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Chapter 12 from

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...Whats wrong Maxim, arent you man enough? The old womans smile was both gleeful and cutting. He growled and Marthia knew her husband was having a nightmare. ...ol witch. His words were slurred and he restlessly turned his body toward Marthia who was wide awake trying to pick out the words he was mostly whispering. Max almost always slept like a baby. With her, he always spent at least a long moment meditating before coming into the bed. This was something Dr. Ben had taught him in his more youthful first month as a student of the Martial Arts. He had taught it to her as well, saying; sit still before you go to sleep. Disconnect yourself from all of your worries and plans and the replays of your daily eventsjust let it all go. Close the window on the world and you wont have your rest interrupted too much by the night-time dreams. Push it out of yourself. He told both of them they should do this every night unless they were planning sex. Sex & meditation didnt go together well at all. Marthia would meditate in her dressing room after soaking her facial skin and other ar-

in one of the many homemade topical elixirs she prepared for all of them. Max didnt use his at first. He told her he needed a more rugged look. But as his brilliant dark skin began to naturally diminish in tone and luster, he was using the various creams and lotions more and more saying, I look rugged enough, too damn rugged! Later, he would meditate before or after snapping out his artificial leg right above the old patella that had been rebuilt to receive the prosthetic. He kept it on the floor right next to his side of the bed. He sprayed it with a disinfectant mist, placed it in its sheath and zipped it up to keep it clean. The sheath was a luminescent green that was easy to spot in the dark. Max always tucked it right next toor underneath the bed so he could grab it, swing around and be up in a moment if he had to move fast. Marthia always knew what Max was thinking based on whether not he still had the leg snapped in when she got to the bed. Often he would tease her. Baby, Im going to set the leg for Level HS8 tonight! Hed whisper this as he pulled her close to take control of her body. This was the setting that provided all the action she could handle. Once he set it at level 9 and she told him to never do that again. Level 9 and probably even level 8 would make the two of them old before their time. She only let him set it an 8 for special occasions like a full moon. Now, she was positive Max was dreaming about her late grandmother. Max, she said in a quiet, hypnotic voice, are you there with Grandma? She thought she might use her sleeping husband as a medium through which she could converse with the woman who had given her so much and had been a spiritual figure for many. Max opened one eye and looked toward his wife. He realized in the midst of the dream that it was only a dream and had voluntarily come awake. He knew what Marthia was up to and debated with himself for a moment whether or not he should play with her and pretend to be the grandmother. Instead he asked her plainly just what she thought she was doing. Oh, Max...you awake? You sound like you havin a dream about Grandma. Was she there in your dream? I wouldnt tell you if she was, he said through the last vestiges of drowsiness. Wouldnt give that ol girl the satisfaction just in case she was still lingerin about. With that he rolled over and grabbed his highly bionic artificial leg , pulled it from the sheath, and inserted it. As he came to his feet, the leg automatically recalibrated its various systems after defaulting to the Normal category.

Where you goin? Marthia asked. Max usually wouldnt snap his leg in if he wasnt planning to leave the room. Hed become an expert hopper. He could move about very well without the leg and even stand completely still without needing to hold onto anything. Goin for a walk, he said. Manhattan City always make me restless. Be back...sooner or later. Well, jus stay out of trouble. She didnt like him taking off like that and was suspicious. But she knew there was little she could do about it. Something had gotten to him. Intuitively, she sensed her late grandmother had somehow passed some message to him. Shed just have to wait for another time to get it out of him. Always do he responded confidently. He pulled his set of special keys that hung eight inches below on three thick, wide strands of leathereach of the strands were stitched around a series of small steel weights. Through training with animatronic dummies, he could use his keys to take off the noses of three bad guys in five seconds. He placed the fighting instrument in his right pocket and filled his left pocket with his most useful weapona fat stack of hundred dollar bills. He told Marthia to sleep tight and hed likely be back before breakfast which was scheduled for eight-thirty. It was four am. They were all now in Manhattan City high up in The Majestic Hotel down the street from the V Corp Building. The previous day had been the walk-through for the exhibition Lion-fighting match featuring Max, Big-E and Jimmy along side Ethan Vulerummer. In roughly 10 hours, the match would be broadcast live and Max now decided he had some final preparations to take care of. He left his room and took a special VIP elevator down to a special VIP annex to the main lobby then out to a special VIP carport to where a taxi was waiting. He brought two of the hundred dollar bills up from the fat stack in his pocket, gave them to the cabbie and told him about the type of place he was looking for. In twenty minutes, they pulled up beside a very narrow three-story building that was sandwiched between two taller structures. They had crossed into a very dingy section of the city. The building of interest to Max was a narrow old hotel. He told the cab driver to hang around the area,that he would be ready to leave in 90 minutes or so. He gave him another two hundred dollars and said that it was deeply important to him that nobody knew about this trip. It would really be best, he said in a straight, enlightened tone, If you dont mention this at all for the next three months... He paused and pulled a card from his wallet that contained one lone phone number. He explained to his driver that if silence prevailed in this matteras he deeply hoped it wouldthat the man could then call the number on the card and truly claim a two-thousand dollar cash prize for remaining silent. He flashed a big smile and asked the man if he thought he was being serious. The cabbie smiled back with a mixture of excitement and wariness and said that his professional reputation as a man of discretion was even more important to him then money. Max pointed a finger at the man. I knew I liked you from the beginning. I appreciate that kind of honor. And Im serious about the reward. This means a lot to me. Inside the hotel lobby a pair of people were asleep in arm chairs. The two looked like a drug addict and a prostitute to Max. He was thinking if they stayed a asleep for five more minutes at leastit would save him a lot of additional cash. He ordered up a room with a wall that faced the narrow gap between the building, and peeled off a whole layer from the fat stack of hundreds in his pocket. He gave the desk clerk a similar talk about his need for silence and laid out some hundreds and another card with the phone number on it. He also put down ten of the bills in a separate stack and told the man that this money was to cover, the cost of a few wall repairs and a few complaints of noise. He suggested that for the noise complaints, the man should say there were emergency plumbing repairs underway. The lobby man reacted to all of this with some terror. I dont want no trouble sir. You know who I am? Max asked him and the man nodded affirmatively. Theres only one of you I figure, he replied. Max said, I dont do trouble. He pointed to the house video system screen back behind the desk saying the clerk could see for himself that he would go alone into the room he gave him and that nobody else would be coming in. He would leave alone in about an hour. He flashed a big smile and said that nothing nefarious or even immoral would be taking place in the room. The clerk was fully won over by the logic of what he was told and the calm style in which it had been delivered. Your wish is my command, he said brightly as he gathered $1500 in cash together and put it in his pocket, unbeknownst to the two sleeping figures nearby. The clerk was shrewd enough to put Max in a room facing an alley off away from the other guests. He wanted to keep any complaints to a minimum as he now had a financial stake in the outcome of this amazingly strange event. True to what he told the clerk, only Max entered and left the room. The man keenly watched the video system screen as Max came and went as he said he would. Although deep thud sounds bounced down the hotels old hallways every couple of minutes or so, most of the people in the hotel were passed out in drunken stupors

by this point in the morning. The few who heard, and mentioned it to the clerk, were told of the emergency work. Feeling happy and generous about how things turned out, he gave out a few coupons for free twelve-hour stays . While the wall facing the ally had quite a bit of smashed plaster from Max stay, it was surface damage and easily repaired. The rest of the room was intact. It didnt even look like anybody had laid down atop the bed. Maxim Le Muffet had come and gone like a wisp of shadow. Nobody would know what exactly what had transpired during his brief stay.

Ethan Vulerummer and Jay Carroll sat down to breakfast in a private dining room adjacent to the V Corp Atrium. Behind thick glass, they watched as camera people and security men were setting up for the big show later in the day. Carroll had carefully choreographed the event working with a landscape architect to rearrange the huge coppice featuring artificial streams, caves, tunnels and imitation rock ledges. It was enclosed on three sides and mostly hidden, nestled between two larger sections of rooftop high up in Manhattan Citys tallest building. A movable lattice of exterior mirrored, clear panels were available to seal off the site from above for various private gathering such as The Seven Lions annual Bunny Hunt. Today the rooftop would be open as Carroll had arranged full control of the airspace surrounding the V Corp building to prevent independent news organizations from bringing photographers aboard overhead helicopters around. A GreatYear Blimp would be stationed above to provide high-up cameras for the live feed of the televised event, that would run on all of Vulerummers stations and others throughout the world. All of this would lead to the announcement of his run for U.S. President the following Monday morning. It would be followed by a well-crafted press conference where the leader of The Fascist Party would put forth his proposals and deflate criticisms that were already beginning to emerge. Jay Carrollthe master marketing wizardwas going over their latest moves with his boss. We had to cut all of the ads promoting The Glorious Suicidal Organ Donation Program, Carroll said with a speck of resignation. And its a real shame. Worker housing carriers are all being retrofitted with television screens containing cameras and other sensors. They give us a deeper level of data-mining then we ever though possible. We can now easily spot those who are vulnerable and willing to help their families by entering the program. He added that new designer drugsadministered at the right timecould have a would-be donor signed-up heading into organ extraction surgery even before they had the chance to tell their families. Which reminds me to tell you that we also have some fires to put out in the matter of the Worker Housing Carrier Program itself. Our enemies have become more vocal in recent weeks. The street rallies are drawing a lot of people and informing them. Vulerummer was disgusted. Major urban C Class workers were given everything in his view. Placed in the two and four-person cars after the work day was complete, they were slowly moved around on cables across and around the top of the Manhattan City skyline. They were given one hour stopovers inside Worker Maintenance buildings where they could have recreation time and a five-minute shower. Back in their cars, they were given access to moderatelypriced food, alcohol, drugs, porn or religious programming according to their individual wants and needs. They were even allowed two thirty-minute periods during the work week for sex with their spouses. And on days offbased on work performancethey received long periods of quality time with their children . So how am I to handle those types of questionsthat were somehow treating workers inhumanely? he asked. Just continue to put it on the wacky extremists, Carroll replied. Continue to remind people just how vast your holding are and that nobody could expect you to know everything that goes on. There are a few people who want you to resign because of some of the charges that have been made. Just continue to say, Im the best person to clean things up and thats why youre running for president. Vulerummer wanted to know what was going on with the duel efforts by Federal prosecutors and World Security on the various investigations into V Corp. Carroll said that they were real and a threat but that it would evaporate completely if they could take the presidency and use it to capture complete control of the hand. He added, Even now the Feds wont come after us in a full charge because they know what we can do to the economy. And if not? What if they drop on us? Carroll shrugged. Were already chosen which executives to put this on. The paper work and electronic paper trails are already in place. At worst there will be a few 10 year prison sentences for a few of our key peoplebut theyll do what theyre told...considering their options.

Well, were not going to lose, Vulerummer said boldly. Not with attacks against V Corp, or with our people in the financial community, or in our bid to take the presidency and get full control of the hand. Today, when I put a spear thrust into the lions heart, our enemies will know whats in store for them! Carroll liked to see the boss in that kind of spirit. Privately he was worried about this exhibition Lion-fighting match. He didnt approve of it. There was too much that could go wrong that went beyond their control. It was a live broadcast. This allowed them to slightly delay the feed and pull the plug on it if they had to. Hed wanted Vulerummer to do a fake lion kill prior to the actual match. It could then be wired in just in case the boss couldnt get off a good spear thrust or something else happened that would cause them problems. Hed laughed that off telling Carroll his proficiency spearing his robotic lion was getting better each day. The robotic lion was programmed to respond in a very natural way. Built with a combination of cameras and sensors, it would move and try to strike the training Lionfighter in a highly realistic manner. Vulerummer seemed to be as excited as Carroll had ever seen him. He said confidently that he would be like a babe in his mothers arms out there with historys three greatest Lion-fighters. The two Black Forest Tall lions they were to come up against would be like lambs at the slaughterhouse. The guys are embarrassed there are only going to be a pair of em. They wanted a minimum of three and said that after watching me with the spear, that we could go four-on-four if we wanted to. He laughed. They sounded serious when they said that. He said that the two they were bringing in would be fed on a tiny amount of Gorilla meat in the days preceding the match and were going to be injected with some sort of drug that would keep them on edge. So the two Lions would be out for blood. One of the possible bad scenarios for the match, was that of the Lions not fighting them. That would mean chasing them down and cornering them before the kill. But none of them expected it to go that way. Max told Vulerummer he had a little sound he made that enraged a Tall Lion and caused it to stay on the attack. He said the two Lions would attack a front-man with a one-two-punchthat is, one would strike with a sweep of its mighty arm and claw, then the second would lunge forward. Theyll be fucked up just thinking about the taste of blood, Jimmy Luani had said. Especially if theyre jacked up on drugs and gorilla meat. The plan was for Max to come forward. He would jab the charging lion in the throat, then either Big-E or Jimmy would rush forward and club it on the head. Then Vulerummer would move forward for the heart thrust. If he didnt spear the Black Forest Tall in the heart with a clean, first spear-thrust, he would likely have a few additional seconds to get off a second shot before the beast collapsed. It was highly likely that the second Lion would flee and they would go hunt it down and try and get their host a second lion heart. Everything will be just fine Vulerummer assured Jay Carroll. But he wanted to know the specifics of the arrangements for his backup. How many marksmen will be stationed? Security wants ten guys Carroll answered. The goal is to have the two lions and the three men in the cross-hairs at all points during the match. There would two guns trained on each actor when the spacing permittedbut always at least one. Well just dont let the men ever hear about this. It is disrespectful in a way. Carroll hated to hear that kind of talk come from the boss. He reminded Vulerummer that the security people were paid not to take any chances. It would be a mistake to interfere with them in this. The unusual event involving Karl Manson being hung from the freeway overpass for a humiliating video had worried Jay Carroll. It was clear to him Max and Big-E were involved with World Security at some level. He had made the boss promise to question them about this as he had been unable to get any inside information on the matter. At the previous days walkthrough, Vulerummer had congratulated them on flaying, that worm Manson. He asked them who they knew at World Security that could of supplied the aid they needed to pull it off. Carrie Branghaue had readied Max for this question telling him to just talk about his familys old relationship with the local Bay Area World Security office that helped to maintain order in The Oakland. My people got friends among the field officers in LA that helped us out, Max told him dismissively. This increased the kinship and admiration the leader of The Seven Lions Of Private Control had for Historys Greatest Lion-fighter. Hearing all of this didnt put Carroll at ease though. He feared and hated the world-wide lawenforcement agencys two high level American chiefs, Eric Brick Smith and Henry Wesson. He knew they would be searching for anyway possible that might exist to strike Ethan Vulerummer through this questionable circus event. The boss then told Carroll he was going to do a final session with his robotic lion before taking a brief nap. Ill be meeting and greeting the VIPs on your behalf, Carroll mentioned. On the live broadcast they planned to cut

to interviews with the various celebrities that were invited and ordered to the event. The entire row of offices directly above the field of action had been set up for luxury viewing and after-match parties in which Vulerummer and the Lion-fighters would come in to say hello and have their smiles and words and looks of admiration recorded. V Corp news executives and producers would get a plethora of video out of this. The five million dollars it would cost to put on this show would not only boost Vulerummers political profile with the middle classbut also more than pay for itself with the cheap content V Corp used to sell commercials. Say, did you arrange it for my wife and children to be on hand? Carroll said that he had and the boss sighed. I really hate to bring those idiots out in public Vulerummer said somewhat sadly. Just make sure their doses of drugs are increased and the handlers get them to smile on cue...but please, dont let them get close to a microphone. Carroll said he had all of that covered. The long-term plan for the family of Ethan Vulerummer would conclude a few weeks after he made the formal announcement that he would run for return president. His wife and two adult children would be sent out for their campaign appearance in a small plane. They would not return alive. Jay Carroll predicted their loss would mean a five-point sympathy bump in the early polls. The Lion-fighters and their wives were enjoying breakfast not far from the V Corp building at The Buttered Yam one of Manhattan Citys finest new restos. Coco was having a souffleed omelet with spinach, shallots and Parmesan as Sidney enjoyed poached eggs on toasted baguette with a sprinkle of finely minced goat cheese, and Black Pepper Vinaigrettethe two shared from each others plates as they always had. The waiter had suggested Patatas Bravas Home Fries with Roasted Tomato Aioli and scrambled eggs for Jimmywhich he enjoyed. He told the waiter to e-mail his wife the recipe so she could make it for him at home. Marthia had smoked salmon on grilled seven grain bread with tomato and dill. Max quickly finished what he termed a dinky little baby cup of vanilla spice oatmeal. He finished it quickly and told the waiter to bring him, another round. Big-Ewho never ate much prior to a matchwas going through a small plate of blueberry muffins and a bottle of Big-Es DRINK. Clay McDonald, the owner and Principle Foodie Specialist at The Buttered Yam, didnt regularly stock Big-Es DRINK. But when word came down that the Lion-fighters and their wives would be coming in for breakfast, he searched the interweb and was lucky to find some in stock only three miles away at a Thrifty Beverage Mart. He sent an assistant to pick up a six-pack. He wanted there to be only smiles of satisfaction when he posed for a picture with his high-profile guests following their meal. As they ate their food, Coco was going on about the deplorable conditions that service workers were forced to endure in Manhattan City. She tenderly finished a bite from her delicious souffleed omelet and announced that, the Fascist Capitalists had gone crazy and were now trying to get the poor working men to commit suicide and sell their organs so that rich people could live longer. A disgusted expression filled Sydneys face. They dont even seem to think people will notice the brutality she commented. Her husband said without much emotion that, people are stupid and uneducated. Jimmy mostly shrugged it off but sighed a bit. The people who run the TV keep them inside a barrio estpido as we used to saya neighborhood of dummies. Its always been like that...now its just getting dumber and dumber. Nobody said anything more about this but focused on their plates full of fresh, delicious foods. Big-E was attuned to some very subtle changes in the behavior of his two fellow participants in the exhibition match. Max and Jimmy were each showing telltale signs of a surplus of kinetic energy. Lion-fighters worked very hard to be in perfect balance on match dayneither too keyed-up, or overly calm. They had to be fluid and trimmed of all underlying distraction. As each was no stranger to live TV and the many show business elements that went with it, Big -E couldnt attribute their slightly hyper states of mind to that. He questioned himself as to whether Max and Jimmy were a bit over-hyped because they were taking this fight with two Black Forest Talls without the right degree of seriousness. While the three of them together could awaken in the dead of winter and easily slay such scant competition, there was never any firm guarantee that something might go wrong. He poked Jimmy a little to see if he might reveal something of his underlying mind-set. So you have any nightmares about those Black Forest cats, Jimmy? Jimmy smiled, but not brightly. Yeah, I was up half the night he said facetiously . Every time I tried to close my eyes, I kept seeing those two Talls hoverin over me. He said this last part with a sarcastic half-laugh, unable to pull off the farcical look of terror he was going for. Big-E saw Max flinch ever-so-slightly. It was more like a split-second realization of something that had been triggered in his brother-in-law. And how you doin Marthia? he asked his sister-in-law. She had been very quiet.

