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Some people are susceptible to epileptic seizures or loss of consciousness when exposed to certain flashing lights or light patterns in everyday life. Such persons could risk a seizure while watching televised images or playing videogames. This can occur even if there have been no previous medical problems or history of epilepsy. The following symptoms are characteristic of epileptic seizures: blurred vision, eye or face twitches, trembling arms or legs, disorientation, confusion or a temporary loss of bearings. During an epileptic seizure, the loss of consciousness or convulsions can lead to serious accidents in the case of a fall. Stop playing immediately if you recognise any of these symptoms. We strongly recommend that parents watch over their children while they are playing with a videogame, as children and adolescents tend to be more prone to epileptic seizures than adults. If these symptoms appear, STOP PLAYING IMMEDIATELY AND CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR. Parents and tutors should keep an eye on the children and ask them if they are experiencing some or all of the above mentioned symptoms. Children and adolescents are more prone to experience these effects related to the use of videogames than adults.

1 - System Requirements ......................................................4 2 - Installation ........................................................................4 3 - Running The Game ..........................................................4 4 - Game Controls ..................................................................4 5 - Navigating The Main Menu ............................................5 6 - Game Play Hints And Tips ..............................................7 7 - Special Moves And Powers ............................................8 8 - Help ..................................................................................10 9 - Credits ..............................................................................11

Pentium 3.0 1Ghz CPU or better. 512MB RAM. 4.0 Gb Free hard disk space. DirectX 9.0C. DirectX 9.0c Compatible Graphics card with 64Meg of VRAM. DirectX 9.0c compatible Sound Card preferably with Hardware sound mixing supported and enabled. DVD Rom Drive. Keyboard.

Start your computer and insert the DVD called EVA CASH D.I.R.T. PROJECT in your DVD-ROM drive. The setup program with start automatically. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the game. If Autoplay is not activated, start the setup program by double clicking on My Computer, the icon of your DVD-ROM drive and then SETUP.EXE. Once the game has been installed, you can start the game from the Windows Start menu or by inserting the DVD called EVA CASH D.I.R.T. PROJECT.


Using the Game Loader
Every time you load the game you will be presented with the EVA CASH Loader Dialogue Box. This allows you to set some game engine parameters that require the game to be restarted. A) Top Drop Down Dialogue Marked 'Resolution' allows you to pick from supported resolution modes. B) 'Disable Full Screen Anti-aliasing' First check box from the top allows you to disable the FSAA feature on your graphics card if is running slowly or is not supported. C) 'Disable Sound System' allows you to disable the sound output from the game in case your sound card is having difficulty. D) 'Enable Ambient Light Compensation Control' Bottom button allows you to change the brightness in game if you are playing in extreme lighting conditions. E) 'Level of Detail' Bottom Drop Down Dialogue Box allows you to select a quality setting, which affects the quality of the game's graphics but helps to improve speed on slower machines. You should periodically press the [Check for Updates] button to check to see if there is an updated version of the game code available that may contain new functionality or bug fixes. Finally the [Start Game] button is used to load and start EVA CASH

Menu Navigation
Highlight Language Options Highlight Screen Options Confirm Selection Return to Previous Menu <left & right> Cursor Keys <Up & Down> Cursor Keys Return Key Escape Key

In-Game Controls (Note all control keys can be redefined through the option menu on the
game's front-end screen.) Basic eight-way running movement W, S, A, D Rotate character / look around Mouse Jump Space Activate Return Duck Left Shift Dodge Left CTRL + Direction Key Fire weapon Left Mouse Button Use special power Right Mouse Button Next special power Scroll up Previous special power Scroll down Sniper zoom more [ Sniper zoom less ] Select next weapon [E] Key Select Previous Weapon [F] Key Enter sniper scope more [Q] Key Use class special [R] Key Enter ghost mode [H] Key Replay last Hint Screen [F1] Key


Setting up your options
From the front end you can set-up the following options Change the Music Volume - this will change the volume of the games background music. Change the Sound FX volume - this will change the volume of all the in game sound FX such as gunfire and creature sounds. Redefine Controls - In this section you can re-map all of the games original control settings to whatever you desire. You can redefine any control by highlighting it by moving the bar up and down using the arrow keys and then press RETURN followed by the key, button, joystick or mouse feature you want to map to it. When finished press ESC key to exit and confirm your changes via the dialogue box displayed. You can also restore the games default settings by pressing the RESTORE DEFAULTS option on this menu. EVA CASH also supports the use of Microsoft certified controllers such at the X360 Pad. To use this simply insert it into your PC's USB port with the correct drivers installed. Load EVA CASH and the Menu navigation will be supported directly from your pad. You can then either redefine all the buttons to your taste from the Redefine Keys Menu (see above) or enter the Redefine Keys Menu and choose the Reset Defaults. Using this option with a pad inserted will re-map the control system to a predefined configuration that should provide good control using the X360 control or similar device. When you are ready to play EVA CASH select Start Game by highlighting the option from the main menu and pressing the Return Key.

