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9 111 0 C o n t e m p o r a r y English Language 1

C o u r s e

D e s c r i p t i o n

91110 Contemporary English Language 1 is a comprehensive course which allows the students to improve their English by giving a practical understanding of the language and how to use it. Our teaching methodology enables students to learn how English is spoken and used in real-life, day-today situations. Focusing on the four skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening), they will practise speaking and writing skills along with sharpening grammar, vocabulary, and meta-language. Every lesson will be based on a specific topic or theme. The language skills and grammar are taught within the framework of the topic and serve to help students apply everything they have learned in a natural way. Teachers and academic staff will be on hand to give the students ongoing support, encouragement, advice and feedback and to steadily guide them to B2 level of English competence. The students progresses is assessed continually both in a formative and summative way. The primary goal of this course is revision and leveling of the previously acquired language competences to the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In addition, the course aims at developing productive and receptive skills through customized content and topical tasks.

L e a r n i n g

o u t c o m e s

After completing the course, the students will: 1. Revise, learn and practice language systems and structures that are common in English. 2. Offer a balance of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and skills to help use English effectively. 3. Paraphrase grammar structures and lexical units using the appropriate meta-language. 4. Produce fluent speech without searching for vocabulary or correct grammar. 5. Communicate effectively in social and academic situations. 6. Develop reading skills scanning and skimming 7. Improve writing skill, with a key focus on descriptive and narrative writing. 8. Enrich vocabulary related to topics such as travel, fashion, peoples character and appearance, natural world, education, emotions and feelings etc. 9. Develop techniques of individualized learning beyond the classroom. 10. Benefit from different educational tools.

C o u r s e

M a t e r i a l s

1. Haines, S. and Stewart, B. (2004). FCE Masterclass SB, WB (Units 1-6). OUP. London 2. Vince, M. and Emmerson, P. (2003). FC Language Practice with Key. MacMillan Education. London 3. Townsend, S. (1986). The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole. Longman. London 4. FOR LECTURES: Yule, G. (1998). Explaining English Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Note: The electronic versions of the books can be found here!course-materials

After successful completion of this course, you will be awarded 7 ECTS. ECTS

G r a d i n g

S c a l e

Course work Class participation Term tests Final examination Written exam Oral exam

10% 30% 50% 10%

Written exam comprises of four parts: 1. Dictation 2. Grammar test 3. Vocabulary test 4. Essay Oral exam: You will be asked to read and translate into Serbian an excerpt from the chapters of The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole which you are required to read. The oral exam also includes three brief questions, two of which have to do with the excerpt you will be asked to read and translate; the third question is a general interest/opinion question.

C o u r s e

c o n t e n t s

L e c t u r e s :

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Units and tasks Yule, ch. 1: Basic forms, Basic meanings; Yule, ch. 2: Articles Yule, ch. 2: Articles Yule, ch. 3: Tense and Aspect Yule, ch. 3: Tense and Aspect First term test Yule, ch. 4: Modals Yule, ch. 4: Modals Yule, ch. 5: Conditionals Yule, ch. 5: Conditionals; Overall revision Second term test

P r a c t i c a l s :

Week 1

4 5

Units and tasks FC Masterclass U1 FC Language Practice GU 12, 22 VU 12 Adrian Mole January FC Masterclass U2 FC Language Practice GU 1, 2 VU 17 Adrian Mole - February Descriptive writing FC Masterclass U3 FC Language Practice GU 3, 4 VU 18 Adrian Mole March Overall revision FC Masterclass U4 FC Language Practice GU 16, 28 VU 4 Adrian Mole - April FC Masterclass U5 FC Language Practice GU 17, 26 VU 1 Adrian Mole - May Narrative writing FC Masterclass U6 FC Language Practice GU 7, 18 VU 11 Adrian Mole - June Overall revision

T e a c h i n g

m e t h o d s a n d p r o c e d u r e s

c l a s s r o o m

The study method is primarily based on communicative approach where classroom work involves students in comprehending, producing or interacting in English while their attention is focused on the content rather than form. This approach involves reallanguage use because the language used by the students is not predetermined, but derives from the nature of the project or topic discussed. This approach will include interactive learning techniques, as well as use of video and audio recordings, relevant Web-based materials and activities, as well as social media.
I n s t r u c t o r s

Jovana Dimitrijevic Savic, PhD Anita Jankovic Snezana Zecevic

T e a c h e r s

e x p e c t a t i o n s

1. Bring your course books to every class. 2. You are expected to come to class on time. If you are absent from any part of the class, it is entirely your responsibility to ascertain what you missed. It is our recommendation that you establish a reliable way to communicate with classmates to help you with this. Also, you can always contact the teachers regarding time you have missed; the teachers cannot re-teach the entire class, but they will answer intelligently prepared questions and help you stay on track. You can consult your teachers during their office hours, or contact them via e-mail. Here are their addresses: 3. Turn off cell phones. 4. Respect for one another is always the rule in this classroom. Students should always refrain from having conversations while the teacher is speaking / instructing or while other students are responding to questions. Treat others with courtesy, respect and civility.

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