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COURSE: COURSE CODE: CREDITS: DURATION: CLASS TIMES: INSTRUCTOR: PREREQUISITE: OFFICE ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT II Human Resource Management BUST 200 3 HOURS 2nd Semester Tuesday 8-10 or 10-12 and Thurs 9-10 Dr. Christine A. Walwyn BUST 101, BUST 101

DESCRIPTION/OVERVIEW This module will expose students to the important activities of people management such as evolution and stages of human resource management, strategic human resource planning, recruitment and selection, training and development, recruitment and selection, compensation management, performance appraisal, job analysis and job evaluation and industrial relations.

OBJECTIVES: This module is designed to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Explain the historical factors which contributed to the development of human resources management. Describe the growing importance of people management strategic in the creation and sustenance of competitive advantage. Identify those environmental forces which elevates human resources planning to a primary organizational activity, which is germane to the organizations survival Assess the function of human resource development in organizational success. Describe strategies for managing employee compensation.

OUTCOMES AND COMPETENCIES: Upon successful completion of this module, the learner should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Understand the process of setting up the human resources of any organization. Identify human resources practices peculiar to the Caribbean. Explain the analysis and design of a training programme Define job evaluation and industrial relations paradigm in the Caribbean

TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGIES: A variety of teaching and learning method/strategies will be incorporated and or implemented during each class session. These include lectures, guest speakers, multi-media presentations, group and individual presentations, demonstrations, individual research and projects, group projects, and Field research, ASSESSTMENT & EVALUATION: Grading Standard - Continuous Assessment Quizzes Final Exam CLASS PARTICIPATION: 1. 2. This course requires that all students participate in all class and group discussions, presentations and assignments. It is suggested that students form study groups to facilitate class preparation and optimize performance on exams and test. Course work/projects Presentations, Practicum 60% 40%

EXAMINATIONS: Students are responsible for all materials covered both in class and study assignments, including research, lectures and discussions. All exams and test will be given ONLY on the date and time scheduled NO MAKE UP EXAMS OR TEST. In the event of extenuating circumstances (e.g.

Death in family, accidents, major illness) an appointed scheduled time will be given for MAKE UP. Letter grades will be assigned as set out in the CFBC Catalogue. Students failing to make 80% attendance for the Module will receive a F grade. Students attaining 40% to 49% are entitled to Supplemental Course and Project Work and the maximum achievable grade is a C. Students who pass supplemental examinations will be awarded the following marks and grades: 80% and over 59% 70% - 79% 60% - 69% 50% - 59% C 56% 53% 50% C CC-

SCHEDULE Topics Unit 1 Evolution of Human Resources Management Unit 2 Strategic Human Resource Management Content Dates and Sessions Week 1 Assessment

Definition of Human Resource Management (HRM) Components of HRM Personnel Week 2 Management, Employee Welfare, Week 3 Industrial Relations. Conceptual Models of HRM Presentation: Trade Unions in St. Kitts and Nevis Week 4 Qualifications of a HR Practitioner Define Strategic HRM Role of Culture in HRM Models of Knowledge creation Organization business strategies and their impact on HRM Presentation: Interview techniques Week 5

Class Discussion Home Work

Week 6

Mid-Term Exams

Week 6 27 Feb

Multiple choice and short answers 30%

Unit 3 Strategic Human Resources Development

Analysis and design of training programmes Model of Career development learning, Training and development Performance management and performance appraisal Human resource Management as strategic partner in business Presentation: Benefit Packages Jog evaluation Incentive and reward systems Process and use of collective bargaining Industrial relations in the Caribbean Presentation: Social Security benefits

Week 14

Class Discussion Home Work

Unit 4 Strategic Compensation Management

Week 15


Final Exam

RECOMMENDED TEXT AND RESOURCES: Managing Human Resources 16th Edition Bohlander, Svell, Sherman South-western College Publishing Thomas Learning

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