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Organ of Federation of Medical And Sales Representatives Associations of India

Rs.3 Vol. XII No. 6 KOLKATA 1 FEBRUARY 2013

60-A Charu Avenue Kolkata-700 033 Phone : (033)24242862 Fax : (033)24244943 E-mail :

Protest against Adcock

l Prosecute for law violation
Instead of transferring jobs of sales promotion employees as required under I D Act and in violation of the provisions of I D Act and SPE Act; South African MNC Adcock Ingram, following Foreign Investment Promotion Board approving its 100% acquisition of Cosme Farma Laboratories Ltd, resor ted to extraction of letters of resignation from Cosme Farma sales promotion employees of all categories and of all divisions using force and offering contract service as managers during 7-9 January sales meetings. At the call of FMRAI, majority Cosme Farma field workers resorted to lightening strike, boycotted sales meetings and refused to submit resignation letters. Some field workers were confused and under pressure submitted. Against this forced resignations and violation of laws, OSG network (Council subcommittees) reacted sharply, staged demonstrations and submitted memoranda to state labour commissioners and drug
See page-2

l Suspend its marketing

importers or distributors of drugs, duly licensed under Drugs and Cosmetics Act etc in appointment letters in Form-A under section 5 of SPE Act. Pharmaceutical sales promotion by any other person is illegal as per above provision of law and is a punishable offence. Enforcement of these provisions of these two drug Acts are the responsibility of the state drug controllers. On second part Section 15 restricts such sales promotion by the legally appointed sales promotion employees only by way of The distribution of such literature is confined only to the registered medical practitioners, hospitals, dispensaries, medical and research institutions, and Chemists and Druggists or pharmacies duly licensed under the provisions of Drugs and Cosmetics Rules. Enforcement of this provision also is the responsibility of state drug controllers. On enforcement of these legal provisions the Government of India issued gazette notification as GSR No. 843 dated 29.5.1967 for enforcement on and from 29 May, 1967. On these grounds FMRAI is justified in demanding suspension of sales promotion activities or marketing by Adcock Ingram Healthcare Private Limited and some other companies and intend to file FIRs at local police stations against persons doing any sales promotion work for Adcock in the background reported in this issue of FMRAI News.

Suspension of Sales Promotion Justified

Advertisement of drugs and pharmaceuticals by unauthorized persons and/or to unauthorized persons/institutions is illegal under Section 15 of the Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act, 1954. The Section 15 has two parts one part states as to who are authorized to do advertisements or sales promotion and the second part deals with the persons/institutions to whom it can be done. On the first part Section 15 states, Medical Literatures distributed by medical detailers appointed by manufacturers, importers or distributors of drugs, duly licensed under Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 0f 1940) and the Rules thereunder. As per judgement of Supreme Cour t Constitution Bench in H.R.Adhanthaya case in 1994, all are sales promotion employees, who are engaged in sales promotion of pharmaceutical products. Medical detailers appointed by manufacturers, importers or distributors of drugs, duly licensed under Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 0f 1940) and the Rules thereunder, as mentioned above, cannot be anybody else other than the sales promotion employees as per the above Supreme Court judgement. And who are these sales promotion employees? How they are to be identified? Those who have been appointed by manufacturers,

Prelude to 23rd Conference

23rd Conference of FMRAI is going to be held at Mahajati Sadan, Kolkata from 4 to 7 February, 2013, with participation of 1000 delegates, permissible maximum number under its Constitution, based on record valid 72,705 membership in 2011, coming from 19 state units of the country. 23 rd Conference is coincided with FMRAIs golden jubilee year, since its formation in 1963 and Golden Jubilee celebration will be commemorated together in a befitting manner. The conference will be inaugurated in an open session by Sitaram Yechury, MP and Polit Bureau member of CPI(M). The open session will also be addressed by the chairman of the reception committee Dr. Surya Kanta Mishra, Leader of the Opposition in West Bengal State Assembly, a medical practitioner by profession; leaders of frateranal unions and other mass organizations, chemists and druggists association and FMRAI leaders. A colourful procession will be taken out after the open session which, besides delegates, will be joined by large number of WBMSRU and other state unit members from east zone culminating into a mass meeting in Rani Rashmoni Road, Esplanade. The business session will be inaugurated by former general secretary of FMRAI, J. S. Majumdar on 5 Februar y. Following deliberations by the delegates on the repor ts of general secretary and treasurer, adoption of resolutions on future movements and organization, Agenda of Action and election of new Working Committee, the Conference shall come to close on 7 February afternoon.
See page-2

