Trust Protect Teach: Annual Report

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Annual Report 2007-2008



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Board of Directors

Chair Gisselle Acevedo Honorary Directors

R. Russell Meyer Raquel D. Arias, M.D. Otis Booth, Jr.
Sherry Buch Muriel Goodman
Vice Chairs Patricia Burnside John Hotchkis
Lois Evans Richard Cain Mrs. Harry Lenart
Stanley Morris Suzanne E. Curtis Charles T. Munger
Lynne M. Doll Owen B. Patotzka
Treasurer Lucy T. Eisenberg, Esq.
Sharon Graves Diane English Senior Management
Andrew Galker Mary-Jane Waglé, President / CEO
Secretary Melissa Papp Green Mary Gatter, M.D., Medical Director
Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas Lindsey Kozberg
Carol Ann Leif Adrianne Black, Vice President of Client Services
Allan Mutchnik Sally Blowitz, Vice President of Development
David Nickoll Joseph Cook, Acting Vice President of IT
Steven D. Persky, C.F.A. Sue Dunlap, Vice President of External Affairs
Ann Christie Petersen Magaly Marques, Vice President of Community Education
Rachel Roth Ben Tysch, Chief Administrative Officer / Compliance Officer
Paula Rudnick Abbey Williams, Vice President of Human Resources
Robert Salvaria
Eric Stern
Kimberly J. West, M.D.

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Message from the President

Dear Friends,
With your backing, this year has seen Planned Parenthood Los Angeles take off and soar. From building our base,
to training our expert team, to mapping our future, we’ve reached new heights. In this report, it is my pleasure to
share with you not only what we’ve done, but also where we’re heading.

To begin with, our site expansions are moving forward with gusto. Our East LA health center on Whittier Boulevard
opened in October, we have a brand new site just south of downtown, our first “express” center in Lakewood will
open in 2009…and we won’t stop there! We’re letting people across Los Angeles know: Planned Parenthood is here
for you.

Our brand new headquarters, The Bixby Center for Reproductive Health, guides our vital expansion effort by
bringing our administrative staff together under one roof at last. It also houses our state-of-the-art medical training
facility, the S. Mark Taper Foundation Center for Medical Training. There, our nationally recognized clinical team
will train the best and the brightest to become the future generation of reproductive health care professionals.
We’ll continue to ensure that no matter how our opponents try to divert our resources, the women (and men!) of
America will receive the high-quality health care that is rightfully theirs.

Over the past two years, our achievements have been propelled by the energy and leadership of board chair Russ
Meyer, who stepped down as of June 2008. His powerful convictions, enthusiastic engagement and increased
financial support have galvanized board members and donors to follow his example. Russ has left us strengthened
and renewed, and we’ll continue to be in the utmost of capable hands with his successor, Allan Mutchnik. Allan
has brought his considerable talents to our agency for nearly a decade, both as a board member and as a partner
with the law firm of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher and Flom LLP and Affiliates. Allan’s firm has provided us with
invaluable pro bono legal services, and continues to do so.

Finally, as many of you may know, 2009 will be my last year as President & CEO. I’m thrilled to have had the
opportunity to help build the strong foundation that will carry this agency forward, and to realize the first few
of many accomplishments to come. It is our tireless staff, along with the support and guidance of our Board,
volunteers, donors and activists, that makes such an enormous difference to our community, and I know that you
will all continue to awe, inspire and uplift the people of Los Angeles.


Mary-Jane Waglé Russ Meyer Allan Mutchnik

President and CEO Board Chair, ’06-’08 Board Chair, ’08-‘10

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Planned Parenthood continues to be a leader in
health care. We’re appointing specialists in the field
of sponsored research to our medical team, which
positions us at the forefront of discovery and change
in reproductive health care.
We’re also seeing even more people who need our
services. In 2007-2008, we reached 105,000 people,
nearly a 12% increase over the prior year.

trust confiamos

Our Services
Cancer Screening including check-ups for breast, Contraceptive Care gives our clients a wide variety
cervical and testicular cancer is a vital part of of birth control options, so they can plan for their
reproductive health care. futures and choose a method that works for them.

