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Request for Expression of Interest for Project Management Consultancy



Cochin Shipyard Limited PO Bag # 1653, Perumanoor P O Kochi 682015 Tel: +91 484 2361181, 2371211 Fax: +91 484 2370897 Web:

For the Development of an International Ship Repair Facility at Willingdon Island, Cochin Port Trust, Kochi

March 2013

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CONTENTS Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Description Introduction & Objective CSL Proposal CSLs contractual agreement with CPT Scope of the Assignment Detailed scope of work Eligibility Criteria Instruction to Applicants Proforma for submission of Expression of Interest Submission of Expression of Interest Last date for submission of proposal List of annexures Page 3 3 4 4 5 8 10 12 13 13 13

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Introduction & Objective Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) is a premier Ship Building & Ship Repair company fully owned by the Government of India. CSL was incorporated in the year 1972 with a land area of 170 acres. Further details of our yard can be obtained from the website: As a part of CSLs overall growth agenda, it seeks to focus on Ship Repair as an important area for future thrust. With this agenda, CSL signed an agreement with Cochin Port Trust (CPT) on 24th Dec 2012 for setting up of International Ship Repair Facility (ISRF) in their premises at Willingdon Island. This facility is presently located in a land area of about 42 acres having water frontage about 800 M, quay length of 86 M, dry dock measuring 66 x 12.5 x 4M along with work shops built in 1938. CSL now proposes to select a Project Management Consultant / Firm of consultants with proven track record as Project Consultant in Shipyard / Port projects, for the CPT project. Selection of consultant will be done through competitive tendering process by inviting bids from interested, qualified and short listed parties for which, we are floating this EOI bid. The Project Management Consultant shall be responsible to CSL for the development of an International Ship Repair facility at CPT (ie, installation of a ship lift, transfer system & allied facilities) from the conceptual stage to the operational stage. The selected consultant shall be awarded the consultancy assignment on a lump sum fixed consultancy fees on achievement of pre-defined milestones.

CSL Proposal The proposed Ship Lift shall consist of two jetties of suitable length and width, on which raising and lowering mechanism of the ship lift platform, can be housed. The size of the platform shall be designed to suit the lifting and lowering of ships for repair and to launch new ships constructed at the work area. Depth of water at the proposed site is the critical factor for ship lift operation. The proposed site in Mattancherry Channel on the southern part of the Cochin Port workshop does not have natural depth sufficient for a ship lift. Deepening of channel is required in this area with periodic de-siltation under the ship lift platform and maintenance dredging of the yard waterfront (back waters). The ship lift facility is to be suitable to handle ships of maximum size 130 M long (LOA), 25 M breadth with 6000 T docking. The requirement comprises of work stations for dry docking of six vessels and afloat repair facility for a minimum of eight vessels. Refer drawing placed at Annexure: 1 which details out our tentative proposal. Civil Engineering works shall cover design and construction of suitable jetties, foundations, tracks for moving the lifted vessels alongside and athwart to transverse

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transfer areas and work stations and consolidation / concreting of the work areas including that for repair and / for building of ships. Part of the work area shall be planned to erect and launch a series of small ships within the designed capacity of the shiplift system. Suitable cranes are also to be placed for works on the ships. Limitation of height due to Navys flying funnel shall also to be noted for the design. The jetties shall be designed in such a manner that siltation problem is the least and to suit mooring of vessels alongside. Possibility of providing suitable aid for periodic desiltation underside the ship lift shall be incorporated at the design stage. Bollards, fenders, hauling arrangements, winches, etc. shall be included. Fenders at the entry point and alongside shall be in place for safe handling of ships on the ship lift platform. Drainage system, provision for water, power, control system, gases, compressed air, fire fighting and such other service facilities shall be integrated within the construction plan. All design activities shall be backed by sound engineering practice in the Marine field covering corrosion protection and safe handling of ships. 3 CSLs contractual agreement with CPT stipulates: Phase No. 1 Description Ship lift and transfer system & yard for 2 vessels and berth for afloat repairs Additional yard for 2 more vessels Additional yard for 2 more vessels Schedule for commissioning By the beginning of 31st month from the date of award of the project by CPT