Protest by Torrent Field Workers

Protesting against unilateral and arbitrary introductions of newer reporting formats through frequent changes in the online reporting system and using it as a tool to victimize the field workers; against illegal and unethical trading and marketing; demanding appointment letters in Form A of SPE Act; constitution of grievance committee and rationalization of service and working conditions through bilateral discussion and resolution of one termination and one transfer issue, more than 1200 field workers of Torrent across the country, as per initial report, took mass casual leave and staged day long dharnas in front of companys establishments on 22 January at Kolkata, Ranchi, Patna, Cuttack, Guwahati, Lucknow, Dehradun, Jaipur, Bhopal, Indore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai and Cochin. Torrent field workers of Karnataka took casual leave and submitted memorandum. Despite management s provocation, threat and allurement, field work on that day was completely ceased in Torrent. Members from councils and general unity attended the

Hyderabad programme en masse to express their solidarity with the struggling Torrent field workers. In West Bengal, the field workers sat in dharna in front of the companys regional office at Kolkata and gate meeting was held which was addressed by FMRAIs joint general secretary A K Banerjee, Torrent s all India convener Nishit Chatterjee, its zonal convener Arpita Mitra Roy and other council leaders. A delegation met the local management and submitted memorandum. Bihar-Jharkhand field workers sat in dharna in front of companys establishments at

Patna and Ranchi. The massive gathering at Patna was addressed by BSSRUs general secretary Dipak Bhattacharya. The field workers of North-East sat in dharna, CRU s general secretary Bijon Das addressed the gathering at Guwahati. Dharna of Odisha field workers at Cuttack was addressed by OSRU s general secretary Subhankar Das. In Uttar Pradesh, dharnas were held at Lucknow, Kanpur, Moradabad, Allahabad and Varanasi . Braving severe cold wave in Rajasthan, dharna in Jaipur was a huge success. In Maharashtra, field workers

Jaipur assembled in front of companys establishment at Mumbai and a memorandum was submitted. Dharna could not be organized due to denial of permission by administration. In Madhya Pradesh-Chhattisgarh, dharnas were held at Indore and Jabalpur. Massive dharnas were held in Hyderabad and Cochin. In Tamilnadu, permission for dharna was denied and field workers assembled before company s establishment at Chennai and submitted a memorandum. Karnataka field workers also submitted memorandum.




l FEBRUARY 2013 l

Torture on Lupin Women Field worker

Against unlawful detention of a women field worker ( name withheld ) on 27 November, working in Maxter division of Lupin Limited and pressure built on her there by the regional sales manager of the Company; the Delhi State unit of FMRAI, Delhi Sales & Medical Representatives Organization (DSMRO), demanded of the Company for immediate removal of the culprit manager from the Company for his criminal activity and raised other demands. On that day, the culprit manager, Asheesh Mehendiratta, detained her in the companys office situated at Rohini, New Delhi, beyond working hours and even after the office was closed, till 11:00 PM. After taking up the matter with head office management by Union she was then released. Later, in a retaliatory action and bringing some extraneous and irrelevant issues, she was transferred in other part of Delhi and imposed lock out on her work. DSMRO also demanded of the Company to issue legally revised appointment letter in Form A under Rule 22(1) of Sales Promotion Employees (Conditions of Service) Rule 1976; withdraw illegal transfer order issued to her by the said manager and the lockout imposed on her work and pay adequate compensation to the victim for harassment and criminal act by the manager. All India Lupin council committee met at Kolkata on 26 January discussed the issue and decided to further take up the matter with the management.

