Build Mind Power in Only 10 Minutes A Day!

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Build Mind Power in Only 10 Minutes a Day!


ATTENTION: "Your brain (and mind power) are capable of

"Who else wants a bright, razor-sharp mind and crystal-clear mental focus... in only 10 minutes a day!"

Dear Friend,
What's a sharp mind worth? Look at it this way... there's a reason so many people feel worn out, confused, unmotivated, discouraged, unsexy and burned-out today. It's because our brains are creating too much of a natural hormone called "cortisol."
WHAT causes our brains to do this? You're under attack by the heavy stress of our modern society! And though it's not your fault, your brain suffers from a daily diet of stress...stress...stress and more stress!

Your Entire Reality Starts in Your Physical Brain...

Feeling Tired, Discouraged or Unmotivated?
When you're under stress, the chemistry of your brain changes. This makes you feel fatigued because stress chemicals directly cause insomnia and chronic tiredness.

Gaining Weight?

When your brain is pumping out stress chemicals it cant produce the natural hormone that controls your bodys mineral content. This makes you crave chocolate ... or the salt found in chips, olives, and other salty processed foods.

Have a Low Sex Drive?

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Build Mind Power in Only 10 Minutes a Day!

Stress dampens your natural sexual desire and performance, because sex and the survival-related "fight-or-flight" response just dont go together very well (and survival always comes first). Plus when you're stressed, slowing down for intimate contact is unlikely. Stress prepares your body to fight or run... not make love!

"Here's a Way to Feel Better... FAST!"

It's unlikely the stress in your life will just go away. That's a fact. But there IS something you CAN do. There's a reason Deepak Chopra and so many other top scientists are now saying, "Brain training is the medicine of the future!" HERE'S WHAT'S EXCITING: Years of scientific brainwave research have now proven that your brainwaves can be consciously refined to create powerful new states of mind! The results include some truly remarkable mental states: Deep relaxation, crystal-clear mental focus, enhanced learning, supercharged creativity, instant stress management, and even "higher states" and extra-sensory perception (ESP.)

"Here are 5 things you need to know!"

1. Brainwave training has been used for over 35 years by athletes, executives, meditators, clinicians ... even educators. It is used to stop stress-response weight gains, correct energy and sexual performance problems, establish supercharged creativity, reverse ADD and ADHD, stop headaches and chronic pain, improve memory and intimate performance, experience ESP and higher states of consciousness...and generally enhance one's mental performance. 2. Science now knows that stress actually KILLS our brain cells. And unlike our skin and muscles, our brains cannot create new cells! Over the long term this leads to loss of memory and far less sharp mentality -- but it CAN be reversed! 3. Modern science has shown our brains are either shrinking or growing. We begin to lose mental sharpness in our late 20's. 4. Mental-stimulation can help you AVOID AGE-RELATED MENTAL DECLINES, and even offset the effects of Alzheimer's Disease, should you get it. 5. Your IQ is not fixed! You can GET up to 23% IQ INCREASES by learning how to properly balance your brainwaves.

"The Mind Power Gym is very important part of my work day. I listen to the brainwave sounds everyday. Also I listen to brainwave sounds when I go home to

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Build Mind Power in Only 10 Minutes a Day!

relax from traffic stress. I am very happy to be member." Ngu Tran Vancouver, BC, Canada

"You provide the greatest mental workout with the brainwave sessions. It's awesome. My favorite is 'A Walk in the Park.' Its calming, refreshing, and uplifting (and) a great stress-buster. I highly recommend anybody wanting a quantum step in their self-development to join." Emmanuel Sequi Lyon, France Founder of

A smile on my face ... "As an account executive, I have to deal with enough stress to kill a horse every day. I have the mind power gym on my PC, and I listen to the brainwave audios for ten minutes between each call. I can actually get through the day with a smile on my face because of it. Carol Peresky, NYC

"Professional Brain Training In the comfort of your own home!"

