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Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in simple future tense. NOTE : The simple future tense is used to express something which will happen or something which will be true in the future. One way to form this tense is: will + the simple present tense form of the verb. We use will when the subject is volunteering to do something in the future or deciding to do something in the future while speaking. EXAMPLE 1 : We (clean) will clean on Tuesday. (We just decided to clean.) EXAMPLE 2 : (drive) Will you drive on Sunday? (A decision about driving is being made.)

1. The house is dirty. I (clean) _______ it on Monday. 2. (cook) _______ you ________ on Tuesday, please? 3. It looks like the washer is broken. I (ask) _______ a repair man to come Wednesday. 4. Okay then, our group (meet) _______ on Thursday. 5. Helga (hike) _______ you _______ with us on Friday? 6. I guess I (ride) _______ the bus to save gas. 7. The cookies are all gone. (buy) _______ you _______ some, please? 8. Listen, team: we (win) _______ the trophy this year! 9. Everyone is hungry. I (get) _______ some doughnuts for breakfast. 10. Peter, (fix) _______ you _______ the porch tomorrow?


Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in simple future tense. NOTE: Sometimes the simple future tense is expressed using am, is, or are with going to. This form is used when a decision has already been made to do something in the future. EXAMPLE 1 : Governor Taylor (sign) is going to sign the new law. EXAMPLE 2 : Stan (share) is going to share a room with Tim next year.

11.Mrs. Garrison (teach) _______ ________ ______ ________ the class next year. 12.The soldiers (march) _______ ________ _______ _______ for three hours. 13.The sorority sisters (paint) _______ ________ ______ ________ the house blue on Saturday. 14. Mom and I (rake) _______ ________ _______ _______ the yard tomorrow. 15. I (ski) _______ ________ _______ _______ in Colorado this winter. 16. Drew and I (run)_____ _______ _____ _____ in the race next week. 17. The department store (have) ______ ________ _____ _______ a sale. 18. The nurse (bandage) _____ ________ ______ ________Bobbys leg. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin (buy) ______ _______ _____ ______ a houseboat. 20. We (grow) ______ ________ _____ _______ grapes to make wine.

Choose the correct form of the verb in simple future tense. NOTE: Sometimes the simple future tense is expressed by using a verb in the simple present tense form with an adverb or adverbial phrase like tomorrow, next, later, soon, next week, etc. EXAMPLE 1 : We (leave, leaves) leave for Venezuela next Tuesday. EXAMPLE 2 : Yin (perform, performs) performs her piano solo next.

21. Victoria (give, gives) _______ her speech tomorrow. 22. Joseph (graduate, graduates) _________ from college next month. 23. Matthew and I (meet, meets) ________ with the manager later today. 24. The surgeon (operate, operates) ________ Tuesday morning. 25. The new employee (start, starts) ________ work soon. 26. Giovanni (conduct, conducts) ________ the orchestra tonight. 27. Our family (gather, gathers) ________ for a reunion next week.


Choose the correct form of the verb in simple future tense. NOTE: To make this form of the simple future tense, it is possible to place the adverb or adverbial phrase either before or after the present tense form of the verb in the sentence. EXAMPLE 1 : In ten minutes, the movie (start, starts) starts. EXAMPLE 2 : Mr. and Mrs. Davis (travel, travels) travel to Canada next month.

28. Silas (throw, throws) ________ the discus today at the track meet. 29.The students (finish, finishes) ________ their projects this Friday. 30. The weather is dry. This evening, we (water, waters) ________ the flowers. 31. The Queen (appear, appears) ________ in the parade tomorrow. 32. The emcee (begin, begins) ________ the show soon. 33. Next, Julie (dive, dives) ________ from the high platform. 34. The chairman (speak, speaks) ________ before long. He seems a little nervous. 35. Next Monday is a holiday. We (have, haves) ________ the day off from work.


Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in simple future tense. NOTE: The sentences in this exercise use negatives (like not) or adverbs. Adverbs, like still, usually, sometimes, often, and others tell us something more about the action of the verb. They are said to "modify" the verb. EXAMPLE 1 : It is raining. I guess that I (not, take) will not take a walk now. EXAMPLE 2 : Tracy said that she (not, date) is not going to date Ben. EXAMPLE 3 : I (probably, wash) will probably wash the car on Tuesday. EXAMPLE 4 : Jodie (still, work) is still going to work at the store next month. She retires in six months.

36. Seth (always, drive) _______ ________ ________ _____ ________his 1975 Mustang. He loves that car. 37. You are busy. Tina and I (gladly, rake) _______ ________ ________ the yard. 38. Our staff (not, attend) _____ ______ _______ _____ _______ the convention this year. 39. I ruined that piece of pottery. I (simply, make) _______ ________ _______ another one. 40. Our muscles are hurting. I guess we (not, exercise) _______ ______ _______ much today. 41. The police (probably, catch) _________ ________ ________ the bank robber. 42. Stan, you (not, play) _______ _______ ________ any solos in the jazz concert tomorrow. You have not practiced enough. 43. Jim was bitten by a shark, but he (still, dive) _____ _______ ________ _____ _______ in the ocean, 44. We are almost late for dinner with our parents. I am afraid we (not, arrive) _______ ________ ________ on time.

45. Savannah is allergic to shellfish. She (never, eat) _____ ________ _______ _____ ______ lobster again

EXERCISE 1 1. will clean 2. will, cook 3. will ask 4. will meet 5. will, hike 6. will ride 7. will, buy 8. will win 9. will get 10. will, fix

EXERCISE 2 11. is going to teach 12. are going to march 13. are going to paint 14. are going to rake 15. am going to ski 16. are going to run 17. is going to have 18. is going to bandage 19. are going to buy 20. are going to grow

EXERCISE 3 21. gives 22. graduates 23. meet 24. operates 25. starts 26. conducts 27.gathers

EXERCISE 4 28. throws 29. finish 30. water 31. appears 32. begins 33. dives 34. speaks 35. have

EXERCISE 5 36. is always going to drive 37. will gladly rake 38. is not going to attend 39. will simply make 40. will not exercise 41. will probably catch 42. will not play

43. is still going to dive 44. will not arrive 45. is never going to eat

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