Currciulum Overview

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MBE2253 Currculum Development in TVET

Curriculum Overview o Introduction o Curriculum Models and Design Principles o Learning Principles o Educational Beliefs Building Curriculum at a Program Level o Overview of Program Development o Provincial Guidelines for Program Development o Program Learning Outcomes o Working with Advisory Committees Curriculum Mapping o Purposes o Samples o Additional Resources Building Curriculum at a Course Level o Introduction o Basic Course Design Principles o Assessing the Achievements of Learning o Building Learning Activities o Selecting Learning Resource Materials o Documenting Course Curriculum Curriculum Review and Revision o Program Quality Assurance Process Audit (PQAPA) o Some Resources to Support PQAPA o Informal Curriculum Review

Curriculum Overview
1. Introduction
Curriculum development models abound. Generally they suggest an iterative and cyclical pattern.

Curriculum does not happen sequentially. Decisions made at one point often need to be revisited and revised in light of later decisions. What is important is that the curriculum be coherent-- that there is congruence and a match among all the components. Some find it helpful to have a visual image of the process in mind when you work with curriculum. The curriculum road map on the home page of this web site may provide such an image. When we create a curriculum, we need to be sure that decisions made in each area fit with all the others. A dynamic curriculum is constantly changing and growing-- responding to feedback, assimilating new ideas, adapting to learner needs and learning contexts. These decisions are guided and informed by our belief systems, our understanding of how students learn and curriculum principles and practices. Collectively, they form the decision screens for the curriculum decisions that we make.

Curriculum Models and Design Principles Learning Principles Educational beliefs

2. General Concepts and Design Principles

There are several concepts that can guide the development and review of all types of curricula at both the program and course level. Alignment and Coherence - all parts of the curriculum must be logically consistent with each other. There must be a match or a fit between parts. Scope - the range or extent of content (whether information to be learned, skills to be acquired etc.) that will be included in a course or program. It must be sufficient to lead learners to achieve the program or course outcomes. However, there is a constant tension between breadth and depth when considering scope. In general, when deep learning is required, lean is best. Sequence - is the ordering of learning experiences so that learners build on previous experiences and move to broader, deeper or more complex understandings and applications. Common ways of sequencing content within courses include simple to complex, wholes to parts (or part to wholes), prerequisite abilities, and chronological. Continuity - refers to the vertical repetition of major curriculum elements in different courses over time (also known as vertical organization or articulation). It is important to identify the themes or skills that need to run through a program and to map how they will be addressed at each level. Integration - refers to the horizontal relationship among major curriculum components at any given point in time (also known as horizontal organization). Integration fosters reinforcement of key learning and is needed to promote application of learning across course boundaries. Gordon Cawelt (1990) of The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) offered these principles to guide course planning. 1. Offer a balanced core of learning in each course. 2. Adopt the belief that in-depth study of a limited number of important topics will have a more lasting effect than a course that tries to cover too many disconnected bits and pieces of information. 3. Design course outcomes to focus on results, with multiple indicators (assessments) of performance. 4. Design authentic assessments that will encourage originality, insightfulness, and problem-solving, along with master of important information. 5. Design courses to encourage active involvement.

6. Get students doing early in the course rather than studying all the principles and basics prior to performing. back to top

3. Some Common Curriculum Frameworks

There are several different patterns frequently used to organize programs. Some of those more commonly found in college programs are listed here. Subject or Discipline-Centered - the curriculum is organized around separate, specific subjects or disciplines. For example anatomy (subject) or life sciences (discipline) Broad Fields - the curriculum is organized to cut across subject lines and to emphasize relationships between subjects. It usually if organized into a 3 to 5 fields. For example, fields for technical career learning, professional and personal growth, supporting sciences, etc. Spiral - the curriculum is organized around key concepts/skills that are introduced and revisited for deeper understanding as the learner moves through the program of study Inquiry or Problem-Based - the curriculum is organized around a set of problems or areas of inquiry. Experiential - learners engage is a set of experiences and then are helped to process and draw meaning from them. Spiral - the curriculum is organized around key concepts/skills that are introduced and revisited for deeper understanding as the learner moves through the program of study. back to top