On to 23 Conference
After 25 years of hosting its silver jubilee year conference in 1988, Kolkata once again is readying to host FMRAIs golden jubilee year conference, its 23rd, from 4 to 7 February, 2013. This 25 year has seen countrywide unification of field workers reflected in substantial increase in membership; spread of organizational network at micro level, in new areas, industries and in companies through councils; in organizational consolidation to match new challenges; in mobilization and striking capacities; increased participation in democratic movement; building up movement in new forms and tactics; and with many successes and achievements. Developments since its last, 22nd, conference at Chennai in 2010, will be critically examined by this conference drawing lessons from the past the developments in socio-economic situation in international and national arena; its impact on the service and working conditions of the field workers; their movement particularly in defending and advancing trade union and collective bargaining rights; movement for legal rights; movement for 8 hours work, minimum wages, photo I cards, field workers movement on the drug issues particularly its pricing and availability, on issues of women field workers, the organizational matter etc. The conference will also decide its future course after scrutinizing the experiences gained while translating in action the tasks decided in road maps of 2010, 2011 and 2012 in the background of agenda of action. Since Chennai conference, field workers movement faced many challenges. It put up substantial resistance and registered significant achievements. Despite joint demand of OPPI and IDMA to do away with SPE Act; on FMRAI demands national tripartite meetings were held, decision was taken for constitution of industrial standing committee for sales promotion employees and SPE Act was extended in 10 other industries. State tripartite meetings, including in Maharashtra and Karnataka, were held on enforcement of the provisions of SPE Act particularly on issuing legally amended appointment letters in Form-A as the identity of sales promotion employees against fragmentation. Prosecution cases have been filed across India by several state governments against many drug companies for nonimplementation of SPE Act particularly in issuing amended appointment letters in Form-A. Some of the companies started issuing legally amended appointment letters in Form-A to the existing employees. State amendments of section 2(s) for categorical inclusion of all sections of sales promotion employees have taken place. Legal notification on 8-hours work is being issued by several state governments. State notification on sales promotion employees in the schedule of Minimum Wages Act and fixation of minimum wages for the sales promotion employees is taking place. All these developments pushed the drug companies in the defensive. The world economic crisis which started six years back has deepened further since Chennai conference. With the contraction of market in the West, India has become the host of foreign capital. The re-entry of multinationals through acquisition route and FDI, coupled with Governments cover up exercise of its inaction on top level pharma corporate corruption, high price of medicines and, on the other hand, raising finger of accusation towards field workers and medical practitioners, necessitating for rapid market re-structuring for the multinationals, giving birth of newer problems for the field workers. The whole attempt is to prepare ground for enforcement of a patent regime for medicines of MNCs and market to determine medicines prices. With the advent of new liberal policies in 1991, through creating three burning problems, the focal point of attacks was on the trade union, collective bargaining and legal rights and now unleashed newer attacks on the identity and right to work of the field workers. 23rd conference will definitely assess this new situation and will seek to find the answer. There is substantial numerical growth in membership, yet, all the 342 local units all over the country need urgent orientation in tune with the need of the hour. Local units are the action areas. It is the local units who are to implement all the movemental decisions decided at the top. 23rd conference will review the functioning of the local units and will endeavour to strengthen it further to meet the newer challenges. 23rd conference is going to make a critical review on all the above areas of movement and developments of three organisational structures viz. general unity, council unity and council sub committee. In todays context, FMRAI has become a formidable force in the country to reckon with. Neither the pharma industry nor the central and state governments can simply ignore FMRAI. Following 23rd conference, field workers movement will move forward with more determination and will further strengthen it in particular and working class movement in general. On to 23rd conference of FMRAI.

AGB of UPMSRA Jaunpur Unit

150 members of UPMSRAs Jaunpur unit attended its annual general body meeting on 6 January. Beside others, leaders of democratic movement Kiran Shankar Raghuvanshi and Jay Prakash Singh greeted the participants. The reports placed by unit secretary and treasurer were discussed and unanimously adopted. The meeting unanimously elected 15 members committee with Devesh Gupta as president, Rajesh Rawat as secretary and P P Srivastava as treasurer.
From page-1

Jharkhand Govt. Attacks Sales Promotion Employees

The medical and sales representatives of Jamshedpur in Jharkhand, under the banner of their state BSSR Union and all India FMRAI were staging dharna and demonstration in front of district administration on 4 December during their country-wide strike. The union submitted advance written intimation to the administration about their proposed strike, dharna and demonstration; met the district administration and submitted memorandum and peacefully dispersed after the programme. Surprising, only after conclusion of the programme, next day, the district administration filed cases against the union under several sections of IPC including section 353 purportedly for obstructing government functioning. All central trade unions in the convention at Ranchi on 9 December and east zone conference of FMRAI, held at Patna also on 9 December, by separate resolutions, condemned this attack on free trade union movement. The central trade unions decided to jointly meet the state home secretary. BSSR Union decided to hold unit general meetings in the districts of Jharkhand and Bihar and send resolutions and letters to the chief minister of Jharkhand demanding withdrawal of cases and restoring normal democratic trade union functioning in the state. The trade unions of Singhbhum district on 14 December also condemned this action of the administration. (Inputs: Ratan Chakravorty)

Prelude to 23rd Conference

The host unit, WBMSRU, is busy in making adequate arrangements for the conference, mobilizing funds, undertaken massive publicity campaign throughout West Bengal, mobilizing functionaries for smooth arrangement of the conference etc. under the leadership of Dr. Surya Kanta Mishra, Chairman, Reception Committee.

