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Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems

College of Engineering and Computer Science University of Central Florida

ESI5531: Discrete Systems Simulation

COURSE SYLLABUS Instructor: Dr. Christopher D. Geiger Office: ENG2 0408 Phone: 407-823-0221 E-Mail: Webcourses e-mail Office Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays: 2:00 PM 4:00 PM EST, and by appointment; Graduate Teaching Assistant: Ms. Wilawan Onkham Office : Eng2 rm 222 Phone: N/A E-Mail: Webcourses e-mail Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays: 2:00 PM 4:00 PM, and by appointment I. Term: Spring 2013 Class Meeting Days: Wednesdays Class Meeting Hours: 10:30 AM 1:15 PM EST Class Location: ENG2 0103

University Course Catalog Description Methods for performing discrete systems simulation, including network modeling, will be treated. Course Overview This course focuses on and attempts to balance the two primary aspects of discrete systems simulation. The first aspect is hands-on simulation modeling with a general-purpose language (or a simulation language). The second aspect of this course will cover: (1) the underlying probabilistic and statistical aspects of computer simulation, (2) modeling and estimating input processes, (3) statistical analysis of simulation output, (4) designing simulation experiments, (5) variance reduction techniques, (6) random number generation, and (7) random variate generation. The instructor feels that, by the end of the course, students should be able to start reading (and perhaps contributing to) the simulation research literature.



Course Goals The primary goals of this course are to provide students with an in-depth understanding of: 1. the use of simulation modeling in problem-solving and the improvement of processes, 2. simulation input and output analysis, and 3. validation and verification of simulation models. Course Prerequisite Students must have successfully passed an undergraduate-level course in Probability and Statistics (STA3032, or an equivalent course). While every student is strongly encouraged to review the area of probability and statistics, each student must complete an online assessment (i.e., quiz) that will help determine if a student needs to refresh his/her knowledge of probability and statistics. The score on this assessment will not count toward a students course grade.


Created: January 7, 2013

ESI5531: Discrete Systems Simulation Spring 2013

Dr. Christopher D. Geiger

The probability and statistics online assessment includes questions on the topics that are most relevant to discrete-event computer simulation. The quiz is found on the Webcourses home page. V. Credit Hours 3 (3-0) Course Texts Required:


Simulation Modeling and Analysis (4th edition) A.M. Law McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2006

VII. Course Topics Topic Introduction to Simulation Modeling Basic Discrete-Event and Network Modeling Concepts Use of a Widely-Used Commercially-Available Discrete-Event Process Simulation Software Simulation Input Data Modeling Simulation Output Analysis Model Verification and Validation Experimental Design Variance Reduction Techniques Random Number and Random Variate Generation Simulation Optimization Other topics as time permits VIII. Relationship of Course to ABET Criteria ABET Criterion a. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to model and solve Industrial and Management Systems Engineering problems b. Ability to design and conduct experiments related to deterministic or stochastic systems, as well as to analyze and interpret data c. Ability to design processes and integrated systems that achieve system design objectives which typically include considerations of productivity, quality, profitability, and ergonomics and safety e. Ability to identify, formulate and solve Industrial and Management Systems Engineering problems f. Ability to understand and appreciate professional conduct and ethical responsibility g. Ability to communicate effectively h. Ability to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context j. Knowledge of contemporary issues k. Ability to use the techniques, skills, and the modern engineering tools necessary for Industrial and Management Systems Engineering IX. Course Requirements Homework Assignments: Level of Emphasis During Course (Low, Medium, High) High High Medium High Low High Low Medium High

During the semester, periodic assignments will be assigned during the class period and must be submitted on their associated due date. Homework

Created: January 7, 2013

ESI5531: Discrete Systems Simulation Spring 2013

Dr. Christopher D. Geiger

assignments can be completed in teams of 2 students. No late assignments will be accepted by the instructor. There will be no makeup assignments given. Team Project: Each student as part of a team will be required to complete a semester-long course project. The course project can be completed in teams of 1 to 4 students. Each student-team will be responsible for completing project deliverables including a written report summarizing project.


