In Matters of Faith, Unity. in Matters of Opinion, Liberty. in All Things, Love.

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Volume 61 Issue 16/April 21, 2013

In matters of faith, unity. In matters of opinion, liberty. In all things, love.

Augustine of Hippo Raised to New Life And we were baptized and all anxiety for our past life vanished away." With these joyous words Augustine recorded his entrance into the churchon this day, April 25, 387, Easter day. He had been 33 years in coming to this public confession of Christ. Born in North Africa in 354 of a Christian mother and pagan father, Augustine became at twelve years of age a student at Carthage and at sixteen, a teacher of grammar. At this young age, he was already promiscuous. And he tells in his famous autobiography that he boasted of sins he had not had opportunity to commit, rather than seem to have fallen behind his peers in wickedness. His mother was determined to see him converted and baptized. He was equally determined to have his pleasures. He took a mistress and she bore him a son, Adeodatus, "Gift of God." For a while he resented the lad but soon became inseparable from him. At 29 his restless spirit drove him to Italy. His mother determined to accompany him so that her prayers might be reinforced by her presence. Augustine gave her the slip, sailing while she knelt praying in a chapel. In Rome he taught rhetoric for a year, but was cheated of his fees. And so he looked for a more fertile field of labor and settled on Milan. His mother caught up with him and prevailed upon him to attend the church of St. Ambrose. Christian singing moved him deeply. In spite of himself he began to drift toward faith. He found the writings of the Apostle Paul deeply stirring and more satisfying than the cool abstractions of philosophy. He wrestled with deep conviction but was unable to yield himself to God, owing to his attachment to the flesh. Finally he reached a day when his inner vacillations were too great to ignore. He tried reading scripture but abandoned the effort. Unable to act on the truth he knew, he began to weep, and threw himself behind a fig tree. "How long, O Lord," he cried. And his heart answered "Why not now?" A child's sing-song voice came clearly to him, repeating over and over, "Take it and read it." It seemed a message from God. He snatched up the Bible and read Paul's words, ". . .not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature." Faith flooded in upon him. He immediately thrust aside those sins of the flesh which had held him in thrall for so long. "But this faith would not let me be at ease about my past sins, since these had not yet been forgiven me by means of your baptism." He entered the water and was relieved. At his mother's death, he returned to Africa where he founded a monastery, became bishop of Hippo and a brilliant and prolific theologian who more than any other stamped his imprint upon the Medieval church. From the archives of By Dan Graves MSL

Our Purpose:

Our Mission:

To Glorify God in Every develop completely Aspect of Our Lives committed followers
Calendar of Events
Weekly Worship and Bible Study
Please see schedule on back page of this Bulletin

Each Thursday at 11 a.m. Senior Seekers meeting Second Monday of each month at 11 a.m. Area mens meeting at the Harvester Allstate Agency 4535 S. 7th Street, Terre Haute, 47802 Each Sunday at 4:00 p.m. Coys Genesis class will not meet today VBS, June 2-5 6-8:30 p.m. at the Eastside building

(Please note the corrections to last Sundays bulletin in the following) There will be a couples wedding shower for Kacey Smith and Billy Blundell. It will be at Jo and Kirby Barretts house at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 11, 2013. The address is 3013 West Lower Bloomington Road, Brazil, IN 47834. Please bring a side dish. They are very happy with gifts from stores at which they are registered, i.e., Crate and Barrel, Kohls, Macys and Target, or gift cards from Lowes at which there is no gift registry. You are invited to the graduation of Morgan Adele Strahm on Saturday, May 25, 2013, at 2 p.m. at the World Gospel Church, 900 Gardendale Rd., Terre Haute, IN. Reception immediately following. Shades of Love, May 17-19, needs your help to tell others in the community about this great opportunity to participate in this event. Please pick up a few fliers from the welcome center to share with friends, family and Rusty ! ! ! neighbors. Thanks.! !

Barnabas wanted to take John, called Mark, along with them also. But Paul kept insisting that they should not take him along who had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not gone with them to the work (Acts 15:37-38). ! John Mark had started on the first missionary journey with Paul, but quit along the way. When it was time for the second trip, Paul didn't want him to go. Paul and Barnabas actually got into a fight over the issue that divided them. Paul didn't want the quitter, but Barnabas saw potential in him. We've all probably felt like quitting and letting someone down in the past. If someone helped us up, then let's be an encourager for someone. By the way, who was right? It was Barnabas. Years later in II Timothy 4:11, Paul wrote, "Bring Mark with you. He is useful to me for service."
! ! From David Grubbs Grace for your Spirit

The Youth Corner

Upcoming Events Girls devotionals, April 26, May 24, June 21. Thursday night devotionals in April, 7:00-8:30 p.m. at Frank and Glenda Jones house All parents, please note: in April Date Cost Video Game Tournament 27 $3.00 for pizza in May Date Cost Shades of Love, (teens, adults) 17-19 Free in June Mission Terre Haute

01-08 $(tbd) deadline May 15 Camp, Senior Week* 09-15 $110.00 Camp, Middle School Week* 23-29 $110.00 Before June 1 ($125.00 after June 1) *register at