Oh I doin fine, she replied, meeting Big-Es questioning gaze. He could tell something was going on by the manner of her reply. With all her many personal qualities, getting something past him wasnt one. Big-E thought to himself that she was feeling what he was feelingthat there were forces at work behind the scenes that she couldnt make out. So what do you guys think about that Ethan Vulerummer?, he said to them all. You know, Max said thoughtfully, he wouldnt be half bad if wasnt all caught up in that weird Fascist shit. I think hes kind of a chump Sydney offered. When we dropped in yesterday and he saw Coco and me, he let his hand slide down toward his crotch and he winked at us! There isnt anything discreet about the man at all. Coco nodded in affirmation. He go on like were buddies Jimmy said. But all the time hed fuck our wives the first chance he got. Thats just not right, eh. People cant be doin stuff like that! And especially if they going on like theyre your partner. I had to give Coco a little extra last night cause I was afraid she might stray with old Ethan on the scene! Everybody laughed at this. Big-E laughed at his own joke too, which he thought hed done well. Coco looked at

him like he was retarded. Yeah right, she said as the rest of them chuckled. She had seen somebody she knew come in a few minutes earlier and used this as a good reason to go say hello. She excused herself feigning offence and was off. The men talked about the choreography laid down for the lion-fight. Each of them felt professional embarrassment about this. It wouldnt be a Lion-fight at allnot with the three of them against only a pair of Black Forest Talls. They would be savaged by Lion-fighting purists for this. While Max and Big-E would be following this exhibition the next day with their announcement of their retirement and the end of The Le Muffet Crew, Jimmy hadnt yet been told. He was thinking that all of this would play in the sports world for a good week or so before the first real Lion-fighting matches of the upcoming season would take place and the news-cycle would naturally shift away from them. Big-E and Max knew that with their planned announcement, this exhibition would shortly become drowned out by retrospectives of their careers. Still, when all was said and done, they were sad that it would end like this. And for Max it would be even worst then it would be for Big-E.

At La Casa de Hombres Viejo in Paradise Canyon, Brazil , dinner had been served in the restaurant/ entertainment foyer. Buster White was at the center of attention surrounded by some members of a growing cadre of old , retired Navy men. Their ranks had increased by 5 men since they began running advertisements back in the US. The area was filled with the old-timersmany of which were Hispanic and didnt speak much English. Large screen TVs were set up individually for each group of men so they could get the program in their respective native languages. The occasion was the live broadcast of the exhibition Lion-fighting match that would be starting shortly in Manhattan City where it was mid-afternoon. Lucile Le Muffet came into the room wheeling her husband Johnny Butch Trump. Many of the men greeted their popular hostess enthusiastically as she came by. Buster patted the empty seat of a chair next to him and informed Lucile that he had reserved a place right there beside him to watch the match. She flashed a slightly caustic smile. She said she would accept the invitation once she had found a nice spot for her frozen-up husband as he was referred to there. Buster pointed to a little spot by a window where the rooms air currents pushed outward. It was a great spot for him as Butch Trump had gained quite a reputation around there for gastronomically speakingpacking quite a wallop. As Butch Trump was being placed in a good position for viewing the match by his wife, Buster spoke in a hushed tone to those around him. Ive been making real progress with Lucile, he said The men were smiling and this caused their smiles to brighten up another degree. Ill be getting at those panties in no time at all, he promised them. Then what are you gonna do Buster, one of the old-timers grazed, give her a little talk about over-cooked rigatoni pasta?. This caused a big spasm of laughter and a couple of farts to sound. Buster pushed the comment away saying he still possessed, all the steel a woman needs. Lucile returned to their table to take a place among the old Navy men where she expected to enjoy a gaggle of mirth. So have you talked to Big-E? she asked Buster once she had sat down and ordered a drink. No he replied, He been busy going to Columbia District and now this thing in Manhattan City. I figured he didnt need to hear from me about now. Well, Busta, Im quite sure baby Coco wouldve loved to have heard from you. She always has something really nice to say about you when we speak. Luciles eyes danced about playfully and she broke into a giggle when she had said, nice. He tried to hide a frown at the mention of his daughter-in-law. The men around the tablewho were in the know on this subjecttried too to muffle their smiles. Alone with them, Buster was always saying some little thing about Coco. He told his friends that he could not understand, why the girl has always had it in for me. One of his friends had replied that it was possibly due to the fact that he had suggested on national television that she was a nice piece of ass. Thats not quite what I said, Buster had complained. Besides, I fully apologized for that slip. She could have taken it as a compliment instead of as a badge of courage which is what she chose to do. Lucile asked the men about todays Lionfighting match. Now, I understand there is something different about this one. Like

many women, Lucile did not follow the worlds most popular sport. They explained to her that this was only to be an exhibition Lion-fighting matchthe first of its kind. It was being put on by the worlds richest manthe media magnet Ethan Vulerummerwho some were saying was using it as a jumping off point for a run at the U.S. Presidency. And fighting these lions will make one a better government leader? Lucile questioned the men carefully. Ah, its just politics, said one man from an adjacent table who was listening in. The average voter is a dummy. Theyll think the guy is brave and wont figure out that its all a set-up. What did they say Buster? That theyre running two Black Forest Talls against the three greatest Lion-fighters of all time? Its a joke. Buster agreed and said so robustly, adding that the sport was packaged like cheap soda pop now. Privately, he was deeply embarrassed that Big-E was involved in this. Vulerummers paying each of them a million, he told everyone. A million dollars? For each of them? Lucile just shook her head. The world just kept changing, she thought. It used to be that a million dollars wasnt the easiest thing to comeby even if you were well-connected or in possession of valuable skills. She glanced at the big screen TV. Oh look, its beginning...theres Maxim. She asked the bartender to turn up the volume on the television sets. When she did, they all heard a big crash of applause as the four Lion-fighters came onto The Field of Action led by Max, Big-E, Jimmy, and trailed by the novice Ethan Vulerummer who was dwarfed by the taller, professional athletes but was smiling broadly and waving his spear at the main camera. The applause grew louder although there were no stands or bleachers or any place that a crowd couldve gathered in the huge rooftop atrium gardens. But then the director cut to a festive barroom where a full house was screaming wildly and waving beer mugs. In downtown LA at the western regional headquarters of World Security , Kerri Branghaue was sitting with Eric Brick Smith in his office watching the same broadcast. She knew the barroom where the people were cheering wildly. It was The Beast Bar right down the street from the V Corp building where she had seen Ethan Vulerummer in person. Her upper lip was partially curled in distaste. Despite all of her efforts, she had

not managed to find or create anything to break through the various walls of private security that protected the worlds richest man. As she told her boss, she had gotten one small move into play but that was it. Smith wanted to know what she had planned but she wouldnt say. It isnt much. But it will come as a surprise and let us set off some small ancillary jabs against him. Itll be our only victory today, Brick. But it wont amount to much. Brick Smith was feeling truly aggravated. As stupid as this exhibition Lion-fighting match was to intelligent people, there were many voters who would be swayed by the cheap media stunt. Few really understood just

how dangerous an Ethan Vulerummer presidency would be. The leader of The Seven Lions of Private Control would easily overrun himself and the eastern US chief Henry Wesson. The Fascists would have all four fingers of The Hand and allow them control over virtually all government and corporate databases and use it to try and gain control over ,The Thumb, that was scattered piecemeal on computers all over the world They would hold all of the levers and have a finger on all the buttons. They had done a full analysis on how an Ethan Vulerummer presidency would play out over time. It would become a horror story the likes of which had not been seen since the time of Lord Rashling. The scenario was so bad that Smith and Wesson had gotten together in private and planned an extraordinary assignation plot against Vulerummer on the day of transfer of power following a Fascist victory. They had planned a full blown rocket attack that would likely destroy The Peoples House. It would likely bring about the deaths of quite a few renowned and mostly innocent people. But it would be their only opening before Vulerummers team sealed everything off. The event would send the nation and world into a downward spiral. But the analysis strongly suggested the world would sooner recover from thatand with far less damagethan it would from the long term effects generated by a Vulerummer presidency. Letting The Seven Lions of Private Control have power of this magnitude was akin to allowing the corner butcher to do heart surgery or allowing multinational corporations to write U.S. public policy. Where only a month before, a Vulerummer presidency looked like a complete joke, Smith was now feeling the initial momentum and weight of its resources. The Seven Lions organization was replete with experts in branding leading people into social/psychological cattle cars down tracks to the marketing slaughterhouse for division. They were so good in fact, they even managed to sell the public on the concept that branding itselfwillful acceptance of brainwashingwas a good thing. The world was now heavily populated by branders selling branding advice to new, wannabe branding experts so they might brand whoever was still not involved in the giant dance of self-deception that had spread like an intellectual ghonaria. It was all very depressingand with no breakpoints that Smith could seeshort of the one he and Henry Wesson had planned as a last alternative.

Max instinctively sensed that the two Black Forest Tall lions were at the rear of the atrium and had smelled the four men by now. He led the exhibition Lion-fighting crew forward and allowed them to fall into their natural pace. Big-E would back him up in an offset position while Jimmy more or less kept an eye on Vulerummer. A larger section of rocks fronted an area above the Atrium Gardens main lawn. Max popped up atop the imitation edifice to see if the pair of lions could be seen. He could make out a set of shadows shoot across the rear lawn at the opposite end of this field of action. He cupped his hand and poured out a sound reminiscent of the whimpering sound of a poodle dog in a state of fear. It echoed to the back of the atrium. The broadcast director caught a fleeting glimpse of the pair of lions as they darted across a narrow strip of grass out of, and back into thicket featuring trees, shrubs and bushes. TV cameras were set up around the atrium couldnt peer very far into the areas hidden by the mass of green landscaping and dark shadow . Broadcaster Marv Brewer and commentator Crack Jacked Andy Stockell talked about the flash appearance of the lions. Whoa..that was sure fast, Brewer said. Did you get much of a look at them? Stockell said he hadnt really but added, They-eh came through pretty quick Marv...I dont know if it was the camera or what...but they didnt s-seem be the largest of the Black Forest t-talls. Crack Jacked Andy Stockell had an occasional stutter and facial tick that audiences found endearing. He picked it up around the same time his nickname developed. He had been a top-end battalier whose stellar rookie season happened to coincide with the amazing rookie season of Maxim Le Muffet. Hed finished a distant second to Max in all of the major categories including Lion-head knockouts, slit Lion-throats, and Lion-warning callouts or L-warns as they were known. His first years work was so impressive that it ordinarily wouldve brought him mass recognition and a great deal of fanfare. Mostly people talked about how unfortunate that the great young Lion-fighter had been lost in the shadow of Maxs rookie-year exploits which went above and beyond everything else. Midway through his third season, Stockell had been caught by a Bengali Tall in what Lion-fighters referred to as a Crack Jack. This happened when a Tall Lion was able to reach out through a very narrow gap between large rocks or trees and spear a mans arm with its paw and pull the limb in. Usually the arm was broken at the shoulder or elbow joint and quickly chewed off. In Stockells case, the lions paw sheared off only the flesh from the forearm down leaving part of his left hand twitching from a dangling bone with a few tendons stills attached.

He was rescued and had the remainder of the arm amputated at the hospital. His prosthetic featured a shaft inserted into the joint and used as a strait arm with a bit of an arm spring element and flex hand implanted to simulate natural movement when he walked. Since it wasnt his fighting arm that was ruined, Crack Jacked Andy Stockell was urged by his agent and league officials to return to Lion-fighting as a thumpera battalier that did no throat-slitting. Instead he opted for a career as broadcaster. He worked his way to a large network job doing morning weather reports and Lion-fighting commentary. Buster White considered him the best commentator to emerge since he himself was forced off the air and he said as much to the people sitting around at the table in Brazil watching the match. On the field of action Max jumped down from the rock where he had been trying to coax the pair of lions somewhere in the distance, to come at them. He knew they would more likely to pick a spot to lie in wait for their prey to come to them. The Lion-fighters knew their bestial counterparts would be hungrybut not stupid. It came as a complete surprise then when they heard the pair of Black Forest Talls creeping up above then on a ledge out of their view. The four men had moved into the atriums center section where a main trail encircled the lower pool and middle lawn. They werent in a great position with water and rock hemming them in. Max quickly led them to the lawn area where they could fan out into a fighting position. Ethan Vulerummer felt a streak of pure excitement shoot up his spine with the momentary element of danger thrown in as they quickly crossed through the brief stretch of vulnerability. Jimmy Luani motioned for him to move in front of him so he would be cocooned between himself and BigE but Vulerummer refused. Ill hold up the rear and back you up Jimmy! he said with warrior confidence. Jimmy couldnt help but laugh. Dont get to crazy out here Mr. V, he said in a good-natured way. Atop the ledge, the pair of Lions had moved for the first time into full view of the cameras. In the directors workstation, a switch was thrown that flashed the image of the Black Forest Talls into the live feed and onto TV screens and displays all over the world. The man running the broadcast didnt realize what he was seeing at first until assistants began sounding off. At La Casa de Hombres Viejo in Paradise Canyon; at The Beast Bar down the street from the V Corp Buildingpeople all over were murmuring as they realized what they were seeing on the screen. The only people who didnt automatically know what had happened were the Lion-fighters themselves. But that would change quickly. The broadcast director tried to switch screens but nothing happened. What is this? he yelled. Somethings frozen up! At the office of Brick Smith, the western US chief of World Security gazed fondly at Kerri Branghaue . How did you accomplish this? he wanted to know. How did you get inside V Corp? Through the animal providing company , she replied. Our people are occupying their offices right now. The woman interfacing with V Corp is under our control. Branghaue hit a section of her com tablet and watched the view of the main office at the company light up. The woman she mentioned was trying to fend off furious questions from her counterpart at V Corp. I dont know!...I dont know...well, FUCK YOU TOO! The woman said as a World Security Agent sat by at close range and scrutinized her. Branghaue then checked to see if the delivery men had made it outside to where they had a car waiting. They had been told that if they wanted to get out of the place in one piece, they would have to move both quickly and quietly out the front of the building after changing out of their service uniforms into street close. Handguns were OKd by V Corp security since they were handling deadly Tall Lions. They were told to shoot their way out the door if that was necessaryotherwise theyd be taken to a V Corp interrogation room and never seen again. Kerri Branghaue figured they had 4 chances out of 5 to get out alive. They would be on their own once the lions were released into the shoot they had backed their customized van into and raised the automatic gate into a service tunnel leading directly into the atrium. The safety of the two agents/handlers would hinge on whether the lions darted into the a hidden area or came right into camera view. It was highly expected they would bolt for cover unless distracted and remain unseen before the plot could be discovered. Brick Smith wasnt thinking about any of that. He was laughing merrily. Hed turned to a monitor posting a live feed from Henry Wessonhis World Security counterpart at Eastern Regional in Columbia District. What do you think of that, Henry? Great work Kerri, thats why youre our dream-girl! Wesson gushed . That you sir, she replied while busy sending instructions out to their people on the social networks Tweaker and My Face. At La Casa de Hombres Viejo in Paradise Canyon, amidst the general laughter, Buster White was feeling embar-

rassment for his son and the other Lion-Fighters. This exhibition had now gone from a farce to a tragic farce in his opinion. He couldnt understand how or why this latest twist had happened. What idiot wouldve planned this? Lucile didnt have clue as to what was going on. She asked the men why they were laughing and why Buster looked so disgusted. She could see Max, Big-E and the rest of had the fellows now going to meet up with the pair of lions that had been on-screen. She guessed that there was something wrong with the lions themselves. Now, is there a problem with the lions? she asked and all the men rolled out a fresh chorus of laughter. Yes Buster said simply, theyre

