thru Press OK Button 520 999

Printer Selection Work With Batch Version Available Version Submitted Job Search

Press OK Button Select Form Menu Select Submitted Jobs Find the job you just submitted. When the Description field shows Done. Look at the PDF and determine the success.


This section documents that real-world validation that this Red Paper has received.

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Customer Validation

Oracle is working with Oracle customers to get feedback and validation on this document. Lessons learned from these customer experiences will be posted here.
Field Validation

Oracle Consulting has provided feedback and validation on this document. Additional lessons learned from field experience will be posted here.

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Oracle Corporation World Headquarters 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores, CA 94065 U.S.A. Worldwide Inquiries: Phone: +1.650.506.7000 Fax: +1.650.506.7200 Copyright 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission. Oracle, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, and Retek are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. This document is for informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into a contract or agreement.

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