4. Outcome-Based Curriculum
All college programs leading to an Ontario College Credential are guided by standards that are expressed as learning outcomes. Students need to be able to show what they knowto demonstrate achievement of these learning outcomes. The curricula that we develop for these programs can be very different across different colleges but all must lead to the achievement of these program level learning outcomes. In this context, some of the concepts and principles linked to outcomes-based curriculum design can guide our work. What is Outcomes-Based Education (OBE)? The High Success Network (1992) defines Outcomes-Based Education as defining, organizing, focusing, and directing all aspects of a curriculum on the things we want all learners to demonstrate successfully when they complete the program. Outcomes-based education is a student-centered, results oriented design premised on the belief that all individuals can learn. The strategy of OBE implies the following.

What students are to learn is clearly identified Each students progress is based on demonstrated achievement Each students learning needs are addressed through multiple instructional strategies and assessment tools Each student is provided time and assistance to realize his/her potential.

- Boschee and Baron 1993

Some Key Concepts and Principles of Curriculum in an OBE Context The focus is on results of learning. What learners are expected to learn is clearly identified, expressed as learning outcomes and known to all. Expectations are clear and public. Curriculum and instruction maintains a clear focus on culminating outcomesthe performances learners must demonstrate to graduate. These are significant performances critical for success in life and work. Design down (from the performances expected of graduates) and deliver up. Courses and learning experiences are focused and built to help learners achieve the learning outcomes. Create learning opportunities to help different learners achieve learning outcomes. Learning experiences are activity-based and allow learners to apply and practise what they learn. There can be multiple paths to the achievement of the learning outcomes. OBE suggests that expanded opportunity and flexible paths promote success. Assessment is standards-referenced and matches the learning outcomes. Learners show that they can perform the learning outcome. Learner progress and the earning of credit is based in a demonstration of the achievement of learning outcomes This article provides a summary of OBE Algonquin College has published a Lifesaver on Program Standards that identifies principles that move us towards a standards-based college curriculum. You will find them on page 2.

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5. An Inquiry Approach to Curriculum Development

Those who adopt an inquiry approach to curriculum recognize that there is no single recipe for developing an effective curriculum. They realize that curricula are living, dynamic entities in constant flux. They use strategic questions and a variety of people and other data sources to collect information that will help them make curriculum decisions that are best for the learners, for the context and for the curriculum purpose. They investigate curriculum options then critically explore and assess their findings. Here are examples of some questions that might be asked when developing or revising a program. These are simply examplesnot a comprehensive list of questions to be asked.

Why is this program needed? What is the rationale for the program? What are graduates of this program expected to know and to be able to do? Are there standards or expectations from professional associations that need to be considered in this curriculum? What credential is appropriate for this program? How does this program relate to others in this college? Elsewhere? Who are the learners likely to be attracted to this program? What abilities will students entering the program need to be successful? Who are the groups and individuals that should be consulted as we develop/revise this program?

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6. Other Helpful Sites

Dee Fink is the author of several publications related to supporting significant learning and integrated curriculum design approaches. This self-directed guide for designing courses for significant learning can be accessed from his web-site. A word of cautionthe text is complete but some of the illustrations do not download well. This site at the University of Guelph provides information about Universal Instructional Design (UID). This was originally developed to help develop instruction that would help learners with disabilities but is now recognized as a useful approach to support learning for all learners. This website presents a scholarly view of curriculum concepts past and current.

There are many variables to consider when making curriculum decisions. A critical one is deciding if the curriculum decision is consistent with what we know about how college students learn. Will the action we propose result in better learning for our students? We are fortunate to be building curriculum at a time when our knowledge about how people learn is growing very quickly. Understanding how people learn and using accepted principles of learning as decision screens will help us make more effective curriculum decisions.