...Fringe lion! Exclaimed Max, .what kind if bullshit is this? He turned angrily toward Vulerummer. What the.. Jimmy couldnt finish the sentence as a sudden burst of laughter rolled in on him. Geeze, were really going to look stupid now Big-E added. Maybe theyre were thrown in with the Talls to make it look more even Vulerummer said weaklybut Max quickly nixed this saying that if Black Forest Talls were in the Atrium, the fringe lions wouldve smelled them and be cowering out of sight somewhere. No, your guys musta just felt like you werent safe enough with real lion!. The greatest Lion-fighter in history didnt try to hide his disgust. But at the same time his mind was adding this sudden turn of events to his deeper calculations. I assure you that was not the case! Vulerummer said defiantly. Nobody connected with him wouldve done something like that. As best as he could figure, there must have been a mistake in the orders given to the lion handlersand that none of his people had spotted it. He pulled out his phone and punched in the line between him and Jay Carroll. What the hell is this? Their connection was mostly staticwhich was strange considering it had been working fine. All Vulerummer could make out was a question. Should we pull the plug? Vulerummer told him to wait. He asked the other men if they should end this now. The four began to debate this. Meanwhile the two fringe lions began to growl in the annoying high-pitch wail that was characterized by professional Lion-fighters and true fans as sounding like, the annoying, pissy sounds of protest one might hear come out of a spoiled, adolescent boy. I think we should just go ahead and pretend like their real Black Forest Talls, Jimmy said. Big-E immediately agreed. Max took a second to decide, taking in the big picture. That they were now preparing to fight Fringe Lion would only make what he had to do easier. He agreed although ending the match would be much easier on him personally. From the broadcast station, Marv Brewer said. Word has come in that theres been a mix-up with the lions, It sure looks like th-that Crackjacked Andy Stokell stammered, trying not to laugh. Brewer suggested the lion might be adolescents but Stokell quickly ended such a speculation Theyre fringe lion Marv. Th-this is a real mix-up. I dont even think you can get a license to fight fringe lion in the U.S. Well Im sure the folks here at V-Corp have gotten all of the necessary waivers. Brewer liked his job and would attempt to put the best possible face on this. But things were going so bad it would be like putting the best possible face on The Blankenfiend Monster! Vulerummer spoke into his phone. They were going to continue, he said. He wanted a tight camera shot of himself cued up and ready to go. Then he strode a few steps out onto the lawn and looked up toward the first office in the row of offices where Jay Carroll sat. He pointed one outstretched hand, palm up, toward Carroll and the others sitting around watching. Then he turned and pointed at the fringe lion in the opposite direction with the index finger of his other hand that also contained an up-pointed spear. He shrugged and smiled indulgently at the distant camera, motioning in such a way as to convey to the audience in full that he had idiots working for him. Carroll was personally embarrassed but liked the way the boss was handling this. He sent a message to his personnel assistant to get their team of comedy writers penning jokes about Vulerummers staff of idiots. He wouldve sent another message to the head of operations for the exhibition Lion-fighting match calling for her resignationbut that had just came in. Carroll sent out a final message to the head of security. Were they at work getting to the bottom of this? They were. A team had been sent to the office of the company that had provided the lion for the match. When they arrived they were quickly handcuffed by Henry Wessons World Security crew. It was being run by Kerri Branghaue in conjunction with Wessons own deputy. The front man for V Corp Security was told he would play along and read what they wrote for him when he called his supervisor. At first the man refused. When a large, black box was wheeled into the room the man was told, you really dont want to know what is in

here. The V Corp security man agreed to do as he was told. Ethan Vulerummer had decided that spearing a pair of fringe lion was preferable to calling the match off. As much as they wouldve liked to, they couldnt turn tail on this but would have to see it through no matter how ridiculous it looked to real fans of Lion-fighting. Theyd be able to sell the event to everybody else using the usual meanssuch as deploying their social media crews on Tweaker and My Face. Tweaks, postings and regular media news briefs were already steaming out around the mother theme of DID VULERUMMER MAKES THE BEST OF LION SNAFU AND SHOW PRESIDENTIAL LEADERSHIP IN CRISIS MANAGMENT? The overall plan was already into the beginning stages. On one of the cable news channels, a thirty minute report on child abuse would be preempted so that continuing coverage of The Lion-fighting Match Gone Awry would be allowed to counter the negative PR. A back-story was quickly being set up to bring up the question of whether the Democrats had sabotaged the event. Scripts were being concocted for the on-air personalities and commentators. Much would depend on their ability to control the personnel at the lion provider company and force them into compliance with whatever would be planned. The head of V Corp security didnt realize it, but Kerri Branghaue had cut off that possibility from the beginning. At World Security Western Regional, she had predicted they would capture the team of agents she expected would be sent immediately to the lion provider. Her larger plan was to have the head of the V Corp security team feed his supervisor with false information so they could hurt Vulerummers public face as much as possible. Branghaue and her counterpart at Wessons office agreed to have a black box ready to go if it came to that. Her fellow Level Four agent also agreed to keep the entire affair quiet from their bosses until they got the fringe lions onto the field of action. The windowless truck was brought in and backed up to a shoot leading to a maintenance gate opening. V Corp Security had inspected the two Black Forest Talls at a holding center. They never noticed the truck leaving the holding yard was switched out for an identical vehicle containing the fringe lions. A V Corp agent had followed the truck but was cut off by planted pedestrians at a right hand turn which allowed just enough time to have it switched out from a parking place behind a larger truck that would help shield it from view when the car finally made it though the turn. The second of the two identical trucks was also fitted with a take over GPS device to make the switch very close to transparent. The exhibition match participants were talking among themselves about how they should proceed. Big-E complained that if there were four fringe lion instead of two, then the added brain power would help to make these descendants of the genetically engineered lion more predictable. The cats were still making their annoying attempts at a lions growl and moving about oddlyshifting sideways for a moment then moving up and down on their haunches. Suddenly, one of the fringe lion turned and bit the other, taking a large chunk of hide from its side. Did that lion just bite the other? Marv Brewer asked his broadcast partner. They do th-that Stokell replied, thinking it was best if he didnt say too much about the behavior of the cats. When separated from the larger pack and left to function on their own individual brains, they would do all kinds of strange things. The fringe lion that had been bitten didnt turn and attack the other but instead snapped at the air in front of it and growled at the empty space. The first lion began to urinate on itself and growl as well. The two fringe lion began to sound off in unison which made for an especially shrill sound. Max yelled at the cats to shut up and they quieted down and moved a few paces backwards. The wheels are coming off the cart big-time, eh Jimmy said. Max, we gotta finish this shit quick, man. Agreed, said Ethan Vulerummer. Big-E suggested; How about if Jimmy and me bat them down, then Max and Mr. V come in with the spears and finish them off. Wait, Max said. We gotta make it look better then that. How about I kick one in the head, then Mr. V come in and spear it? Exactly, said Jimmy Luani. Big-E noticed how his voice had gone from playful to serious. Max will kick the one on our right down and Big-E will bat the other one. Mr. V, you stay with the one on the right...its probably going to get confused and stay right it is. Hit it, then go for the other one which is going to get laid out. Ill back you up in case either of them manages to lunge but I dont think they can do that. If they manage to get away from Max and Big-Etheyll go off any which way. I dont think they can do that. They probably just gonna

make a run for it. But they almost for sure gonna get knocked out, so you can get em both. Just spear one then the next one. Max was nodding and Vulerummer could see this might be easy. He had trained to hit moving Tall Lion. This was going to be about spearing smaller, unconscious, stationary cats. He gave the go-ahead and Jimmy put his bat away and started to move him into position. He put his hands on Ethan Vulerummers neck and waist and squared him up at the right distance from the fringe lion. Big-E was confused. Why was Max choosing to kick the lion in the head? Where he once had a great martial arts straight leg kickamong the best in the world for his heightthat was before the prosthetic attachment to the limb. Had he developed a strong substitute with his left leg? He watched Max lining himself up for the kick and it looked peculiar. He was starting too far away from his targets head. Max was loosening up, bending his knees and hips. Meanwhile, Jimmy was still positioning the worlds richest man. Getting him lined-up to fulfill his hearts desire to spear a lion-heart. It wouldnt be a Tall Lion but precaution had to be taken anyway. Fringe lions killed people all of the time when they were defenseless. The beasts were pathetic to professional Lionfighters but a real threat to everybody else. Theyre setting up for the kill Marv Brewer said with excitement. Why do you think Le Muffet has put down his spear, Andy? To warm up? I-it almost looks like hes planning to kick one of the lions Stokell said. Thats not really legal, is it? Stokell said it was against the rules in a regular match but that this was more of an anything goes exhibition. Well, it looks like were closing in on some real action! Jimmy Luani still had his left hand above the shoulder on Vulerummers neck and his right hand on his waist. He was gentally pointing him; getting him on the balls of his feet for a rythmic move forward on what was to be a stunned beast. As he moved Vulerummer, Big-E White felt something very strange. When Jimmy had placed his hand on Ethan Vulerummers neck, he thought he saw a faint sparkle of light. He wasnt able to gaze deeply at them. Plus, he was concerned with just what Max thought he was doing. Lining up out of position to kick a fringe lion in the head? It made no sense. He was about to say something to him when Maxs gaze locked into him. Everythings cool, oafy Max said in a seeply sober. Max tone. Then he turned toward the fringe lion at his right. The cat was now scratching itselfone paw onto the other and looking down. Max made that little sound like a poodle dog in distress and the fringe lion looked up at him. Max bounded forward, went up on his right leg, did a half-kick with his left leg before thrusting the right leg at the head of the fringe lion. But as Big-E had seen, hed lined up too far back for such a move. Still, the target was hit. Big-Es jaw dropped. Everybody's jaw dropped. The prosthetic limb attached at Maxs right knee had come loose and shot like a projectile out of his black silk pants leg and hit the fringe lion right between the eyes! Historys greatest Lion-fighter fell into a heap and began to scream loudly in anger. GOD-DAMN IT! MOTHA FUCKR! Jimmy was closest to him. Oafy, you OK? Big-E wanted to go to him as well but Max motioned him off. Finish this shit! Max yelled to Big-E and Vulerummer. Jimmy, help me get the fuck out of here. After being hit by the flying prosthetic limb, the fringe lion began to paw at the air as if the man attached to the leg was still out in front of it. Then it noticed the leg on the ground below it, grabbed it, and took off toward the rear of the atrium down a path. Big-E Max yelled in a rage, Fuck! Get the goddamned leg! He was back up on his good leg and leaning against Jimmy. The two slowly began to make their way down a path back to the front of the atrium with Max cursing loudly the entire distance. Big-E told Vulerummer to wait and just hold the other fringe lion at bay until he returned. Vulerummer told him not to worry. He was very angry himself now. He said he would, kill the fuck out of the fringe lion if it moved into range. Big-E sprinted after the cat with Maxs leg. It had gone down a path into some bushes and was quickly dead-ended. Big-E caught up with it and yelled for it to drop the leg. He was surprised when it did just that and even more surprised when it snarled at him like a real, Tall Lion. He smacked it in the head with his bat, took the leg, and went to rejoin Max and Jimmy. He came out from the path and could see Vulerummer through trees. His spear moved with the form of the second fringe lion which almost appeared to be dancing like a drunken man. Then it stopped. It looked to its right and saw something that caused it to raise up its back on all fours as if suddenly called to alert. Then it darted off, at full speed up the pathway, and raced by Big-E without a glance. It looked like it was running for its life.

With his instincts piqued, he move back toward Vulerummer very cautiously. He could see the glow of some kind of light in the thicket of bush and branches. As it was a very overcast day, he assumed a sensor had been triggered by the shadows that filled the field of action. The light emanated from a source in the direction the fringe lion had looked into. He expected it to be something like a patch of ground lights that had come on early. Vulerummer was gazing toward the same spot. He appeared to Big-E to be frozenjust standing there motionless with his spear outstretched. As Big-E came to the edge of the middle lawn, a man was moving out from behind a formation of imitation rock. He was peering at the leader of the Fascists. Cradled in his hands was a small black cat whose thick fur was trimmed to make it look like a lion. The strange man did not look at Big-E. His gaze was locked into Vulerummer. Big-E didnt attempt did not look the man in the eyes. He didnt say a single word to him. But both he and Ethan Vulerummer had seen this one beforealthough under very different circumstances. GO NOW! Big-E heard these words inside his own head. But they were not his thoughts. His mind reeled and his knees became weak and rubbery. It took everything he had to make his way back to the front of the atrium. Part of him wanted desperately to look into to eyes of The Lion Man. It was clear to Big-E White that this was who the man was. The one he had met in the mountains, the one his mentor Paul Cavalett named, The Great Kachina. For Ethan Vulerummer, The Great Kachina was the shoeshine man that had mysterious appeared and disappeared on that foggy pre-dawn outside The Beast Bar. But Vulerummer now fully understood this had only been a faade. In social terms, the chairman of The Seven Lions of Private Controlthe richest man in the worldwas as powerful as one could be. He was not unlike a god in the circle of men. But he understood now in the clearest possible terms now that all of his social status didnt amount to a hill of beans in comparison to the one that was slowly moving towards him. His eyes had Vulerummer transfixed. They shone like the naked sun at high noon, only brighter. An electric blue glow seemed to gather around his eyes like the traces one sees around a flame. Vulerummer felt no pain as he gazed into those eyes. He was filled with awe. Everything was changed. He began to feel a current or vibration move in pulses from the base of his spine. The black cat dropped from the hands of The Lion Man. Vulerummer just watched it fall out the bottom of his view which had become solely limited to the eyes of the figure that was now only fifteen feet away. A split second later the form of a large, old Tall Lion rose up as if it had been laying on the ground beneath his viewpoint. As the vibratory pulses rising up from the base of his spine began to elongate, he knew perfectly well what the old, Tall Lion and its master had come to do. And he didnt care. Seeing The Lion Man was worth everything he had or could hope to possess. The lion approached him and slowly brought his paw up to the top of Vulerummers head. He felt like a glass figurine that would soon explode from the inside and sprinkle the air and ground with a million shards and bits. Soon the V Corp Atrium Gardens were filled with a mass of people coming onto the field of action. Paramedics rushed out first. Then security people. Jay Carroll was soon among them having led his staff of executives. Big-E White returned as did Jimmy Luani. Max had gotten his prosthetic reattached but wanted no more part of this place. He made his way to the office patio where the rest of their group had taken in the match. Ethan Vulerummer has apparently suffered a great seizure of some sort said Marv Brewer. Lets all say a prayer for him. Jimmy and Big-E soon joined to the others in their party and rested for a moment before they were all led out of the V Corp Building and back to their hotel. Is he dead? Jimmy asked. I couldnt tell. What are they saying on the TV? His voice was strange and Sidney and Big-E both noticed it. Coco said that the first reports were saying only that Vulerummer had suffered a major seizure but that he was apparently still alive. Hes finished Big-E said knowingly but with an almost hypnotic undertone. Everybody noticed how exhausted he looked. Nobody had ever seen him looked so drawn out. Coco brought him two bottles of Big-E Whites DRINK thinking it might help. What did it look like from here? he asked the women. We couldnt see much Coco said. The television signal been messing up the whole time. Theres been a lot of electrical problems around here today. We thought all the lights may go out at any time. Its been weird. Max thought about what his sister had just said. Electrical problems? That would work for him. Maybe that why my leg failed? he said. Big-E didnt quite believe that. There was more to it, but he didnt know what. Marthia knew when Max was lyingand he was now telling them a lie for some reason she couldnt make out. There were secret things going on but she knew it was best for her to take the long approach to getting at the full truth. As nobody had mentioned the appearance of The Lion Man. Big-E White sensed that few if any of the millions of people that had witnessed this had not seen The great Kachina.

Brick Smith was conferring over his secure audio/video link with Henry Wesson. The two were shocked and elated. They began deciding upon and setting a vast array of contingency plans into effect. Kerri Branghaue was sitting silentlystill staring at the scene from the V Corp Atrium. She appeared lost in thought as Smith and Wesson were making their final decision over what to do with Jay Carroll. World Security agents were quickly filling the void left by the unexpected turn of events. The private firm that provided Vulerummer and V Corp Security were beginning to run for the hills. They would have Carroll before the day ended. The question was what to do with him. Henry Wesson hated Jay Carroll. He wanted him partially gutted and hung high in the Manhattan City Central Park. He wanted him put into an iron cage with a vulture. He wanted to terrorize the Fascists into complete submission. He wasnt in favor of torture or capital punishmentbut he did believe in the human sacrifice of select criminals. Brick Smith wanted Carroll taken as a prisoner and turned into their puppet ruler at V Corp. Smith glanced over at Kerri Branghaue. She was aloof and disconnected. He asked her if she was OK. She snapped out of it and began to contribute. Within days of the event, as their leader Ethan Vulerummer lay in a catatonic state in the hospital, The Seven Lions organization would be routed by World Security. One of their members would be blown up along with his family by a World Security suicide bomber. Two other members were assassinated by sharp-shooters. Two others were taken alive and arrested. The final member of The Seven Lions of Private Control managed to flee into the jungles of South-east Asia. All over the world, judges, prosecutors, law firms, financial people and corrupt politicians were fingering one another to escape jail time and complete ruination. Several shoot-outs between World Security and various private company security forces took place. Many of the Fascist-leaning Democrats went down as well. The data bases, tracking programs and information mining super structure under the control of The Seven Lions organization were taken by World Security giving them all four fingers of the hand. They began the seemingly neverending task of locating the various elements of the thumbspread across the worlds computers. The emphasis would be on finding and destroying the code used by criminal and multi-nationalist hacker groups for robbery, extortion, blackmail and tampering with free speech. The vice lords of The Canadian Mounters were given permission to aid in the effort and allowed to keep 3 percent of the money they saved or recovered from the various hacker gangs. Over time, Jay Carroll became chairman of V Corp. He broke the multinational conglomerate up under the guidance of a newly-minted U.S. government watchdog committee. His number two at V Corp was a member of World Security. Carroll was now under 24 hour guard. His various com link displays would often light up with a photo-realistic video created by Henry Wessons team. It showed Carroll hung high in a tree inside an iron cage with a vulture taking chunks out of his open wounds. The Bunny Hunts once held at the V Corp atrium gardens became a thing of the past. Radical talk show hosts Lou Glen and Limon Rusher quit broadcasting and founded a Nudist Nature Commune together. They were said to be smoking a great deal of pot and exploring homosexuality. The world had changed. On the day following the exhibition Lion-fighting match, the press conference Max and Big-E had planned, didnt go forth. After telling Jimmy and Sidney of their plans to retire and end The Le Muffet Crew, they simple sent out notices to the media. All questions concerning that, the previous days events, and accusations concerning the Karl Manson affair, were referred to their attorneys and spokemen. Jimmy was more then shocked to hear they were quitting. You gonna leave me all alone? he asked them. Why, eh? You guys aint over yet. The media will only focus on me. Their was a tinge of jolliness in Jimmys laughter. Big-E knew he was already cueing up the realization that he could now go for his All-time Lion-Head Knockout record. There were things that happened in our last match in September Big-E told him cyriptically. Youll have to see for yourself the next time you come out. Otherwise you just wont believe it. Jimmy didnt know what to say. Big-E spotted a powerful glint in his eyes that was so unlike the Jimmy Luani he had known since they were teenagers. He suspected there was also a secret that he wasnt sharing. Perhaps later, when he had heard the whole story, would Jimmy open up to Big-E. What happened at the last match? Coco wanted to know. Ive been thinking Big-E said. We should go to Merles place in the mountains and watch the tape of the last match together when we leave here. Thats the best way...

We have to get back Sidney interrupted. Coco said she would fill her in once she found out what he was talking about. A stern, serious look had some upon her face and Coco knew Sidney was setting herself for what promised to be a big battle with her husband. She had been trying to get him to retire from Lion-fighting birth of their second son. Sidney could be as ferocious as any lion Jimmy had met on the field of action. Jimmy knew it would be a long, uncomfortable flight back to Maui. He knew that look on her face better then anyone. Max had taken to Big-Es idea that they should hold a family meeting at Merles cabins in the mountains. He put in a call and had his brother on the line. Merle, we gonna come up...Big-E, Marthia and baby sister...get the boys...we gonna all lay the cards down...gonna show the video to the women.

