MCQ-Marketing of Services (MBAMK01)

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MCQ-Marketing of Services (MBAMK01)

1. Which of the following is not correct with regard to marketing? a. Marketing is a Management Function b. Marketing is a Philosophy c. Marketing is not related to Business Activity alone. d. Marketing means selling. e. Objective of Marketing is to achieve customer satisfaction. 2. Which of the following is a part of Marketing Management? a. Identification of Business Opportunities b. Understanding the Customer needs c. Producing according to customer needs d. Delivering as per Customer convenience e. All the above 3. If Surf-Excel is three pack sizes and two types of packages what is the product depth? a. Two b. Three c. Six d. Eight e. Nine 4. For promotion under 4P which aspect is not taken into account? a. Advertisement b. Sales Promotion c. Sales Force d. Public Relations e. None of the above 5. In 4P model for marketing, the place relates to which aspect? a. Distribution

b. Production c. Transportation d. a & c e. b & c 6. What among the following is the feature of experienced goods? a. These are intangible b. These cannot be packaged c. These cannot be touched d. These can be evaluated only after use e. All the above 7. A Brand name is? a. A Symbol or a design for the purpose of identification. b. Its legal version is trademark c. It is given legal protection d. All the above e. None of the above 8. Rural Markets are a. Homogeneous b. Heterogeneous c. Organized d. Un-organized e. None of these

9. When very little is known about the problem being examined, which type of marketing research is done? a. Exploratory Research

b. Descriptive Research c. Casual Research d. Predictive Research e. None of these 10. It is difficult to measure the morale of the sales team directly because a. It is a tangible state b. It is an intangible state c. Employees hide the truth d. All the above e. None of these 11. Which among the following is / are user /users of the outcome of the Marketing Research I) Consumers II) Business Firms III) Government IV) Producers a. Only II b. Only I & II c. I, II, & IV d. All e. None of these 12. In Banking Services Market can be segmented on the basis of a. Density b. Customers c. Both a & b d. Neither a & b e. None of these

13. Sales targets are fixed on the basis of a. Past experience

b. Time period c. Brand position d. All the above e. None of these 14. Which among the following is an example of Secondary Media? a. Television b. Radio c. Hoardings d. News Papers e. None of these 15. Emotional and Rational buying motives can be differentiated on the basis of a. Time in purchasing b. Dominance c. Nature of Product d. All the above e. None of these 16. Marketing implies Meeting needs _____________ a. Profitably b. Focus c. Products d. Research e. Psychology

17. The following does not represent a market situation. a. A bank run dispensary in its staff quarters

b. A fund rising Charity Show for the members of an NGO c. A Meditation Camp of a religious Organization conducted for its members d. A stall distributing Tirumala prasadam in a mandir 18. The markets are grouped into different types based on the geographical area, location of market place, product, nature of transaction and volume of transaction. In the above statement the following is not correct? a. Nature of transaction. b. Geographical area c. Location of Market place d. Volume of transaction 19. The act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return is called a. Transaction b. Exchange c. Relationship d. Value 20. Services have special characteristics namely ______ which affect their Marketing process a. Intangibility b. Inseparability c. Heterogeneity d. Perishability e. All the above 21. Promotion in Marketing means a. passing an examination b. elevation from one grade to another c. selling the products through various means d. selling the product in specific areas e. None of these 22. Sources of Sales Leads are a. Data Mining b. Market Research c. Media Outlets

d. Promotional Programs e. All of these 23. One of the methods for Market Monitoring is a. to watch TV serials b. to discuss with other sales persons c. to monitor media outlets d. All of these e. None of these 24. Market Expansion means a. hiring more staff b. firing more staff c. buying more products d. buying more companies e. None of these 25. A series of instructions that tells a computer what to do and how to do it is called a a. program b. command c. user response d. processor e. None of these 26. Effective marketing helps in a. developing new products b. creating a competitive environment c. building demand for products d. All of these e. None of these 27. Which is the part of a computer that one can touch and feel ? a. Hardware b. Software c. Programs d. Output e. None of these 28. A Call in Marketing means a. to phone the customers b. to visit the customers c. to visit the marketing site d. to call on prospective customers e. None of these

29. Delivery Channel means a. maternity wards b. handing over the products to the buyers c. places where products are made available to the buyers

d. All of these e. None of these 30. Processing involves a. inputting data into a computer system b. transforming input into output c. displaying output in a useful manner d. providing relevant answers e. None of these

Answers 1. D 2. E 3. C 4. E 5. D 6. E 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. B 11. D 12. C 13. D 14. C 15. D 16. A 17. D 18. C 19. B 20. E 21. C 22. E 23. C 24. E 25. A 26. D 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. B

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