Difficulty Select
You are now presented with a difficulty setting. You can choose from the following: Easy, normal, hard, ultra Hard. If you are unsure which setting to select then just go with the default 'Normal' setting to begin with.

Game Mode Select

You can select how you want to play the game with: Adventure - A normal action adventure mode. Time Challenge - As above but the player must complete the level in under a predefined time limit. It is recommended that new players play through on Adventure Mode firstly.

Skill Mode Select

This allows the player to select their preferred style of play. You can choose from: Sharp Shooting - Stealth - Aggression A description of each mode is provided at the bottom of the screen. Selecting the Skill Mode affects the way that Skill Points (used to buy weapons and ammo) are awarded. Each style has its own class special move, which is activated by pressing the [R] key. Sharp Shooting - Sniper Steady: the player holds their breath for a short time stopping any unwanted movement while aiming. Stealth - Wall Hug: the Player can hug a wall and pear around corners. Aggression - Grenade: the player has a predefined number of grenades for each level.

Play Tutorial
Finally you are asked if you want to play the tutorial level. This is a training level that walks the user through how to control the player in a step-by-step manner. It is highly recommended that first time users play through this at least once. The game will now load into either the tutorial level or the first level of the game.

Skill Points
Skill points are the only form of currency in EVA CASH. Earning Skill points Skill points can be earned by: Killing enemies. Solving problems. Collecting skill point pickups. Saving civilians. Completing levels in a timely fashion. You can increase the amount of points you earn for killing enemies by playing true to the play style that you selected from the front-end screen. For example, Sharp Shooting will award more points for killing enemies from a long distance, killing enemies in one shot and a maintaining a high 'kill to bullet usage ratio'. A summary of your skill point awards is shown at the end of every level on the 'skill points award' screen. Skill points are used to purchase the following items from the remote shop system that is available at the completion of every level: Weapon upgrades - Ammo - Other upgrades


Understanding the HUD
The opposite picture shows a typical action screen from EVA CASH. Each component is as follows: A. This is the Special Move ENERGY. The currently selected Special Move icon is also displayed here. B. The Player's Health Bar. The colour indicates the state of emergency. Red indicates very low health, amber indicates medium health and green indicates that the player is healthy. C. Currently selected weapon. D. Current ammo. The number represents the amount of cartridges available to the player. The individual bullets illustrate the rounds remaining in that particular cartridge. E. Special move selector. Each icon represents a different special move. F. This is aiming reticule. G. The blue box surrounding one of the powers indicates which particular power is presently selected. This box can be moved to select a new power using the mouse wheel or special move select buttons. H. This is the player 'EVA CASH' and her trusted backpack 'Mr Boo'. Keep an eye on Mr Boo as he provides the player with hints, tips and other information about EVA CASH and her surroundings.

Interacting with objects in the game world

Using the activate key in-game will perform one of the following actions: Open a door. Talk to a non-hostile character that will instruct the user to follow or stay put. Use or inspect a puzzle object. Remember you can also use you special skill such as Telekinesis and Pyrokinesis to interact with objects in the game world too.

Advanced control
The game's control system is designed to offer the player a depth of control if mastered which will make life much easier and amass more skill points quicker. Blind fire: If you duck behind an approximately waist high obstacle and press fire, you can shoot over the top of the obstacle without exposing your body to enemy fire. If there are no static obstacles around then think about positioning physics objects as cover by using your special powers such as telekinesis etc. Dodging: Holding the Dodge Lock Key will enable Eva Cash to do a quick dodge move in the direction of her movement. This allows you to gain distance from enemies and also increases you chance to dodge bullets. Counter Dodge: When you see the Counter Dodge Icon appear on screen this means if you are quick you can activate a dodge move, which will fire at the same time and cause your attack more damage than usual. Class Special: The class special move is designed to help you play the game in your chosen style. The class specials are as follows: Aggression - Grenade - Eva Cash will throw a hand grenade that will cause damage to all enemies within a radius of where it detonates. Stealth - Wall Hug - When parallel to a wall, Eva Cash can push her back to it and peer around corners in order to get a better idea of how to approach a tricky room. Sharp Shooting - Scope Steady - This allows Eva Cash to hold her breath for a short period of time thus removing any unwanted movement when she is using the sniper scope.