The Le Muffet jet was about to come in for a landing at Wooly Mammoth Airport. They were all fatigued except for Max who was able to stretch out and sleep in his reclining chair at the rear of the aircraft. Coco bugged Big-E the whole way wanting to know what was on the video. He finally had enough and told her; its about the biggest day of Little Bs life he said dramatically. What? What does this have to do with my dog? Oh, you gonna know Max said with a twinkle in his eye. Fo sure...you gonna find out all about... that..today! He and Big-E were laughing at Cocos consternation. Big-E reached across his wifes body and pulled her toward him. ...and thats what you get for being restless and controlling. He kissed her cheek. She decided to give them no further fuel to tease her with. I really dont even care she said, and went back to her laptop and the endless inspection of new designs and fashions she was involved in. Merle already had his party-size coffee maker out when the rental car arrived from the airport. Bill and Ronnie had come in ten minutes earlier. Now he had the coffee brewing and had laid out some simple battercake with sugar crumbs he had just put together. He had everything timed out. The video was cued up to the fateful scene in which the Tall Lion had slapped Big-E down. Merle gave their camera guys a lot of credit for not wavering once in the recording of what had appeared to be the immanent death of Big-E White. He knew they would have no trouble finding a new Lion-fighting crew to work with. Coco hadnt seen her brother Merle since the gathering in Santa Barbara. She hugged him deeply and asked him in a semi-whisper why he was keeping secrets from her. Cause we protect our baby Coco Merle said simply. Marthia and Coco stared dumbfound at the TV screen. That not my dog. That aint Little B! Coco wasnt believing what she had just seen. Max offered her his phone. You can call your boy Randi...we took him there to that Poodle-dog place to get him cleaned up. He ate every little bit of the lions nut...was a fucking mess! . Then turning away from Coco, he said in a quiet voice, that little dog a monster. He looked at Merlewho knew Maxs less-than-fully serious voice and wanted to grin. Randi?...and Robert? Roberther oldest friend besides Sidneywouldnt keep secrets from her. It all look true, baby, Marthia said, and now Coco was beginning to see that it was. Well, what was Little B doing out there in the first place? She was getting a bit hysterical having just seen how close her husband had come to death. The suppressed rage she felt for everything that had anything to do with Lion-fighting was coming to the surface. Maxs idea said Bill plainly. Oh, I just felt sorry that the little guy never get to go out like a real dog...so I... suggested My decision Big-E said simply. Little B lucky he even got to come back...considering...everything goin down. Ronnie said this and was instantly flashed a mean look from Max. He wanted to tell Coco their oldest brother tried to get them to leave her dog behind to fend for himself. This is only the first part of the story Big-E told them all. It goes on from there. He began to recite each of the strange events beginning with the appearance of the old lion at the grotto and how the rock edifice fell away from the hidden cave; he described the hidden contents carved into stone on the floor and wall of the cave. Then he told them about the home surveillance video showing the mysterious fog hiding the identity of the person that opened the gate when they were preparing to leave for the airport. This event had caused them to get a late start and also allowed Chica the opportunity to coax Little Ban event that ultimately brought the birth of The Chi Bees and the Karl Manson affair.

Then he explained the unbelievable evidence at the house used by Karl Manson showing how the stolen dogs were freed. Finally, Big-E recounted his unbelievable encounters with The Lion Man himselfthe second of which had occurred only 10 hours earlier during the exhibition Lion-fighting match in Manhattan City. He was still coming to terms with that. He wondered why nobody else had seen it. He also explained how he mentioned the first encounter to Paul Cavaletwho believed him and named this figure he had dubbed, The Lion Man as, The great Kachina. He explained the significance of this to them. Merle, Bill and Ronnie were trembling by the time Big-E finished. Marthia and Coco were weeping . All of them were hit by a dose of nature none would have thought possible had they been able to even conceive of such things to begin with. They were rocked by tales of phenomena unknown and likely unknowable to the average, reasonable person. This was incomprehensible in every measure of the word. I saw something today, Marthia said warily to Big-E. We couldnt see you from where we were but watched on the screen. I was shaken up after seeing what had happened with Max. The camera was on you when you went to take the leg from that lion. It showed the other lion run past you and thats when I saw ita man coming out of the trees holding a cat. Vulerummer was just standing therehe saw him. But the picture moved to Max hobbling up the trail. I didnt really think no more about the man I saw...I jus thought he was somebody who was supposed to be there. I blanked it out. Everybody was talking about Max. Then the picture changed again. Vulerummer had fallen down and everybody was shouting and running into the atrium.. She had confirmed what Big-E said. Max was lost in thought. Dr. Ben had said that there was another shoe left to fall and boy was he right! He wanted to talk to his mentor now more then anything and put in a call. He left a message. In ten minutes the master and his great student were talking on the phone. Dr. Ben congratulated Max and called his performance perfectly executed. He thanked him. This phase of your life is over now Akiyama said. Yesterday, you slew the last, great lion...and I dont mean Vulerummer. That puke doesnt even get the distinction. It was the inner beast that you defeated Maxthe one that has been stalking you your whole life. For the Luanis, the flight from Manhattan City back home to Maui, was filled with terse conversation between themselves. Part of this was due to other first class passengers questioning Jimmy about the events of the previous day. Rumors had began to swirl about a mysterious figure that walked out of glaring light holding a black cat. On video tape there was a glaring light said to be due to the electrical problems that were occurringbut no figure. Some were saying it was a conspiracy hatched by Democrats in World Security to kill Ethan Vulerummer. They claimed that agents had infiltrated V Corp and had digitally blotted out the assassin as they termed the man with the cat. And some of the conspiracy theorists were questioning whether Maxim Le Muffet had created a diversion by self-ejecting his leg prosthetic. Jimmy laughed it all off and made one joke after another ridiculing the alternative version that only a few were claiming to have seen. Sidney though, wasnt laughing or even smiling. In her mind they shouldve been on a private jet. They shouldve been leaving the world of V Corp, World Security, and most especially, professional Lion-fighting far behind with a brief press release announcing Jimmys retirement. Instead, he was telling fellow passengers how he couldnt wait for the beginning of the season a few weeks away and some real action. She was angry, a bit depressed, and somewhat numb following everything that had gone down. She text-messaged Coco and asked what Big-E had told them. Coco replied saying it was way-too much to go into there. She told her not to worry. Jimmy would come around. She told Sidney that they were all blessed. She didnt try to coax more out of Coco but tried to fall asleep. It was hard with her husband holding court right next to her. By the time they had landed in Maui she was exhausted and yet resolute about what she had to do. After getting herself back to normal the next day, she asked Jimmys mother if she would take the boys out to a movie after school and then to dinner. His mother could tell what she had planned and sincerely wished her luck in getting her son to retire. Jimmy could tell something was up. He sought out David Ohuna. David said he was right. Sidney was going to give him another ultimatum as she had the last time they went over the subject of his retirement. He said how his mother and him were going to take the boys out after school. She just better not hit me like she did the last time Jimmy said, remembering how his wife had cold-cocked him in the ribs with a blunt object that left a bruise. Some disparagement came briefly to the smile that formed on Davids mouth. You said you planned to start gear-

ing up for your first match he said. If shes able to cold cock you again, Id say you should quit! When everybody was gone, Jimmy went into the house. Sidney standing there waiting for him. She was wearing what looked like some kind of revolutionarys outfit. A large suitcase was by the door. Jimmy thought if he tried to approach this in a soft way, he might be able to sway her. Baby, I want to quit. I just have responsibilities to people to go for one more year. This surprised her. Really? Not to your wife and sons...or to your mother! To Lion-fighting fans. To the All Asia Crew. To the people in LA. And to my sons To your sons? Sidney laughed derisively. Yeah. Theyll want to have their daddy complete his legacy. Sidney told him he must think shes a complete fool with talk like that. She reminded him that only a few days earlier he had been received at The Peoples House in Columbia District by The President. His likenesstogether with those of Max and Big-Enow hung at The National Gallery. He was celebrated all over the world and a treasure in his home neighborhood. What more did he need? Big-E Whites all-time Lion-head Knockout Record? She said this last part and looked to Jimmy like she wanted to spit on the ground. Fine she said. You go and knockout every Lion you can findthen fuck each one in the ass . Maybe youll finally feel like a man then. She rolled her suitcase toward the front door and opened it. You tell my sons Ill call them tomorrow afternoon. Ill try not to tell them what an asshole you are Jimmy. He felt his heart breaking as she left. But he couldnt just change his destiny and he knew she understood this. She had grown since their last battle over this and had uplifted rage to disgust. Making his heart ache was her way to punish him. Sidney was the cutest girl he had ever seen and still was. But she could talk as nasty as any man. Fuck a knocked out lion in the ass? That was too much. Hearing her say that made him laugh. How would somebody even do that? Youd have move the tail around he thought. That was a sick image. She could really say some foul but funny things, he thought to himself. The next morning, Jimmy woke up early and walked to the other end of Ono Plantation to talk to David. He was up early, caulking the windows of his hut. They had leaked in the rain that came over night. Jimmy told him that Sidney had left. David said she had spoken with Jimmys mother earlier the day before saying she was going to leave for a week. Jimmy said it was probably better. He was going to go into deep training in order to boot up for the season ahead. Im going to make all kinds of money this year he said proudly. Im going to get a bonus of 100 gs for every Lion head knock-out and 5 mill if I tie or beat the records. Yesterday, the money people were calling one after another5 of Max and Big-Es product endorsements are beggin to switch to me. And get this David...before we pulled out of Manhattan City, Coco was telling me we should think about changing Big-E DRINK to Luanis Own MYSTIC MAUI POWER BOOSTER . Jimmys face was painted in a big, goofy smile. How do you think Big-E feels about all of this? David asked. Coco said hes anxious to clean up his image. He really wont want anything more to do with Lion-fighting. Hes going to make some kind of Anthropology Documentary. So all the sports money going to flow to you? To us, David. Its all about building the foundation. Its like every bottle of MYSTIC MAUI POWER BOOSTER gonna lift up some kid a little. David just nodded. And one things for sure he replied. Theyll never be enough bottles sold...or kids in a position to make use of the charity. I guess not Jimmy said haltingly. He hadnt had time yet for the words to sink in. David changed the subject. So, your new friends at Washington Kachina must be very happy with your performance the other day. His eyes were pointed right into Jimmys. You talk to that guy Jeff Thomason? Jimmy hadnt spoken to David about the events in Columbia District. But he wasnt really surprised he knew. His old connections were long and deep. Thomason himself gave intimations of that. I dont really talk to any of the people back there about their business, he said. But people will call you once they find out you have a phone...and you can infer things from what they go on about. He chuckled and said he often missed the five-year period when he didnt have a phone. He had left the high-powered world of Columbia District and Manhattan City behind and returned to Ono Plantation where he lived alone off the land and began to rebuild his life. I dont see how you coulda gone without a phone Jimmy commented. Its easy when thats your only choice. David explained to Jimmy early in their relationship that he was broke when he came back home to Mauithat his assets were leveraged beyond his reach by the people in his old life as

that hadnt wanted him to leave, but were not willing to pay the price he would extract. It had taken five years for the legal restraints on his money to naturally dissolve. Ono Plantationalthough overgrown and rundownstill easily provided for all of his needs with its rich natural yield of food and water and basic building materials. David made the little money he needed selling the surplus. He couldve had a phone then if hed wanted one. Jeans new Paris townhouse was in a modern building. Sidney wasnt too impressed with it from the outside. It was so unlike Jean DSole, a well-regarded interior designer, to be associated with anything so lacking in ornate styling's. But once inside, she was charmed by the subtle, masterful allocations of space and decoration. Jean explained to Sidney that her new muse was the goddess of fresh and clean. Was there a goddess of fresh and clean? Sidney asked. Jean touched her arm tenderly and smiled at her to let her know she was being facetious. Then she took note of the question and it interested her. There is now she said. Very new on the scene I might add. She led Sidney to a room for entertaining guests. There was no stuffing of the space with artifacts and collectables. The central feature set over the fireplace was a crescent array of 10-by-14 inch framed images of women. There were eight of them. They were etched coppersimple line drawings. One had to look very close to see the differences between them. It seemed to be some kind of artistic display of the various moods of women. Sidneys attention went straight to this display and Jean noticed. She asked her if she was drawn to any of the eight figures in particular. Having looked them over, Sidney pointed to one that appeared at the far left flank. The womans face was beautiful but equally fierce in expression. She is one of the gate-guards, Jean said. Then she pointed at the figure on the opposite flank. Now, look at her. The opposite figure looked very similar. Each was looking ever-so-slightly askewas if watching out from a hidden place for threats. But the faces werent the same although there was something Sidney couldnt quite penetrate that made the difference. She said she was missing something and Jean told her to really study the faces of the female gate-guards. After a few moments of waiting, Jean clued her in. Pointing to the one at the far left flank, she explained the difference. She has a little more of the baby-face but the eyes are more ferocious. Her counterpart over here on the right have a tiny bit stronger face but the eyes are just a little more child-like. The two are a pairsisters, dance partners, perhaps even secret lovers. I see it now Jean. Or maybe its the spin youve put on it that I see...they a re very similar, but distinct. Jean nodded and smiled like somebody who knew more then she was saying. Then she just came right out and said it. This one on the left is named Sidney and this one on the right is named Coco. Sidney laughed instinctively. It started to sink in very slowly. And which one is Jean? she replied with a quick wit. Her mentor quickly pointed to the figure set a little off to the right of center. This figure was halfway into profile, gazing toward the outskirts of the crescent array. She has just come off from the podium position like the old ornate hand of a clock at a few minutes past noon. Her sister on the left is coming up to the high center point. Sidney began to enjoy this and wanted to know who her sister was that coming up to the podium. Youve met her Jean said. But before I tell you, you must promice to keep every bit of this secret for now. You cannot tell your husband or Robert or Coco. Do you promise? Being a pragmatist, Sidney didnt enter into secrets without knowing why. Jean replied that she wanted to tell all of this to Cocobut at the right time. Do you promise? Yes she said in resignation. She didnt like to keep secrets from Coco. That was just the way the two had always rolled together. But she had to know and when Jean finished telling her who her own sister was, Sidney was surprised. Really? was her straightforward initial response. Jean nodded and then told her the full back story and it all sounded like a wonderful, complex novel. Then Jean got back to the subject of the eight. They had been sitting down but now Jean was up and had walked back over to the etchings. These two women she said pointing to another pair of figures, are Madame Blavata and her real-life sister Madame Tusaro. They lived here in Paris one-hundred and twenty years ago. She then went on to give details of their lives. Both women were very well known in that time. One a doctor, one a lawyer. Both were highly spiritual and together had formed something of a learning center for comparative religion. Madame Blavata was also a skilled student of Taro which she dubbed, The House of Qualities and Reoccurring Scenes. She wasnt a fortune teller but a student and teacher of the hidden system of knowledgewhich is like a slow changing framework that houses thoughts and ideas, flesh and bone, mountains and continents. So the eight symbolize positions...like you once told us about The Stations of Lord Cristo. Sidney said this

as a statement rather then a question. I think I get it, she said although she knew there was a lot she wasnt seeing about the whole thing. Jean thought for a moment. Do you remember when we talked about that conversation in the Bible between Lord Cristo and Ojona? Sidney remembered. In it Ojona says to his master that the world was once only filled with myths about The First Begotten of The Most High. But with the appearance of Lord Cristo in the flesh, the station of the myth was now filled in reality. The Lord was pleased by the scope of Ojonas insight but told him not to go around repeating such things as people at that time were used to worshiping idols and not evolved enough to grasp such a subtle, complex thing. The eight are similar to that. We are primarily the current inhabitants of a.shall we say.a corporate suite of offices?. But there are only four of us alive right now? Sidney was doing her best to follow this. Not all offices are filled at all times, Jean replied. In fact, Madame Blavata said that it was highly unusual for The Eight to all be in the world at the same time. So then you do believe in reincarnation? Sidney said. She had once told her that she neither accepted or didnt accept such things. Not necessarily, Jean corrected her. The Eight are a human contrivancebased on numerology which is an old way of grasping essential patterns. The Spirit is something altogether different. The Spirit adds into the human form and has a multiplier effect that becomes a person over time . A Spirit born into a set of circumstances. The cosmos is in a particular alignment at conception, at birth, at age seven...at death. All of this is mirrored. But just what is Spirit? I dont know, I am only an interior designer! The two began to giggle. The weight and depth of all of this had a way creating a certain kind of fog. Four days had passed since the exhibition Lion-fighting match. Kerri Branghaue sat alone in her office. It had been a hectic time. More intense then anything shes experienced. She had watched Brick Smith transform suddenly from a sagging bureaucrat riding out his final time before retirement, into a fast-thinking and fearless warrior. A battlefield commander. Both he and Henry Wesson had smelled blood the moment Ethan Vulerummer had collapsed. He moderated an almost ongoing conference call with the other Level Five World Security heads around the world. The various operations against The Seven Lions of Private Controlcomplete with all of their component parts seemed to enlarge with each passing hour. Not since the coalescent stack of operations in which World Security was founded in the weeks and months following the stomping death of Lord Rashling, had activity of this magnitude transpired. Like an inside straight developing in a poker hand, the cards continued to fall into place. Branghaue worked with Level Four agents in all of the regional offices to execute the decisions made by their bosses. World Security functioned at the highest level of intensity . It worked so efficiently that it began to purr like a high performance car finding a track suitable to be unloosed on. Kerri herself worked tirelessly. She even made sure her boss was reaching for semi-conscious gulps of vitamin-charged energy drinks rather then all the coffee he continued ordering through the nights and days. They stayed mostly in Smiths office except for rest periods that lasted for no longer then a couple of hours. Jay Carroll had gone back to his office at V Corp when he was turned away at the hospital where Ethan Vulerummer was taken . He realized World Security had gotten an inside position over them and began to see The Seven Lions organization imploding with each fresh strike that he saw being made against them. Communication lines between the heads of the group were cut. Two assassinations came within moments of each other. Finally the suicide bomber. Managing editors at V Corps largest news outlets had been put on puppet strings and forced to report facts rather then the Fascist propaganda they usually filtered into the homes and minds of their viewers and readers. Herbert Fat Jowls Rogers, the biggest of them all, was taken to jail as federal prosecutors prepared a huge indictment against him for criminal fraud, information theft, and a long list of crimes. Underlings were lined up with promises of immunity for information about Rogers methods of spinning half truths and planting outright lies to further his bosss business and political interests. Vulerummers condition was at first reported as if he lay in a vegetative state. But further tests were showing he was fairly conscious. He had lost all control over his bodyhe couldnt even make a noise or signal yes or no to basic questions. Doctors could not determine what had happened to him and were unable to even begin to come up with a treatment. It was like he had been pitched down a long shaft with sheer sides that would not allow him to escape. He

was in a state of disconnectuseable clusters of sensors in his nervous system were cut off from his mind. As The Seven Lions of Private Control quickly began to roll off the page into history, Kerri Branghaue found many personal thoughts stream in as her World Security tasks-of-the-moment fell away. She was one of the handful of people around the world that had seen the image of the man with the black cat. And the realization of what that meant began to creep into her hauntingly. How was something like that even possible?