For Golden Jubilee celebration, a special session will be held in the evening of 5 February. CITUs all India president A. K. Padmanabhan will inaugurate the session. FMRAIs many former office bearers, working committee members, some of the all India conveners are expected to participate the session and Reception Committee is gearing up to felicitate them appropriately.
From page-1

... Protest against Adcock

Following provisions shall apply for Cosme Farma field workers
Transfer Jobs with Ownership Change
I D Act: Section 25FF: Compensation to workmen in case of transfer of undertakings Its second proviso reads as, Provided that nothing in this section shall apply to a workman in any case where there has been a change of employers by reason of the transfer, if(a) the service of the workman has not been interrupted by such transfer

controllers in state capitals on 21 January demanding prosecution of Adcock by labour commissioners for resorting to unfair labour practice and suspension of its sales promotion activities by drug controllers till compliance of law. Dharna and demonstrations were staged and memoranda were submitted to drug controllers at Kolkata, Patna, Ranchi, Bhubaneswar, Guwahati, Jaipur, Lucknow, Chandigarh, Indore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bengaluru, Jammu and Trivandrum. Drug controllers in many states assured appropriate action after consulting the provisions of law. As earlier decided, OSGs staged dharna, demonstration and submitted memoranda in districts all over the country on 21 January against six culprit companies Abbott group, Wyeth-Pfizer, Biological E, AstraZeneca, Cosme Farma and Organon-Fulford-MSD. It was additionally decided to press demands with state drug controllers and labour commissioners against Adcock.

No Change in Service Conditions

I D Act: Section 9-A: Notice of Change Reads as, No employer, who proposes to effect any change in the conditions of service applicable to any workman in respect of any matter specified in the Fourth Schedule, shall affect such change,

For Legally Amended Appointment Letter in Form-A

SPE Act Section 5: Reads as, Issue of appointment letter- Every employer in relation to a sales promotion employee shall furnish to such employee letter of appointment in such form as may be prescribed(a) in case where he holds appointment as such at the commencement of this Act, within three months of such commencement; and (b) in any other case on his appointment as such.

Prescribed form is provided under this section in Rule 22(1) as Form-A


From page-4

Settlement in Win-Medicare
increased by Rs. 100 The 4 th wage settlement between till March 2013 and by Win-Medicare and Rs. 150 from April FMRAI s committee 2013. In addition to out was signed on 24 station allowance, as a January at the head new components of office of the company this settlement, while at Delhi. The average working in hill station, benefit was Rs. 6678 field workers are with minimum entitled to another increase of Rs.5613 Rs.500 as hotel and maximum being allowance; for Rs.12756 per field Sitting (From L to R) Sandeep Anand, Ritu Sikka and attending meeting worker per month S. S. Aurora. Standing (From L to R)- Mukesh Kumar, within region, besides the increase Lindsay Melvile, Girish Kalra, Kaushik Sarkar, Hitesh additional Rs.600 and in working allowance. Parekh and P. C. Thomas Rs. 800 for meeting The settlement is for three years, outside the region. LTA and medical as those are effective from 1 April, 2012 and Per kilometer travel fare has percentage linked with basic pay. will remain valid up to 31 March, been increased from Rs. 2.20 to All field workers would be 2015. Rs. 3.20 and for every Rs. 5 hike entitle to Rs.500 per month as city The existing pay scale shall be in petrol prices, there will be 10 compensatory allowance, replaced with the introduction of paisa automatic rise in per introduced as a new component salary range first range upto 10 kilometer travel fare. in this settlement. The metro city years, from Rs. 7000 to Rs. 10213 On behalf of the management, allowance has been increased to and open ended second range J.N Khurana, vp-operation; Rs. 1500 from existing Rs. 1000 above 10 years from Rs. 11350. S.S.Aurora, vp- marketing & and vehicle maintenance Annual increment, with effect from sales; Ritu Sikka, associate allowance has been increased by 1st April 2012, would be at the director- human resources and Rs. 200. rate of 3.85% up to 10 years and Sandeep Anand, director- sales From January 2013 to March 3.5% of the basic of preceding & marketing and on behalf of 2013, headquar ter and exyear thereafter. With the upward negotiating committee, Kaushik headquarter allowances would be revision of basic pay, field workers Sarkar, Lindsay Melville, Mukesh increased by Rs. 20 and again would be consequently and Kumar, Girish Kalra, Hitesh would be increased by Rs. 10 from substantially benefited in terms of Parekh and P.C.Thomas signed April 2013. Staying allowance for special allowance, house rent, the settlement. out station work has been

