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Power control of grid connected Doubly Fed Induction Generator using Adaptive BackStepping approach

A.Karthikeyan, Sujan Kumar Kummara, C.Nagamani, G.Saravana Ilango EEE, National Institute of Technolgy
Tiruchirappalli, India jakarthik@yahoo.com, cnmani@nitt.edu,
Abstract This paper presents the findings of investigation of decoupled power control of grid-connected doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) based on Adaptive Back Stepping Control (ABSC) technique. The Adaptive Back Stepping control technique offers a systematic stabilizing procedure wherein unwanted cancellation of favourable nonlinearities can be avoided. Incorporation of the proposed controller improves both transient and steady state performances due to the excellent tracking response for the given power references. Numerical simulations are carried out in MATLAB programming environment for the laboratory DFIG test set up. Keywords- Doubly fed induction generator, power control, Adaptive backstepping control, unity power factor
Figure. 1. Schematic of the doubly-fed induction generator configuration.



In recent years Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIG) are becoming increasingly acceptable due to their suitability in the context of variable speed wind power generating systems. The power converters in the rotor circuit handling the slip power can be of a lower rating thereby offering a cost effective alternative [1]-[2]. Conventionally the power control of a DFIG is based on field oriented vector control using rotational transformations, and linear PI controllers [1]-[5]. However, with the classical control schemes the system response deviates if the operating point varies which further leads to a nonoptimal behaviour of the overall control scheme over a wide operation range. The Adaptive Back Stepping control technique offers a systematic stabilizing procedure wherein unwanted cancellation of favorable nonlinearities can be avoided [6], [7]. In contrast with the conventional approach based on the certainty equivalence schemes, control and parameter update laws are obtained using a single Lyapunov function, there by resulting in desired closed loop performance.The focus of this paper is to mathematically formulate and implement the Adaptive Back Stepping control (ABSC) for the DFIG power control problem. II.

irq, ird) are considered as the state variables of the DFIG system which are given by

X = Vdc

i feq

i fed



] = [x




x5 ]

Front End Converter control approach

The mathematical equations representing the front end converter (grid side) are as follows.

dVdc 3 = Vsq isq Vrq irq Vrd ird . dt 2CVdc di feq dt di fed dt = Rf Lf Rf Lf i feq e i fed + i fed + e i feq + 1 Vsq V feq Lf 1 Vsd V fed Lf


) )



From (1) to (3) the input matrix is given by U fec = u feq u fed

Fig. 1 show the schematic of the wind turbine driven, grid connected DFIG with back to back connected power converters in the rotor circuit. The dc link voltage (Vdc), the front end converter and rotor side converter currents (ifeq, ifed,

Vsq V feq = Lf

) (Vsd V fed ) T

A set of new variables z1, z2, z3 is defined as

978-1-4244-8782-0/11/$26.00 2011 IEEE

Lyapunov function with the uncertainties augmented as given below.

Vn1 = Vn 0 +
2 1 1 1 2 2 + z2 + q1 q1 + d1 d 1 L f z1 2 2 m2 2m3


  where q1 , d1 are the estimates of the uncertainties and m2,m3 are the adaptive gains.
According to Lyapunov theorem to achieve a stable condition (10) can be written as
Figure. 2. Front end converter controller based on Adaptive backstepping Approach

 = k Cz 2 k L z 2 k L z 2 V n1 n1 1 n2 f 2 n3 f 3 aCz1  + dx + x u + L f z2 + kn2 z2 + e 3 feq q1 1 2 L f x1  +L z x + k z + dx x u

f 3

z1 z2 z3

= Vdcref Vdc = 1 i feq = i fedref i fed

= x1 ref x1 = 1 x2 = x3 ref x3



n3 3

e 2



where 1 is the virtual control law to stabilize the DC link voltage (Vdc). Taking a=3Vsq/2C, b=-3Vrq/2C, c=-3Vrd/2C, d=Rf/Lf Using (1) to (4) the time derivatives of z1, z2, z3 can be written as

  q1 + L z + d1 + L z + q1 q1 f 2 d1 d1 f 3 m m2 3

for kn2, kn3 >0


 must For the stable operation of front end converter, the V n1 be negative which can be achieved by the following conditions. u feq = aCz1  +k z + 1 + dx2 + e x3 q1 n2 2 L f x1

1ref 1 = x z

ax bx cx 2 4 5 x1 x1 x1

(5) (6) (7)

+k z 3ref + dx3 e x2 u fed = x d1 n3 3

x1 bx cx 1ref 4 5 + k n1 z1 x a x x 1 1   = m L z , = m L z q1 2 f 2 d1 3 f 3


 + dx + x u 2 = z 1 2 e 3 feq q1
3ref + dx3 e x2 u fed d 1 3 = x z
where q1 and d1 are uncertainties.

1 =

For the dc link voltage control, the energy fluctuation in the dc link capacitor (C) is taken as a positive definite Lyapunov function.

where (12) and (13) are the modulating signals for the front end converter as shown in Fig. 2.