Sidney had gotten in a long nap on the jet liner into Paris and she was filled with energy. Jean could see this and suggested they go for a walk over to a nearby park. They came to her favorite bench overlooking a small duck pond. A pair of noisy geese came by, honking at each other like an old married couple renewing a longtime disagreement. Jean smiled and pointed to them as they went by. I hope you and Jimmy dont end up like that she said. Sidney sneered. I dont know if well even last that long she said in anger. No matter what I do I cant get him to give up that abhorrent Lion-fighting. It would be the perfect time for him to quit. But he wants Big-Es record; he wants to be the single focal point...the big man. He tells this to you? Jean asked. Not in so many words Sidney replied. He says its about not leaving his teammates and fans and the whole sport down. But he wants to be the king of the hill. Jean said this was a natural thing for men. And we as women tend to instill this in them. It makes them better protectors and providers for us. Then we become frustrated when they dont stop when we tell them to. Its an old problem. She asked Sidney what her own plan was regarding all of this. She knew she had something cooking up in her mind. While Coco was good at playing the submissive, dutiful wife, Sidney was not. She would likely pick her spots and hound her husband until he quit. Jean told her this. Sidney said she wasnt going to hound him at all. Im going to make him announce that this will be his final season. If he refuses Im going to divorce him and he ca

go hang out with his Oafies in Hong Kong. Jean could see that Sidney was resolute. But she was overheated about the situation and likely to start a huge battle with her husband. She suggested that Sidney deliver this decree in the gentlest waybut firmly enough to let him know it was no joke or empty threat. She said that Jimmy already knew the wisdom of doing such a thing. If he couldnt fulfill his final ambition to own the Lion Head Knockout Record in one year, it would look like he was just hanging around for personal ego gratification. And that would tar his image and make him look like a clown. Jimmy would quit naturally providing she didnt claw his personal pride to death and force him to resurrect it by continuing something league executives and his sponsors would likely try to get him do. Nobody expected that he could actually break Big-Es record that coming season. It was too far out of reach. To do it, he would have to have the same kind of numbers put up by Maxim Le Muffet in his incredible third year. People often said that decades would come and go before something like that would ever happen again. Back at home in Santa Barbara, Big-E and Coco resumed their normal lives as if the events of the past few days had not been as amazing as they had seemed. Coco had huge amounts of work to keep her busy. Big-E, Max and their attorneys would be finalizing the legal dissolve of The Le Muffet Lion-fighting organization. And Big-E had to get back to his down-training and his work making of a documentary film about the discovery of The Shamans Cave out at Las Grotto de Mirrillo Agua . When the Goddess Coco came home, Little B noticed the change right away. When Chica and himfollowed by the Chi-bees went to her, she picked him up first and covered him in kisses. Oh baby, the Goddess told him lovingly, I never knew how much of a good dog you r eally are. You the best dog ever! Finally, she acknowledged Chica and the pups but continued to hold and kiss him. She kept him close by her all day like when he was a puppy. He was a happy dog and liked being the best dog. That night he was allowed to sleep in the glorious bed next to the goddess Coco. Chica and the big dog man had to sleep outside the room in the poodle dog luxury bed. He could tell that Chica was a jealous dog. Coco had not been right since she was told of all of the strange occurrences surrounding the appearance of The Lion Man. A strange light began to appear in her eyes and effect her demeanor. Her countenance was effected and Big-E thought it was best to let her have her way about Little B sleeping in the bed. That wasnt something he usually would never agree to. He waited until the following day to have a talk with her about all of this. He hadnt been sure just how to do that but then it came to him. You gotta tell Robert and Randy the whole story he said. They have to know. I been sayin to Robert how blessed we all are she replied. Well, they should hear all the details. Coco, its really important to help them not get blown away by this especially Randy. None of us are ever going to really know what is behind all of this. Its unknowable and apt to stay that way. We all gotta stay level-headed. Coco understood what he was saying. It kinda send me out to cloud nine sometimes she admitted. Cloud nine to far up baby. That night, Coco was coming back to being her usual self. When Big-E came in the bedroom, Little B drew up tighter next to Coco. But she told him in a kind but firm voice that he wouldnt sleeping in their bed. Big-E went to grab the two little dogs. He would snatch up Chica with his right hand and then grab Little B with his left. When he went to go for Chica however, something unusual happenedshe growled at him and he withdrew his hand. Coco was amazed. Chica! she said in astonishment, we dont growl in this house. Especially at our daddy. BigE smiled at the final part. That wasnt true. Chica heard this and began to tremble very slightly. She had a teary eyed look. She jumped off the bed and ran out of the room. Little B rubbed his head up against Cocos hand. Chica had been a bad dog. He never growled at the big dog man or anybody elseexcept for the bad dog man with the thing that made air blow and lots of noise. He had chased him around in the back yard with the thing when nobody was home. He called Little B puto barro and Chica would bark at him. Once she even tried to bite him. He always stayed behind Chica and was ready to run if the man pointed the thing at them. Oh Coco moaned. I wasnt trying to be mean Big-E. But Chica needs to be disciplined...for growling. She looked at Little B. Baby, you go find Chica. Little B knew the goddess wanted him to go find Chica and he was off. Big-E closed the bedroom door.

He laid down and pulled his wife close to him. I think you need some discipline too he said in a rumbling whisper. Her back was turned to his face and she smiled pleasurably. That sounded good to her. She said she had bought some of that yellow-orange stretchy paper tape he liked. Big-E made that low-pitched rumbling sound again and licked her neck some. Then he heard the dogs outside the door. They were scratching and whining. Go away! he said. A few days latera full week following the exhibition Lion-fighting match Big-E went out to Las Grotto de Mirrillo Agua with his friend the Anthropology professor. They rode out in the mans all-terrain vehicle with a videographer to take footage of their opening of the sealed iron facing installed over the cave by World Security. Big-E had gotten the key courtesy of Kerri Branghaue. They also brought some ladders and other items to aid in getting the right camera angles and lighting. The academicProfessor Gilliganwould serve as host and narrator. Big-E White would be something of a celebrity lay Anthropology patron. He would reenact the actual discovery beginning with his meditation in one of the water pools. The professor had a signed contract for a primetime showing of the special program on The Academic Networka new venture involving many colleges and universities. Their program would appear on the networks Anthropology Channel. Big-E was an early donor of The Academic Network. He wouldnt receive any pay for his involvement but be given prime advertizing spots. Coco was redoing a few of her active-wear designs under the brand name Anthro Man which she planned to introduce to the ever-growing outdoors market made up largely by college students and people in their early twenties. The old public television network had been interested in the program as well. But its involvement with sponsorship by large Fascist Corporations made it a less desirable place to do business. Educated young people everywherefeeling betrayed by mainstream cronyism and the wreckage done to their professional and personal lives by the Fascistswere turning their backs and reconsidering the choices they had been presented with. Big -E and Coco opted to go with the newrather then oldguard not just out of ideology, but as a marketing strategy as well. People were beginning to see that brands and personal resumes tainted by relationships with the old companies could prove to have a devastating effect on their careers over time. And of course, the shrewd marketers adjusted. Professor Gilligan was in many ways very old school. He had seen much of the marketing data used by Big-E for his product endorsements. It showed his popularity among college-age women and homosexual men was especially high. He wanted Big-E to do his scene depicting the discovery of The Shamans Cave wearing only skimpy Euro-cut shorts that would cling to his body when wet. Big-E flatly refused, opting for his standard swim shorts. He agreed to do the scene shirtless only after Professor Gilligan badgered him with a talk about anthropological authenticity. It made Big-E laugh, but he consented. With the camera rolling, they came to the part in the scene where Big-E climbs up to inspect the opening exposed by the fallen rock. The entry to the cave was now covered with the iron facing but they would digitally edit that out along with his opening of the lock. He attached a rope to the facing and lowered it to the men down a few yards to the ground along the creek bank. Then they resumed shooting. Lighting was turned on and pointed toward the caves interior. Big-E climbed in and pretended to inspect the rock bottom of the cave that was remarkably hollowed out in the shape of the human form. Then he pretended to notice the pictograph for the first time. As it had originally been covered in thick dust and barely visible, the Professor and him had decided to feign cleaning it up as Big-E had done when he first discovered it. They would muddy up the actual image digitally to make it appear more authentic. Big-E feigned a cleaning motion for the camera. Then he really took a good look at the pictograph. He didnt spot it at first as he was busy focusing on the reenactment. But now he saw it and it dumbfounded him. What the hell is this?. He ran his hand along the edge of the rock as if he might find some place where an incision had been made. But the rock on the caves wall was undisturbed as it shouldve been. There was no visible evidence that any tampering had taken place. What the fuck is this? he repeated a bit louder and now the professor and the camera man could hear him and knew something was up. What is it, Big-E? You gotta see this. This is straight weird if weird ever was! It made Big-E remember the events at the house where Karl Manson had taken Cocos dogs. Professor Gilligan grabbed the ladder they brought and climbed up to the cave. Big-Es hand rested on the area at

the above right of the images on the cave wall. The professor noticed it right away. He climbed inside the cave and began to inspect the pictograph and surrounding area for signs that it had been tampered with. But there was nothing. I just cant believe this he said repeatedly. What is it? The camera man wanted to stop shooting and come up to the cave but there was no room. Get us more light the professor yelled. Everything. We need as much light as you can get us. They had only brought two lights. He turned them on high and repositioned them. The light inside the cave didnt change much. It was already well-lit. How could this be? he said, looking at his partner. Big-E realized he would have to tell the full story now to the man. He told the camera man that they were done for the day and asked him if he could start packing things up and take them to the vehicle. The man wanted to know if he was going to get to go up to the cave and see it up close. Big-E said that it wouldnt be on that day. He needed to talk alone to the professor and then they would lock the cave back up for the time being. When Big-E had finished telling all of the story, he could see that strange light in the professors eyes. He had seen it in Cocos eyes and in the eyes of the Le Muffet family when they had heard it. He suspected it was in his own eyes in the days following his first personal encounter with the Great Kachina higher up in the mountains. He understood now for the first time that this was the light of Spirit that came to the forefront when the human mind would or could not rationalize the largely unknowable underlying order of things. It was also the light that appeared at the crack between two-dimensional rationality and multi-dimensional schizophrenia. In the primary cultures where it had long been integrated into the psychological nature, it was sometimes referred to as the light of the dreamtime. So you think this has to do with the exhibition Lion-fighting match last week? Thats the best I can up with, Big-E replied. The two continued to stare at the image on the cave wall. Where originally the Diablo figure had been above the three warrior figures, now the order was inverted. The Diablo figure was now below and the warriors above. Sidney Luani returned to Ono Plantation and extracted a promise from her husband that he would quit Lionfighting after the upcoming season. She brought her boys, Jimmys mother, and David Ohuna together to witness his promise. He told his boys that they would never take up the bat and blade or become spearmen in the sport. He told his mother and his wife he was sorry for the great anxiety he had caused them. But he said to them all that a man had to live up to his commitments to the highest degree possibleand that he had made such a commitment and just could not back out. In the season following Maxim Le Muffet and Big-E Whites retirement from the sport, Jimmy and his All Asia team saw its fan base double. Everybody associated with the Lion-fighting club saw their money double as well. Jimmy along with his two inside spearmen saw huge increases in their endorsement. The All Asia battalier became not only the highest paid sports personality in the world but also the highest paid celebrity performer. And for the next five months, his performances became more outstanding with every passing week. Max and Big-Eformerly the two greatest Lion-fightersbecame Jimmys two greatest fans. Sundays were spent in The Oakland with Big-E and the four Le Muffet brothers together and easing their way into retirement by watching and rooting for Jimmy. Max noted in the first match of the season that the All Asia team was going to gear all of its strategy into providing their battalier with every opportunity to add to his Lion-head knockout total. The inside spearman were passing up easy kills and refraining from merely driving the Tall Lions they encountered out of bounds for points. Instead they were turning the beasts toward Jimmy who smacked them sharply in the head with one of his signature two-handed wallops and would be off for another lion and often a third. He wasnt even sticking around long enough to add to his slit lion throat numbersbut instead letting the spearmen finish them off. By seasons end, All Asia as a teamset the record with an average of 4.3 lion kills per match. Their post match ritual of eating the hearts of the killed Lion began to make them sick just thinking about it. After every match the ritual called for them to consume every bit of each lion heart. As there was no set prescription for how the heart meat was prepared, they tried everything. Stir fry, breaded deep fry, grillingby mid-season they had come up with a method they all liked. They flame grilled the lion heart, pouring on expensive bottles of cognac to sear the meat. Jimmy ended up averaging 2.45 Lion-head knockouts per match. Coming into the final contest of the season, he was one short of tying Big-Es lifetime record and two knockouts away from surpassing him. He had scored nothing less then a double knockout in every match during the season and nobody thought he would fail.

Max , Big-E, Coco and their brothers were all on hand for the birth of the new record. The match was being held in the Lion country outside of Havana, Cuba. As with each match that season, it was being broadcast to a world-wide pay-per-view audience. Sidney wasnt therenor were their boys. She was never at the matches after her second year of marriage to Jimmy. The boys werent allowed to even watch the matches but she left the plantation each Sunday morning and it was understood that David would watch over them. In return for their silence, he let them watch their father perform. Sidney knew what was going on but the arrangement seemed to work, so she continued to play her role in it. Coco never attended Lion-fighting matches either. She had only come along because Big-E was going to do an interview with Marv Brewer and she had negotiated being in it as well. She planned to stroke the new line of Anthro Man active-wear during the interview and her latest venturea reality television program she and BigE would say they were involved in. The Shamans Cave documentary for the The Academic Network was doing very well. It won some respect for the retired Lion-fighter and a whole new base of fans in the homosexual com-

munity. They decided to omit the unexplainable final events of the discovery. Anthropological accuracy could only serve them so far. They didnt want to be called frauds even though they had the evidence of what had taken place. People just wouldnt accept it so they didnt use the first images they had taken of the scene that showed the pictograph with the diablo figure above the three warriors. Meanwhile, Coco was selling posters of her shirtless husband rising from a steaming water poolmostly through the Rumpers Interweb site and in the Bay Area homosexual caf scene. When she and Big-E arrived at the busy base camp, Max, Merle, Bill and Ronnie were already there. They saw Big-E coming toward them several steps behind his wife and were trying not to laugh at the Anthro Man active wear hat she had him dressed up in. As they came through, Coco waved at Marv Brewer, flashing a girlish smile. She passed her brothers and without the least change of expression, said out of the corner of her mouth; yall just shut the fuck up . Big-E glanced at his brothers-in-law with a little half-grin. He winked at them and when

they were at his rear, he took an odd half-step and made a lewd gesture only they could see. It caused a muffled explosion of laughter. The interview was like many Big-E had been subjected to. He said he was enjoying retirement; his new work as a student of Anthropology; and developing a decent golf game. ...and Big-E and I are developing programming now for The Academic Network , Coco cut in on cue. Its working title is, Survival Woman and Her Man. Her smile brightened as if a glorious bell had just sounded. A big smile came onto Marv Brewers face. Its reality TV, added Coco with a tad more weight in her tone. Well be wearing selections from my new Anthro Man Apparel active wear collection. Dont you just love BigEs hat Marv?. Its already creating quite a buzz in the Bay Area. Her nose seemed to wiggle, bunny-like. Brewer had known Coco since she was in high school. Early in Maxs career, she would show up at the matches with Bill, Ronnie and Sidney Luani . He knew this was all a put on and played along. Well Coco, it sounds like youre going to be roughing it. Ive seen programs like this and the participants sometimes have to do things like eat bugs in order to survive. Are you sure youre ready for that? Coco donned a facial expression that suggested she was indulging an innocent child. Her voice became slightly thicker. No, we wont be eating any bugs Marv. She gazed in the main camera and rolled her eyes some. Then brightly; Big-E is going to catch us fresh salmon...every night. Ill be preparing various recipes in the wilderness kitchen hell be building for us when were on location. I assure you, my husband and the crew will be eating very well while were on survival adventure. Your...crew? Just a few porters and makeup people, Coco said as if this was normal logistics for such a program. Big-E stood off a bit in the background. He had promised not to laugh, but try to maintain an expression similar to the in the poster photograph taken from the documentary. Busta, isnt Baby Coco just the cutest thing you ever saw? In Brazil , at La Casa de Hombres Viejo in Paradise Canyon, Lucile shot Big-Es dad a smiling, sidelong glance. She knew how he really felt about her niece and thought she would have some fun with him as they sat around a table waiting for the Lion-fighting match to begin. He said in an even tone that she was all of that and more. Lucile had just stopped by to say hello to the men and to watch Coco on the television. She told them all to have a good time and was off. The last thing she planned to do was watch another of those bloody, disgusting excuses for a sport. When she was gone, Buster told the men around him what was really in his mind as he watched the crazy interview. ...might as well call their show, Survival Woman and her little bitch Big-E WhiteSON OF BUSTER WHITE! he said roughly. I swear that girl is out to emasculate me through my son, he told the men. Ninty minutes later, the match had come and gone in a flash. The Caribbean Tall Lions Jimmys All Asia squad came upon, was quickly reduced to a legal pack of five by tranquilizer darts. The hungry beasts came at the Lionfighters almost head-on. The spearmen worked the small pack and had quickly isolated the one that would prove to be Jimmys first knockout victim and tie him for the all-time record with Big-E. The Tall lion moved in on him as Jimmy backpedaled to a point where he could turn and bound off down a trail. He ducked around a large tree and when the animal approached, it was met with the rapid, two-handed pinwheel of the batthe trademark swing of Jimmy Samoan Luani. With the other four lions occupied by All Asia spearmen, a handheld camera guy was able to cut onto the open swath of land under the cover of a nearby tranquilizer dart shooter. He easily captured the historic scene. ...and there it is shouted Marv Brewer excitedly, theres the Lion-head knockout that puts Jimmy Samoan Luani in the record book along side to his longtime friend Big-E White .he n-nailed it good added Crack-jacked Andy Stockell, who was on hand doing the expert commentary. Buster and the old Navy men broke out in a politeif not inspiredround of applause for the accomplishment. They were not largely partisan Big-E White fans there at La Casa de Hombres Viejo as one mightve expected. The old Hispanic men were behind Jimmy and roared their approval. The full group were divided along racial-cultural lines. But they were first and foremost fans of Lion-fighting, and respected both men. Buster had known Jimmy for over 15 years and the two got on well. On the field of action in Cuba, Jimmy and the All Asia crew had the pack of Tall Lion under their collective thumb. The men smelled a five lion-heart day coming in their final match together. The spearmen had the lions fanned out and none of the beasts indicated it would be able to overpower its human counterpart. They traded paw jabs and defensive spear thrusts. The crews record-setting battalier gathered in the particular con-

