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Bankruptcy, Waste and Corruption

The Legacy of Mayor Pat Morris

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r SBIA o develop the SBIA. Spencer was t found a friend in Mayor Morris, port Authority, and Vice Chairman ous LLCs controlled most of the IA and reimbursements. Taxpayers er Developer SB cer was ot Spencer, Form Sc lop the SBIA. Spen ve de to 07 20 ect, which skyrocketed from in ris or This Conv Morris, M or or ay ictedby Mayn was hired, but found a friend in M ed Felon was hired Felo yors approval and support. 2005 by Mayor Mor man in try Ch us This Convictba ce ind Vi ris d ion in an 20air nned m thth 07 e av to ort Authority, e iat FArd irp A A l fro March 30, Press Enterprise banned by the FAA froby na m tio e develop the SBIA. Spencer was na th th er e of av t nt iatio mos n LL lled20 in roin du Berna ino I nty str co an S Cs e th wh 05 of us , o nt rio bu wa va ide t sfound a friend in May s es president ofncy. Spenn cers er who was pr rsements. Taxpay Be or Morris, bu rn ar di reim Development Age the Sa no d an ey In all es ter V fe na t nd tio en nla na m I of e l lop Ai the Inlan m rport Authority, and Vi of th deve in d 00 Allen Parker, Va ocketed fro 0,0 lle yr y ,00 sk De $6 ich ve er wh lo ov ce t, pm d ec Chairman en ive oj t Agency. Spen rece ort. Airport andAi ppva ce of the terminal pr rs d su rp Current City costs or rio e ive t us th an r) proval an LL d fo re ap C id ce s s pa or co d ay d nt (an M se ov ro d e pri lle er se th ter d $6 th most of the ,000,000 in deve wi witnes 30, Press En rchpm Malo Manager was an $142,000,000 ent fees and reimburse e th witnes or m uptcy se to d (a nd paid for) the costs of th $45,000,000 m en ts. Taxpayers tapped by Mayor e terminal project, which to more than $142,000,0 rker, skyrocketed from $45,0 Morris to be the 00 with the Mayors ap Allen Pa 00,000 prov alrre ypport. March an dCit nt su new City Manager Cu 30, Press Enterprise ust Manager was was rmer Foand y tc up kr confir pped by Mayor med ta an by er the B ag aud, Fr City Man te as City Council in Morris to be the ley a, 6Issues of W Charles McNee w City Manager in ne 0 K vote. took home $275 t us and was in Of Public Tr salary, plus $73K n io os er e nf co irmed by the to And th perks, and $15K y Council in a 6. Cit re relocate he ng the 0 vote. to relocate here. Warni

Scot Spencer, Former

Developer - SBIA

d $15K es, rm o Hiser City FA re $73K in perks, an us modeled his offic pl , ry la sa in 75K McNeeley then re

a!rles cy h!! ga C er ManagLe



All were aware that he had twice filed bankruptcy and was involved in a civil suit g the city nin War broug r was ht by ce n e Sp . tential IA cil of po, coun p the SB Banni ng ists Heigh rr o M r years 2 yo cy a pt M ru bank friend in Mutu alh Wate ran Co. rm eeley cN ai M C w, e ro a ic in V ise , 022713 ority, and Press Enterpr d his ele od e th re fm en o th ost controlled m officesay on nt we , ers a . Taxp g sp nted rs ementssp ree with bu by m din en s Chief om fr d te e dit card ck cre o y the cit h skyr ic ment . is office rt o p p su h d d an n proval a pusing e yment s En pa eser a ris wrp sate arch 30, Prov M ayme nt to on illi m 5 of $1 he state Housing able Affordrk er, a ion y and Plut AllenSo s of San y ayment. it C t n e o, which din urr ar C Bern 27, 2013 s Emil a w by r n ru ge is a n a M , th re llo zu Mar Mayo tapped by tor of ec dir rim te in e the is to b ley Morrth cN March M ee e EDA.n r d in gene asig a re M y 27, it ly n ew C abrupt Press as 2012. and w May

e $2 m $15 a row, ho ok toM s or ay saw a payment of ruptcy 2 years in er nk ov ba e l ia fic nt of te s hi po arzullo, it card and city council of is run by Emil M e with the city cred ch re hi w sp o, ng in di rd en na sp er a went on ns of San B 2012. e Housing Solutio bl da or ff A ly resigned in May to pt n ru io ab y mill le ee cN or of the EDA. M the interim direct
Pat Morris, Mayor

Who will he

ber? Endorse in Novem

y c upt

was appointed by Mayor Pat Morris in February , 2008. He also served as Chief Executive Officer of the San Bernardino Economic by d te in po ap Development Corporation and is identified as was EDA Emil Marzullo of the Pres as Chief rector identim ofDi Affo servesof rdab ly le Hou nt sing rre Solu cu tions Former Inter He San Bernardino, which received a $15,000,000 . 08 February, 20 Morris in ic Development Pat from paym onom ent Ec Mayor o City din Offi ar cials rn . This Be n is the e Sa $15 million that caused the state to consider using le Hoe absam utive Officer of th Exec esident of Afford as Pr with hold ing tified ent sales ym and iden pa prop is 0 erty d taxe an ,00 s to 00 the ion city 5,0 at and or sparked a recent lawsuit against the state Corp ich received a $1 wh , te o sta din e ar th rn ed Be in n the payment. Press defe caus nse of of Sa thatMarch ions illion rise, Enterp m Solut 5 $1 11, e & March m 27, 2013 sa e th and is is
s. Th e city from City Official operty taxes to th lding sales and pr ho e payment. th th wi r of e ide ns ns fe co to the state in de st ain ag rch 27, 2013 it Ma su ,& law 11 rch sparked a recent ss Enterprise, Ma

Former Interim Director of the EDA Emil Marzu

Press Enterprise , 022713

All were aware that he had twice filed bankruptcy and was involved in a civil suit brought by Banning Heights . Mutual Water Co


Enterp rise


y the confirmed b a 6- formation cil in ou n in City CFo re o m r 0 vote. ankruMa yB it C o in rd rch a rn e B visit: San 27,

Press Enterp rise

,C as inv Mana Parker the new City kruptcy and w n e a b b Allen d to d is le fi rr o e by Mayor M at he had twic
rise, 02/27/13 ware th Press Enterp a . was tappe o re e C r w te ll a A W . Mutual 6-0 vote Council in a nning Heights a B y b t h g u bro in a civil suit

r e City anagea M y t i nfirmed by th o c C s t a n w e d n r r u olved ger


For more information visit:

re All were awa ice tw d a that he h y tc p u kr filed ban d e lv and was invo in a civil suit brought by g Heights

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