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A different kind of Christian

Hello, Im





I call myself A different kind of Christian Author, because I

pen didactic novels unlike anyone Ive seen write before
in the publishing industry I write the history of God utilizing
a fictional format for his greater Glory. Many of the scenes in
my novels take place in Heaven, so the reader can experience what
heaven is probably like. Heaven isnt about sitting on clouds
strumming harps, and praising God with every other breath for eternity. Heaven is a
civilization with ten nations, nine races of Gods children, politics, infrastructure, unbelievable
technology, built on the foundations called brotherhood, peace, and inundated in the
righteousness called holiness.
Many designate what I do as blasphemy because my novels mix the distilled truth of God with
fictional characters and addresses the questions of what probably is - by employing common
sense, secular and church history, the scriptures, the Apocrypha, and the freedom all fiction
has. Very few fictional stories glorify God; edifies his word, o r c h r o n i c l e s holy history in a
format that leads to a better understanding of our Creator, expands consciousness, and
endeavors the reader to learn something new, something repressed, something called trampled
The Lords commission was to teach the totality of his history in a biblically based format, from
billions of years before the birth of mankind, everything in-between, to the final eternity, to
address issues the system refuses to touch and educate why God did, does, and will do what
he will. Written for those whove never picked up the bible, that theyd understand the Story
of t h e God called Yahaveh, The Holy One, The One; and to reveal within its simplicity why were
in this evil world, become saved and believe. I desire to open eyes and elevate the paradigm
shift that God answers all questions, and drive the reader to study deep so they can think for
themselves, so they can ferret out lies and false doctrines, and get out of the same system that
John the Baptist warned against for seven years - and the evil misinformed Jesus vilified
throughout his entire ministry.
Yet, my purpose is not to foster debate, caucus, or validate or invalidate anyone's belief
system. My novels are not about theology or any system of thought, but are of the history of
God and his interactions with his children. Many people believe differently when it comes to the
bible and I respect their right to disagree. I endeavor, despite those differences, to raise one's
consciousness to what could possibly be, and maybe enjoy a story about our Lord thats full of
respect and written through the Holy Spirit - to create within the reader a closer walk with their
Creator, as they understood him.
Ive written two novels of four expected The Universes of God: The Chronicles of The Angels,
the other The Universes of God II: The Chronicles of Jesus Christ. Im currently working on The
Universes of God 3: The Chronicles of The Antichrist. The last book will be The Universes of God 4:
The Final Eternity.

A different kind of Christian


An example of mixing fact with fictions is, The Universes of God: The Chronicles of the
Angels documents the trial of Satan that led to his death sentence. We all agree that happened
truth became fiction when I wrote a whole chapter on this trial for none could possibly know
what God said to Satan or the methodology used to sentence him to death.
Also, the bible doesnt state why Ham slept with his mother, (Lev. 18:8) which invoked the wrath of
Noah. The reasons I hypothesized are pure fiction - but seemed plausible. Another example is the
Zoon, the four living beasts that guard the Thrones of God, never made music in the scriptures;
all the scriptures say is they sing HIS praises day and night, unceasingly. No one knows why God has
placed all the martyred souls under his Thrones (Rev_6:9), and were segregated from the general
population of Heaven. The reason written was my best possible hypothesis relying on many
decades of study; and yes, my guess is probably its pure fiction but plausible.
Also, the bible is silent on who took Lucifers place I chose David because God said he had a
heart after his own heart and it seemed a good choice. Therere many such examples of things
that are fiction in my writings. But I say to you, the fictional aspects are sidebars to the
greatest story ever told and the foundations remain true to the scriptures. What really
happened in the first Heaven, w hy G o d pl un g e d m a nk i nd i nt o t h i s e vi l w o rl d w i t h
t he s t a i n o f de a t h c o ve ri ng hi s he a d, the first Israel I called the Mountain Nation, the
whole Adam and Eve story, Noah and the flood, the origin of the Giants, the Tower of Babel, and
trials of Job are true.
have never heard some of the biblical stories in my novels because the
system doesnt accept the Apocrypha, due to the canonization process of the Catholic
Church. So therefore, the average Christian would say thats not in the bible therefore
its a lie. Everyone should learn the totality of Gods word and read the Apocrypha and the socalled lost books; the test is simple. Does it align with Gods word or not. All false scripture goes
against the bible blatantly like a five billion watt light bulb in your face.
I have nothing against the Catholic for it does enormous good; but it boggles my imagination
theologians would throw out major parts of scripture because of some meeting held thousands of
years ago within an obviously corrupt system and suppress the knowledge of God. The
Catholic Church has been responsible for some of the most heinous crimes in history and is
rifled throughout and within with the arrogance theyre the only true church the rest of us
are two notches higher than the pagans, our feet seriously licking the fires of hell.
The Catholic Church is not unique, for throughout the history of the Church, the majority has
usually been wrong, willfully corrupt, bowing to political, pagan, and insidious secular forces.
Obviously, theres poetic license in any fictional story, but the precepts and events of my novels
are based truths that were censored for thousands of years. The antiquity of mankind, the
civilization called Heaven, the motivations, rationale, and the emotions of God are so twisted
with traditions of man that it diverts functional understanding of the nature of this world and