Golden Jubilee Celebration

to Tinsukia, Dibrugarh, Jorhat, Nagaon , North Lakhimpur , Tezpur, Nalbari, Barpeta Road and Bongaigaon during 23 to 30 December. Motorcycle rallies were organized in Tinsukia, North Lakhimpur and Bongaigaon. In other places, meetings and conventions were organized and participated by hundreds of CRU members. The jatah finally reached to Dhubri where members joined in a convention. In most of the places, the leaders of CITU were present to greet the members of CRU. More than 1100 CRU members participated in the golden jubilee flag march.

On 18 December, flag jatha moved to Agartala. Around 150 members joined in a two wheeler rally to carry the golden jubilee flag and to spread the message of unity and brotherhood. A convention was also organized which discussed the glorious history of FMRAI and field workers movement. On 20 December the flag jatha reached Silchar , where members organized two wheeler rally. The flag jatha moved to Shillong on 21 December and to Dimapur on 22 December. Both the places, meetings were organized. The jatha then moved

West Bengal
FMRAIs golden-jubilee-flag-march which was flagged off in Indira Park at Hyderabad on 13 May last, after traveling thousands of miles throughout the length and breadth of the country, finally entered West Bengal on 3 January for the final lap and will be unfurled in the 23rd Conference of FMRAI in its golden jubilee year on 4 February at Mahajati Sadan, Kolkata, the venue of the conference.

Lightning strike in Geno

In a spontaneous reaction, Geno field workers all over the country resorted to lightning strike on 5 January when they came to know that their west zone convener and negotiating / consultative committee member S K Bedekar expired on 4 January following a massive cardiac arrest. In protest, MSMRA observed black day on 24 January against victimization policy on sales ground by the drug companies, wore black badges and conducted demonstrations before all district labour authorities in Maharashtra and submitted memoranda. Earlier, on 17 December, Geno field workers resorted to days countrywide notified strike in pursuance of the demands whimsical actions of holding field workers exclusive responsible for sales and taking actions on that basis like transfer, termination, issuing stop work order, withholding of salary and other payments which also included Bedekar. Their seething anger burst out hearing the news of Bedekars demise. Comrade Sudhir Bedekar, 56, left behind his wife, a son and ailing father. Large number of Mumbai based field workers gathered in his funeral. A condolence meeting at Dombivili was held on 11 January. FMRAI mourns the untimely death of Comrade Sudhir K Bedekar and sends hear tfelt condolence to his bereaved family. In presence of WBMSRU members, CRUs secretary Rahul Purakayastha handed over the flag to WBMSRU general secretary Sumahan Chakrabarty. WBMSRUs vice president Madhu Sudan Som hoisted the flag at WBMSRU state centre and office of the Reception Committee of the conference at Entally. A mass meeting was held there which was addressed by Rahul Purakayastha, M S Som, Sumahan Chakraborty and FMRAI secretary Santanu Chatterjee. Now, the flag is marching accross West Bengal and would be brought to the venue of the conference for hoisting on 4 February.

Comrade S K Bedekar
including revocation of transfer of Bedekar from Mumbai to Ratnagiri. Management transferred Bedekar at a time when few months were left for him to reach superannuation. Geno field workers were agitated against management s arbitrary and