Course Grading Course Item Homework Assignments (4- 6 assignments) Course Project Proposal Final Report Percent of Final Grade 40% 60% 10% 50% Total


IMPORTANT NOTE: In addition to the instructors own assessment of the Course Project, the instructor will also use peer evaluations to assign individual grades to each member of a team for each deliverable of the Course Project (i.e., Project Proposal and Final Report). When submitting the each project deliverable, each team member will complete and submit directly and confidentially to the instructor a separate peer evaluation of the performance of each member (including a self-evaluation) over the duration of the project. Students that complete the project individually do not complete a peer evaluation.

Created: January 7, 2013

ESI5531: Discrete Systems Simulation Spring 2013 Grading Scale A 100 AB+ < < 97 93

Dr. Christopher D. Geiger

97 93 89








77 73 69 65 61 57 0


< < < < < < <

81 77 73 69 65 61 57

Grade Interpretation : Superior, far exceeds average understanding as evidenced in course work and goes significantly beyond the basics. : Excellent, exceeds average understanding as evidenced in course work and goes well beyond the basics. : Far above average, meets or exceeds average understanding as evidenced in course work and fully understands the basics and goes somewhat beyond that level. : Far above average, fully meets average understanding as evidenced in course work and fully understands the basics and can deal with concepts somewhat beyond that level. : Just above average, fully meets expectations for basic understanding as evidenced in coursework and fully understands the basics and can deal with concepts at that level. : Slightly above average, fully meets expectations for basic understanding as evidenced in coursework and understands the basics. : Average, meets minimum expectations and satisfies course requirements : Slightly below average, meets bare minimum expectations and satisfies course requirements. : Below average, meets most minimum expectations and satisfies all or most course requirements. : Below average, meets many minimum expectations and satisfies all or most course requirements. : Far below average, but meets most minimum expectations and satisfies most course requirements with minimal understanding evidenced in course work. : Fails to meet minimum expectations in understanding and course work as evidenced by performance and submission of graded elements

Individual assignment and project grades will be posted on Webcourses. Students are responsible for making sure that Webcourses grades are correct. XI. Grading Objections All objections to grades should be made IN WRITING WITHIN ONE WEEK of the work in question. Objections made after this period has elapsed will NOT be considered NO EXCEPTIONS. Important Dates to Remember First Day of Classes: Late Registration Course Drop/Swap Deadline: Late Registration Course Add Deadline: Last Day for Late Registration: Dr. MLK, Jr. Nationally Observed Holiday (No Classes): Withdrawal Deadline: Spring Break: Last Day of Classes: Final Examination Period: Commencement:


Monday, January 7 Thursday, January 10 (11:59 PM EST) Friday, January 11 (11:59 PM EST) Friday, January 11 (11:59 PM EST) Monday, January 21 Monday, March 11 (11:59 PM EST) Monday, March 4 - Saturday, March 9 Monday, April 22 Monday, April 24 - Tuesday, April 30 Thursday, May 2 - Saturday, May 4

Created: January 7, 2013

ESI5531: Discrete Systems Simulation Spring 2013

Dr. Christopher D. Geiger

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems

College of Engineering and Computer Science University of Central Florida

ESI5531: Discrete Systems Simulation



Computer Skills/Usage Students are expected to have access to and be familiar with: o a Microsoft Windows word processing application (e.g., Microsoft Word) as all assignments will require its use; o a Microsoft Windows spreadsheet application (e.g., Microsoft Excel) as some assignments may require its use; and o Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.0 or higher to view some course documents. A copy of the required version of the simulation software that can be installed on a personal computer will be made available to the students in the class. Webcourses and Webcourses e-mail will be used to communicate with students and disseminate materials and assignments throughout the course. So, Face-to-Face, FEEDS and online students should check Webcourses and their Webcourses e-mail at least once per day. Course Assignments Keep up with the reading. Students who keep up with the reading tend to do much better in this kind of class than those who do not. All assignments are due on or BEFORE the scheduled due date and time. Absolutely NO late assignments will be accepted. All assignments must be submitted via Webcourses, unless specified otherwise. All assignments must be submitted in a high-quality and professional manner. They should be well-written and understandable. The steps/methods of solving the problems should be clearly stated to receive full credit. Students are encouraged to collaborate outside of class to discuss and debate course concepts. However, each student team is required to turn in its own solutions, and only one copy of the assignment solutions containing the names of all team members is required. If an emergency arises and a student cannot submit the assignment or project deliverable on or before the due date, the student MUST give notification to the instructor NO LESS THAN 24 HOURS BEFORE the due date and NO MORE THAN 48 HOURS AFTER the due date. Be mindful that assignments can be submitted BEFORE the due date. Please make sure that you communicate with the instructor regularly regarding your work schedule, work-related trips, etc. Course Participation Expectation This course is considered a V/LV course per UCF definition, where face-to-face class meetings are recorded for subsequent digital video streaming over the web and the video is supplemented by additional web activity including periodic assignments and a project. As such, this course can be successfully completed fully-online, if desired. This course involves significant hands-on application with the discrete-event simulation package. Therefore, regular class attendance of Face-to-Face students and regular viewing of the recorded lectures by online students is strongly advised and may become necessary for students to fully grasp many of the course concepts.