A different kind of Christian

the real reason why we exist in this spiritual cesspool. This was definitely not the vision our
Lord envisioned for his children - for life was never supposed to be unfair.
The Universes of God: The Chronicles of the Angels chronicles the story of Heaven, its societal
upheavals, and the birth of evil that occurred billions of eons before the dawn of mankind. Do you
really think the Angels discarded their Creator as meaningless because Satan was simply
prideful? What did he do, what was his methodology, what was the hook that caused
billions to abandon their perfection - while seeing God face to face? What really happened in
Heaven, and why it was absolutely necessary for God to plunge mankind into this sinful evil
world? All these question are answered in their simplicity. If you know the beginnings,
functional understanding of the bible will develop without effort - as easy as drinking water.
My second novel, The Universes of God 2: The Chronicles of Jesus Christ is also on this site. You
experience the extermination of the Giants off the earth, the pandemonium and anguish of the
crucifixion, and Gods n u c l e a r vengeance on the Pharisees that murdered his Son. Youll sweat
through Abram and his adventures, the forty-year death sentence of aimless wandering, and the
wars in the Promised Land in a new exciting format called probable reality. The novel showcases
the rationale of God, his plan, the who, what, and why of the crucifixion - ending with the budding
sect called Christianity - the revelation that destroyed the law of the jungle that the world
sweltered under, replacing it with the knowledge of the brotherhood of mankind, and the
charitable empathy that changed the world forever.
The third of the quadrilogy, The Universes of God 3: The Chronicles of the Antichrist, which Im
currently working on, will see the real Anti-Christ thatll deceive the earth, the wars and silent
wars, the rebuilding of the Temple, the Two Witnesses and their real mission, the final
Armageddon, and ends at Jesus triumphant return (thou-fallen-from-heaven-O-Lucifer-son-of-themorning ). It covers the spiritual and the secular, the generational methodology that
reorganized evil into a formidable called The One World Order. This epic covers the history
of the nations, the secret Council of Churches, the reign of the Antichrist, and expounds holy
prophecy thatll show what, where, how, and who will happen in the future and even
unto the right now. It focuses on the Synagogue of Satan and their prophesied destruction, for
they are the only race Jesus warned the world to beware of - who are singularly
responsible for all the pervasive evil, suffering, and wars on this planet. The scope of The
Universes of God 3: The Chronicles of the Antichrist, despite the title, paints the definitive
picture of Gods glory, justness, and esoteric endgame plan - and showcases the jewel of great
price all Creation wails endlessly for the destruction of evil forever!
The last novel, The Universes of God 4: The Final Eternity starts at Jesus triumphant return,
covering the millennium civilization and what will happen there, and the first and second
resurrections into eternal life. You are there for the White Throne judgment, the Lake of Fire and
the final destruction of evil. It ends at the third and final Universe of God - The Eternity.
What will the final eternity really be like? Why is Jesus coming to earth for a thousand years - to do
what? What will the White Throne Judgment really be like, and what is the true function of the
lake of fire when hell itself (Hades) will be destroyed in the lake of fire? This epic novel answers
these questions in their simplicity and showcases the methods God uses to preserve holiness and

A different kind of Christian

prevent the rebirth of evil, so the bell of sinless brotherhood will ring unquenchable forever as
death and all tears are forever defeated!. All is explained in this epic novel covering the little
talked of, that's erroneously supposedly behind the veil unknowable and never taught - but by very
few enlightened ministers of God. Understand what the party and tears will really be about...