Prayers and Praise for Physical and Spiritual Healing & Help

Sunday a.m. Servers for April 21

Deacon in Charge Welcome Greeters Usher Song Leader Opening Prayer Lords Table Scripture Reader Scripture Reading Prayer Request Communion Prep Bob Williams Eric Austin David & Jacqi John Johnson Frank Jones Eric Austin Steve Chapman D. J. Wray 2 Timothy 4:6-8 Frank & George Kacey & Kelly

Prayer List Donnie Townsend and Frank Jones' Thursday night jail ministry class, for the special needs of the class members. Mary Plascak, for diagnosis of and recovery from medical problems; she is in Union Hospital. Casey Chaney, for continued recovery from her successful surgery. Diane Dery, a friend of Wendy Casey, for strength and healing of meningitis. She is at Southwood. Helen Homes, Carol Goff's mother, for comfort, strength and healing of broken arm. Wendy Casey, for comfort, strength and healing as she deals with TIA's and other heart problems. Jerry Shake, for comfort and strength as he faces prison. Please send cards and letters to Jerry Shake, 201 Cherry St., Terre Haute, IN 47807 The Madsen family, for comfort and peace at the loss of their baby last week. Debbie Carithers, for healing of surgery site. Donnie Townsends mom, dad and grandmother, for peace and healing at the house. Ron Trueblood, for resolution of continuing kidney problems. Neal Heindselman, nephew of Julie Harvester, for healing of multiple serious heart problems, and for Neals parents, Alan and Kim, for strength as they support and care for Neal. Kandace and her family, for comfort and peace after loss of unborn child. Kandace is a CPC client of Rachel Cornwell. Ruth Williams, for resolution of breathing problem; she was taken to the hospital on April 15 for treatment. Maurice Williams is in Southwood; no further information is available at this time.

Sunday a.m. Servers for April 28

Deacon in Charge Welcome Greeters Usher Song Leader Opening Prayer Lords Table Scripture Reader Scripture Reading Prayer Requests Communion Prep Bob Williams Eric Austin David & Jacqi John Johnson Dennis Piety Steve Chapman Billy Blundell William Edwards NA Doreen & Janie John & MariKay

Those in Hospitals / Rehab / Senior Living

Royal Oaks, 3500 Maple Ave., Terre Haute, IN 47804 Mary Cox Sycamore Manor, 222 S. 25th Street, Terre Haute, IN 47803 Charity Kehoe, Apartment 232 Mary Plascak, Apartment 431 Westridge Healthcare, 125 West Margaret Dr., Terre Haute, IN 47802 Edith Austin, Room 102

Continuing prayer for: Paul Akers! ! Shirley Shelton! ! Wilma Stark ! ! R. L. Baker! ! Randy Stott ! ! Helen Piety! ! Mary Levite! ! Carolyn Payne

Casey Chaney Edith Austin Charity Kehoe John & Norma Frump Nina Strahm Mary Plascak Eunice Wasson

Those Who Are Homebound

Clarence Vanatti

Eastside Church of Christ

4025 College Avenue Terre Haute, Indiana 47803

Loose change in todays collection will go to the Shults-Lewis Childrens Home.

Members and Guests: Please ll out a yellow attendance card and place it in the collection plate.
Senior Minister Elders
Jerry Goff Jeff Griggs Bill Turner Tom Woodason
Coy Siddall Youth Minister Rusty Jordan Office Fax Coy (cell) Rusty (cell)

812-235-9322 812-235-8460 812-841-7219 812-251-8443

Administrative Assistant
Hal Strahm Publicity B & G inside, purchasing College Class Shine Time Education Treasurer Education Curriculum B & G outside

Eric Austin Gordon Bryan! Phil Cornwell Frank Jones Wayne Padgett Randy Stott Ed Warner Bob Williams

SUNDAY Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship 5:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY Bible Classes at 7:00 PM

Church Email

Coys email Rustys email

Church Address
4025 College Avenue Terre Haute, IN 47803

Church Website

Elders & Ministers available for prayer before & after Bible study

Adult Bible Study Adult Bible Study College Class Ladies Class Mens Class Young Adults Mid & High School Coy Siddall Auditorium Danny Turpen Fellowship Hall Phil Cornwell Room 1 Glenda J. & Kelly W. Room 9 Gordy Bryan Library John Harvester Rusty Jordan Room 10 Teen Room

April 21, 2013
Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Coy Siddall Pauls Final Encouragements Sunday Evening Small Groups

Vital Statistics
April 14, 2013 Bible Study Worship, Adult Worship, Shine Time Worship, Total Sunday Evening Offering Weekly Budget Wednesday Evening Senior Seekers 116

Pre-School & Elementary Educational Wing Attended Nursery--ages 6 to 36 months, during worship Apr. 21, 2013: Shannon W. & Doreen W. Apr. 28, 2013: Kelly W. & Susie C. Childrens Bible Hour Shine Time a. m. 3 years old through 5th grade

$2,158 $4,000 46

A reminder: Prayer requests will be published in the Bulletin for two weeks. Please resubmit requests if you wish the listing to continue for an additional two-week period. Prayer will continue as long as there is need. Call the church ofce (812) 235-9322 or E-mail

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