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CC 306M Test 6 (Spring 2012) 1. _________itis = inflammation of the lips A) CheilB) GingivC) StomatD) Gloss2.

. The combining form for bladder: A) Cyst/o B) Proct/o C) Colon/o D) Doch/o 3. A rotation of a tooth in the direction of the cheek: A) Buccoversion B) Buccoclination C) Linguoversion D) Linguoclination 4. The best term for a surgery which creates an anastomosis between the stomach and the last part of the small intestine: A) Gastrojejunostomy B) Gastroduodenostomy C) Gastroileostomy D) Gastroiliostomy 5. A laparoscopic surgery to remove the common bile duct is best termed: A) Cellocholarteriotomy B) Cheilobilicystectomy C) Celiocholecystectomy D) Celiocholedochectomy 6. The combining form rect/o can mean rectum or ___________: A) Anus B) Ileum C) Straight D) Blind 7. A painful expulsion of fecal material is best termed: A) Defecation B) Dyschezia C) Adynamic ileus D) Dyspepsia

(Form A) 8. According to the anatomical divisions of the abdomen, the area below the right rib cage is termed the: A) Right inguinal region B) Right lumbar region C) Right hypercoastal region D) Right hypochondriac region 9. A prolapsed rectum and anus = A) Proctopia B) Proctoptysis C) Proctoptosis D) Proctophthisis 10. The suffix in amylose indicates it is a/an: A) Enzyme B) Protein C) Dull D) Sugar 11. An animal which eats excrement is best termed a: A) Coprolalia B) Scotophage C) Stercovore D) Glutton 12. The passage of fat in the stool: A) Melena B) Steatorrhea C) Hematochezia D) Diarrhea 13. A typhlolithiasis is the formation of a stone in the ____________: A) Mesentery B) Cecum C) Ileum D) Fundus 14. The term icterus gravis neonatorum is best translated: A) Heavy cirrhosis of the liver B) Severe jaundice of newborns C) Grave jaundice of sailors D) Jaundice of a large newborn

Name: ___________________________________________________ 15. Difficulty performing deglutition: A) Dyspepsia B) Dysphagia C) Dysuria D) Dyschezia 16. Any poison developed in food, esp. one produced by bacteria growing in a cereal or grain product: A) Sitotoxin B) Sialotoxin C) Glossotoxin D) Ciborexia 17. Choose the best answer, the inner segment of intestine that has been received within another segment of the intestine: A) Intussuscipiens B) Intussusceptum C) Intussusception 18. A term component meaning foot: A) Ped/o B) -pod C) -pus D) All the above E) A and B 19. Small ulcers associated with inflamed gums: A) Ulcerative glossitis B) Aphthous gingivitis C) Glottohelcosis D) Ankylogingivitis 20. A twisting or rolling of the bowel on itself, causing obstruction: A) Volvulus B) Diverticulosis C) Ascites D) Polyp 21. The combining form verm/i as in vermiform appendix means = A) Green B) Blind C) Worm D) Empty 22. Vomiting = A) Volvulus B) Nausea C) Emesis D) Enuresis 23. Swollen twisted veins in the esophagus: A) Esophageal reflux B) Esophageal varices C) Esophageal fistulae D) Esophageal diverticula 24. The lower portion of the colon named after a Greek letter due to its S shape: A) Sigmoid B) Rectum C) Anus D) Pylorus 25. Burning pain in the teeth is best termed: A) Dentinogingivitis B) Odontocausalgia C) Dentifrice D) Buccothermosis 26. Which of the follow structures is NOT joined in a hepatocholangiocystoduodenostomy: A) Liver B) Bile ducts C) Gall bladder D) The two denims 27. A term used for an anatomical opening or passage: A) Hiatus B) Meatus C) Foramen D) A and B E) All the above 28. Combining form meaning bladder: A) Cyst/o B) Pylor/o C) Pyel/o D) Py/o

CC 306M Test 6 (Spring 2012) 29. Reparative surgery on the pelvis of the kidney: A) Pyoplasty B) Pyloroplasty C) Pyeloplasty D) Piloplasty 30. Urinary retention is the inability to: A) Eructate B) Defecate C) Micturate D) Flatulate 31. The passage of urine with a high specific gravity: A) Hypersthenuria B) Albuminuria C) Azoturia D) Hyperstenuria 32. A nipple-like extension inside the kidney: A) Papilla B) Hilum C) Calyx D) Medulla 33. Development of calculi in the ureter: A) Ureterophraxis B) Ureterolithiasis C) Ureterolysis D) Ureterophthisis 34. The use of an artificial kidney to separate urea, metabolic waste products, toxins, and excess fluid from the blood: A) Hemolysis B) Hemoclysis C) Hemodialysis D) Hemolapaxy 35. Combining form specifically meaning urine: A) Urin/o B) Uric/o C) Ure/o D) A and B