Though it seems impossible to believe, the religious secular in tandem have

purposely slimed the wall of truth with traditions that makes void the Word of God, b y
destroying or corrupting the simplicity of his personal love letter to you: the bible. The truths of
God and history are so intentionally muddied, it makes it almost impossible to ask
intelligent questions and get intelligent answers to anything spiritual. And the system adamantly
denies that God gives answers to those that seek him.
However, there is a method to their madness, for they desire you to believe though the
world willfully bows to Satan that the church is immutably infallibly immune. And none seriously
ponders the suffocating prevalence of biblical illiteracy, though theres literally a church on every
corner. No one questions why two hundredths of the human population [under 15 million] would
rule the world
and own almost half its total wealth; the hidden celebrated designated as the Chosen of God in a
million pulpits, despite the fact theyve never lifted a finger for his gospel, despite the fact
the Lord said over and over, his Chosen would be as the sands of the sea and the stars of the
sky: functionally uncountable
The sad answer is, preaching is done purely to accentuate emotions, motivate, and inspire.
Thats the continuing problem, for there exists too much preaching and not enough deeper
teaching. Isnt there much more to His Word than worship, blind faith, salvation, tithing, seed
harvesting, and baptism. Most will never study or seek understanding, but count on the
system that Jesus amply warned about to mentor and educate, refusing to independently learn
for themselves.
Worship is absolutely essential, but his house must be more than a toe-tapping feel good concert,
more than one verse read and blowing hot air for an hour, more than jumping up and down, more
than rituals, dogma, or organizational policy: more than shouting louder than your neighbor and
elevating worship above the knowledge God aspires for all his children to possess. If you
never grow, youll be in spiritual kindergarten forever - and the blame righteously begins in
organized leadership and the pulpit, for the traditions of man have trampled underfoot the Word
of God with outright lies, damnable traditions, organizational and denominational policy, and
committees making corporate decisions.
One of hundreds of the t r a d i t i o n s that overthrow the word of God is the case of Mary
Magdalene. In the sixth century, she suddenly became a prostitute because of a sermon given by
Pope Gregory the Great, in which he confused her with the fallen woman described in Luke
chapter seven. Because of his infallibility as Pope, his error became Church doctrine despite
the facts, and all the other churches thereafter lockstep propagated his glaring error. Other
examples is Christmas, the Adam and Eve story, the flood, Easter, the Antichrist, and hundreds of
other willful errors taught uplifted truth almighty in millions of seminaries: to make each
generation more biblically illiterate until solid understanding becomes a why and a wonder - an

A different kind of Christian

unsearchable unknown perhaps theory. This system turns billions from the only path that brings
eternal life because they see glaring hypocrisy, which is self-evident to any thinking rational
as a billion watt billboard flashing something doesnt
make sense here.
Think for yourself, study for yourself, and use common sense. Sharp and discerning minds have
always been the Devils enemy, for blind religious consensus is always the mandatory dogma of
lockstep denominationalism trumpeted by the new Pharisees nothing has ever changed in
organized religious leadership for thousands of years.
You will finally learn what the Church refuses to teach, and will understand the hidden purpose
of evil; why Jesus chose such an unthinkable sacrifice, why he chose to die for you when he
didnt really have to, and to even why you were born into this evil world. Youll discover youre
more than youve ever thought, older than the stars, and more precious than all the living things
of the endless universe combined. And more importantly, there is still a powerful someone out
there that still loves you endlessly
For the Lord and the trampled truth, for the evil certainty that's coming, for the billions of my
brothers and sisters that I don't know - I write; not for money or fame, but for His glory and
people like you, and to those who've known since they were children, there had to be more to
GOD'S WORD than they'd been taught. And thats why I call myself a different kind of Christian

The Universes of God Quadrilogy

A different kind of Christian



The Universe of God 2: The Chronicles of Jesus Christ

5.0 out of 5 stars Insightful December 11, 2014

By Samie Sands
This book is insightful and well written. It's a
story we are all very familiar with, but given in a
different light. Twe Stephens has a fascinating
writing style which is gripping. Highly
5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars November 3, 2014
By Bobby Horton
Good Book
5.0 out of 5 stars The Bible Revisited? July 1,
By John R. Dizon
Universe of God II by Twe Stephens is a kaleidoscopic version of the Holy Bible that takes us
through Scripture in the spirit of the classic sword and sorcery epics. The author takes great
artistic liberty in delivering this sweeping narrative, changing some of the names and places
though the theme of redemption remains the same. The Living God Yahaveh sits on his golden
throne with his Son Yahshua at his side, trying to influence the flawed genius of His Creation
towards the Light as Luciah, the fallen Angel, seeks to immerse mankind in an abyss of anarchy
and chaos. We watch the tale unfold from the mountaintops to the heavens as Stephens takes us
from rise to fall to rebirth with compelling vigor.
Stephens borrows from Jewish folklore, Christian tradition and modern mythology in weaving
this imaginative tapestry. Yahaveh makes personal assessments from his golden craft, descending
from outer space with his mighty legions to bring his word to an uncomprehending Abram. The