Services for Men such as STD testing and treatment, Medication and Surgical Abortion Care is
vasectomy, and free condoms allow our male clients to offered with compassion and the highest clinical quality.
take control of their health.
Teen Sensitive Services include after-school
Pregnancy Testing and Options Counseling are hours and a teen hotline. Young people are always
provided in one visit, so that each woman can receive encouraged to include a trusted adult in decisions
her test results in a timely manner and be counseled in about their reproductive health care.
choosing the option that is best for her.
Mid-Life Services recognize that reproductive
State-of-the-Art Clinical Testing for STDs and HIV health care doesn’t stop at birth control. Women and
(including counseling) allows our clients to stay healthy men entering a new life cycle are offered the care that
and ensure that their partners are healthy, too. they need.

Services by Race/Ethnicity Services by Age

(Non-Hispanic) 35+ years Up to 17 years
10.1% 9.2% 8.4%

18 – 19 years
Asian 13.7%
30 – 34 years
Black or 42.1%
(Non-Hispanic) 25 – 29 years
11.1% 22.6%

20 – 24 years
White 36.6%

2 Planned Parenthood Los Angeles Annual Report 2007-2008

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“ I love Planned Parenthood because they
are so professional, responsible and, most
importantly, caring. —Client, Lakewood

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“ The speakers were amazing and were incredibly
knowledgeable! Thank you so much for coming;
my students said it was the best part of Freshman
Seminar. —Teacher, Santa Monica High School

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care cuidamos
As a major provider of education in one of the largest
and most diverse counties in the country, it’s critical that
we continue to grow in order to meet the evolving needs
of the community. This year, we’ve expanded our efforts
in many ways:

In Collaboration:
Teen Pregnancy
Prevention Initiative
Unintended pregnancy and childbirth is the leading
reason that young women drop out of high school.
In response, Planned Parenthood Los Angeles has
launched a major initiative to develop and test a
comprehensive sex education program for schools in
Los Angeles County, working with Los Angeles Unified
School District and other area schools, and with help
from RAND Corporation, the University of California
at Los Angeles and the Public Health Institute of
California. So far, we’ve found overwhelming support
for comprehensive sex education. We look forward
to building a program that is realistic, affordable and
sustainable, and will help lower the rate of unintended
teen pregnancies.

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support apoyamos

Youth and Adults with

Developmental Disabilities
Individuals with developmental disabilities are a highly underserved
population when it comes to education around sexuality and reproductive
health. To address this gap in services, we’ve piloted two new programs:
Sexual Health and Safety for Teens and Adults with Developmental Disabilities,
and Parenting: Sexuality and Youth with Developmental Disabilities.

“ Our journey to achieving Customer Service

Excellence has taken us so far already—
I know that as we continue to grow, so
too will our strength in being the most
compassionate providers that we can be.
—Abbey Williams, Vice President of Human Resources

6 Planned Parenthood Los Angeles Annual Report 2007-2008

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In the Field: Outreach at the Mexican and
Guatemalan Consulates
In order to ensure that we reach each and every resident of Los Angeles with health
care and information, it is vital that we make ourselves mobile and meet people
where they are. That’s why this year, we began providing education and outreach at
the Mexican and Guatemalan Consulates three times each week. And once a month,
we’ve brought our mobile health care unit to the same locations to provide services
including testing and treatment for certain STDs, pregnancy testing and pap smears.

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teach enseñamos

“ 8
Planned Parenthood has helped me to become more
aware of what I want to accomplish in life. By providing
birth control methods, I have a better chance of
succeeding in my career. —Client, La Puente

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“ I am absolutely grateful to Growing
Together…it has been an uplifting and
encouraging experience to connect with
my daughter in an open, trusting and
loving environment to talk about these
crucial matters of life. —Mom, and participant
in our mother/daughter program that teaches about
puberty and health

Education Programs by the Numbers

This year, we reached 75,000 women, men and teens with reproductive health education.