(Form A) 36. The evacuation of a stone by washing it out is specifically termed: A) lithotripsy B) litholapaxy C) lithoclasis D) lithopexy 37. Any cuplike organ or cavity, such as those leading into the renal pelvis: A) Glomerulus B) Cortex C) Calculus D) Calyx 38. Frequent urination at night is best termed: A) Diurnal enuresis B) Oliguria C) Polyuria D) Nycturia 39. The term component -grade, as in plantigrade and antegrade, comes from the Latin word gradus which means: A) Incline B) Mark C) Percentage D) Step, gait 40. A chemical substance in rosecolored urine: A) Urorrhodin B) Uroxanthin C) Urofuscin D) Uroerythrin 41. The most specific term for the involuntary discharge of urine is: A) Micturition B) Enuresis C) Incontinence D) Dysentery 42. A hardening of the ball-like structure of the nephron is termed. A) Corticosclerosis B) Nephrostenosis C) Glomerulostenosis D) Glomerulosclerosis

Name: ___________________________________________________ 43. Combining form for the anatomical canal which carries urine directly from the kidney: A) Urethr/o B) Ureter/o C) Urin/o D) Ure/o 44. An operation that occurs through the urethra is best termed. A) Transurethral B) Parurethral C) Extracorporeal D) Periurethral 45. Which of the following instruments were used in ancient Greek medicine to evacuate urine from the bladder: A) Speculum B) Catheter C) Cauter D) None of the above 46. Thirst: A) Crin/o B) Phag/o C) Gutt/o D) Dips/o 47. The best term for the presence of leukocytes in the urine. A) Pyeluria B) Albuminuria C) Pyuria D) Hematuria 48. Which of the following is associated with the Medieval and Renaissance practice of uroscopy: A) Using a matula to look up the urethra B) Using uroscopy wheels to determine how much a patient urinated C) Making a prognosis or diagnosis based on the color of a patients urine 49. Galen demonstrated the flow of urine by ligating the: A) Ureters B) Urethra C) Bladder D) A and B E) All the above 50. True or False, Roman sanitation included all of the following, EXCEPT: A) Underground sewage systems B) Public bathrooms C) Toilet paper D) Running water 51. True or False, the original Hippocratic Oath forbids the practice of lithotomy. A) True B) False 52. The suffix plania, as in uroplania, and the term planet come from the Greek adjective planos which means: A) Elliptical B) Helical C) Retrograde D) Wandering

CC 306M Test 6 (Spring 2012) 1. __________itis = Inflammation of the liver: A) HerpitB) HeptC) HepatD) Hemat2. The combining form for abdomen: A) Cheil/o B) Celi/o C) Chol/e D) Cheir/o 3. A tooth which it leans toward the tongue is best termed: A) Linguoversion B) Buccoversion C) Linguoclination D) Buccoclination 4. A surgery which creates an anastomosis between the gall bladder and the last part of the small intestine: A) Cystojejunostomy B) Cheilocystoduodenostomy C) Cholecystileostomy D) Cholecystiliotomy 5. An excision of a kidney through the abdomen : A) Cellonephrotomy B) Laparonephrectomy C) Proctonephrectomy D) Renoabdominostomy 6. The compound combining form which means common bile duct: A) Choledoch/o B) Celiocyst/o C) Cholarteri/o D) Cholester/o 7. The best term for the reduction of a cecum by making a fold in its wall: A) Cecoplication B) Cecoplacation C) Cecopexy D) Cecopalpation

(Form B) 8. In the anatomic divisions of the abdomen, the region around the groin is termed the _______ region: A) Epigastric B) Inguinal C) Hypochondriac D) Umbilical 9. An enzyme which breaks down starches is best termed: A) Amylose B) Amylase C) Mylase D) Myose 10. A hunger/appetite for excrement: A) Coprolalia B) Scotophage C) Stercorexia D) Glutton 11. Congenital hernia of the umbilicus: A) Coprocele B) Omphalocele C) Hiatal hernia D) Proctectasia 12. The passage of fat in the stool: A) Melena B) Steatorrhea C) Hematochezia D) Diarrhea 13. The term icterus gravis neonatorum is best translated: A) Heavy cirrhosis of the liver B) Severe jaundice of newborns C) Grave jaundice of sailors D) Jaundice of a large newborn 14. The excision of part of a fistula is a ___________ectomy: A) SalpingB) SyringC) SialD) Hemorrhoid-