figuration and made his decision on where to strike next. He sent out the particular whistling sound used to indicate to his men they should ready themselves for a strike outthe term used for a full-blown team spear attack against the lions. He aint going for a full house one of the old Navy men said. Its his last match...he should be going for the full house. This was the term for three Lion-head knockouts and two slit throats or vise versa. Buster shook his head. A doubles good enough. Jimmys not going to be a hog in his last performance. A doubles a damn good days work, said another of the old-timers. Jimmy had made his selection for the record setter. He carefully approached the spearman battling the Caribbean Tall and gave the switch whistle signal to indicate his man should bolt backwards as he came in for the knockout. All four spearman on the crew would later say Jimmy hadnt really needed to send out the strike out signalthey said that the crack of the Lions skull was the loudest that any had ever heard when Jimmy brought his bat down for the final time. Jimmy gave it anyway. It was the final play he would call. He yelled it at the top of his lungs. FUCK ALL LIONS!. Then he quickly drew his bladestill dripping with the blood of the first Lion and slit the throat of the second one as it was collapsing onto the ground. Looking toward a camera in the distance, he threw out his chest, began to nod a bit, and walked about proudly. ...and there it is said Marv Brewer. At the base camp, in the large tent that was set up with a big-screen display, Max came over and grabbed BigEs bicep. They made to be broken Oafy. Big-E smiled. Having now passed into a new phase of his life, he was actually pleased to see the mantle of All-time Lion Head Knockout Champion pass to Jimmy. As the All Asia Crew made its way into the base camp, everybody was out shaking Jimmys hand. Marv Brewer waved him over for the post-match interview. Well you did it Jimmy My teammates really made it happen Marv...everybody who knows Lion-fighting knows thats the truth. He praised the former record holder; ...you know, Big-E and me are like brothers. When we started fighting lion on the Southern California fringe...didnt either of us think wed go so far as we did. But we had Max to show us the way...so me and Big-E will always kinda be on line two. Are you happy its now finished, Jimmy? He laughed. It aint finished for us yet! We still gotta eat the last Lion Hearts . His face turned comically sour at the thought. Thats our post-match ritual..Im so sick of eating that stuff, eh. He explained they brought their Jorge Tison Road-trip Grill and how they had taken to flame-broiling the mushy meat in cognac so it wouldnt taste so nasty. Then he began to thank all sorts of people. His boys and David Ohuna, and the people in his home barrio in the east of LA. You know, Mexican people never really cared too much for the sport of Lion-fightingthey always liked baseball and football...but they supported me really good. Then he thanked a custodian name Felipe from his old elementary school; and his mother; then his agent; then some guy who used to gave him free ice cream from his push cart when he was a kid; then the crew at Ono Plantation in Maui. Marv Brewer was finally able to cut him off. Well Jimmy, its been a great ride getting to watch you perform for all these years. But well be back again next year folks and watch a new era of Lion-fighting begin. ...and they some good young battaliers coming up, the famously talkative Jimmy added. He began to name a few and describe their particular skills. Brewer had to cut him off for a second time and was about to sign off . Oh Marv, I forgot to thank my wife Sidney. Shes not watching but somebody tell her I love her and am coming home for good now. Jimmy began to wave goodbye to everybody who was watching and Marv Brewer felt a sense of relief. Follow us at MyFace and Tweaker, he said in closing. That Jimmys a damn good man, said one of the old-timers and everybody nodded their heads. Ive always liked Jimmy a lot, Buster added. Two days later, he was sitting around the outdoor breakfast area. Hector Lopez sat at the table next to Buster. They were joined by the kidthe young man who had lived in the apartment downstairs from Buster in Hollywood. True to his word, he had him flown to Brazil to live and work at the resort care community with them. The young man had instantly hooked up with the breakfast cook and waitress nicknamed Morning Child and had become a favorite of all the young women who worked there. The girls called him the baby Booster using the mispronunciation of Buster for the pet name .

Buster took the kid aside and warned him to, keep the joystick wrapped in plastic and to make sure, the slippery stuff was properly disposed off. Dont ever let em take a sack of it off to the bathroom he cautioned. Buster claimed that all of the girls there wanted babiesand they would use every trick in the book. Buster liked having the kid around. He could help do the errands Lucile had him and Hector do. He could also help teach the Hispanic men English. Most importantly, he go out and procure the various ingredients Buster used for his special smoking mixture. Eh Booster Hector Lopez said. Thess dia...they bring uno mas old guy... A new resident? Buster hadnt heard this. English or espanio? He coming...U.S., Hector replied. Oh yeah?. Seniora Lucile say he diss... Hector couldnt think of the word he wanted. ...He een the chair like Senior Trump. Yeah...I wonder if hes an old Navy man? He, mucho importante, Booster. Having beeg denario. He said this last part in a lowered tone and rubbed his thumb and fingers in a certain way. Really? Busters interest was heightened. He told the kid he should go out of his way to ingratiate himself with the new comerbut not to the point that it was obvious. You find the right one of these old farts and you might make your fortune. Always keep your mind on the fact they can write you into the will at a moments notice. In the meantime, work em for the small money. Tell him you might be able to get him to the top of the massage list...but wait till I see what hes like. Its really just a case of finding out what they want and need, then being there to provide it for them. Ill pimp his ride promised the kid. Later that day, the man arrived. Buster had thought he would be delivered to them in a tall van with a lift. But he showed up in a motorcade. The men and women who brought him were all dressed in suits and looked to Buster like they were security agents. They were all talking on phones and very official. He had been asked by Lucile to put on his white suit and stand with her to meet his entourage as he arrived. As they were unloading the man, she filled him in. Our new resident is none other then Ethan Vulerummer, she said. Youre kidding!. Buster hadnt heard much about the worlds richest man since the exhibition Lion-fighting match the previous Spring. Thats him Lucile said. Apparently, hes in the same state as Butch. The lights are out, nobody appears to be at home, but hes in there and awake. Son of a bitch, Buster said in amazement. Why here? I got the storage contract Lucile said matter-of-factly. Apparently, World Security control his power-ofattorney. They want him well-cared for until his assets and power is properly distributed. Huhh... Buster let out. Well you tell his people to be sure and stuff his pockets with some cash so hell be able to pay tips...and for whatever perks hell need. Ill have the kid extract only twenty percent for the meal feeders and keep a tight accounting of the dispersals. Hell want to have the special massage available at all times. His tab is all-inclusive Busta! If he anything like Butch, his thing aint gonna get hard again till he dead! He wont be needin any of that special massage . Well, I know a few of these wash cloth girls who would sure as hell try if he had some cash to pay for the extra service. We gonna run him straight on the books. For everything. Busta, this is a valuable contract. You dont play a thing like this for pocket cash! You understand that. Buster frowned. Now aint that the shits, he said. The worlds richest man...but with no cash to tip the help! I only hope you really did get yours, Lucile. World Security has been very generous. Apparently, we were on the short list from the beginning because of our unique experience with Butch. It wasnt long after Ethan Vulerummer was wheeled to his new room and situated, that another unexpected guest arrived in Paradise Canyon. From his balcony, he watched as Lucile came running out to greet her. The two women embraced and Buster guessed she was an old friend of Lucile. The woman looked vaguely familiar, but from his vantage point, he couldnt say for sure whether or not hed seen her before. Buster then took out his

special smoke, took a hit from his bong, and laid down for an afternoon nap. About an hour later he was awakened by a knock at his door. It was the kid. He told Buster a limo had pulled up outside and he wouldnt guess who was in it. Big-Es here, he informed him excitedly. In a few minutes Buster was out the door and ready to greet his son. Big-E was carrying suitcases as Coco rolled in her luggage container on its built-in wheels. Ah...she made it! said Lucile ecstatically. She gave Coco a big, long hug and examined her with some quick glances. Then she turned and hugged Big-E. Busterfollowed by the kidcame up a few moments later. Well, looky here he said jovially, its Survival Woman...and her man!. He hadnt seen his son for close to a year now and gave him a firm, manly hug. Its great to see you in person son. Big-E smiled warmly as his fathers gaze turned to Coco. She stuck her hand out royally with an outstretched arm. The last thing she wanted was for that nasty old man to try and hug her. Busta she said courteouslytrying her best to modulate her tone and not show any of the disgust she had for him. Big-E had told her she should avoid taking any bait and getting into it with his dad. Buster took her hand and dipped his chin a bit in a greeting. Coco. Youre looking well. I always worry that you work way too hard. Too much work will cause pre-mature aging you know. He pretended to make a quick study of her face as if looking for little lines coming into her complexion. I do get my rest, she replied evenly. Big-E take good care of me. Just like a man should. And Im so happy for you Busta. When I first found out you were able to get out of Southern California and move here, I was more thrilled then I could let on. Then I found out what a free spirited place this was and became worried that it all might be too much for you. But you lookin greatand I just dont mean for a man coming up on ninety years of age either. She smiled briskly feeling like shed gotten in a sound return jab. Approaching ninety...from a long distance he retorted. She knew full well she knew he was only in his early eighties. Buster hoped he and Coco could get some time alone together so they could really go at it at long last. She had seasoned quite a bit and he felt he could take her down a notch or two verbally without her having to run off to her husband or her aunt and get him in trouble. Hector Lopez was pulling up as Big-E acknowledge the kid. So dude, you did make it down here! He was smiling ear-to-ear. Yeah, Buster hooked me up just like he said he would. I feel like Ive died and come to heaven. I got our Caf girl looking out for him, Buster said. Hey, why dont we go over there and get the two of you something to drink. Lucile said that he should take Big-E over and introduce him to some of the men. Many would be coming off the golf course about then. He sould tell them they would be having a get-together that night in the entertainment center. She had somebody for Coco to meet waiting in her office. Then Lucile introduced them to Hector Lopez as, the man who ran things around there. She asked Hector if he could take the luggage to a particular apartment. The kid began to load Big-E and Cocos bags into the golf cart. Jean DSole was waiting in Luciles office when Coco came in. That was about the last thing she expected. She stood there for a second with her mouth open and jaw dropped. The piercing looks on the faces of two women interrupted her usual thought process and her mind went blank.. But the two women understood the questions Coco would have for them. Your aunt and I go back a long time Jean said. She decided to tell her the full back-story right then and there. Your father and mother, Maxim, Merel, and you, were all in Paris, she said. I was hired by your father to do the interior decorating of the new home he was building as your European residence. Claude and Lynette had fallen into a difficult relationship. Your mother wanted to make your primary residence in California and your father wanted it to be in Paris. Theirs was always a part time relationship, as you know. When your mother brought the three of you home to California to begin the school year, Claude and I fell in love and I became like a second wife to him. You know all of thisand I suspectcame to know how Maxim fell into the footsteps of his father when it came to relationships with women. What you have not known is that Claude and I happened to meet Lucile one day in Paris. She agreed to spare your mother the exact details of what your father did when he was away from all of you. She was with her first husband as was I. In a few short years, the men were all gone. My husband left me for somebody different. Lucile left her husband for somebody different. Your mothers husbandyour father died in a freak accident. Wethe womenoften watch the men come and go while forming ourselves, into a

sisterhood. The children get raised and the culture stays intact. Jean laughed. For some of us, our twenties are a kind of a magical time. We have looks, are at the center of all desirethis provides us with money and rich experiences. But it doesnt last. And our good fortune often comes without any booklet of instruction. We gush with venomin part because of who we are, and in part because others not as fortunate become jealous of us. Often we end up destroying each other because of this gushing of venom. This is why Jean and I were so happy that you found Big-E, baby Lucile said. Jean saw Big-E and knew shed accomplished something by taking up such an interest in you. The two of us told each other , aint it great, our baby is going to be spared from the kind of headaches we suffered through. We had wilder, but less stable lives then you. I looked after my Lucile too, Jean said. Men couldnt keep there eyes off of her. She was fully exotic and still is. I think she caused many of them actual physical pain when they looked at her. I was very jealous and knew the men would use her up. So the two of us became as bound together as sistersvery much like you and Sidney. Jean asked Coco if she had heard any part of this from Sidney. She explained that when she was in Paris months earlier in the yearthat she had told her a great deal of what she would be telling her about today. Coco sat quietly, gathering all of this in. Her one question centered around why Jean had waited so many years to tell her about this. It didnt matter when or if you were told, Cocos aunt said. Its always best to wait until the perfect time if you can. So there was nothing pushing us to tell you. You and Sidneyyour lives have been protected and secure. The two of you seemed to have mated for life with your men. You have established foundationslike your homes and workthat Jean and I could hardly even understand. Weve always been flyin about like fairies or something. Lucile and Jean exchanged a knowing glance. Their sparkling eyes mingled. We didnt want to just drop all of this on you in an egotistical way. Many women shape their daughters in their own image trying to make up for something they feel they missed out on. Men do it too. Lucile and I wanted you and Sidney to be your own women. Jean asked Coco if she could now understand why they hadnt told her about this. She said she did but really, she would have to digest it all. It had come out of the blue and sounded a bit dramatic and even overdone. Jean continued to recount her early relationship with Lucile. So a time came when both of us were free of our relationships with the men we hade been with. We got an apartment togetherand never had ti pay for anything or work. There were always nice men who wanted to treat us. A couple of them stayed with us for a short time. Others had separate lives and didnt. But we got to go everywhere. And this lasted for a whole year until we met a women named Florence Tusaro who was about the same age then as she and Lucile were now. She was the grand daughter of a famous French woman named Madame Tusaro. Coco then heard the same story about Madame Tusaro and her sister as Sidney had. Jean explained to her about the significance of the eight. Lucile and her answered Cocos many questions on the subject and about how they were taken into the Parisian circle in which Florance Tusaro was involved. When they were finished, Coco felt elated like she had come out of the other end of an intense interview or processing. A fresh breeze coming in from the ocean refreshed her.

Down by the pool, at the outdoor caf, bar and grill, Buster was pleased and proud to finally get a chance to show off his famous son to the old Navy men and others. Word slowly filtered throughout the complex that BigE White was there. There would be a party that night in the dining area and the former all-time Lion Head Knockout Champion would give a little talk. Big-E joked with Buster and his friends. When a lull came, he explained his unannounced presence. We didnt only come to visit with you and Lucile, he said. I also came because I know Ethan Vulerummer was delivered here today. This caught Buster by surprise. Youre involved in that? How did you manage that? Lucile said that World Security is running the Vulerummmer empire now. Well, I know different people, he replied. Big-E hadnt mentioned his involvement with World Security and nobody really knew or understood his involvement with the secret society known as the Washington Katchina. And these people wanted you to see Vulerummmer? What, to make sure hes going to be properly stored? I wanted to talk to him for personal reasons, thats all. The people surrounding Vulerummer told me when he would be here and I want to make sure he gets off to a good start. You know Dad, that man suffered a great fall.

Buster winced and grunted. Hes an asshole. Assholes like him take great falls. The man was a tyrant and now it sounds like you want to serve him? Buster couldnt understand why Big-E was getting involved. He was a tyrant Big-E corrected him. Now hes just a human being who took a great fall...that needs a lifeline. I believe everybodyeven Ethan Vulerummershould get a lifeline. I brought a tape I want you to play for him once each day. Can you do that for me? Buster said he could but he really couldnt understand why his son wanted to be involved with this man. It almost sounded like Big-E was going to work for Ethan Vulerummer and Big-E didnt do much of that sort of thing. He didnt need the money. Buster was confused but led him up to a section of the large manor where Lucile had her apartment consisting of four rooms. Across from it was a similar apartment that was kept for guests during short stays. At the end of a the corridor were four single occupant rooms. Busters room, sitting across from Hector Lopezs room, and a room for Johnny Butch Trump that sat across from it that was used by his male nurses. Ethan Vulerummer would be housed with Trumpin part to consolidate costs, and in part because it was thought by Vulerummers handlers that the two men might benefit by having each other to look at. When Buster and Big-E came into the room, both of the male nurses were there. They had been oriented and were sitting at a small table watching TV. Buster told them why they were there. They said the people that had brought Vulerummer had told them to expect a guestthey wouldnt have thought it would be Big-E White. They were asked to take Trump and give him a moment alone with Vulerummer. When they all had left, Big-E pulled a chair up and took stock of the worlds richest man. He looked much older now. A living corpse was the characterization that went through his mind. He wasnt really sure how one should talk to a person in this condition so he just acted as if it was merely a normal conversation. Mr. Vulerummer, Big-E began; Youve gotten a tough break here. This is nothing Id wish on my worst enemy. But I wanted to share some things with you. First, I saw the man and the lion on the field of action that day. ...and Ive seen them before. He has tried to kill..and save me...twice. Deep inside the once animate flesh of Ethan Vulerummer, the soul and what was once a functioning mind, began to stir. He began to remember things, although the images were dark and cloudy. He knew this was Big-E White...and that Big-E White had always been there in the world. A few lines began to circulate in his awareness Big-E White...is alive in the world...he has always been here... Big-E continued; I see a great underlying intelligence at play in the world. People often associate it with spirits or give it human names, or liken it to God. The lines running through Vulerummers mind began to shift; The man with the lion is alive in the world...he has always been here Its best thought of as the WE because It inhabits all things...It always has. Its the one true objectthe only lasting thingthe almightythe unchangeable that yet, causes matter to form, coalesce and hold together... IT is alive in the world...IT has always been here All you can dodespite the particular circumstances you find yourself inis to show up and go to work each day. Thats all we can do. We must fight the Lion until we tame it I am alive in the world...I must tame the Lion...IT has always been this way Big-E wasnt sure if any of this was getting through to Vulerummer. Still, he felt he had to try. It was important to his sense of character that he at least try. He explained that he would leave an audio tape with the nurses and that they would play it once a day. The speaker on the tape was him and the background sound was the coming and going of ocean swells against the shore. That nightfollowing the dinner and a chat he had with the old men, Big-E and Coco went to their guest apartment and made love on what was a warm and slightly humid night. They left the balcony door open so the sea breeze would blow inside and cool them. They became carried away. The sound of the bed tapping against the wall pulsed through the surface and caused a wall decoration on the other side out in the corridor to move.

