Skin KNP Note Taking Sheet

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name: __________________

Human Body Systems S

Skin is the _________________ organ in the human body. Skin contains 3 layers: ___________________ Dermis Subcutaneous fat

Skin Layers - Epidermis

Outermost and ________________ layer. The cells in the epidermis are _______________. The cells are _______________ repellant. Thousands of cells rub off when you shake hands, scratch your ear, etc. New cells are produced at the ba_______________se of the epidermis. Cells in epidermis produce a chemical called ___________________. Melanin is a pigment that protects your skin from UV rays and gives it colour. The more melanin you have, the _______________ you are. As you exposed to UV rays, melanin production increases and your skin becomes darker. Lighter skin have less _______________ to suns rays. It will burn more easily and may be more susceptible to skin cancer.

Skin Layers - Dermis

Layer of skin directly _______________ the epidermis The dermis is _______________ than epidermis The dermis contains many blood vessels, _______________, muscles, oil and sweat glands

Skin Layers - Subcutaneous Layer

Below the dermis is a fatty region that helps to ____________________ the body. This is where most of the fat goes when a person gains weight.

Functions of Skin
Protection _________________ response Formation of vitamin ______ Regulation of body ___________ Ridding the body of __________ Most important. PROTECTION

Skin keeps out the bad _________________ Glands (in skin) secrete fluids that can damage or destroy some bacteria Skin slows down __________ loss from body tissue Special _________________ cells detect and relay information to the brain. These cells help you feel the softness of fur and the coarseness of sandpaper.

Vitamin D
Small amounts of vitamin D are produced in the presence of _______ light, from a fatlike cell in the epidermis. Vitamin D helps the body absorb ____________ into your blood stream from food in your digestive tract.

Regulate Body Temperature

The skin regulates body temperature using ______________ vessels. Blood vessel ______________ and allows more blood to flow through. This also allows thermal energy to be released. Blood vessel constrict and allow less blood to flow through. This also allows thermal energy to be ______________. An adult has about _____ million sweat glands! They help regulate your temperature and eliminate water, salt and other waste products.

Tiny blood vessels under the skin have ___________. Red blood cells ___________ into the tissue. The blood cells break down and release hemog___________lobin. From the outside of your skin it looks black and blue. Phagocytes come in to clean up the debris. They ____________ the red blood cells and break them down. As the hemoglobin breaks down, it changes colours to ______________ and yellow and then brownish.

Any ______________ in the skin. Blood flows out of the cut until a ____________ is formed. A scab forms and keeps bacteria from entering the body. Cells in the surrounding blood vessels fight __________________ while the skin cells beneath the scab grow to fill the gap in the skin. Scab then falls off and leaving the skin behind.

Sometimes not enough skin cells are left that can divide to replace this lost layer. This can lead to rapid water loss from skin and muscle tissues, then to _______________ and possible death. Pieces of skin that are removed from one part of a persons body and moved to the injured area. It is kept alive by nearly blood vessels and soon becomes part of the surround skin.

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