Name: ___________________________________________________ 15. A term component meaning foot: A) Ped/o B) -pod C) -pus D) All the above E) A and B 16. An inflammation of the salivary gland located alongside the ear is best termed: A) Submandibular sialoadenitis B) Parotid sialoadenitis C) Sublingual sialocystitis D) Gnathic sialoadenitis 17. Ulcerated and inflamed gums: A) Ulcerative glossitis B) Aphthous gingivitis C) Linguohelcosis D) Ankylogingivitis 18. The portion of intestine that receives within itself another portion of the intestine: A) Intussusception B) Intussuscipiens C) Intussusceptum 19. Burning pain in the teeth is best termed: A) Dentinogingivitis B) Odontocausalgia C) Dentifrice D) Buccothermosis 20. The combining form verm/i as in vermiform appendix means = A) Green B) Blind C) Worm D) Empty 21. The smooth muscle surrounding the opening of the esophagus into the stomach: A) Cardiac sphincter B) Pyloric sphincter C) Gnathic sphincter D) Peritoneal sphincter 22. A term used for an anatomical opening or passage: A) Hiatus B) Meatus C) Foramen D) A and B E) All the above 23. The presence of abnormal side pockets in the gastrointestinal tract: A) Diverticulum B) Volvulus C) Diverticulosis D) Intussusception 24. Difficulty performing deglutition: A) Dysphagia B) Dyspepsia C) Dysuria D) Dyschezia 25. Swollen twisted veins in the esophagus: A) Esophageal reflux B) Esophageal varices C) Esophageal fistulae D) Esophageal diverticula 26. The lower portion of the colon named after a Greek letter due to its S shape: A) Sigmoid B) Rectum C) Anus D) Pylorus 27. Which of the follow structures are NOT joined in a hepatocholangiocystoduodenostomy= A) Liver B) Bile ducts C) Gall bladder D) The two denims 28. A chemical substance in rosecolored urine: A) Urorrhodin B) Uroxanthin C) Urofuscin D) Uroerythrin

CC 306M Test 6 (Spring 2012) 29. Combining form meaning bladder: A) Cyst/o B) Pyel/o C) Vesic/o D) A and C 30. Combining form specifically meaning urine: A) Urin/o B) Uric/o C) Ure/o D) A and B 31. Frequent urination at night is best termed: A) Diurnal enuresis B) Oliguria C) Polyuria D) Nycturia 32. Nitrogenous waist in the urine: A) Alkalinuria B) Aciduria C) Hypersthenuria D) Azoturia 33. Development of calculi in the ureter: A) Ureterophraxis B) Ureterolithiasis C) Ureterolysis D) Ureterophthisis 34. Urinary retention is the inability to: A) Eructate B) Defecate C) Micturate D) Flatulate 35. The term component -grade, as in plantigrade and antegrade, comes from the Latin word gradus which means: A) Incline B) Mark C) Percentage D) Step, gait

(Form B) 36. The surgical crushing of a stone is specifically termed litho____________: A) -pexy B) -tomy C) -tripsy D) trophy 37. Any cuplike organ or cavity, such as those leading into the renal pelvis: A) Glomerulus B) Cortex C) Calculus D) Calyx 38. The presence of a type of protein in the urine is: A) Hematuria B) Pyuria C) Pyeluria D) Albuminuria 39. Reparative surgery on the pelvis of the kidney: A) Pyoplasty B) Pyloroplasty C) Pyeloplasty D) Piloplasty 40. A depression at the exit or entrance of nerves and vessels into an organ.: A) Papilla B) Hilum C) Calyx D) Medulla 41. The use of an artificial kidney to separate urea, metabolic waste products, toxins, and excess fluid from the blood: A) Hemolysis B) Hemoclysis C) Hemodialysis D) Hemolapaxy 42. Thirst: A) Crin/o B) Phag/o C) Gutt/o D) Dips/o

Name: ___________________________________________________ 43. The most specific term for the involuntary discharge of urine is: A) Micturition B) Enuresis C) Incontinence D) Dysentery 44. Combining form for the anatomical canal which carries urine directly from the bladder: A) Urethr/o B) Ureter/o C) Urin/o D) Uric/o 45. An operation that occurs through the urethra is termed. A) Transurethral B) Parurethral C) Extracorporeal D) Periurethral 46. A hardening of the ball-like structure of the nephron is termed. A) Corticosclerosis B) Nephrostenosis C) Glomerulostenosis D) Glomerulosclerosis 47. Which of the following surgical instruments were used in ancient Greek medicine to evacuate urine from the bladder: A) Speculum B) Catheter C) Cauter D) None of the above 48. True or False, Roman sanitation included all of the following, EXCEPT: A) Underground sewage systems B) Public bathrooms C) Toilet paper D) Running water 49. Galen demonstrated the flow of urine by ligating the: A) Ureters B) Urethra C) Bladder D) A and B E) All the above 50. The suffix plania, as in uroplania, and the term planet come from the Greek adjective planos which means: A) Elliptical B) Helical C) Retrograde D) Wandering 51. Which of the following is associated with the Medieval and Renaissance practice of uroscopy: A) Using a matula to look up the urethra B) Using uroscopy wheels to determine how much a patient urinated C) Making a diagnosis or prognosis based on the color of a patients urine 52. True or False, the original Hippocratic Oath forbids the practice of lithotomy. A) True B) False

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