Seminars in West Bengal

As a part of campaign in celebrating Golden Jubilee year of FMRAI, WBMSRU organized seminars in different districts. In presence of a good gathering including about 200 WBMSRU members, a seminar on Access to Essential Medicines was held on 7 January at Jila Parishad Hall, Burdwan. FMRAIs working committee member, Amitava Guha was the main speaker. Another seminar on 50 years movement of field workers was held at Durgapur on 11 January. FMRAI secretary Sanjay Chatterjee was the main speaker. CITUs Burdwan district secretary Ajit Mukherjee and FMRAIs working committee member Debasish Chatterjee also addressed. A seminar titled Ajker Dunia o Amader Banga (Contemporary world and our Bengal) was held at Rabindra Bhavan, Asansol on 23 January. In presence of about 700 audience including large number of WBMSRU members, former minister of Left front government and the main speaker, Manab Mukherjee dealt the subject. CITU leader Partha Mukherjee, WBMSRUs Burdwan district president Tapan Jyoti Goswami and its district secretary Debotosh Chakraboerty also addressed on the occasion. At Mahajati Sadan, Kolkata, the venue for 23rd conference, a seminar on Medicines for all was held on 22 January in presence of about 1000 audience including present and former members of WBMSRU. During his deliberation, former finance minister of West Bengal Left front government and noted economist Dr. Ashim Dasgupta expressed concern on the economic situation of the country and criticized governments policy in making pharma PSUs sick. Dr. B. Iqbal, ex vice chancellor of Kerala University, while appreciating FMRAIs role in the movement on drug issues, touched upon the drug pricing, data exclusivity, data protection etc. Joint convener of Jana Sasthya Abhiyan and FMRAIs working committee member, Amitava Guha dealt unethical marketing practices indulged in by the drug cartels, role of CDSCO vis--vis procedure for granting licenses for marketing etc. Former drug controller of West Bengal, eminent medical practitioner, Dr. Santanu Tripathy also delivered on this occasion. WBMSRU president Robin Dev chaired the seminar. A seminar titled Current situation & field workers movement was held at Howrah district CITU office on 25 January. FMRAIs joint general secretary A. K. Banerjee addressed the gathering. 3

Cyber Crime in Elder

Ranu Kumar Yadav of Elder Pharma, with head quarter at Lucknow, was shocked to learn that he purportedly resigned from companys job through his email at 19.12 hours on 11 December, 2012 and his resignation was already accepted by the management through their email at 3.30 PM (in advance) on the same day followed by companys postal signed communication on 12 December. Overcoming his shock, Ranu Kumar informed the company that he did not send any email to the company containing his resignation from job; that on that very day on 11 December, he was attending companys cycle meeting at Jaipur along with the managers and his other colleagues. On returning, Renu Kumar Yadav filed an FIR at Hussainganj police station, Lucknow and a case has been registered under sections 419, 420, 467, 468, 471 of IPC and sections 66, 66B, 84 of BIT Act of 2000 (cyber crime). The CoH of Cyber Crime Cell of Hazratganj area of Lucknow in his letter of 23 rd January, 2013 addressed to the president of Elder Pharmaceuticals Limited informed that the case, as registered under different sections, was under investigation; that during investigation it was found that the purpor ted resignation letter of Ranu Kumar Yaday was sent from a cyber caf at Lucknow hacking his email ID; that when the said hacked mail was sent from Luckow, at that time Renu Kumar Yadav was attending companyarranged meeting at Jaipur and on that the cyber crime cell had sufficient evidence. Hence, the CoH informed, that Renu Kumar Yadav did not sent the purported electronic mail on his resignation. Hence it would be legally justified to cancel the purported resignation letter and reinstate him. The report was sent to the company to act in advance! Few questions definitely will be investigated by the police that as how explain acceptance of resignation a few hours in advance as per recorded timing; why there was such a speed in accepting resignation even if timing is ignored; as to why management did not wait for signed letter of resignation; as to why the resignation has not yet been revoked despite Supreme Courts direction of subsequent denial / withdrawal. Obviously, it will be found out as to who the culprit / culprits were.