What do you want? More energy? A more relaxed approach to sexual expression. A new sense of excitement at just being alive. More brain power? A higher IQ? Enhanced emotional intelligence? The experience of higher states of consciousness? Instant stress management? Supercharged creativity? Better sleep, or the need for less sleep? Modern research has proved brainwave training can raise your IQ... help you control stress eating, increase your motivation, overcome ADD and ADHD, and even improve your intimate performance. The problem? Neurofeedback training in a clinic averages from $100 to $150 per session! We have an answer that's certain to amaze and delight you. Take a look at the below screen shot. What you're looking at is the ALL NEW Quantum Mind Power Gym tm. And since it's directly accessible from your own computer... now you can have professional mind power training in your own home, and on your own schedule.

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Build Mind Power in Only 10 Minutes a Day!

The ALL NEW Quantum Mind Power Gymtm has been created to provide you with the exact tools you'll need to MAXIMIZE YOUR AMAZING AND UNIQUE 3-POUND BRAIN. It's packed with a constantly-expanding collection of powerful brainwave training audios and multi-media programs, uplifting audio messages, brain-smart ebooks, and mind-building articles to: Instantly melt your stress, lift you out of a mid-afternoon funk, help you fight back against ADD or ADHD, increase your IQ... and generally make your brain sizzle with healthy, smart energy! But instead of paying up to $150 for only one clinical session ... You'll get access to all the mind-building tools you could ever want for only $12.95 a month -- the price of a medium take-out pizza! And there's no ball-and-chain attached. If you ever decide you no longer wish to be a member, the cancellation process is simple and clear cut.

----------A BIG CONCERN: The Alzheimer's Society says 50% of us will

have AD by age 65, and over 80% by age 80. There IS a way to avoid the mental damage, even if you get the disease. Research has proven daily mental challenges build the neural reserve you'll need to maintain your mental sharpness as you age. But the secret is to start as young as possible! The gym is your brain's insurance policy!

I'm much better with my STRESS...

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Build Mind Power in Only 10 Minutes a Day!

"I am happy to say that since I started with the brain training sessions, I am much better with my stress. I am a fireman and the other men asked me to put the gym on the firehouse PC. We have a lot of stress. I know it will also help my buddies. I like very much your articles on how my brain works. It is very interesting to learn. Muchas gracias." Jesus Rameriz (and wife), Mexico City

We're all hooked... "I own a very pricey light and sound brain machine, but have never been able to figure out how to use it. And I never liked having to wear those goggles and earphones. The gym's brainwave sessions are so powerful, I just packed the machine off into the closet. I especially like Coffee n Blues and the "Absolute Alpha." My son used some of your articles for a science class, and my wife especially likes the short audios in Get a Lift. In short, we are all hooked! More of the same, please." Jerry and Barb Masterson, Anchorage, AK

An amazing $870 a month value for only $12.95 a month! Your gym membership includes:
(1) UNLIMITED ACCESS to the...

Brain Training Room

($600+ value)

If you went for professional brainwave training only four times a month, it would cost you between $400 and $600 a month (and sometimes more). Why would you want brainwave training? Because it's the KEY TO LEARNING TO CONTROL YOUR MENTAL STATES! The gym's brainwave training actually TRAINS YOUR MIND to create highly beneficial states on its own. This is PRICELESS ... and boosts your intelligence, mental balance, motivation, memory, focus, enthusiasm ... and ability to create whatever you desire in your life. The below screen shot of the Quantum Mind Power Gymtm

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Build Mind Power in Only 10 Minutes a Day!

shows you just one of the many brain training rooms in the gym, which contains over 60 professional brainwave training sessions:

My secretary says I'm a different man! "Well shut my mouth! Ive heard about this, but had no idea it would just melt my stress down to nothing. I am so mellow my secretary says I am a different man(but) my productivity is like a roaring locomotive. I love this stuff!" William C. Mathews, President Mathews Creative Design Los Angeles, CA

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Build Mind Power in Only 10 Minutes a Day!

My wife says I'm much calmer... "Dr Jill. As you know, I have every one of your books and your 'Take Charge' ecourse. But this mind power gym is amazing. I do not feel edgy anymore, and even my wife says I am much calmer. And guess what -my golf game has improved!" Norm Tucker, Phoenix, Arizona

Over 60 Custom-Engineered Brainwave Audios

The Quantum Mind Power Gymtm contains 16 different types of specially-engineered BrainSmart Brainwave Audiostm created by Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler -- a pioneer brain/mind researcher with over 35-years of experience. You can experience instant crystal clear mental focus, improved athletic performance, instant deep meditation, deep relaxation, enhanced learning and memory, ADD and ADHD reprogramming, insomnia relief, powerful subliminal programming audios, increased IQ, and fast stress reduction -- all in just 10-15 minute sessions! And its safe, proven effective, and effortless!

