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Autocad exam Practice quiz

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I 3728 Attempts I Created By kaps3157 569 days ago

Sample questions for Autocad exam created using Autocad official training guide.



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Q.1) By default, AutoCAD has the following workspaces

A. 2D Drafting & Annotation B. 3D Modeling C. My workspace D. AutoCAD Classic

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Q.2) Which Key do you press to cycle through the available snap points.
A. Ctrl B. Shift C. Tab D. Alt

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Q.3) One of the below options is wrong about type of Autocad drawing units.
A. Architectural B. Engineering C. Millimeter D. Decimal


Object snap tracking works in combination with object snaps to enable you to temporarily acquire and track up to how many points?
A. One B. Two C. Five D. Seven

Q.5) The following settings can be made for polar tracking

A. Increment angle B. Additional angles

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C. Track using all polar angles settings

Q.6) With a hot grip you can perform these editing tasks
A. Move B. Offset C. Rotate D. Scale

Q.7) Inorder to Move an object

A. select a base point,followed by a point to define where the object is moving to. B. use the Displacement option C. Select object for grips, then move D. Above all

Q.8) Copy command also creates Multiples copies of an object

A. True B. False

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What is the angle that you use to rotate the chair from point A to point B?
A. 90 B. -90 C. -270 D. None


If you need the text to be reversed, when you mirror the text,then you need to set


Inorder to get the below result using Object A, you have to set the number of rows and columns to:

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A. 4,1 B. 4,2 C. 4,3 D. 4,4


When using copy with grips, select Copy after you have selected an option, such as Move, Mirror, Rotate, Scale, or Stretch.

A. True B. False


By selecting one of the following, the Objects on the layer are not visible and are not considered when the drawing is regenerated.

A. When you off the layer B. When you froze the layer C. When you lock the layer D. None

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When you use the Match Properties command, you can select multiple source objects.

A. True B. False

Q.15) Using object snaps to select points for Inquiry commands is Critical
A. True B. False


What happens if you fillet these two lines with radius 0

A. Cannot fillet B. sharp corner C. None

Which of the following can be joined using Join command

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A. A B. B C. C D. D


The following are some of the properties and settings that you can save in a layout, except

A. Plot scale B. Paper size

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C. line weight D. Drawing orientation

Q.19) You can set viewport scale factor by

A. typing vscale B. typing vpscale C. typing viewportscale D. None

Q.20) What happens when you set VPROTATEASSOC System Variable to 0

A. When a viewport is rotated, the view inside is not rotated. B. When a viewport is rotated, the view inside is rotated to match the rotation of the viewport.

Q.21) With the Multiline Text editor, you can do all of the following, except:
A. insert numbered and bulleted lists B. insert specific drafting and engineering symbols C. insert pictures D. Create Fields such as date, time and author.

If you copy and paste text from another drawing or insert a block into a drawing that has the Q.22) same Text Style name with different properties, the text properties of the host drawing will take precedence.
A. True B. False

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What is the command used to draw the above dimension line?

A. Dimjogged B. Dimjogline C. Joggeddim D. joggedline

If you modify a dimension style, all dimensions using that style in the Q.24) drawing update automatically.
A. True B. False

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The multileaders 4,8,9 represent:

A. Aligned Multileaders B. Vertical Multileaders C. Collected Multileaders D. Horizontal Multileaders


What type of Island detection type is this?

A. Inner

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B. Outer C. Ignore D. Normal

Q.27) Using Purge command we can purge referenced blocks.

A. True B. False

Q.28) When you Explode a block, the geometry returns to its original properties.
A. True B. False


Options used to draw this polyline;

A. line B. arc

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C. tamper D. width


You cannot fillet or chamfer the first segment of a polyline with the last segment of the same polyline.

A. True B. False

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