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California American Water Monterey County Board of Supervisors Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Thismeetinghasbeen noticedaccordingtothe BrownActrules.This agendawaspostedon Friday,April19,2013.

Governance CommitteeMembers:
CaliforniaAmerican Water RobertMacLean MontereyPeninsula RegionalWaterAuthority JasonBurnett, Alt.ChuckDellaSala CountyofMonterey DavidPotter Alt.SimonSalinas MontereyPeninsula WaterManagement District BobBrower Alt.JeanneByrne

AGENDA REGULARMEETING MontereyPeninsulaWaterSupplyProject GovernanceCommittee *************** Monday,April22,2013,2:00PM MontereyPeninsulaWaterManagementDistrict,ConferenceRoom, 5HarrisCourt,BuildingG.,Monterey,CA

CalltoOrder/RollCall PledgeofAllegiance PublicComments
Anyone wishing to address the Committee on mattersnot listed on the agenda that are within the subject jurisdiction of the Committee, may do so during Public Comments. The public may comment on any other items listed on the agenda at the time they are considered by the Committee. Please limit your comment to3(three)minutes.

DavidJ.Stoldt,MPWMD ArleneTavani,MPWMD

AgendaItems 1. ApproveMinutesofMarch20,2013CommitteeMeeting 2. Adopt2013GovernanceCommitteeMeetingSchedule 3. Presentation from William Merry, General Manager of Monterey Regional Waste Management District on Landfill Gas as an Alternative EnergySourceforaDesalFacility 4. Review California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Response to Governance Committee Request for Workshop on Groundwater ReplenishmentProject(GWR) A. DevelopAgendaTopics forCPUCWorkshoponGWR B. Review Draft GWR Criteria as Discussed by Water Authority TAC (SeeExhibitGC4attached) 5. FinalizeScheduleforCalPolyDesignTeamReview 6. UpdatefromCalAmon StatusofProcurementfortheDesalDesignBuild Effort 7. DiscussionofItemstobePlacedonFutureAgendas 8. ScheduleNextMeetingDate Adjournment

Governance Committee C/O Monterey Peninsula Water Management District P.O. Box 85 Monterey, CA 93942

Agenda MontereyPeninsulaWaterSupplyProject GovernanceCommittee April22,2013 Page2of2

Upon request, the Governance Committee will make a reasonable effort to provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disabilityrelated modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. Please submit a written request, including your name, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid orservice by5 PMonApril19,2013.RequestsshouldbesenttotheGovernanceCommitteeSecretary, MPWMD, P.O. Box 85, Monterey, CA, 93942. You may also fax your request to the AdministrativeServicesDivisionat8316449560,orcall8316585600. After staff reports have been distributed, if additional documents are produced and provided to the Governance Committee regarding any item on the agenda, they will be made available at, 5 Harris Court, Building G, Monterey, CA during normal business hours. In addition, such documents may be posted on the MPWMD website at themeetingwillbemadeavailableinthesamemanner.

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