Middle School and High Promotoras Comunitarias: Our outreach

School Education: program to the Latino community reached
We provided 17,300 middle 27,000 women and men through classroom
and high school students sessions and community outreach held at
with a six-session curriculum, health centers, homes and in the field.
including information about
pregnancy prevention,
responsible decision-making Parent Education: Through classroom
and healthy relationships. presentations and workshops, 2,000
parents and professionals learned
about how to foster healthy, productive
Círculo de Salud and The communication with young people about
Ujima Program: Situated in health and sexuality.
East Los Angeles and South Los
Angeles, both hot spots for teen
pregnancy, our teen outreach Community Outreach: We reached
programs reached 18,300 young 14,000 people with information about
people through education in reproductive health and sexuality at
classrooms, after-school programs health fairs throughout the county, and
and peer-to-peer education. at our in-house library.

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“ I’ve never felt more proud of Planned Parenthood.
From Sacramento to Hollywood, our presence is
stronger than ever as we flex our muscles for health
and freedom. —Sue Dunlap, Vice President of External Affairs

External Affairs
To know us is to love us, and nothing proves this better
than our leading-edge initiatives in External Affairs.

We Are Special:
Los Angeles led the way for research into perceptions
of Planned Parenthood with a special emphasis on
African-American and Latino communities. The results
are excellent: Planned Parenthood has high favorability
ratings across all segments of LA County and higher
approval rates than almost any other organization.

Armed with this well-deserved and positive feedback,

we launched a new marketing campaign concentrated
in urban markets that focused on increased health
care access for both women and men. A series of radio
ads—a major component of the campaign—promise:
“We’re here for you, no matter what.” The ads promote
the broad spectrum of vital reproductive health care
that Planned Parenthood offers, including birth control
and education, cancer screenings and testing for
sexually transmitted diseases, and help with parent-
child communication.

Reaching out and inspiring trust really works. One

young man explained to health center staff that he
suffered from a sexually transmitted disease for nearly
a year before our ad convinced him to seek care.

10 Planned Parenthood Los Angeles Annual Report 2007-2008

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protect protegemos

Our radio ads tell the stories of our clients—the kinds of stories that we at Planned
Parenthood hear every day.
In one, a young woman declares: “Mistakes happen and I was way too embarrassed
to see my regular doctor about my HPV. Planned Parenthood gave me a cancer
screening and tested, treated and gave me the information I needed to stay healthy
AND safe in the future.”
In another ad, a father says: “I’m a single dad of a beautiful 15-year-old girl…it’s really
hard for me to talk about sex and protection. I know it’s my responsibility but I need
help. Luckily, I took her to Planned Parenthood and a counselor talked to both of us
and gave us information on birth control, safe sex and even abstinence.”

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protect protegemos

“ Planned Parenthood helped me when I was

extremely scared and unsure about my
options. I came in and the staff was very
helpful in making sure that I fully understood
what those options were, so I could make the
best decision for me. Thank you for saving
my life. —Client, Santa Monica

12 Planned Parenthood Los Angeles Annual Report 2007-2008

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La Opinión invited Planned Parenthood to write a
regular column on health care and related issues,
allowing us to reach Spanish language readers and
deepen Planned Parenthood’s reach.
Thanks to more than 30,000 letters from Planned
As Planned Parenthood grows, so does our team of Parenthood patients, elected officials got the message
ambassadors, which now includes thousands of English loud and clear that affordable access to reproductive
and Spanish language activists. Planned Parenthood medical care is critical to the health of California’s
has developed a thriving base of grassroots support families. SB 94 (Kuehl), a landmark piece of legislation,
that takes action when access to care is threatened. passed to increase reimbursement rates to health care
providers that provide family planning services.
We have a proven track record of success—including
the defeat of Proposition 4, a dangerous parental
notification initiative that would have put California’s
most vulnerable teens at risk.

