NDGOP Legislative Update

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SayAnythingBlog.com Mail - GOP Update - Friday, April 19

Rob Port <rob@sayanythingblog.com>

GOP Update - Friday, April 19

1 message Stan Stein <info@ndgop.org> Reply-To: info@ndgop.org To: Rob Port <Rob@sayanythingblog.com> Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 12:00 PM

In this newsletter:
Welcome to GOP Update Pray for Boston Legislature, Governor Approve Medicaid Expansion Gun Control Legislation Fails in U.S. Senate Heitkamp Backs Gay Marriage Budget Conference Committee Looms as Deadline Nears Quick Notes Get Involved

Welcome to GOP Update

Welcome to the first issue of GOP Update, an at-a-glance look at the big stories happening in North Dakota politics. Each week - and more often as the Legislative Session wraps up - we will send out this tip sheet highlighting what's making news at the Capitol, in your communities, and in the media, to help you stay informed and get involved. As we roll out this new venture, we'd love to hear from you! Let us know what you think, what we can do better, and of course, send us your news and updates on what's happening around the state.

Pray for Boston

Coming Events
Saturday, April 20 District 35 Reorganization Meeting Saturday, April 20 District 24 Reorganization Meeting Go To Full GOP Calendar
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At the end of a somber week, our thoughts and prayers continue to be with those affected by the terrible and senseless attacks in Boston and with those suffering as a result of the explosion in West, Texas.


SayAnythingBlog.com Mail - GOP Update - Friday, April 19

Legislature, Governor Approve Medicaid Expansion

Governor Jack Dalrymple on Tuesday signed legislation to expand Medicaid to cover more of the most vulnerable uninsured residents of North Dakota. With the expansion, North Dakota's Medicaid program will now cover about 20,000 additional enrollees (mostly adults without children), or about 1/3 more than the 65,000 who are currently covered. The state will receive federal funds for the expansion in the range of $154 to $171 million in 2013 to 2015, which reflects 100% of the cost of the program. Beginning in 2017, the federal governments share will decline, settling at 90 percent of the total cost in 2020 and beyond. The state would be responsible for the remaining 10%. While many Republicans initially balked at approving an expansion authorized under Obamacare, their reluctant votes will help restore federal dollars that the state is already losing due to cuts in Medicare reimbursement rates. Without approving this expansion, the state would stand to lose out on additional federal dollars and likely see uncompensated care rates at area hospitals continue to rise. As an added protection to North Dakota taxpayers, embedded in the bill is a condition that only authorizes the state's share for as long as the federal funding remains.

Gun Control Legislation Fails in U.S. Senate

Gun control advocates failed on Wednesday to reach the 60 vote threshold needed in the Senate to enact expanded gun control legislation, including a ban on high capacity magazines and expanded background checks. Both of North Dakota's U.S. Senators voted against the amendment to expand background checks to more gun sales. Opponents of the measure argued that the proposal would place undue burdens on legal transfers of firearms, while doing nothing to impact criminals' access to guns (as they do not obtain firearms through legal means in the first place). Numerous other high profile amendments also failed. The proposed assault weapons ban recieved 40 votes; restrictions on high capacity magazines only got 46 votes. However, an NRA-backed amendment to loosen and streamline restrictions on concealed weapons carried across state lines also failed. Interested in the process, and why they amendments needed to reach such a high vote margin? Check out this behind the scenes procedural summary from the Washington Post.
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SayAnythingBlog.com Mail - GOP Update - Friday, April 19

Heitkamp Backs Gay Marriage

Remember back when Senator Heitkamp was running for election? Back then, gay marriage was a distraction and the focus should be on jobs and improving the economy. Heres Senator Heitkamp talking about gay marriage as a candidate in May of 2012 (emphasis added): I think that this is a state issue, Heitkamp said. I think that this is a distraction and I dont think he is going to get a congress that is going to agree with him and so here we go again talking about things that arent about jobs and improving the economy and getting this country moving. She announced her change of heart on the issue just as the worst job numbers since last June came out, showing a US economy that is still struggling. That focus on jobs and improving the economy Senator Heitkamp was going to have? Apparently that was just an empty campaign promise that she abandoned the second she needed a distraction of her own to hide from her partys failing economic agenda.

Budget Conference Committee Looms as Deadline Nears

As the Legislative Session draws to close, there is still major work that needs to be done on budget bills currently waiting in conference committees. A current tally shows that if all bills went to final passage as they stand today, overall spending would stand at roughly $750 million more than available revenues, reflecting differences made to spending bills during the committee process. Leadership in both bodies will now work together to determine shared priorities for increased spending, and scale back some of the proposed increases in order to bring the final budget into balance. Keep all that in mind as Democrats continue to cry for even more spending than has already been passed, or when they say they would have spent even more in a given area and then try to call the GOP plan a "cut", even as overall funding increases. When the dust settles, expect Republican budget bills to reflect a balanced and sustainable approach that will include dramatic increases in tax relief, infrastructure spending and education spending, while continuing to build a strong reserve for the future.
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SayAnythingBlog.com Mail - GOP Update - Friday, April 19

Quick Notes
Congratulations to Senator Tim Flakoll, who was elected President Pro Tempore of the North Dakota Senate on Wednesday. Full press release from the Senate Republican Caucus here. Our condolences to State Auditor Bob Peterson and his family, whose father passed away from cancer in Bismarck on Wednesday. Robert W. Peterson served as State Auditor from 1973 until he retired in 1996. Services are scheduled for 10 a.m. Monday at the Baptist Home in Bismarck and at 2 p.m. at Lutheran Church of the Cross in Bismarck. Military graveside services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the North Dakota Veterans Cemetery in Mandan. Flood forecasters on Wednesday urged Red River Valley residents to prepare for a potentially record-setting flood, as the Senate amended for a second time a bill relating to diversion construction. The bill now heads to conference committee with the House. A House Energy Committee approved a bill, co-sponsored by ND Congressman Kevin Cramer, to expedite the construction of the Northern leg of the pipeline. Cramer press release here. Senator John Hoeven and other state leaders called on the Air Force to base the new KC-46 tanker at Grand Forks Air Force Base. Hoeven press release here. The USAF took public comment last night at a community meeting in Grand Forks. HB 1302 on comprehensive DUI reform is expected to pass out of conference committee today, and hit the floor for final passage next week. The bill greatly increases the penalties for DUI's and funds education and treatment programs. Check out this side by side comparison of current and proposed law.

Get Involved
As required by the North Dakota Century Code, all Districts are required to meet and reorganize this spring. Whether you've been volunteering for years, or have never been a part of your local District before, this is a great opportunity to get involved in our grassroots team. Check out our full Event Calendar to find out when and where your District will be meeting, or connect with your District Chair and learn more about how you can be involved. It may seem hard to believe, but these reorganization meetings are the first step toward a GOP win in the 2014 elections. Please, get involved in your community today!




SayAnythingBlog.com Mail - GOP Update - Friday, April 19

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