The wall decoration was a thin tribal drum. It had a stick attached to it by a sting. The stick began to lightly beat against the drum! The other residents in that part of the manor slowly began to take noticeexcept for Butch Trump and Ethan Vulerummer. A point came when the drum was really sounding. Then, suddenly, a massive but quick jolt ran through Paradise Canyon and drowned out the drum beat! A quick, sharp earthquake came and went. Big-E and Coco were so involved in their love-making that they never even heard or felt the tremor. Buster and Hector Lopez came out of their rooms. Then the door of Luciles apartment opened and she emerged. Jean DSole came out beside her. Both were in bath robes. Buster was intrigued and thoughts went through his mind. The decorative drum continued to beat. And the four of them could hear the bed in the guest apartment tapping against the wall. They all just stood there. Then they began to smile. Buster was the first to speak. Thats Big-E , he said with unhidden fatherly pride. He pointed toward the room. Now wait a second, Lucile said, Baby Coco is a large part of that sway. Her and Jean began to giggle like school girls. Hector Lopez was remembering something he once heard. Eet say, un trembler...when the sex he began to nod affirmatively ...dos ninos! Luciles and Jeans mouths dropped open. They looked at each other. They were sharing the same thought. Then Buster broke through. With Big-E, youll probably get triplets. He looked at Jean who he had been introduced to by Lucile as Cocos Godmother. He looked her straight in the eye and smiled a bit. She was a finelooking women. Of course, Big-E is my son, he offered with a subtle boast. Then he slowly let his tongue make its way around his lips in a lascivious way! Jean just stared at the old man disbelieving he had just made such a gesture. Lucile broke into a spasm of laughter. Her and Jean were both laughing hilariously as they ducked backed into her room. Before she closed the door, Lucile asked the two men if they would go and check on Butch Trump and Ethan Vulerummer. Buster and Hector Lopez went to their room and knocked expecting one of the male nurses to be present. When nobody answered they went inside. They were startled by what they saw. The straps that held Butch Trumps neck plate and wrists had unloosened. It appeared that they had been poorly secured by the nurse and had come undone when the earthquake occurred. He was now pitched forward, out of his chair, on his knees, with his face buried in Ethan Vulerummers lap. The two men had been set facing each other in their wheelchairs at a close proximity. Cristo! exclaimed Buster in complete surprise. Then with a fresh smirk on his face, he said, ...looks like these two have hit it off well! He made the little he-he-he laugh he rewarded himself with when he cracked a particularly good joke. The two men pulled Butch Trump back into his chair and properly secured him in case of an aftershock. Then Buster pointed out a big wet spot in Vulerummers lap. Ill leave that to your imagination! He-he-he. Then they heard some kind of sound come from deep inside Johnny Butch Trumps throat. ...uurrr irrr. He made the sound once more and the two men puzzled. Then Hector Lopez had a kind of realization about what he thought Butch was in fact trying to say. Booster, I theenk he say; you fired! What? Buster said, No. If anything he probably said, good hire. Buster laughed loudly and patted and patted Butch Trump on the back. Aint that right, Butch? Buster cackled for a moment and smirked. Hector Lopez looked embarrassed. Come on Booster.est cooouel. Buster knew what he was trying to say and corrected him. No, you mean cruel...its C-R-U-E-L. Si. Hector tried again. es.C-O-O-O-U-E-L. No, cruel! Then Buster realized what he was saying. But its not cruel, he said, getting a bit flustered. Listen Hector, these two have had many laughs at the Hombres whose money they took. Theyd laugh to their amigosha, ha, ha, we really fucked em on that deal. He let his hand rest on Vulerummers shoulder. No, they had it coming...we all got it coming. Buster had heard that once in a bar in Santa Fe, Nuevo Mexico. Each of these guys took a Big Mans Share Hector, and all that comes with it! So...eet no cooouel? Hector Lopez narrowed his gaze as he tried to fathom the language and ethics of this. Suddenly, the kid came into the room. Whats not cool? he wanted to know. Buster just slowly shook his head. Then he asked Hector Lopez if he wanted to go to his room with the kid and him and take a bong hit of his special smoke. Com on Booster, he said with a sheepish smile, as he waved him away. I no smoking that sheet! To each, his own, said Buster.

At her desk in LA, Kerri Branghaue masked the depression in the only way she knewthrough work. Her involvement at World Security now entailed building the organizational structure that would support her elevation to Level Five after the first of the year when Brick Smith retired. He stayed far longer then he had intended after The Seven Lions Organization had been overran the previous Spring. Smith wanted to give her plenty of time to choose a staff and develop her connections throughout the U.S. and around the world. Henry Wesson on the other hand, retired during the summerhaving handed over power to his own deputy. The two new chiefs were already being nicknamed The Tortoise and The Hare with Kerri Branghaue being likened to the slower moving creature. Her personal problem began with the Karl Manson affair. No real explanation had come back regarding just how the dogs had escaped. The only thing her science people could tell her about the popped off interior and exterior wood panels was perhaps some pressure had built up inside the wall and caused it. She asked if such a thing could be reproduced and was told it probably couldnt without adding elements that were not present during the actual event. Then the events at The Exhibition Lion-fighting match. The mysterious appearance of the man with the black cat she had seen; the image of the cat falling to the ground and appearing to morph into a Tall Lion. She had seen this although it had come in the glare of light. Very few people had seen what she saw. Everyone else just saw glaring light, some saw a silhouette, a few people saw a shadowy glob. The tape showed glare and some indistinct movement seeming to come from behind it. It was only after she had talked to Max and heard through him of Big-Es account, that she had any confirmation that she hadnt hallucinated. And around the world, some others had watched the event and saw the same thing. All of the strange events of the previous year seemed to revolve around Big-E White. He personally spooked Kerri Branghaue. Max had come down from The Oakland and showed her the tape of the final Le Muffet match. And he told her everything about this entity they now called The Lion Man whom she believed was the shoeshine man outside of The Beast Bar. The few people who had seen himsaw a kind of apparitionnot a ghostly figurebut some kind of being that spoke and appeared fully corporeal. And one with real power nobody could understand. It was all just too inconceivable. The thought of this drained the energy out of her. Max had told her not to focus on itthat it was unknowable. He said, the unknowable is a killer Kerri; stay out of its zone! She tried, but her thoughts kept going back to it. Her job depended on control of the environment. This was so far outside her power of collaring intruders to that environment, it made her feel alone in deep waterunable to swim, and with next to nothing to grab hold of. A new message had arrived that day from Max. It said he had conferred with Big-E. They felt she should pay a visit to someone they thought might help her. She had some days off coming and arranged for a flight. The next day she was driving deep into a sparsely populated area near the border of The Arid Zone and Nuevo Mexico. She was dropping in to see Paul Cavalet whom Max and Big-E thought might be able to help her deal with this drift into the unknowable. Earlier in the year, having sent an agent to his ranch, she had good directions on how to get there. It was actually off the map. It was visible from the satellites of course, but hadnt appeared in any index of settled areas. The dirt road that led from a paved road and wasnt marked. One had to know what they were looking for in order not to miss it. There was an interruption in the low bank of scrub brush. Off behind that gapthe beginning of the narrow dirt road was hidden behind an upslope. From there it was four more miles until traces of the horse ranch began to appear. She arrived to find Paul Cavalet sitting atop a horse smiling. She thought he mustve heard her coming. There was another horse, saddled, standing beside him. She assumed there was somebody else thereanother ranch hand or someone. She pulled up slowly beside Cavalet and the horses. She didnt know much about horses and didnt know if they were jumpy around cars. These two stood there calmly. She turned the cars engine off and got out. Paul Cavalet came down off the horse to greet her. Agent Kerri Branghaue, he said in a tone that issued respect. They shook hands. He was dressed in jeans and a simple thick coat. He wasnt wearing a cowboy hat. It was still early in the day and the weather was indicative of the Indian Summer season in the South West. Do you even have a phone? she asked with a half smile. This was not a man who was easy to get in touch with.

I have several he said laughingly. Different people leave them with me. I take it, Big-E White sent you here? Ive been having some problems, she said as shed rehearsed in her mind how she would approach him. I bet you do, he replied brightly before pointing to the horse that wasnt being riden when she first spotted him. Do you ride? Branghaue looked at the horse. I rode a couple times as a child, she said wearily, remembering how she couldnt get one of the animals to do anything she said. She had pulled on the reins and the thing had gone up on its hind legs as if it were trying to throw her off. I never had much luck with them. Before she knew it, Paul Cavalet and her were atop the two horses and very slowly moving around what he said was the property boundary of his ranch. There was a long strip of western style fencing along the dirt path she had come in on. Other then that there was no markings of any boundary. They were just making their way over mostly flat ground with tiny clumps of a reddish-brown shrub of some kind. Every once in a while a taller white oak would cast a thin canopy of mottled shade. At a particularly large tree, they stopped to get out of the warming sun for a few minutes and drink some water. Kerri asked him if Big-E or perhaps Max, had let him know she was coming. ...emm, not really, he said. I did hear that Big-E was inquiring if I was at the ranch. Then I got a call from the gas station saying there was a women coming up toward here. So it seemed like it might be you. Kerri laughed. People out here had funny ways of communicating. She asked him if they also used smoke signals. He reacted as if she had asked him a serious question. Not too much. There are some people without phones though. And they still use em. There are really a lot of non-verbal interaction that goes on. I think this...Lion Man...as you all are calling him is expert in passing truths in this way. Cavalet had opened the one main subject that was disturbing her. She asked him to tell her what he thought this Lion Man was. I call himor ItThe Great Kachina, he said. Are you familiar with what a Kachina is? Isnt it a type of ceremonial doll the Native Americans make? She admitted she didnt know much about that sort of thing. A Kachina is the Spirit in somethingits dynamic thrust. Whats the Spirit in a shovel? Not so much the tool itself but the path it can cut, or the stacks of sand it can combine. More what it does then the label that gets attached to it. Its also the personification of something human in character, that appears in a form or object. Maybe we call that shovel old Tommy or just Mr. Shovel. The Native Americans and their Shamans really act toward that shovel like there was a real, human-like spirit embed into the inanimate object. Cavalet smiled at how that mustve sounded. Kachina are perhaps the most difficult thing to try and explain, he told her. So I call this Lion Man, The Great Kachinabecause Ive never heard of anything quite like It. But what do you think It is then? Kerri asked him. I mean, beside this defined box youve just described. Do you think It comes from outer space for instance...is It part of some fairy world? Is It one of those...Buddha things? A Buddha thing? Whats a Buddha thing ?. He laughed and thought that was a funny and interesting term. It helped in the definition they were trying to find. The two of them talked as they rode for several hours about such things. Their conversation continued through the day and through dinner that night. Then into the next day. It was a conversation interspersed with talk about her new role as the Chief of the Western American Division of World Security. And of Paul Cavalets fascination with her strong, tall, fit bodyand how it couldve been trained at a young age to be a stateof-the-art martial arts master weapona female Big-E White. By the second day there, Kerri Branghaue was feeling peaceful and at ease. Very much at home. She was feeling an inner security and listening to his methods for maintaining the right footing as each new moment broke. She heard him mention the names of people she had heard ofwho were very well known in World Security circles and in Columbia District. He was very well-travelled. He talked about people and places throughout the world that he knew of first hand. For Paul, she was a woman young enough to be a daughter, but with wisdom and skills way beyond that. Listening to her, he was almost stunned by her array of talents. Yet, there was obviously something missing for her. A part of her that was subjugated by an intense desire to rise up in the world. She had sublimated her own Self. On their third morning, they woke up together in the large bed he had built himself out of Ponderosa pine. There was a grand view of the ranch through a picture window that had been left open the previous night for

them to soak up the Milky Way and many constellations. Their relationship would last a lifetime and be mutually supportive in the highest of ways.

Big-E and Cocos 7th Year Marriage Ceremony was all set to go off. Along with the participants, Robert Casoni was the only person who had been there for each of the six previous events which were both large and small celebrations depending on the script Coco followed. The gathering today would be by far the biggest. He had worked on the details for six months. He could now add the title Wedding Planner to his list of accomplishments. But it was not something he ever planned to get involved with again. His own mate Randilooking forward to their wedding during the Winter Solstice Season wanted a large affair blushing with gayety. Robert had put his foot down. He wanted something much more subdued that was reflective of his own low key, behind-thescenes manner. Randi had pouted for days but Robert would not relent. He was used to Cocos pouting when she couldnt get her way. He had really learned how to dig into his position after years of watching Big-E handle Coco. He let her have her way most of the time. But when he said no he meant, no way, drop it. There had been an instance of this that had come up only a week before. Big-E refused to ware the special wedding gown for him she had selected. It was part of a tandem children of purity set that was in keeping with the 7th Year Wedding Period tradition. All of this had turned out to be more fadand less of a tradition since it was reinstituted from earlier times by an author in a book on the subject. Many couples that started out on this path but were unable to fulfill the many steps. They either skipped to the final ceremony or just let their legal marriage stand as it was. Coco had followed almost all of the steps that would help them secure, a true lifetime joining, as the book said it would. She considered the passage back into purity of the final ceremony, to be an integral step. She wanted herself and Big-E to stand in front of their family and friends in the simple peach-white colored, soft cotton gowns supposedly worn by wedding couples from an earlier time. Casoni had seen Randi lingering on a web page in the same-sex portion of an online wedding boutique looking at a photo of a male model in a similar gown. He told Randi to forget about it. They would be properly attired for their modest ceremony in well-crafted suits. As preparations for the long-anticipated, final day of joining, were being fitted together by Robert Casoni, the Le Muffet Apparel business was experiencing a rush of orders. In previous years, the workload swelled more beginning in mid-November. They had been working 12 and 16 hour days on all of the various wedding and business projects they had going. Everything was set now and his final tasks were down to greeting the arrivals as they came in. For many of them, this party had become an annual affair and didnt require much direction.

Among the first to arrive was the contingent of all four Le Muffet brothers. Merel and Ronnie had their wives and children. Max came alone. Marthia said she would meet him there and had come up from The Oakland separately. His four wives had been getting together and bonding. Marthia had usurped much of his power in the large family clan, and while nobody said as much, it became pretty obvious and was a hot subject of rumor among many who knew him and many who did not. Max wasnt talking much as Casoni greeted them. He wore a look of slight agitation on his face. He felt he knew what was in store for him. When Randi came in to the large entry followed by Little B and Chica, Max stiffened visibly. Little B was called over by Ronnie who picked him up as his children were trying to pet the little Poodle Dog. Ronnieknowing how his older brother regarded the Little Bseemed to point him at Max in the same way one might take a small mirror and cast a ray of sunlight at somebody standing at the right proximity. Little B, Ronnie said playfully, there your big buddy Max. Little B wagged his tail. Max casually waved at the dog without saying anything. He was trying to suppress a scowl. Still, he did have some interest in the strange little dog. He regarded him, at least a little, with some curiosity. Why was he such a focal point for all of the strange things that had gone on? Where Big-E? Max asked after a moment. Hes with Coco Robert said. Theyre having a long meditation together before the ceremony. Actually, the time just prior to the taking of vows was supposed to be a sexual feast between the couple. The idea was to conceive a child at the time just prior to the ceremony of purity. But known only to Coco, Big-E, Robert and Randi., prior to this occation, was that the bride was already with child; in fact Coco was pregnant with twin girls. The previous night, with Sidney, Jean and Lucile had come into town and were told of this as well. The women were ecstatic. They were sure the oncoming development of twin girls was something conceived a month earlier