Registration No. WBENG/2001/6430


Postal Registration No. KOL RMS/106/2013-2015

FMRAIs Golden Jubilee Celebration 22nd State General Flag March Conference of KSM&SRA the meeting, a two wheeler rally addressed by OSRUs secretary
Started from the state capital Bhubaneswar and after marching in 15 districts for 27 days and participated by hundreds of enthusiastic members of OSRU, ended at the states oldest city Cuttack. Leaders of CITU, fraternal trade unions and chemists organization addressed the members at various places. In Bhubaneswar , a meeting was held at CITU s state centre. Subsequently, the jatha moved to Berhampur where a two wheeler rally was organized. A meeting was held at Sahid Laxman Nayak community hall which was addressed by OSRU s joint general secretary B N Sahu, besides leaders of CITU and other fraternal trade unions. Next in Jeypur, from the bus stand the flag was carried to the unions office in a rally and general body meeting was organized there. As the flag reached at Bhawanipatna, a two wheeler rally with golden jubilee flag moved entire town and a street corner meeting was held in front of the district head quarter hospital. Thereafter, in Balangir, the flag was hoisted at unit office and meeting was organized. After moved to the office of the collectorate covering the major areas of the town and converted into a street corner meeting, addressed by Anirudha Mohapatra, joint general secretary OSRU. A massive two wheeler rally was taken out in Bargarh from the railway station chawk, travelled the important places of the town and culminated in a street corner meeting. In the evening, a candle light procession was organized with FMRAIs flag. In Sambalpur, a general body meeting was organized, which was addressed by OSRU vice president Sanjay Kumar and secretary Satyabrata Mohapatra. In Rourkela, a hall meeting was organized on the first day which was addressed by leaders of CITU and other fraternal trade unions. On the next day, a street corner meeting was held. In Balasore, the flag was hoisted and a general body meeting was organized. Bhadrak unit organized a rally which moved through medicine market, hospital campus and other impor tant places of the town and reached to the unions office where the flag was hoisted. A general body meeting was organized, Amar Kumar Acharya, CITU and others leaders. Jajpur Town unit hoisted the flag in unions office premises and organized a hall meeting. In Jajpur Road, a two wheeler rally was taken out with FMRAIs golden jubilee flag and a hall meeting was organized which was addressed by CITU leaders. A rally was held with the flag at Keonjhar and street corner meeting was held. On the next day, a hall meeting was organized. In Angul flag was received with a rally and a street corner meeting was organized. On the next day, the flag was hoisted in unions office premises and a hall meeting was organized to discuss the glorious history of FMRAI. In Cuttack, a two wheeler rally was brought out from Ravenshaw University which moved to Subhash Chandra Bose medical college campus where a street corner meeting was organized, addressed by OSRUs general secretary Subhankar Das. Following day, a hall meeting was organized in the unions office premises and was addressed by Rabinarayan Mallick, joint convener of Odisha Sramik Karmachari Ekata Manch (OSKEM).

219 delegates and 6 observers from 15 out of total 16 units of KSM&SRA assembled at Arya Vaishya Samaja Kalyana Mantapa, Hubli in 22nd conference of Karnataka State Medical & Sales Representatives Association (KSM&SRA), held during 12 13 January. The venue was dedicated in the name of former FMRAIs president, Comrade George Verghese and the dais was dedicated in the name of Comrade Prashant who was a member of Hubli unit and died in a road accident. Following the hoisting of KSM&SRA flag by its president L.M.Peshwa and paying floral tributes to the martyrs, the conference began with lighting the lamp by FMRAIs secretray T. Kameshwar Rao. After the deliberations of Basavaraj Horatti, MLC and former education minister and reception committee chairman and chief guest of the conference Dr.Vasantha Kamath, director KIMS, Hubli, the leaders of various fraternal organizations greeted the delegates and observers in the inaugural session which include A. H. Ayi, CITUs Hubli district vice president, AIIEA leader B.N.Pujar, BSNL employees union Hubli district president Harish Doddamani, AIBEA leader Stefan Jayachandra, leader of SFI Vinayal Kurubar addressed and greeted the conference. After the conclusion of inaugural session, a colourful rally was taken out which passed the main thoroughfare of Hubli, highlighting the various people oriented demands. 23 delegates deliberated on the general secretary Jaya Ganesh and treasurer Sathya Poornas reports which were adopted unanimously. 22nd conference adopted various resolutions including on the demands of KSM&SRA pending before Karnataka State government, on Golden Jubilee celebration of FMRAI, to make the 20 21 February countrywide general strike a grand success, against high price of medicines, unethical marketing and trading and illegal clinical trials by pharma corporates, to build up own building of KSM&SRA at Bangalore and on other issues. FMRAI secretary T. Kameshwar Rao greeted the delegates in the business session. 22nd conference also felicitated KSM&SRA leader and FMRAIs former general council member, Srikant for his contribution to KSM&SRA. The conference elected 11 office bearers and 15 working committee members with H.J.Suresh as president, L.M.Peshwa as general secretary and Jaya Ganesh as treasurer.