* * *

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By the beginning of 49th month from the date of award of the project by CPT By the beginning of 61st month from the date of award of the project by CPT

Ministry of Environment & Forests (Expected date: 31 July 2014) 4 Scope of the Assignment

* Date of award may be taken as the date of receiptstof Environmental Clearance from

The Project Management Consultant shall be responsible to CSL for overall management of the project and also for the integration of various aspects until the project is completed. CSL requires consultancy services for setting up of a ship lift based repair yard, starting from the inception stage, i.e. preparation of Detailed Project Report till the commissioning & handing over of ship lift system & allied facilities. Scope of work shall be summarized as follows: Preparation of Detailed Project Report

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Design & Detailed Engineering (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical works & Service facilities) Preparation of Tender documents for Ship Lift & Transfer system Assistance in technical evaluation & selection of supplier for Ship Lift & Transfer system Preparation of tender documents for civil & service (mechanical & electrical) works Technical advice & guidance during execution of project Supervision during construction, installation & commissioning of ship lift & transfer system and cross linking of it with civil works Review progress & submission of periodic project status to CSL Render professional advice as and when required

Detailed scope of work Detailed scope of work can be mainly categorized into three stages: a) Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) b) Preparation of Tender documents, Detailed designing & assistance during technical evaluation of offers c) Supervision during construction, installation, commissioning stage and during guarantee period


Preparation of Detailed Project report a) Consultant shall visit the proposed site and also collect the data available with CSL / CPT and other authorities. Data collection shall be limited to the extent required for the design of ship lift, transfer system & allied facilities. b) Sufficiency of available data shall be reviewed by the consultant to carry out the scope of work mentioned by CSL. Identification of additional investigation / collection of data, if any required and advice on the best possible way to collect the same is also in the scope of the consultant. c) Consultant shall then submit an Inception Report addressing the significant data gaps, recommendations for further data collection, sources of data or information, brief summary of the CSL target ship characteristics and throughput, detailed methodology to meet the requirement of scope of work etc. d) Consultant shall review the tentative layout plan of ship lift & transfer system formulated by CSL. Betterment suggestions, if any with technical, financial and operational advantages are to be highlighted in the Inception Report, which is to be submitted for CSL approval. However the basic concept plan of ship lift, associated work station and quay set up shall be maintained intact. The Inception Report shall include the overall layout master plan of the complete ship lift, transfer system, work stations & all allied facilities.