in Brazil. The old wives tale told by Hector Lopezthat sex during an earthquake meant conception of twins had actually occurred. Jean and Lucile thought so. And they believed the babies would grow up and come to occupy perhaps the two key positions of, The Eight that Madame Blavata and her sister Madame Tusaro originally had appeared in. Soon, Jean said, six of The Eight will be in the world together. This is very auspicious! Coco and Sidney agreed that this was nothing the men should know aboutalthough Robert and Randi could be told since they were homosexual and not as prone to the masculine-based rigidity when confronted with womens subtleties of Spirit. For the next couple of hours the house filled up with the many family members and friends of Coco and Big-E. Among the last to appear was Marthia along with Maxs other three wives and all fifteen of his children. This was a coming out for them all. Max sat in a corner wishing he could run. He didnt stand up and go to themhe wouldnt put himself in that position. He expected they would come to him in small groups but they surprised him and began to move across the room toward him like a herd. Everybody was beaming and everybody in the house were casting sheepish grins at Max. Soon, he was partially surrounded and hemmed into the corner. They were cooing, daddy, daddy. Finally, Max stood up, grabbed the two youngest babies, and gave them a little talk. He said how proud he was of them all. He could see Dr. Ben Akiyama through a gap, standing with his wife and looking on the scene with approvaland with his usual slightly sarcastic smile. Big-E had gotten together with Jimmy the previous night when the women were gathering. The two had dinner together. Then Big-E showed him the video of the final Le Muffet Lion-fighting match from the previous season. He told him about all of the things that had occurred. Jimmy just kept saying; I dont believe that, eh; thats too wild!; and, oh my god! Really? He found himself in the same position as the others who had heard the stories. He wished he could set eyes himself on The Lion Man. Big-E had hoped Jimmy might volunteer some information himself. He had constructed a theory that had his long-time friend delivering a shot of poison to the neck of Ethan Vulerummer during a moment in the exhibition Lion-fighting match when he was physically moving the former leader of The Fascists into position. Had Jimmy been given a clear plastic version of the poison insertion ring at the get-together of Washington Kachina in Columbia District? He had gone off with the strange man named John and it seemed to Big-E that the other members in the room that night were actively trying to keep him from following the two out into the gardenwhere they wouldve had plenty of opportunity to bring Jimmy into their plans. Jimmy Luani never said a word to him that might indicate his theory was right. Big-E had dropped a few very subtle hints but received nothing back that would confirm it. Still, Big-E felt that something like that had occurred. Hed only seen a brief gleam of light on the ring finger of Jimmy. His entire theory was based on that and was fairly thin. But his intuition said it was real. Maybe one day Jimmy would just tell him or he would feel it was alright to ask. The ceremony itself went off flawlessly. Chica and Little B appeared first in their wedding gown and doggy tuxedo dragging a cloth filled with flowers. Coco and Big-E came to the area where the formal vows would be spoken. There was no official clergy for the weddings concluding event, but Robert Casoni took each of their hands and placed them together. The vows spoken by Coco were long and emotional. By the time she was finished tears streamed down her cheek. Many of the women present wept or looked on with moist eyes. At the end of the reciting of vows she thanked God and Lord Cristo for bringing her and Big-E together. Big-E smiled and simply said how he vowed to uphold his wife for all of their days together. Then he told everybody that, the two of them would soon be fourthat Coco was expecting twin daughters. A roar went up and soon everybody was smiling and clapping. The party then began in earnest. Coco changed into regular cloths. The buffets were rolled out, and the bar was opened up. The band began to play and the whole place became filled with loud, happy sounds. It was all too noisy for Little B. It hurt his ears a little. The goddess Randi had taken off the odd Poodle Dog Wedding Cloths he and Chica were dressed in. He didnt know where Chica had gone. He thought Chica went upstairs. Poodle dogs could be stepped on with so many Dog People in the house. Little B went outside to the place where he would often stand guard and look out for Lions. There were two Dog Men already there. He sat down and happily looked out from between two concrete corbels watching as a bank of fog made its way up the canyon towards the house. Then Little B heard The Goddess Randi on a loud speaker. He was introducing the hottest new Strings & Bongo Combo in the worldKeith and Mickeywhose single Sympathy was rising fast up

the pop charts. Now it really became noisy. Little B was glad he was outside where the sound wouldnt hurt his ears. Then the air around him became filled with an unmistakable scent. He knew The Lion Man had come. And as the image of this filled his mind, the strange figure of The Man sitting a top an old, great, Tall Lion walked out of the fog and came to a place right below Little B. The man and the Old Lion were face-to-face with the little Poodle dog. He smiled gently through the brief row of concrete corbels. The small column-like shapes were fixed together at their tops by a flat slab acting as a handrail and divider against the low drop to the floor of the canyons headland, where the home had been built. Although only a few yards away, the security men were unaware of the appearance of The Lion Man and The Old Lion. The Strings & Bongo Combo inside had broken into their hit single and the two guards were moving closer to the large balcony that hung a bit above the lawns and hardscape It opened to the main public room of the house where people were dancing and clapping to the singular beat.

In a

sweet, melodious voice, The Lion Man spoke to the Poodle dog. Little dog, he said, running his long elegant hand across The Old Lions thick mane, My little Lion is quite aged and rapidly approaching his anointed time of departure from this world. His era has all but ended. I think he would greatly appreciate a friend such as you in his final days. Little dog, would you like to come with us? Little B licked The Old Lions nose. It had kind eyes. In an instant, he forgot all about, The Goddess Coco, The Goddess Randi, Chica, The Big-Dog Man and all of those figures he had known. He was going bye-bye with The Lion Man! He made what for him was a prodigious leap to the flat top of the handrail, then into the lap of The One sitting atop The Old Tall Lion. On the balcony, only four or five yards away, Randi had come outside to get a breath of air. He leaned on the balconys railing then saw and heard what was taking place a bit below and away from him. He was stunned by what he seen happening. The man on the Lion turned to withdraw back into the fog. His powerful, gleaming, gentle eyes made contact with Randis. A beatific smile appeared on The Lion Mans face as if Randis appearance had come as a surprise. Randi gasped, then fainted dead away. The security guards saw this. One ran around to a side door to alert the people inside. Big-E and Coco were close by with Robert Max, Marthia and Dr. Ben. They rushed outside to the balcony where Randi had passed out. He had hit his head on the edge of a light table on the way down. A trickle of blood began to flow. Baby! Robert quickly had Randis head cradled in his arms. Coco was dabbing the small wound with a napkin when he opened his eyes and looked around. Oh my he said, and explained to Coco that Little B was gone. The man on the Lion took our Little B away, he said. Oh Robert...his eyes.. Tears began to flow down Randis cheek. He pointed toward the bank of fog hovering just beyond the property. Big-E hopped over the bal-

cony edge and over the short wall onto the ground beyond the property boundary. He disappeared into the fog. Coco was confused. Little B had been taken by a man on a lion? The Lion Man, the one she had been told about? Robert was questioning Randi about his condition. He said he was fine. But he kept repeating how beautiful The Lion Man was. Big-E returned saying he saw no trace of anything. In his mind, he knew that what Randi said was true. But why did the Lion Man take Little B? Max, Marthia and Dr. Ben withdrew back into the party where not many of the guests were aware that any thing unusual had happened. Merel, Bill and Ronnie knew something had gone down and questioned their older brother. Max knew instinctively that Little B was gone for good. He explained what had happened. This.Lion Man took Little B? Ronnie was confused and speaking his thoughts out loud as he gazed over to the balcony door where Robert and Coco were leading Randi out. They had dazed looks on their faces. Randi looked like he was high on drugs and was gazing out into space. Max answered his brother. He was beginning to feel pleased by all of this. Maybe the taking of Little B would signal a return to the more predictable state of affairs that he preferred. Oh Yeah, he got em Max replied. Probably needed a snack fo his pet lion! Bill laughed. Merel and Ronnie didnt. Dont be tellin Coco I said that, he warned his brothers. Max was smiling happily. Tall Lion love fresh Poodle dog, he added with a wicked smile. The day following the 7th year wedding ceremony brought a mid-morning meeting of 4 of The Eight as the women were now referring to themselves. Randiafter being checked out at a local hospital at Roberts insistencewas among them. Jean, Lucile and Sidney wanted to hear first-hand of his sighting of The Lion Man. Randi had come out in time to hear him say to Little B: Little dog, would you like to come with us?. His voice was flute-like Randi reported. He was still very emotional and reverent, although many hours had now passed since his encounter. Coco told him how blessed he was to have such an experience. She was no longer focused on her weddingshed even sent Big-E to the supermarket to fetch groceries and run a few errands. Her attention was focused on Little B and The Lion Man. She was now referring to her former pet as Gods Dog. She told the other women she felt like they should do something to commemorate this. After talking about it for a while, they decided that a local meditation group dedicated to Poodle dog aficionados would be a good way to celibate the auspicious and amazing event. Randi volunteered to lead the group. He was quite practiced in Cristopian Mysticism and said that he had a number of clients at his Poodle Dog Parlor that would jump at the chance to join in. But where will we hold our meetings? Randi asked, I dont really have nearly enough space at my studio. Coco said not to worry. They could hold it right there. She said she would have Big-E bring his contractor in to re-furbish the bottom level weight room off the garages. Big-Es weight room? Lucile questioned and looked at the other three women. Baby Coco got her man welltrained, she said giggling and they all smiled and laughed. No, it aint like that, Coco explained. Big-E never use it. He likes his place out back. Ive been trying to find something to do with that space. She changed the subject. Jean, do you think it would be appropriate to have special robes we could wear at our meditation? Id love to make some. I dont see why not. This started the wheels turning in Cocos brain. Sidney began to smile. She knew exactly what Coco was thinking. She had been seeing versions of this since they were teenagers. Coco was already envisioning a new product line. Her Anthro Man line hadnt performed too well and she was already searching for something new. Ill make the best one for Randi since he goona be our meditation leader. Randi heard this and said Oh!. He was thrilled with all of this. Sidney reached over and pinched and pulled on Cocos ear lobe. They did this to one another when they wanted to let the other know what they were thinking. Youre just impetuous , she said to her and then made a cat-like kind of growling rumbling purr deep in her throat. And I love it. Coco and her exchanged a look. They were like sisters who were also best friends. A month later, and the vision was a reality. A small group of about nine participants met in the newly remodeled large room at Big-E and Cocos estate. They wore soft and attractive robes made by Coco. Randi led a simple service. Chica was dressed in a robe and veil and introduced to the group as, the consort of Gods Dog. Both Coco and Randi now believed deeply that, The Lion Man could be none other then Lord Cristo himself! Max was in town that day. He questioned Big-E about, this Poodle dog cult Coco was starting. He didnt ap-

prove. People shouldnt be worshipin dogs...and especially damn Poodle dogs! Big-E said that Coco and Randi didnt think of it as such. They see it as focusing attention on the qualities of the poodle dog and of Little B in particularsweetness, purity, innocence. Max huffed. Oafy, you saw how innocent that dog was. He ripped the nut off a Tall Lion and ate it all up right in front of everybodythere nothing innocent or pure bout that. And Randi know first handhe had to clean all the blood off his little ass. Naw, Big-E, you gotta crack down on that girl! She coming straight off the meat hook with this. We all gonna look stupid when this get around Crack down on her? Big-E replied and smiled as he shook his head with some astonishment. Yoall the ones that spoiled her like that...making her think she could do anything she wants. I just try and contain her. Keep her between the lines. The two of them snuck down to the basement area where the meditation was transpiring. It was very quiet. They came and went without being see or heard. When they came back to Big-Es office, Max shook his head. They better not be planning on bringin a chapter of this Cult of The Poodle Dog into The Oakland he said warily. Big-E reassured Max that Coco would change with the arrival of the twin girls. In the Spring, the girls did arrive. They were named Tara and Musie in the order of their arrival. A month later they were given a special Baptism with Jean, Lucile and Sidney in attendance. Randi was now the Ceremonial Male for, The Eight. Each of the women wrote seven blessings for the girls. They were folded and placed in a basket. Randi drew seven of the blessings from a basket which contained a total of twenty-eight. He read aloud each of the blessings. When he open the final one he had drawn, he became very excited. It was one Jean had written. He read it aloud like the others; six of The Eight are now in the world!. The women squealed and smiled and shed tears. Randi too. This was considered by them to be a premium omen. Big-E wasnt invited to the special Baptism. He didnt mind. When they were old enough, he would teach his girls special things out at Los Grotto de Mirrilo Agua where he was now the official docent thanks to an order put through by Kerri Branghaue. Known only to himself, Professor Gilligan, Paul Cavalet and a few especially perceptive individuals that had seen the Anthropology Channel program on the discovery of The Shamans Cave, Big-E White was in fact the shaman of Los Grotto de Mirrilo Agua. His girls would be his heirs in that regard if they so chose and developed the right disposition. While the program, Survival Woman and Her Man was a non-starter as expected, Big-E and Professor Gilligan did make a series of Cultural Anthropology programs. Big-E became a respected and charming host and even Buster White found himself developing more interest in the subjects. He and the kid would smoke a few bong-hits of ,the special smoke and watch the entire shows. But they said nothing about this to the Navy Men. Ethan Vulerummer made extremely slow progress despite the tapes Big-E had made for him. But Hector Lopez saw him and Johnny Butch Trump seemingly communicating one day through a barely noticeable series of winks. And occasionally, when Buster White was in the room, Trump could be heard making the uurrr ire sound deep in his throat. Buster told people it was merely a backup of gas. Jimmy Luani spent most of his time on Ono Plantation but travelled back to his Shades of Brown neighborhood too for various functions. But David and him spent the bulk of their time cultivating the different plants and trees. The Western American Level Five Chief of World Security Kerri Branghaue enjoyed an eventful first few years as one of the most powerful individuals in the world. People wanted her to consider running for president but she was more involved with shifting the balance of power at the World Council of Level Five Agents. She had formed a strong alignment with her Eastern American counterpart nicknamed The Hare. The two of them tilted the council away from its more radical members who wanted to use greater hard-line methods to thwart the ambitions of Fascist Politicians and business leaders. Branghaue argued successfully that Fascism was drying up naturally with the defeat of The Seven Lions of Private Control and that they should not prevent the selfcannibalization of this evolutionary wrong turn to ground out and consume itself naturally. Always in the background for Kerri was Paul Cavalet who became the perfect go-between for World Security and the Washington Kachina. Twenty-one days following the Seventh-year Wedding Ceremony, a strangeand some said miraculous event occurred. Along an avenue in Hollywood Land, a hundred and fifty feet above the ground and roughly that

distance down from the backyards of homes built to the edge of a bluff, a seemingly impossible sight appeared. On a shelf of rock jutting out from a mostly sheer wall of the cliff, a massive Old Tall Lion was spotted laying down in a comfortable way as a little white Poodle dog lay between its thick arms. There was no possible explanation for how the two had gotten there. Soon all of the television stations were focusing live feeds from the area with speculations by commentators being debunked as fast as they could be thought up. Several hours later, darkness came and a large rainstorm rolled in with thick tufts of mist and fog. It lasted until morning and when visibility returned, no sight of the lion and the poodle dog remained. Across the world, people were calling this a major sign. In the Judeo-Cristopian-Islamic Holy Books, it was said that, Peace would come On Havenloka when the Lion laid down with The Poodle dog. People said that the return of Lord Cristo was now imamate. A few sold all of their belongings and gave the money to the poorit was expected by some that the Lord would provide them with angel wings and all would fly away together to a better place. This was not considered to be an allegory but an actual event that would take place. When all of this appeared on TV, Big-E was up in The Oakland where he usually went for a day each week to teach martial arts at Maxs community center. Coco, Robert and Randi were together. When a news helicopter got a good shot at the two animals in the unlikely setting, they knew they were looking at Little B. Coco and Randi began to stream tears, hug, and re-affirm their belief that the former, much-loved pet, truly was Gods Dogand The Lion Man Himself could only to be Lord Cristo. As the years passed, a cultural mythology developed around various sightings of a shoeshine man who pushed a cart and always appeared with the cutest little white Poodle dog. This was never captured on camera but the stories sprang up here and there. Usually their appearance occurred around some auspicious event. Many people believed that the legendary shoeshine man was actually Lord Cristo. Others believed it was his disciple Ojona who was said to have liked dogs. Many others just said it was merely an urban legend with no basis in reality whatsoever. When Tara and Musie were almost four years of age, Big-E White was driving home one day from the university. When he stopped at a light a small van pulled up beside him. A little girl about the age of his daughters poked her head part way out the passenger side window. She smiled and waved at him. He had never seen the little girl before but was astonish how beautiful she was. He smiled and waved back and noticed the man driving the van. He was about Big-Es age, darker in complexion, and had nice features. What was striking about the man was a kind of haunted and angry expression that enveloped him. Big-E instinctively felt the man had been through it although he wouldnt have had a clue as to what had cast him in such a light. The man told the little girl to sit back in her seat. The light changed and the vanwhich Big-E noticed was filled with luggagemade a left-hand turn heading north up the coastal highway. This was to be the only time that Dante Edmond ever crossed paths with the legendary Lion-fighter Big-E White. Edmonds wasnt a fan of Lion-fighting and didnt watch much TV anyways. He had been a community college teacher in San Diego. Big-E drove on towards home. When hed come to the last light before the road that led to the estates where he lived, he stopped. Suddenly, something came flying into the rolled down window of his car. It went by in a blur. He was startled and first thought that a bird had flown in. Then he realized it was something altogether different. It was a paper airplane that had sailed into his car! There were no other cars at the light. No pedestrians were in view. It was a windless day. The houses along the street were set far back from the road. He began to laugh as he reached over and took hold of the paper airplane. He saw a gold color printing of some sort on the white paper. Unfolding it he noticed it was some writing that was hand lettered. It was clearly not the product of a printing process. The substance it was written in was gold and shiny. Big-E instantly thought there was a least a bit of industrial grade gold in the material. Gold was not an easy color to get rightonly actual gold could truly make the hue. The lettering and the words were something akin to a passage from the Judeo-Cristopian-Islomic Holy books. It read:
Hebrews 11 (21st Century King James Version) Hebrews 11 21st Century King James Version

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

Big-E was familiar with the first part of the quotation. It was from one of the disciple Ojonas commentaries. In essence, it was the idea that thingsobjects, subjects, episodes of Truthwere in actuality phantasmagoric images or fleeting things made of bits and pieces that were made from lower level bits and pieces. Faith was something like a stamp-press and glue application that made all of this comprehensible. It was much more then mere beliefit was essential belief without which phenomenal reality would have no qualitative existence. Without faith there would only be a mindless blur without a method of sorting it outor a mind in which it could sorted. Ojona called this, the state of existenceas man understands itprior to Lord Cristothe flesh and blood symbol of the first begotten. The second part of the quotation on this paper was something Big-E hadnt seen before. It seemed to be a lot like the Ojona commentarybut more cryptic, more condensed. And who were these Hebrews 11? Who was this King James? Was this some paper written up trying to pretend it came for the future, the 21st Century? When he returned home, he took the paper into his office where he had built a filing system as part of his anthropological work. There were a number of main file categories. One was entitled junk. This was where he put pages containing data that was hopelessly unknowable or incomprehensible. They occupied various subsections in the system. One usually throws such things away but in a system such as this, they get filed as long as they are not replicas of previous junk data. He was almost positive this paper would end up somewhere in this file but he decided to keep it in his current basket until he had exhausted any research he might do on it. Big-E heard the garage for opener sound. Coco was back. Her and Robert had gone to LA for a meeting that morning and took the girls with them. Soon, Tara and Musie came running into his office. He picked them up as they were squealing Daddy, Daddy, we want to play horsey! Not horsey! Big-E said. Yes! they screamed. Big-E lowered himself to the ground, flattening his stomach and chest on the carpet so they could easily climb on. He felt more like a camel then a horse. Then he began to walk around the office on all fours. Faster, Daddy, we want to go fast! Big-E picked up the pace a bit as Coco and Robert came to the double doors leading inside. They exchanged smiles. They were all so blessed, Coco whispered.

The Lion World Illustrations

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