Life of Petofi Sandor

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University of Szeged Faculty of Law

Hungarian culture -Life of Petofi Sandor-

Prof: Andrea Orosz Student: Diana Onita

Szeged 2009

Petofi Sandor

Sandor Petofi, born at 1 of January 1823, in the comitat Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun, and deceased probably on the 31st of July, at Albesti, Comitat of Tarnava Mare, he was a great Hungarian poet and hero of the Hungarian and Transilvanian revolution in 1848. He was born in a modest family. His father was originally from Serbia, named by Stevan Petrovic, and he was working as a butcher. His mother was originally from Slovakia and her name was Maria Hruz. At the age of 15 the poet had to abandon the school, because his family lost everything they had, in the flood in 1838.After this he had to work as an actor, teacher and then as a soldier. After many adventures he has the occasion to be a student at the College from the transdanubian city called Papa, where he is meeting a writer named Mor Jokai, and they become friends. After a year in 1842, it is published a poem signed as Petrovics Sandor, and in the same year, on the 3rd of November a new poem signed as Petofi, but he was more interested by acting, so in the following 2 years he is going on tours. Still, in 1844 he walked from Debrecen to Pest to find an editor for his poems. His poetry is much appreciated, and he many times, uses popular, traditional element, often with rhymes that are used in popular songs. In 1845 he wrote his longest epopee called Janos, vitez. In 1846 he is visiting Care, now a Romanian city, as well as Baia Mare, where he has the opportunity to visit a mine, and the composes the poem called in the mine Petofi Sandor and his wife life in Coltau between the dates of 8 September 1847 and 20 October 1847.During this time Petofi is writing the most beautiful love poems. His belief is showed in 1847: If the people will rule over poetry, it will not be far over ruling in politics, this is what this new century is teaching us, this is the goal that we have to achieve.Up the people, in hell the aristocracy! In 1848 he is participating at the revolution, and on 16th of September he writes the Equality Proclamation and he joins the army.

His commanders werent very pleased of him because he attacked without shame the bad command that they were giving. On 15th of December his wife is giving birth to their son, Zoltan, so Petofi has a good reason to ask for a permission to go home, but this thing it is send by his enemys as a cowardly act. Because of many attacks against him he requires to be accepted in Bems army, where he is received with opened arms and has the chance to his first battle, after which he is decorated with the Medal for Good serving during the war On 30 of July 1849 after the battle from Albesti, Petofi Sandor is missing, and some say that he find his death and other say that he was taken as a war prisoner in Rusia. The national Hungarian poet, Sandor Petofis writings are still the most important and read by many people even today. In Turda, Cluj county, is a memorial house in Petofis honor. It is a house built in the XVIII-th century, in which the Hungarian poet staid for a few days before he went to Albesti, where he find his death on the 31st of July 1849. This house is part of the Hystorical Monuments of Cluj county since 2004

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