Vn 0 =

1 2 Cz1 2


Rotor Side Converter control approach

From (5) the time derivative of Vn0 is given by

a  = Cz x V (1 z2 ) bx4 cx5 1 1ref n0 x1 x1 x1


To ensure the first derivative of positive definite Lyapunov function to be negative (8) can be written as
 = k Cz 2 + aCz1 z 2 V n0 n1 1 x1


The mathematical equations governing the rotor side converter are given as dirq di sq 1 = Vrq Rr irq sl (Lr i rd Lm i sd ) Lm (14) dt Lr dt dird di 1 = Vrd Rr i rd + sl Lr i rq Lm i sq Lm sd (15) dt Lr dt where sl is slip speed, Rr and Lr are rotor resistance and self inductance respectively and Lm is mutual inductance.

for 1 =

cx x1 bx 1ref 4 5 + k n1 z1 x ; kn1>0 a x x 1 1

From (14) and (15) the input matrix is given by Vrq U rsc = Lr Vrd Lr

For the front end converter control, the energy fluctuations in the dc link capacitor and the ac side front end converter coupling reactances (Lf , Rf) are taken as the positive definite

= u rq

u rd


A set of new variables z4, z5 are defined as

z4 z5

= irqref irq = irdref ird

= x4 ref x4 = x5 ref x5


Taking p=Rr/Lr, q=-Lm/Lr, Using (14) to (16) the time derivatives of z4, z5 can be written as
di sd u rq q 2 dt di sq  5ref + px 5 sl x 4 qi sq q 4 = x z u rd d 2 dt where q2 and d2 are uncertainties.  4 ref + px 4 + sl ( x 5 qi sd ) q 4 = x z

(17) (18)

computer simulations. During the start-up the machine runs at 1430 rpm (Fig. 3e) as motor where stator active power Ps=1310 W and stator reactive power Qs=1100var. At t=3s the rotor side controller is switched on when the initial stator power references are set such that the reactive power drawn from the grid is zero while the real power drawn from the grid remains same as before (Figs. 3(a) and (b)). At t=5s, the stator real power is also made zero so that the machine is in floating condition (both active and reactive power are zero, i.e., zero injection/ absorption with respect to the grid). Then at t=7s, the stator real power is increased to -1250 W while the reactive power is maintained zero for the unity power factor operation during generating condition. The trends in stator and rotor currents are shown in Figs. 3(c) and 3(d). Perfectly decoupled control of the stator active and reactive power is observed even during step changes in either of the power reference commands. Implementation of the ABS controller renders the DFIG system immune to parameter variations. Fig. 4(b) shows the step change in stator resistance [increased to 200% of the actual value] from t=9s to t=10s. The stator active and reactive power are perfectly stable at the set reference values even while the stator resistance is varying. The transients in stator and rotor currents shown in Figs. 4(b) and (c) reflect this.

To achieve the rotor side control, the energy fluctuation in the rotor windings is taken as positive Lyapunov function with the uncertainties augmented as given below
Vm 0 = 1 1 2 2 + z5 ++ q2 q2 Lr z 4 2 2m 4

1 d2 d2 2 m5

(19)   , where q2 d 2 are estimates of the uncertainties and m4, m5 are the adaptive gains According to Lyapunov theorem to achieve the stable condition (19) can be written as
 = k z 2 k z 2 V m0 n4 4 n5 5 di sq  + Lr z 4 k n 4 z 4 + x 4 ref + px 4 + sl (x 5 qi sd ) q dt u rq q 2 di sd  5ref + px 5 sl x 4 qi sq q + Lr z 5 k n5 z 5 + x u rd d2 dt


 q2 + L z + + q2 q2 r 4 d2 d2 m4

) m

d2 5

+ Lr z 5




 For the stable operation of rotor side converter, the V m0 must be negative, which can be achieved by the following conditions. di (21)  4 ref + px 4 + sl (x5 qi sd ) q sq u rq = k n 4 z 4 + x q2 dt di  5ref + px5 sl x 4 qi sq q sd u rd = k n5 z 5 + x d 2 (22) dt

for kn4,kn5>0


A rpm

= m L z , = m L z q2 4 r 4 d2 5 r 5 where (21) and (22) are the modulating signals for the rotor side converter. III.


The transient response of the 3 hp laboratory DFIG system (parameters are given in appendix) based on ABSC strategy is shown in Fig. 3. MATLAB/Simulink package is used for the

Figure. 3. Transient response of step changes in stator active and reactive powers

W & var







[6] A

V [7]

Figure. 4. System transient response for stator resistance variation

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The dynamic response of front end converter d-axis current and dc link voltage are shown in Figs 4 (d) and 4 (e). The daxis current (ifed) reference of the front end converter is fixed at zero, so as to maintain unity power factor at the grid. Similarly the dc link voltage (Fig. 4(e)) is maintained constant for better control. It can be observed that the two control loops viz., dc link voltage and front end converter d-axis current are totally decoupled and the response of each one is unaffected by the change in the other. IV. CONCLUSIONS Power control of grid connected DFIG using Adaptive Back Stepping Control is presented. It is observed that the controller can perfectly track the power references with excellent decoupling in both steady state and transient conditions. Further with the proposed scheme, the system tracking performance is immune to changes in stator resistance. Simulation results demonstrate the merits of the control scheme. REFERENCES [1] S. Muller, M. Deicke, and R. W. De Doncker, Doubly fed induction generator systems for wind turbines, IEEE Ind. Appl. Mag., vol. 8, no.3, pp. 2633, May/Jun. 2002. [2] R. Pena, J. C. Clare, and G. M. Asher, A doubly fed induction generator using back-to-back PWM converters and its application to variable-speed wind-energy

Induction machine specifications. 3 Hp, 415V, 50Hz, 3 phase; Stator: 415V, Y connected, 4.7A; Rotor: 185V, Y connected, 7.5A
TABLE I: Machine parameters Parameter Stator resistance Rotor Resistance Stator Inductance Rotor Inductance Stator Leakage Inductance Rotor Leakage Inductance Magnetizing Inductance Symbol Rs Rr Ls Lr Lls Llr Lo Actual value in SI units 3.678 5.26 306.82 mH 306.82 mH 24.87 mH 24.87 mH 281.95 mH

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