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Curing diseases with gems Gems, diseases and plan ets causing the diseas e

Astrologically the houses 6th, 8th and 12th represent diseases, enemies, debts and obstacles. If these houses are occupied by malefic planets, they contribute to diseases and losses. When a planet is placed in any or all of these houses, its negative vibrations are induced into the brain and nervous system of the native leading to mental and physical distress. Hence, the native will not be able to take wise decisions and cannot carry his plans without flaws. This leads to tensions, losses and diseases. By wearing gems, the negative vibrations entering into the native can be nullified. When a gem of a planet is worn by the native, that gem fills the nat ives nervous system with specific positive vibrations. This leads the native to recover from diseases and attain prosperity.

The following table describes the name of the disease and the planets which cause that disease along with which gem should be worn by the native to re-introduce the positive vibrations to cure that disease. In each case, weight of the gem stone should be from 5 to 6 carats unless otherwise specified. [1 carat = 200 milligrams] Remember Red Coral should be worn in a copper ring and Yellow Sapphire in a gold ring to either ring finger or index finger. Ruby should be worn in gold ring to ring finger. Moonstone and White Pearl should be worn in silver ring and Emerald in gold ring to little finger. Blue Sapphire and Lapis Lazuli should b e worn in an iron or silver ring to middle finger. Cats eye and Hessonite should be worn in silver ring to little finger. Where more than one gem is prescribed, each gem should be worn in a separate ring. All the gems should be worn to the fingers of right hand only.

Disease Anemia

Planets causing it Gem stones Sun, Jupiter Red Coral and Yellow

This is also called bloodlessness. It is an indication of afflicted by Saturn reduced red corpuscles in blood. Arthritis / Rheumatism and Mars.


It is caused by inflammation of the joints. The person Saturn and Rahu. feels pain when walking or sitting. Asthma The bronchial tubes contract and secrete an excessive mucous which makes breathing difficult. Eye problems





Sapphire. Emerald and Yellow Use as an

Saturn, Moon and Sapphire. Mercury. Moonstone additional gem. Afflicted Moon. Sun and Red pearl. ruby and

Eye sight, infections to eyes are the common problems to many people. Brain fever


It is caused by inflammation of the meninges which is an envelop of the brain and spinal cord. Brain

Saturn, Rahu.


and Ruby,



and Emerald.

tumors Afflicted Mars and Red Coral, Emerald and Mercury. Mars or Sun Yellow Sapphire.

This represents growth of unwanted tissue in the brain. Bronchitis

This is a kind of lung disease which is caused by the afflicted by Rahu or Red Coral. inflammation of bronchial tubes. Saturn. Moon Cancer Cancer is the result of abnormal growth of body cells. Kethu afflicted and by any Light Blue Sapphire to middle finger, Red Coral to ring finger. Red Coral in a copper ring.

other one or two planets.

Chickenpox This causes skin eruption and blisters on the body.




Moonstone of 1 carat can be worn in a silver

Children below 10 years are prone to many diseases like Moon. diarrhea, allergies, food poisoning, etc.

pendant around the neck of the child.



liver Mercury and Jupiter

Emerald Sapphire. Moonstone


Yellow Use as an

This is a condition where liver will be hardened and afflicted by Saturn enlarged. Colitis It is inflammation of intestines with severe pain. Acute Saturn and Mars. condition of this disease is called ulcerative colitis. Constipation This is a symptom where bowl movement will be Saturn. reduced. Deafness /Ear troubles Saturn Mercury. and and Kethu.

additional gem.

Emerald and Moonstone.

Red Coral in a copper ring. Red Coral. Wear Emerald to middle finger as an additional gem. White Coral and Lapis Lazuli.

Problems to ears are caused by accumulation of wax in the ears, ruptured ear drum or blows to head. Dermatitis

These are skin troubles like rashes and infections to Venus and Mars. skin. Two Diabetes or three

malefic planets in

It represents abnormal glucose levels in the blood, watery signs. Moon marked by excessive urination and persistent thirst. and Venus afflicted by Mars and Sun. Digestive Digestive system related diseases like disorders diarrhea, Saturn and afflicted Sun.

Red Coral, Emerald and Blue Sapphire.

Emerald, Sapphire Moonstone. Red Coral,

Yellow and

dysentery and poor digestion. Diseases of the blood

Yellow and

They refer to diseases like syphilis, anemia, leukemia, Saturn and Mars. etc. Epilepsy It is characterized by sudden disturbances of brain function. Frigidity in Afflicted Mars,

Sapphire Moonstone.

Emerald and Moonstone. Use Red Coral as a

Mercury and Moon.

secondary gem White pearl of 12 carats should be worn in a

sex Afflicted



This represents a lack of interest in sexual intercourse. Headache / Migraine

Rahu and Saturn.

silver ring to little finger.

Anxiety, indigestion, eye troubles and sinus infection cause headaches. Heart



Mars and Saturn.

Emerald and Moonstone.

diseases Afflicted

Sun Rahu

by or

Emerald, and Use



This represents functional disorder of heart and its Saturn, valves. Hysteria Mars.

Yellow Red

Sapphire. as an


additional gem Coral and

Moon, Mercury and Red

This is mental sickness which causes frequent fits and Saturn. fainting with abnormal behavior. Insanity / Mental illness Afflicted Moon or


This is mental disorder where the personal behavior is Mercury by Saturn exaggerated. Insomnia This is a condition where the person cannot sleep adequate time. Jaundice This is caused by excessive secretion of bile into the blood. It causes the skin and eyes to appear in yellow color. Leukemia This is also called blood cancer. Menstrual disorders Saturn and Mars. or Rahu. Afflicted

Emerald, Red Coral and Moonstone.

Mercury, Emerald, Moonstone and Yellow Sapphire.

Moon and Jupiter.





Light Blue Sapphire.

Cats Rahu and Kethu.



Sapphire and Gomedha (Hessonite).

These are related to female problems like bleeding and white discharge. Miscarriage It represents frequent abortion in pregnancy, Paralysis Loss of muscle function due to damage of nerves. Sunstroke

Afflicted Mars.



White pearl of 10 carats in silver ring. Use Red Coral as additional gem. Red Coral and Emerald. Red Coral and Emerald. Moonstone can be used as secondary gem.


Mercury afflicted by Saturn.

This is caused by excessive exposure to Sun light during Sun and Mars. summer. Throat troubles

Yellow Sapphire.

Pain in the throat, sore throat, tonsils, cough and Sun and Mars. chocking voice.

Red Coral.


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