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e) Siltation is one of the major concerns for the smooth operation of the ship lift platform at CPT site. With reference to the finalised layout plan, Consultant shall provide possible solutions to deal with the sedimentation and also to mitigate potential adverse impacts. A workable arrangement for de-silting under the ship lift platform shall be suggested and incorporated in the design of the system. Consultant has to carryout required modeling of the sedimentation solution in any reputed hydraulic research station for the above. f) Subsequent to the above activities, Consultant shall prepare a Detailed Project Report (DPR) covering various technical, commercial and financial aspects of the proposed ship lift, transfer system & allied facilities. The DPR shall have sufficient details to ensure appraisal, approval and subsequent project implementation in a timely & efficient manner. DPR shall contain information on the site conditions, selected ship lift facilities layout, requirement of major machinery, requirements of major components such as ship lift, quays, berths, etc and the preliminary engineering construction methodology, project phasing, implementation schedule, project benefit assessments and the cost estimates. Besides conceptual design finalization of the ship lift and civil structures, DPR shall also address the mechanical, electrical and service facilities requirement for the ship lift system and 6 nos. work stations. g) DPR shall also contain a holistic land use plan considering land required for ship lift system & connected facility, land required for office buildings, workshop facilities & access roads, land required for future development, land which could be made available by relocation of existing facilities, land which cannot be used etc. for the CPT site. h) Consultant shall study the existing facilities at CPT site such as Dry dock, Machine shop, Engine shop, Electric shop, Carpentry shop, substation, service facilities etc. Based on this study, Consultant shall submit a detailed proposal regarding optimum utilization of existing facilities, augmentation requirements, refurbishment, replacement and addition of new shops, machineries, cranes & other facilities in order to cater to the demands of six new repair work stations proposed along with the ship lift system. Detailed proposal along with cost estimate shall be prepared and submitted as a part of DPR. 5.2 Preparation of Tender documents, Detailed designing & Assistance during technical evaluation of offers a) At this stage, the outline design finalised in the DPR will have to be developed further into a package of documents & drawings suitable for tendering & execution. b) Detailed technical specifications along with tentative arrangement drawings for the ship lift, transfer system, trestles, control system, carriages, winch system, bollards, capstans, fenders, fairleads, retractable pulley, cathodic protection system etc. shall be
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prepared and furnished for tendering purpose. General Conditions, Commercial & Special Conditions to be attached to the technical Specification will be prepared by CSL. c) Subsequent to the tendering stage, consultant shall provide assistance in the technical evaluation of tenders & finalization of ship lift & transfer system supplier. Queries of the bidders on technical aspects of the ship lift system during technical evaluation stage are to be addressed, on request by CSL. d) On receipt of the loading details from the ship lift supplier, the consultant shall carry out the detailed civil engineering design and have to submit the tender documents for civil works containing detailed technical specification & drawings. Civil works shall cover concrete jetties on either side of the ship lift platform, afloat repair berths, control room, suitable fendering / guiding system, foundation for working area & transfer area, rail tracks both longitudinal & transverse and their supporting concrete beams, quay walls, roads, drains, service trenches, workshops, stores, any other structure / facilities required for the ship lift project. e) During detailed electrical engineering design, the consultant shall design the most suitable electric system considering the electrical load requirements, priorities, locations, voltage levels, location of load centres, main feeder, distribution cable outlets, earthing points etc. Additional requirement of standby / captive power plant for ship lift shall also be addressed. f) The consultant shall carry out the detailed designing of the service facilities, which comprises of yard utility services like power, lighting, gas, water, sewage, drainage including spill containment, access roads, fire services, safety, security etc. in conformity with the relevant industrial / statutory standards. g) Cost estimates for all machineries / work shall be furnished to CSL for scrutiny and acceptance. Vendor list of probable suppliers of all bought out components for the project are also to be furnished. h) Consultant shall study the navigational operation / manoeuvres for entering and departing from the ship lift facility to ensure safe operation. Consultant shall also advice on the dredging pattern required. 5.3 Supervision during construction, installation & commissioning stage a) During this stage, the consultant is required to offer technical guidance and coordination job of civil construction works and also the site supervision of fabrication & erection activities of the ship lift system. b) Before commencing the execution stage, consultant shall prepare a Construction & Supervision Manual highlighting key operations, critical path diagram, responsibility
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matrix, extent of supervision, frequency of site visits, quality control procedures, reporting procedures, testing & commissioning procedures. c) Consultant is required to offer technical advice, progress review and submit periodic reports for the construction works. Fabrication drawings, charts & other related documents submitted by the civil contractor will have to be checked by the consultant for adequacy & compliance. Periodic visit of designated engineers of the Consulting firm is to be carried out to review the progress of construction activities and advice ways & means of expediting the works to CSL. d) Onsite supervision by competent persons is required during the fabrication and installation phase of the ship lift system. The project status shall be reviewed and progress shall be updated to CSL. Consultant shall review commissioning procedure and has to inspect final tests and commissioning trials carried out by the ship lift supplier. On completion of satisfactory trials & testing, the consultant shall issue the Taking-over certificate. e) Review of the As-built drawings, Operation & Maintenance manuals also have to be carried out. f) During the guarantee period, the consultant has to inspect the ship lift system within a fixed interval and has to submit Defects / Operation & maintenance inspection report to CSL. Technical advice regarding operational issues, if any also will have to be addressed by the consultant. 6 6.1 Eligibility Criteria General a) The Bidder shall be a single firm or a consortium or a joint venture. Refer Annexure -2 for the conditions for consortium bids. b) Bidder should be in the consulting field for shipyard / port related facilities for the last 10 years. c) Bidder shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility issued by Govt. of India / State govt. / Public Sector Undertakings etc. d) Successful Bidder for Project Management Consultancy shall not be eligible for bidding in the implementation part of ship lift & allied system. Successful vendor subsidiaries / affiliates also cannot bid for the implementation project. 6.2 Technical Experience a) The bidder shall have, over the past twenty (20) years ending on 31st Dec 2012, participated as Project Management Consultant in a minimum of three (3) projects, which involves successful installation & commissioning of ship lift & transfer system (of comparable size) & allied facilities in a shipyard.