(2) FREE Membership in the exclusive...

MindTool Club tm

(Minimum $120 month value) Receive periodic valuable FREE gifts. It may be a special ebook, a teaching teleseminar, a downloadable MP3 to build your success muscles - or even a deep special discount on a product or service. You'll love this! And everyone who joins will have immediate access to a minimum of three valuable mind tools. (An immediate $120+ value upon joining). (3) ACCESS to a...

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Build Mind Power in Only 10 Minutes a Day!

Mind-Building Article Archive

(Unavailable elsewhere, and worth more $50) An entire library of exciting original articles and mind power training tips. Topics range from: Body/mind mysteries, emotional intelligence, and goal achievement to memory improvement, building mind power, tapping into your natural genius, and creating more success in your life. Come stretch your mind power! (4) UNLIMITED ACCESS to the unique...

QS Motivation Centertm

(Instant audio and written motivation!) A unique, totally original collection of original short audio recordings and quick-read inspirational stories to give you a quick 5-minute motivational lift. (5) ONGOING SAVINGS from valuable...

Member's Discounts

(Immediate 25% discounts on many mind-building products - $100+ value) Members receive an automatic 25% discount on many Quantum-Self products. You just enter your special code when buying.

Three decades of research... "Anything Dr. Jill does reflects three decades of research and experience on the subject of brain power. She encapsulates highly significant and impressive knowledge and presents it in a straightforward, simple wayso that you and I can reap the benefits. If you have a desire to move beyond your limitations, this is for you. Invites a major reality shift and shows you the steps to make it happen. With action tips, techniques, concepts and simple instruction, Dr. Jill shows us the way and backs it all up with solid neurological facts. Highly recommended." Michael Angier, Author of 101 Best Ways to Get Ahead in the World Founder of

Who Is Dr. Jill Ammon Wexler?

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Build Mind Power in Only 10 Minutes a Day!

Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler, a doctor of psychology, pioneer brain/mind researcher and international success coach, has mentored entrepreneurs, executives, performing artists, athletes, and endless "ordinary people" who became top achievers. She brings a unique "no-limits brain power" approach to personal and business success coaching, and is known internationally. She was one of the first to bring brainwave training to the corporate world.

In addition to over 35 years as an executive advisor and coach, she has taught her (Substitute Neural Association Programming tm) personal empower techniques at universities, seminars and corporations. She is the author of hundreds of books and articles, including the mega-popular "Zap Your Life: Feel the Power."

Take Action NOW...

Experience your TRUE mental potential in this unique mind power zone !

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Build Mind Power in Only 10 Minutes a Day!

YES! I want immediate online access to this amazing mind power gym so I can begin to achieve my TRUE mental potential -- FAST.
I understand that I'm paying a recurring $12.95 monthly membership fee. I also understand that my recurring membership can be discontinued by me at anytime, and that my monthly billing will then terminate at the end of the 30-day membership period in which I cancelled. If I choose to cancel, I may still keep all of the MindTool Clubtm releases I have received as a member. I further understand that although my monthly membership is not a refundable purchase, I can cancel my monthly membership at any time.

Click "Join Now!"

Then watch for an email with your Username and Password for access to the Quantum Mind Power Gymtm. Welcome Aboard! Your information is always 100% secure.

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Click here to... Join Now==>>>

Cancellation Procedures: If you join through PayPal, you will have the personal responsible to terminate your recurring membership fee at PalPal. If you join using our secure credit card, you can email quantum (at) if you wish to cancel -- but please plan ahead, as confirmation of your request could take as long as 48 hours, and sometimes longer on a weekend or holiday. Important: The Quantum Mind Power Gymtmis a non-medical program designed to educate and provide non-medical brainwave audios which may be used to learn to produce certain brainwaves states in your own brain. It is in no way intended as a substitute for professional psychological, psychiatric or medical treatment. If you are concerned about the suitability of self-educated brain training, or have some existing or potential medical or mental problem, be sure to check with your health care professional about the appropriateness of mind power training of this type.

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