Constructivist Learning Theory Brain Friendly Learning Multiple Intelligences Adult Learning Principles Learning Styles Exploring different views of learning

1. Constructivism
Those who hold a constructivist view of learning believe that we build our own knowledge and understanding of the world. We do this by reflecting on and making sense of our experiences, constantly linking new experiences to what we already know so that our mental models are constantly changing.

The website, Constructivism as a Paradigm for Teaching and Learning, provides a free workshop on constructivism from concept to classroom. The classroom examples are all drawn from elementary and secondary schools but can be easily applied to learning in colleges. You will find a definition and brief, easily understood, discussion of constructivism at Check out the link below to find an article written by a history teacher who finds students in his post-secondary classroom respond well to constructivist teaching. He provides a practical description of a history class that could be applied when teaching any subject. back to top

2. Brain Friendly Learning

Recent discoveries in the fields of both neuroscience and cognitive science have helped us to understand a great deal about how the brain works to acquire process, store and retrieve information. Building curriculum that works with the brain fosters improved learning. This is a good site to start your exploration of brain friendly learning. It provides a brief overview and has links to other related sites. William Bender said, for engaged learning the brain needs novelty, emotion, meaning and relevance. This webs site has practical suggestions for teachers who want to achieve these four conditions. This article, Brain-Compatible Learning, written by a well respected educator, provides easily accessible information about how the brain supports learning and discusses applications for teachers. back to top

3. Multiple Intelligences
Howard Gardner is reported to have said, Dont ask, how smart I am. Ask, how am I smart? We know now that people learn many different ways. Keeping this in mind as we design learning experiences and build curriculum enriches learning for all.

This site, hosted by PBS, provides an overview of Gardners Multiple Intelligences, tips and resources for its use. Tapping into Multiple Intelligences is a free, online workshop from Thirteen Ed. You will learn useful background information, tips and strategies for using multiple intelligences to help students learn. back to top

4. Adult Learning Principles

Although there is some dispute over whether or not adult learning really is any different than learning at any age, we do know that adults bring with them a wealth of experience that influences new learning. Current adult educators have drawn on many different views of learning to identify helpful principles that support adult learning. This site provides a good introduction to adult learning with links to other resources. Although written over a decade ago, this article by Stephen Lieb describes principles of adult learning and tips for educators that hold true with todays learners. Another older article with messages that are relevant to todays learners. This article by Ron and Susan Zemke originally appeared in Innovation Abstracts. It details 30 things we know for sure about adult learners. Included in this list are 14 items specifically linked to curriculum design. Jay Cross is credited with coining the term elearning. You can read here his ideas on informal learning for adults. %2080%25.htm#_Toc40161531 The Movement for Canadian Literacy offers seven succinct principles of adult learning. This site outlines six principles of adult learning and suggests implications for educators. back to top

5. Learning Styles

We know that we all learn differently and that each student will have his/her own preferred way of perceiving and making sense of the world around them. Different learning style inventories address different variables. Knowing some of these variables can help us to design curriculum that we support all learners. This article provides clear, easily understood description of learning styles, an overview of learning styles and links to other resources. A good starting point. This site from Western Nevada College was designed to help their students identify and use their learning style to be successful with their college studies. This site provides a useful overview of the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory. It also describes an adaptation of this inventory with implications for learning. Solomon and Felder have created a Learning Style Index that can be taken (without charge) online. You will find it at VARK (visual, auditory, read/write, kinesthetic) identifies how we like to take in information. You can read more about VARK and take the inventory at David Kolb was one of the early developers of a learning style inventory. It was closely linked to his view of experiential learning. You can read more about Kolbs Learning Style Inventory at The Profs Resource site at Algonquin College has some information on learning styles. back to top

6. Exploring Different Views of Learning

There are many other theories and views of how people learn. If you want to check these out, you might find these sites helpful starting points. This site provides many an overview of a range of theories and links to many other credible sites. This site provides an index of learning theories and models. This paper is more scholarly. It compares four broad orientations to learning.