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b) The relevant experience shall be evaluated on the basis of Eligible projects undertaken in India or elsewhere. For a project to qualify as an Eligible Project: It should have been undertaken as a Detailed Project Report Preparation, Design and Engineering, Tender Document preparation, Project construction management in connection with the installation & commissioning of a ship lift & transfer system. The Bidder should furnish the required Project-specific information and satisfactory documentary evidence in support of its claim of experience. c) The capital cost of one of the above projects should not be less than equivalent of Rs. 300 crores. For bringing value of works / projects to the present value, multiplying factors as shown below shall be used. Multiplication factor 1.98 will be considered for the projects prior to 1st April 1999. In no case shall the cost of land be included while computing the project cost. Works completed during the period: 1st April 2012 to 31 Dec 2012 1st April 2011 to 31st March 2012 1st April 2010 to 31st March, 2011 1st April 2009 to 31st March, 2010 1st April 2008 to 31st March, 2009 1st April 2007 to 31st March, 2008 1st April 2006 to 31st March, 2007 1st April 2005 to 31st March, 2006 1st April 2004 to 31st March, 2005 1st April 2003 to 31st March, 2004 1st April 2002 to 31st March, 2003 1st April 2001 to 31st March, 2002 1st April 2000 to 31st March, 2001 1st April 1999 to 31st March, 2000 1st April 1998 to 31st March, 1999
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Multiplication Factor 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.16 1.22 1.28 1.34 1.41 1.48 1.55 1.63 1.71 1.80 1.89 1.98

d) The bidders consultancy team shall consist of key personnel having adequate and specialized experience, capable of discharging their responsibilities in relevant fields required for the design, implementation, execution & successful commissioning of the ship lift project. A list of all such personnel to be employed / engaged for this project along with details of their qualification & experience (CVs) shall be submitted along with the offer. 6.3 Financial Capability a) The consultant shall have received an average annual income equivalent to Rs. 5 crores towards professional fees during three years preceding from the proposal / bid date. b) The Bidder shall enclose with its Proposal, certificate issued by its Statutory Auditors with their seal and signature, stating its net worth & revenues from professional fees during the past three years. Certificate shall be as per the format placed at Annexure 3. 7 Instruction to Applicants Methodology of tender CSL intention is to receive Expression of Interest (EOI) in order to shortlist eligible bidders. Enquiries will be sent to the shortlisted bidders to select the consultant for the ISRF project. 7.1 Conflict of Interest CSL requires that Consultant must provide professional, objective & impartial advice and at all times hold the interests paramount, strictly avoid conflicts with other assignments jobs or their own corporate interests and act without any consideration for future work. In case the applicants (consultants) have any subsisting interest, either by themselves or through their partners, that is likely to conflict the work specified in the Scope of work, they shall declare such interests as part of their proposal. Right to Accept Proposal CSL reserves the right to modify, expand, restrict, scrap this proposal or reject any Expression of Interest without assigning any reason. Clarifications During evaluation stage of the Expression of Interests, CSL may, at its discretion, ask Consultants for clarifications on their proposal. The consultants are required to respond within the time frame prescribed by CSL. CSL reserves the right to make inquiries with any of the clients listed by the Consultants in their previous experience record. Site visit The applicants are advised to visit the site at Willingdon Island, CPT, Kochi and familiarize themselves with the site before submitting the proposal. For location details, Bidders may contact the Office of:




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General Manager (Projects & Maintenance), telephone: +91 484 2501589, Email: or Deputy Manager (Projects), telephone: +91 484 2501268, Email:

Language The proposal and all associated correspondences shall be in English. All supporting document or printed literature submitted along with the offer shall also be in English. Evaluation The offer will be examined by an evaluation committee on the basis of response to the scope of work defined by CSL. Eligible applicants may be invited to make a presentation to CSL at a suitable date and time determined by CSL. The purpose of such presentations would be to allow the applicants to demonstrate their capabilities, experience, approach, methodology and project plan for carrying out the ship lift project. Execution Plan & methodology Bidders are to describe in sufficient detail the proposed approach to the scope of work defined by CSL, systems and strategies to be adopted, management of project risk and methods of communication with CSL. Proposal should include a description of how the project will be executed through all its stages. The execution plan and methodology should include the following: Organization of Consultants team Operation base of Consultants project management Any project elements to be conducted outside India Scope of any sub-consultants work Milestones for CSL review and hold points Tentative meeting schedule Resources for each stage including construction and commissioning Quality assurance Work plan etc.




Disqualifications CSL may at its sole discretion and at any time during the evaluation of proposal, disqualify any bidder, if they have: Submitted the Proposal documents after the response deadline.

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Not submitted satisfactory documentary evidence and proof as per eligibility criteria mentioned at para. 6 above. Made misleading or false representations in the forms, statements and attachments submitted in proof of eligibility requirements. Submitted a proposal that is not accompanied by required documentation or is non-responsive. Failed to produce clarifications related thereto, when sought. Submitted more than one proposal Declared ineligible by the Government of India / State govt. / Public sector undertaking

Proforma for submission of Expression of Interest a) Covering letter indicating interest to undertake CSL project (Refer form attached as annexure 4) Company profile with legal status, date of establishment, organization chart etc. Contact details of designated representative Project Synopsis as understood by the Consultant Capabilities with respect to personnel & infrastructure facilities. Details of personnel to be employed / engaged for this project along with their profile (CVs) Execution plan & methodology Tentative Bar chart of major activities with Mile Stone Events, for the design and implementation work in the least possible time. Approval / Quality certification / Registration with any Govt. / agency Experience details (use separate sheet for each Eligible project): To indicate the number of completed ship lift & transfer system projects, including a brief write up mentioning name of the client, date of commissioning, value of consultancy contract, full contact address of client, start date & finish date of services.

b) c) d) e) f)

g) h)

i) j)

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Satisfactory documentary evidence of similar contracts executed by the Consultant, for establishing the eligibility criteria mentioned at clause 6.2, b. List of projects under execution.


Any other services that can be offered by the consultancy firm apart from the Detailed scope of work mentioned at clause 5 above, in connection with the ship lift project. Certificate regarding financial capability as per annexure 3 stating net worth & revenues from professional fees during the past three years. Declaration for the effect that, on winning the Project Management Consultancy assignment, the Consultant, its subsidiaries / affiliates shall not be eligible for bidding in the implementation assignment of ship lift. Documents as per annexure-2 in case of consortium bids Deviations or suggestions, if any.



n) o) 9

Submission of Expression of Interest Proposal (Original + one copy) for Project Management Consultancy for the ship lift project in connection with the setting up of International ship repair facility at Cochin Port Trust shall be addressed to General Manager (Projects & Maintenance), Cochin Shipyard Limited, Perumanoor P O, Kochi 682015, with all credentials mentioned at clause 8. Last date for submission of proposal CSL must receive the proposal not later than 1500 hrs (IST) on 23 April 2013



List of annexures Annexure 1: Proposed plan for ISRF at Willingdon Island, (Dwg # CIV/083/2012/SM(CE)-II/I R0 Annexure 2: Condition for Consortium Bids Annexure 3: Format for the Financial capability of Bidder Annexure 4: Format of covering letter -SdGeneral Manager (Projects & Maintenance) Cochin Shipyard Limited

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1. In view of the complexity of nature of work involved as covered by the bidding Documents, it is anticipated that some of the intending bidders may pool their resources and experience to form Consortium. In their own interest the bidders are advised to investigate the capabilities, availability of expertise and resources such as experienced personnel, financial soundness, past experience and concurrent engagements of constituting partners/members of this consortium. In the event that the successful bidder is a Consortium formed of two or more companies, CSL requires that the parties to the Consortium accept joint and several liabilities for discharging all obligations under the Contract.