Ghost - Ghost is a form of stealth camouflage that renders Eva Cash almost undetectable to enemies. The player can't fire weapons in ghost mode and if Eva Cash gets too close to enemies she will still be spotted. Ghost camouflage can only be maintained for a short period of time. The onscreen Ghost Manikin indicates how long is left on its use and how long until the player can use it again. The skilled professional player will only use ghost mode to move from cover to cover, simply killing when ready. Stealth kill - When in ghost mode you can sneak up behind an enemy and perform a one shot tap to the back of the head, killing the enemy in one swift move. When correctly placed, the Stealth Kill Icon will appear - simply press fire to execute it. Taking Care of Civilians: Defenceless civilians in the game world can be a source of much reward, By saving their lives - they will often reward you with items , hints and even solve problems for you. If you walk close to a Civilian and see a Blue speech bubble above their heads it means you can toggle them on/off following you. You don't want to lead civilians into areas of great danger as they are much more fragile than you. Most of them are frail and walk slowly so remember to keep close by and guard them, If you run to far ahead they may get lost, scared or eaten and you will need to go back for them.


Selecting a special move
At the bottom of the screen you will see icons that represent all the special powers.

Around one of the icons you will see a square selector reticule. Simply move the middle mouse wheel to change the position of the square reticule in order to select the different powers.

Energy and cool downs

Energy is what Eva Cash uses to power her special moves. The player's current energy level is shown in the top right hand corner of the screen. When the energy bar is coloured RED that means that you don't have enough energy to execute the currently selected special move, GREEN however indicates that you have enough energy to do so. Each special move has its own cool down rate. During this time the special move can't be used no matter how much energy the player has. Cool down is represented by the special move menu icons being faded out to a black colour that recedes as the cool down expires.

Using the Special Powers

Razor Disk: The razor disk is a super sharp flying disk that Eva Cash can control with her mind. Simply press and hold the Special Move button while some enemies are in front of you. A red lock-on reticule will appear above any targets acquired. You can target up to 8 targets at once.When you have acquired all desired targets let go of the Special Move Button and the razor disk will track and dispose of all the marked targets. Be warned: When the disk is in flight the player can't move hence leaving Eva Cash open to attack.

TK Flak: TK Flak allows you to collect small pieces of shrapnel from bullet impacts and empty cartridges and then fire them back off at enemies using your mind. To use this skill hold the Special Powers Button down over a source of shrapnel such as bullet impacts or enemy weapon fire. You will see piece of shrapnel start to collect around Eva Cash's hand. Now release the Special Powers Button and press the Shoot Action Button. The collected shrapnel will fire off towards the target reticule. Telekinesis: Telekinesis allows Eva Cash to pickup objects with the power of her mind. When in T.K mode the reticule will indicate when an object can be picked up using TK. Press the Special Power Button when the reticule changes and it will lift all objects close to the reticule up in the air. Now aim the reticule at a desired target and press the Shoot Action Button. The selected objects will now fly in the direction of the reticule's target. The longer you hold the Shoot Action Button for the harder the objects will be thrown. If you want to throw objects gently to solve a puzzle or climb on them, hold the Special Power Button and Fire button Together to throw them and they will be throw with much less power. Pyrokinesis: Pyrokinesis allows the player to excite tiny molecules within certain objects. This then has the effect of starting a fire by forcing combustion to occur. When this skill is selected, the H.U.D will change to a red hue where all objects that are flammable glow. Simply focus the target reticule over the object you want to set on fire and hold the Special Move Button down until you see it ignite. Super Dodge: Eva Cash uses her energy to focus her power and perform a spectacular evasive / offensive moves. Press Special Power Button to enter the target selector, The use the LEFT and RIGHT movement keys to rotate the red target selector to a desired target location, Then press the FIRE button to Jump there. Spin Accelerator: When surrounded by enemies Eva Cash can spin around at such a high velocity that she actually slows down time causing a temporal effect that seemingly replicates bullets. Press the Special Move Button to activate this. If you tap Special Move Button quickly up to 3 times in a row you can chain 3 spins together This power is great when surrounded by lots of enemies. Magic Bullet: Eva Cash can use her telekinetic abilities to control the path of a single bullet through the air. Hold down the Special Move Button and you will fire a bullet and take control over it. Use the Movement Keys to adjust the direction (pitch and yaw) of the bullet. This special power can be used to guide a bullet around corners and so on in order to hit enemies hiding in cover or indeed to deactivate switches and doors that are otherwise out of the normal reach of the player. Shield: The kinetic shield uses Eva Cash's mental powers to stop all solid objects from penetrating a semi-circular radius around her. Each impact on the shield causes the player to loose energy instead of health. Once Eva Cash's energy is too low the shield's field will collapse. Press the Special Move Button to activate the shield. You can't move or do anything else while in shield mode. This power is very useful for surviving powerful attacks from rockets, grenades or boss attacks.