By using grassroots canvassing tactics to promote our

medical centers and engage our neighbors, we have
strengthened our volunteer base and our community
relationships, and we’ve increased the number of
people who can safely access quality health care.

Through in-district meetings, health center tours, lobby

visits in Sacramento, and community outreach events,
we’ve developed key relationships with policymakers
and communicated the importance of our services to
their constituents. In 2008, 70% of LA’s legislators
voted in favor of Planned Parenthood’s position 100%
of the time.

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Statement of Activities
for the Year Ended June 30, 2008

Revenue, Gains and Support

Clinic and counseling fees $ 28,362,715
Contributions, bequests and patient donations* 6,927,921
Government grants 960,648
Special events and benefits 480,306
Other 604,446

Total 37,336,036

* Total Contributions and Changes in Net Assets includes funds donated for the Advancement Campaign

Clinics and counseling $ 22,767,168
Education outreach 2,641,583
Public affairs 1,442,218
Management and general 2,156,769
Fundraising 2,024,768

Total Expenses 31,032,506

Change in Net Assets 6,303,530

Expenses Revenues

Special events and benefits Other

Public affairs 1% 1%
5% Government grants
Management and general

7% Contributions,bequests
& patient donations

Education outreach

Clinics and Clinics and

counseling counseling fees
73% 76%

14 Planned Parenthood Los Angeles Annual Report 2007-2008

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Statement of Financial Position
as of June 30, 2008

Cash and cash equivalents $ 2,481,722
Investments desginated for operations and short-term captial projects 7,657,584
Investments 7,489,926
Accounts receivable, net 5,902,924
Pledges and contributions receivable, current portion 1,263,657
Inventories 432,596
Prepaid expenses and other current assests 631,628
Pledges and contributions receivable, net of current portion 1,552,037
Property and Equipment, net 15,590,830
Investments in readily marketable securities held for longterm purposes 2,036,070

Total Assets 45,038,974

Liabilities and Net Assets

Accounts payable $ 1,132,426
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities 1,538,964
Note payable 184,752

Total Liabilities 2,856,142

Net Assets
General $ 29,292,589
Board-designated 2,845,747

Total unrestricted 32,138,336

Temporarily restricted 8,008,426

Permanently restricted 2,036,070

Total Net Assets 42,182,832

Total Liabilities and Net Assets 45,038,974

“ So many of our friends have contributed to our Advancement

Campaign, making incredible growth possible. You are
creating change in local communities in a way that’s truly
tangible. —Sally Blowitz, Vice President of Development

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The Mission of Planned Parenthood Los Angeles

is to provide convenient, affordable access to a

comprehensive range of quality reproductive health
care and sexual health information, through patient
services, education, and advocacy.

Bixby Pomona
East Los Angeles 1550 Garey Avenue
1057 Kingston Avenue
Santa Monica
Fred H. Bixby Foundation 1316 3rd Street Promenade, #201
Boyle Heights
560 South St. Louis Street S. Mark Taper Foundation Center
for Medical Training
Burbank 400 West 3oth Street
916 West Burbank Boulevard
South Bay
Canoga Park Lawndale
21001 #9 Sherman Way 14623 Hawthorne Boulevard, #300

Dorothy Hecht Health Center Van Nuys

South Los Angeles 7100 Van Nuys Boulevard, #108
8520 South Broadway
East Los Angeles 7655 Greenleaf Avenue
5608 Whittier Boulevard
Administrative Headquarters
El Monte The Bixby Center for Reproductive Health
4786 “B” North Peck Road 400 West 3oth Street
Los Angeles, CA 90007
Hollywood 213-284-3200
1014 1/2 North Vermont
Appointment Line
Lakewood 1-800-576-5544
5525 East Del Amo Boulevard

Printed on 100% recycled paper

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