In case of a Consortium, the lead member should satisfy the financial capacity mentioned at clause 6.2 of the Request for EOI.
The leader of the Consortium can submit the offer on behalf of consortium of bidders. Memorandum of Understanding between Consortium members duly signed by authorized representative of the consortium members must accompany the offer which should clearly define role / scope of bid and should clearly define the leader of consortium. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) must also state that all the members of consortium shall be jointly and severally responsible for discharging all obligations under the Contract. MOU shall also incorporate the following: i) The leader of the Consortium on behalf of the consortium shall co-ordinate with company or with other specified agencies during the period of bid under evaluation as well as during the execution of work in the event work is awarded and he shall also be responsible for resolving disputes/misunderstanding /undefined activities, if any, amongst all the consortium members. Any correspondence exchanged with the leader of consortium shall be binding on all the consortium members. Payment shall be made by CSL only to the leader of consortium towards fulfillment of contract obligations.





The offer may be signed by all members of the Consortium. Alternatively, the leader may sign the bid. In such a case, the Power of Attorney from each member authorizing the leader for signing and submission of bid on behalf of individual member must accompany the offer. Other members of consortium may participate in techno-contractual discussions and sign the minutes of such discussions/meetings along with the leader. Documents/details pertaining to qualification of bidder must be furnished (in English language) by each partner/member of consortium complete in all respect along with the offer, clearly bringing out their experience especially in the work forming their scope. Constitution of Consortium If during the evaluation of bids, a consortium leader proposes any alterations/changes in the constitution of consortium or replacements or inclusion or expulsion of any partner(s)



member(s), of the consortium which had originally submitted the offer, to derive some advantages / benefits based on any development(s) having come to his knowledge at any time, the bid of such a consortium shall be liable for rejection unless such a change is agreed to by CSL in writing. 8. The leader on behalf of the Consortium shall undertake full responsibility for timely completion of Work and shall co-ordinate with CSL and specified agencies during the period the bid offer is under evaluation as well as during execution of Work in the event the work is awarded. He shall also be responsible for resolving disputes/misunderstanding/undefined activities if any amongst all the Consortium members.

Annexure 3

Format for Financial capability Sl no.

1 2 3

Financial Year

Annual Revenue from Professional services. (Rs. in lakhs)

Net worth as at the end of the financial year ( Rs. in lakhs)

Signature of the Applicant / Consortium Member with seal and date. Certificate from the Statutory Auditors: This is to certify that __________________________ (name of the Applicant) has received the payments shown above against the respective years on account of professional fees and that the net worth is as computed.

Name of Authorised Signatory: Designation: Name of firm: (Signature of the Authorised Signatory) Seal of firm

Annexure 4 APPLICATION FOR QUALIFICATION Form Letter of Proposal / Bid-Covering letter (On Applicants letter head) (Date and Reference) To General Manager (Projects & Maintenance) Cochin Shipyard Limited Perumanoor PO Kochi 682015 Dear Sir, Sub: Expression of Interest for Project Management Consultancy for the Development of an International Ship repair Facility at Willingddon Island, Cochin Port Trust With reference to your Request for EOI referred above, We, ____________ (name of the applicant or consortium) having examined all relevant documents and understood their contents, hereby submit our Proposal for the short listing of Project Consultants and state that: 1. All information provided in the Proposal and in the Appendices is true and correct. 2. We shall make available to CSL any additional information it may find necessary or require to supplement or authenticate the Proposal. 3. We are not under a declaration of ineligibility issued by Govt. of India / State govt. / Public Sector Undertakings. 4. We do not have any conflict of interest in accordance with the Request for EOI document. 5. If contract is awarded to us, we agree to provide consulting services for the ISRF project, and any of our subsidiaries / affiliates, will be disqualified subsequently for providing goods or works during the implementation phase of ISRF project. 6. We agree and undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the Request for EOI Document. Thanking you, Yours faithfully,

(Signature of the Authorised Representative) (Name and designation of the Authorised Representative) (Name of the Applicant / Consortium leader)

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