Bihar - Jharkhand
Debasish Dey hoisted the flag. 63 members donated blood and earlier, organized a convention. In Ranchi, BSSRU joint general secretary Anirban Bose hoisted the flag, organized rally and held unit meeting. Daltoganj unit organized blood donation camp and gave membership to new field workers. Dhanbad unit conducted a mass meeting at Randhir Verma Chowk, addressed by Ashim Haldar; organized blood donation camp and greeted by Lal Mohan Mahato, SDM, IMA president Dr. S.K.Karan, insurance leader, Hemant Mishra and others. Flag march programme was befittingly organized in Giridih, Deoghar, Bhagalpur, Munger and Sasaram also. Dehri-onSone unit organised rally, four street corner meetings and a convention was held, addressed by fraternal trade union leaders. Members of Aurangabad unit participated in these programme. Unit general meetings, flag hoisiting, rallies were conducted in Gaya, Chapra, Siwan, Muzaffarpur , Laheriasarai , Samastipur, Begusarai and Saharsha units. The flag reached Patna on 6 December and received by BSSRU secretary Debashish Roy. A special meeting was organized, addressed by FMRAI s vice president L.N. Chakrabor ty, BSSRU president Sanjay Chatterjee, general secretary D. Bhattacharjee, Kalyan Acharya, treasurer besides Bihar state CITU general secretary Arun Kumar Mishra and other fraternal trade union leaders. Past members of BSSR Union was also invited and attended. In a colourful rally in Purnea, the flag was brought to Rest House and hoisted. BSSRU secretary R.S. Rai addressed the unit meeting. Thereafter, R. S. Rai carried the flag and handed over to Katihar unit secretary Uday Kumar Dey and was hoisted by unit president Arup Ghosh Majumdar. Kalyan Acharya, among others, addressed a meeting. From Katihar, FMRAIs working committee member and BSSR Unions treasurer Kalyan Acharya carried the flag to North East and handed over to CRU on 16 December.

Conference / Annual General Body Meeting in Kashmir valley

Samiullah as president, Basheer Ahmed Ganne as secretary and Peerzada Shuza as treasurer. In Jammu, conference was held on 3 January which was inaugurated by Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami, MLA and state president of CITU. Beside others, senior CITU leaders Om Prakash and Sham Prasad Kesar addressed. PCMSRU secretary Sanjeeva Mahajan also addressed. The conference adopted several resolutions which include strict enforcement of SPE Act, state governments notification on 8 hours work for the sales promotion employees, declaration and enforcement of minimum wage as Rs. 10,000/- per month, legal working right of the sales promotion employees in hospitals, institutions and clinics and 6 months maternity for women field workers. A 17 member committee was unanimously elected with Surinder Singh as president, Arun Basotra as secretary and Hardeep Singh as treasurer.

General Body Meeting at Srinagar

The general body meeting in Srinagar was held on 23 December and was attended by more than 200 members. FMRAI s secretary R P Singh addressed the gathering. A 25 member preparatory committee was unanimously elected. 210 members attended the Annual General Body Meeting of Anantnag unit of JKMSRA on 24 December. CITU Kashmir states general secretary Om Prakash addressed the meeting. The reports placed by secretary and treasurer were unanimously adopted after discussion. A 23 member executive body was unanimously elected with

Dhanbad To commemorate the Golden Jubilee celebration, FMRAIs flag march programme which started at Hyderabad on 13 May this year, after moving various units of south, west and north zones, entered in east zone on 25 November at Jamshedpur and after marching in 21 units, concluded on 15 December at Katihar. During its journey in Bihar and Jharkhand, BSSRU members organized colourful decorative rallies, unit meetings, addressed by BSSRU and fraternal trade unions leaders, organized blood donation camps, conventions, two wheelers rally etc. BSSRU vice president Biswajit Deb received the flag, brought to the union office at Jamshedpur through a big rally. FMRAI s working committee member

North East
From Bihar-Jharkhand, FMRAI s golden jubilee flag reached Guwahati on 16 December where CRU s president Pradip Roy and its general secretary Bijon Das received the flag . A colourful two wheeler rally, participated by the members of CRU, carried the flag through impor tant places of Guwahati . A street corner meeting was organized which was addressed by FMRAIs secretary Santanu Chatterjee beside others. Next Day, the flag jatha reached Imphal where a convention was organized.
See page-3

Printed by D P Dubey, published by D P Dubey on behalf of Federation of Medical and Sales Representatives Associations of India and printed at Satyajug Employees Co-operative Industrial Society Ltd. 13 Prafulla Sarkar Street, Kolkata-700 072 and published at 60-A, Charu Avenue Kolkata-700 033

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