Oxford Brooks University presents short summaries of a range of learning theories.

I see and I believe. Or I believe and I see. The second statement is as true as the first. As curriculum workers, our values and our beliefs influence and shape the decisions that we make as we build and review curriculum. Our beliefs also contribute to the conceptual framework and philosophical foundation of the curriculum. You may want to review some of these resources to help clarify your values and beliefs.

Teaching Perspectives developed by Pratt and Collins Curriculum Orientations Developing an Educational Philosophy

1. Teaching Perspectives developed by Pratt and Collins

Daniel Pratt and John Collins have developed a Teaching Perspectives Inventory. The inventory summarizes five approaches to teaching. Transmission: Effective teaching requires a substantial commitment to the content or subject matter. Apprenticeship: Effective teaching is a process of enculturating students into a set of social norms and ways of working. Developmental: Effective teaching must be planned and conducted from the learners point of view. Nurturing: Effective teaching assumes that long-term, hard, persistent effort to achieve comes from the heart, as well as the head. Social Reform: Effective teaching seeks to change society in substantive ways.

To learn more about these teaching perspectives go to To take the Teaching Perspectives (TPI) inventory go to back to top

Curriculum Orientations
John Miller and Wayne Seller in their book, Curriculum: Perspectives and Practice have identified three curriculum metaorientations. Transmission orientation: Curriculum is designed to transmit facts, skills and values to students. Students master specified content and certain values and mores needed to function in society or work effectively in a career area. What is to be learned is analyzed and broken into small units that are then arranged sequentially and taught using specific instructional strategies.

Transaction orientation: The curriculum is designed to create a dialogue between the students and the curriculum in which students reconstruct knowledge through their engagement with the curriculum. There is an emphasis on curriculum strategies that facilitate problem-solving and the development of cognitive skills.

Transformation orientation: The curriculum is more open ended and focuses on personal and social change. Students learn skills that promote social and personal change. Learning experiences are viewed holistically. The interdependent nature of the world and the interrelatedness of phenomena are key values in this orientation. The curriculum and the student interact with each other in a holistic manner.

To see a chart comparing these three orientations to curriculum go to back to top

Developing an Educational Philosophy

You may want to think about your own educational philosophy. These prompts to help faculty develop/update their educational philosophy were adapted from material originally developed by Georgian College for their new faculty mentoring program. It is used with permission from and thanks to Georgian College. The sentence starters and questions below can be used to generate dialogue around your beliefs about teaching, learning and curriculum.

I believe students I believe learning I believe success in learning is measured by I believe students learn best when I believe evaluation of learning I believe students are motivated to learn when I believe students are de-motivated when I believe teaching I believe success in teaching is determined by I believe the source of curriculum is I believe the purpose of curriculum is I believe that curriculum should be organized by I believe that what to include/exclude in curriculum can be determined by What has influenced your philosophy and how? (i.e. past teaching/learning experiences, subject area, learning style, teaching style, knowledge about teaching or learning, theories, writers, other educators) Significant Influences How it influences philosophy

How will/does your philosophy impact what happens as you build and review curriculum? Tania Fera-VanGent from Niagara College produced this tip sheet to help teachers develop or review their philosophy of teaching. You will find additional resources for further exploration listed here as well. Teaching Philosophy (.pdf) For other resources on developing an educational philosophy you may want to visit:

The Centre for Educational Excellence at the University of Waterloo suggests exercises that can help teachers develop a teaching philosophy. html Marie Taylor shares her teaching philosophy in this short You-Tube Video An interesting site if you want to see what famous philosophers and others have had to say about education. You can use this site to assess your educational philosophy based on the work of Gary Conti on Philosophies Used by Instructors of Lifelong Learners (PHIL) back to top

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