A different kind of Christian


Mountain Nation is to be built during the Age of Pisces from where it will spring forth and lead
Creation to its true destiny. The legend begins as the sons of Abram propagate the faith across the
land, beleaguered by the forces of evil at every turn. Their deliverers come in all shapes and sizes,
from Moses to Yahshua. Even the prospect of Adam Weishaupt bringing his Protocols of Zion to
deceive the world will not prevent the chosen people from gaining their eternal inheritance.
This is one that both Christians and non-believers will enjoy, and provides plenty of food for
thought. Universe of God II by Twe Stephens is one you wont want to miss.
3.0 out of 5 stars Unique telling of a Story We Already Know January 5, 2014
By Amazon Customer
This book is unique look at stories we already know from The Bible. I found this book to be
fascinating and interesting. I was sucked into the story and eagerly devoured page after page
because I wanted to know what happened next even though I already knew from my own reading
of The Bible. Mr. Stephens offered a truly unique and wonderful story that can be read again and
again. I know from reading other Christian authors I felt preached at but not so by Mr. Stephens
which I greatly appreciated. The book is refreshing in it's perspective and wholly unique. I look
forward to more of this author's work.
Comment |

The Universes of God: The Chronicles of The


5.0 out of 5 stars An unparalleled author!!!!

December 6, 2014
Verified Purchase
Twe is an author's author! In other words, his
writing is so superior, that we can only aspire to
write like him. This book is a combination of
faith and fiction and it should NOT be missed!!!
Teresa Howard author of WINGS OF LOVE.
4.0 out of 5 stars Nicely done! November 4, 2014
By Joannes Rhino
I am not a religious person, but after reading this
I feel like I wanna find my Holy Bible and read it
through so I clearly understand the reason I was born. There are tons of lessons I get from reading
this. One of them is diving deeper to God's word. The author did a great job in creating characters

A different kind of Christian


and describing something. From my point of view, this isn't some kind of book that you wanna
read before you sleep. This is the kind of book that open up something inside you. It's more like
meditating guidance in form of a novel. Nicely done!
5.0 out of 5 stars Mind blowing view about the origin of Angels and Man November 29, 2013
By Amazon Customer
In this author's story the angels had rebelled as a result of Luciah's (who becomes Lucifer)
discovery of the "joy of self." Basically he began to become aroused sexually from watching
some of the animals God had created copulate. In this book God had created flesh and blood
animals referred as the "cycle of life" to teach the angels about death, and what life would be like
without "The One (God). He'd hoped they would be able to learn these lessons without having to
experience it themselves. Luciah began to wonder why God had not created any female gender of
angels, and that lead to his sin.
Luciah seduces one of the other high ranking angels with these new ideas, and the sin begin to
spread. Before you know it billions of the angels are committing this sin of self love. Some were
complacent about it, condemning those who sinned, thinking they could just stand by and judge
while secretly fantasizing about it themselves, falling into the sin of pride.
Finally it was so bad that God decided to remove their souls from their indestructible bodies and
put them into a pool of souls. Then He created the physical universe, created man out of the dirt,
and implanted the souls of the angels into man, beginning with Adam and Eve. The rest would
enter the earth through procreation with no memory of who they were in the life before. God's
purpose was not punishment, but, in the physical universe He could teach what would happen if
they followed the ways of the "joy of self." Then God himself would enter the creation as a man
in order to redeem those who would choose God.
These were very shocking thoughts to say the least. For some reason I had never ever had any of
these thoughts before. I was surprise and taken aback. Read more
Comment |
4.0 out of 5 stars Very Honest-Sounding April 23, 2014
By N. Coppedge
Verified Purchase
This book has a kind of honesty which someone might get from a good preacher who is fully
convinced of what he is saying. It has the drawbacks of that same situation: it convinces a lot of
people that what he is saying is true, and it also has a slight effect of over-confidence.
Nonetheless, it is difficult to say that this is not a masterwork. It defies categories. It can be
compared to the Bible.
It has originality, and until you stop believing it, it has the power of sermons to persuade you that
he is telling a real history of the real universe.
My first major disappointment with this book was the reliance on hard science (or what passes for
it in fiction: gravitons, force-fields). These things made it seem like the author was secretly
disillusioned, or trying to explain something which required a magic trick to work. Ultimately I
skimmed the book and decided it would be worth re-reading sometime. Honesty combined with
imagination is its most superior quality.

A different kind of Christian


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