Trouble Shooting
- Q: I get an error message when the game loads telling me I don't have the correct version of Direct X. What should I do? A: Installing the DirectX version provided on the game CD will fix this error. If the dialogue still remains, visit for help. - Q: The game runs slowly. A: Select the Low Detail option from the game loader which is the first thing to be displayed when you run the application, also try disabling full screen anti aliasing if this doesn't improve things. Make sure you have no high CPU usage applications running in the background and try running Spyware and Adware removal programs. - Q: The game crashes randomly and drops out to the Desktop with an exception error A: Please download the following: 1: The latest version of Direct X 9.0 2: The latest version of your sound card's drivers 3: The latest version of your graphics card's drivers - Q: The game's sound volume seems odd on my PC. A: The game is optimised for Dolby 5.1 surround. If you don't have a five-speaker set-up it will attempt to mix for 2 speakers. You may need to adjust the Sound and Music volumes in game in order to get a better set-up. - Q: The game suffers from bad graphical corruption and blurring A: Disable the Full Screen Anti Aliasing on the game loader. - Q: The game crashes to a black screen or throws an error message as soon as I choose Start Game from the system loader. A: This maybe due to your monitor not supporting the video mode chosen - please select a different video mode from the Resolution dialogue box and try again. Remember to check for updates periodically by hitting the 'Check for updates' button on the Game Loader. Future patches may contain fixes for hardware issues, game bugs and NEW content to experience (e.g. such as new levels & characters etc). For more information, visit us on the web at

Thanks for playing


Developed by Nu Generation Games Ltd.


STORY AND DESIGN : Nick Bamford SENIOR PROGRAMMER : Nick Bamford LEAD PROGRAMMER : Ray Donnelly PROGRAMMERS : Mike Ferenduros, Steve Tomlinson, Phil Jones, Lorna Hill ART DIRECTORS : Keith Davis, Cian O' Reilly SENIOR BACKGROUND ARTIST : Keith Davis BACKGROUNDS : Keith Davis, Cian O' Reilly, Paul Harrison

PMTC - Belgium, Testronic Labs - UK James Walker Simon-Ellis Hopwood Sam


SENIOR ANIMATOR : Cian O' Reilly ANIMATION/CHARACTERS : Cian O' Reilly, Keith Davis, Declan Doyle, Ashling Doyle, Andrew Doyle, Paschal Maguire, Yoshi Hayama, Stephen Piper, Alister Fell, Gary Ronaldson CONCEPT/DESIGN : Roberto Cirillo, Cian O' Reilly, Nick Bamford, Keith Davis, Declan Doyle, Ashling Doyle GRAPHIC DESIGN : Jennifer Archer IT MANAGEMENT : Colm Davis, Neil Gibbs MUSIC/SOUND SFX : Alternative Studios Ltd, Pete Connely VOICE ACTING : DL Mutimedia

Carl from Alternative Studios Nottingham Louise from ECC Nottingham Jsd Engineering Erica Momberg

Unauthorised copying, reverse engineering, transmission, public performance, rental, pay for play, or circumvention of copy protection is strictly prohibited. Developed by Nu Generation Games Ltd ( Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice. Uses Bink Video 2006 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. Special thanks to our audio partner Alternative Studios. Alternative Studios Ltd. 2007 Nu Generation Games Ltd. All rights reserved. Nobilis and its logo are registered trademarks of Nobilis Group. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners.


2007 Nu Generation Games Ltd. All rights reserved. Nobilis and its logo are registered trademarks of Nobilis Group. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners. 3760137142017

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