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Ninth Grade Science: Introduction to Physical Science

Mrs. Sofsak, M & Mr. Zupke, B - Timbercrest Junior High - Room 215/219 Email: Phone: 425-408-(6975) 425-408-(6972) Website:

The topics we will be studying this year fall into two levels. Level one consists of an introduction into chemistry and its applications. Level two consists of an introduction into physics and its applications. The timeline for each level will be first semester given to level one and second semester given to level two. Please refer to parent tab on class website for details. What Students can expect: Students should plan to complete learning activities both in class and at home on a regular basis. Students are required to keep a separate science 3-ring binder with daily and weekly entries. Students should expect to spend lots of time in hands-on labs, work frequently in cooperative groups, do individual and group projects, make individual and group presentations, take written quizzes, and take both written and lab practical tests. Students are not expected to memorize, science is about being able to problem solve and apply concepts. Students are expected to understand the ideas and concepts so they can apply them to novel situations. Grading: Term grades will be based on two categories: assessments (test/quiz, labs, projects, presentations, homework) and class work. Assessments scores equate to about 50% of the overall grade with class work making up the other 50%. This class uses the TJH grading scale. *Extra Credit will be offered occasionally. Students may only do extra credit if ALL regular class work is turned in. Materials: It is a requirement that students bring the following materials to class each day: A 3-ring binder will be used as your science notebook. . Graph paper & college ruled paper. Pencil, blue, red, or black ink pen. Calculator USB flash-drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Textbook: BSCS Science An Inquiry Approach by BSCS. Textbooks will be available online or if a hardbound copy is desired for use at home they can be checked out. Helpful resources are available on the website. Website This class has a website that is updated regularly. Daily announcements will include announcements, assignments, and document links. The website is NOT a substitute for coming to class. If absent, you are responsible for checking the website and knowing what you missed on the day you return. You have one day for every day you were absent to make up the work.

Resubmit Work Work turned in on time can be resubmitted as a second chance on an assignment. Resubmittals will earn half the points back that were missed on the original assignment. Resubmitted work will need to be turned in with the original graded assignment and no later than two days after the original graded assignment has been handed back. Late Work Assignments will be accepted up to one week late without a penalty to the score. However, late work will not have the option of resubmitting. After one week the assignment will be marked as zero. Please make arrangements if you have special circumstances that prevent you from turning your work in on time.

Getting Extra Help/Assigned Assistance Before school and after school are great times to get individual help with something you do not understand in this class or to do catch-up or make-up work! Make an appointment with Mrs. Sofsak or Mr. Zupke ahead of time for them to be available. If one teacher is not available either teacher will be able to help answer questions pertaining to this 9th grade science class. Cheating/Plagiarism policy As per the Timbercrest Student Handbook, students caught cheating/plagiarizing will lose credit for the assignment or test, and will be subject to further consequences as described by the teachers class, school, and/or district guidelines.
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I have read this paper and discussed it with my parents _____________________________ Print Name _________________________________ Sign Name ________ Date

I have read this paper and discussed it with my child _____________________________ Print Name _________________________________ Sign Name ________ Date

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