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Name of Course/Module: Distributed Computer Systems Version 2.0 (Effective TBC) Course Code: CT024-3.

5-3 Name(s) of academic staff: David Tan, Muhammad Ibrahim Ravi Rationale for the inclusion of the course/module in the programme: Refer to Programme Specification Semester and Year offered: Refer to Programme Specification Total Student Face to Face Total Guided and Independent Learning Learning Time (SLT) L = Lecture L T P O 92 T = Tutorial 16 32 P = Practical O= Others Credit Value: 3.5 Prerequisite (if any): Network Programming or equivalent Objectives The objectives of this module is to: Contribute to the achievement of the Learning Outcomes specified for the students award at Level 3 Enable students to further develop their knowledge and skills in relation to Distributed Computer Systems Develop the ability of students to critically apply the knowledge they gain in relation to the study of Distributed Computer Systems Further develop lifelong learning skills of independent learning and study in relation to Distributed Computer Systems Enable students to develop their ability to: Critically Analyse variety of distributed enterprise systems Innovate and create new approaches to complex problems, situations and opportunities Use quantitative skills and draw appropriate conclusions Use and innovate ICT relevant to given situations Learning outcomes: On successful completion of this module, you should be able to: Assess various distributed technology in the context of distributed enterprise applications. (MQF6) Discuss projected future developments in distributed systems technology and standards. (MQF1) Utilise appropriate language and system facilities to develop distributed and fault-tolerant applications. (MQF2)

MQF Learning Outcome Area MQF1 - Innovation, Knowledge and critical thinking skills MQF2 - Practical skills MQF3 - Social skills & responsibilities MQF4 - Values, attitudes, professionalism and ethics MQF5 - Communications, leadership and team skills MQF6 - Problem solving & scientific skills MQF7 - Research, Information management and lifelong learning Sskills MQF8 - Managerial & entrepreneurial skills

Transferable Skills: The following employability skills are introduced (I), developed (D) and/or assessed (A): Analytical (D, A), Critical Thinking (D, A),Problem Solving (D, A),Creativity (D)

Teaching-learning and assessment strategy: The module comprises lectures and tutorials and involves problem solving skills within the assignment.

Synopsis: This module will be case study based with tutorials looking into a variety of Distributed Computing Technology.

Mode of Delivery: Lecture and Tutorial Assessment Methods and Types An Individual In-course assignment weighted at 100% (LOs 1 - 3)

Mapping of the course/module to the Programme Aims : Refer to the Programme Specification Mapping of the course/module to the Programme Learning Outcomes: Refer to the Programme Specification

Content outline of the course/module and the SLT per topic:

Week Topics L T P O Ind

Introduction Overview of the module General Guidelines & Learning Approach Assessments Briefing Introduction to the subject area


Characterization of Distributed Systems & Design Goal History Key Characteristics Basic Design Issue User Requirements Remote Procedure Call Architecture and Concepts Design Issues Tools and Utilities Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) Object Request Broker (ORB) Object Adapters Interface Definition Language (IDL) Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) Facilities and Services


CORBA Component Model (CCM) Need for CCM Connection Model of CORBA and CCM Deployment Model of CORBA and CCM Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) Overview and architecture Interface Definition Language (IDL) Objects Components Infrastructure Facilities and Services Remote Method Invocation (RMI)




8 Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs) 9 Component Model Connection Model Deployment Model Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 10 Architecture Processing model Services Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) 11 Basic Concepts Channel Layer Service Layer Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) 12
1 2 6




Peer-to-Peer Communication
13 Ice for C++ 14 Ice for Java 15 Ice for .NET 16 Summary

Message Passing Communication

1 2 6

Internet Communications Engine (Ice)

1 2 5.5



Summary of module Revision of Major Topic Areas Assessment Discussion

16 32 92


Main references supporting the course

Essential Reading Kshemkalyani A.D., Singhal M., (2011), Distributed Computing: Principles, Algorithms, and Systems, Cambridge University Press, (ISBN: 9780521189842) Aleksy M., Korthaus A., Schader M., (2010), Implementing Distributed Systems with Java and CORBA, Springer, (ISBN: 3642063349) Rubinger A.L, Burke B., (2010), Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1, Sixth Edition, O'Reilly Media, (ISBN: 0596158025) Sharp J.,(2010), Windows Communication Foundation 4 Step by Step, Microsoft Press, (ISBN: 9780735645561) Further Reading Tanenbaum A.S., Van Steen M., (2006), Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, (ISBN: 0132392275) Other additional information: None

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