Created: January 7, 2013

ESI5531: Discrete Systems Simulation Spring 2013

Dr. Christopher D. Geiger

At best, unavoidable circumstances sometimes occur that throw timing off (e.g., weather emergencies including hurricanes and tornadoes). In the event of an emergency that causes internet service and power outages and evacuations, do not panic about your online assignments. As soon as the internet is restored, contact your instructor. He will work with affected students on a case-by-case basis to determine the best course of action. Remember, your instructor could be experiencing the same or similar problems. Other circumstances, which may be considered unavoidable, include medical or legal emergencies. Pertinent documentation, deemed acceptable by the instructor, will be required for any excused absence. Students enrolled in the Face-to-Face section must be on-time to class. Also, Face-to-Face students in attendance are expected to be active participants in the course. This participation includes: contributing to class discussions, providing insight into the class discussion topics, raising questions, and relating class material to personal work experiences and other course topics. XVI. Professionalism and Ethics Per university policy and plain classroom etiquette, mobile phones must be silenced during all classroom lectures. Those not heeding this rule will be asked to leave the classroom immediately so as to not disrupt the learning environment. Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated!!! If you are uncertain as to what constitutes academic dishonesty, please consult The Golden Rule, the University of Central Floridas Student Handbook ( for further details. As in all University courses, The Golden Rule Rules of Conduct will be applied. Violations of these rules will result in a record of the infraction being placed in your file and the student receiving a zero on the work in question AT A MINIMUM. At the instructors discretion, you may also receive a failing grade for the course. Confirmation of such incidents can also result in expulsion from the University. XVII. Students with Special Testing/Learning Needs Students with special needs and require special accommodations must be registered with UCF Student Disability Services prior to receiving those accommodations. Students must have documented disabilities requiring the special accommodations and must meet with the instructor privately to discuss the special needs as early as possible in the first week of classes. UCF Student Disability Services can be contacted at, or at (407)823-2371.

Note: The instructor reserves the right to modify the information contained in this document at his discretion.

Created: January 7, 2013

ESI5531: Discrete Systems Simulation Spring 2013

Dr. Christopher D. Geiger

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems

College of Engineering and Computer Science University of Central Florida

ESI5531: Discrete Systems Simulation

COURSE SCHEDULE (Includes course topics, relevant reading and project tasks) Week Day 1 Wed Date Jan 9 Topic(s) Instructor and Course Introduction Introduction to Simulation Modeling Course Overview Relevant Reading Lecture Notes; Law (L): Ch 1 Project Task Course Project ASSIGNED Course Project Proposal ASSIGNED Course Project Team Member Request ASSIGNED Course Project Team Member Request DUE (by 11:59 PM)

Wed Jan 16

Fundamental Simulation Concepts Discrete Event and Network Modeling Concepts How to Conduct a Simulation Study Manual Simulation Introduction to the required commercial simulation software package Modeling Basic Operations using the required commercial simulation software Wed Jan 23 Brief Review of Probability and Statistics (lecture notes will be made available, but they will not be covered in class) Input Data Modeling o Selecting Input Probability Distributions Wed Jan 30 o Estimating Parameters o Goodness-of-Fit tests Wed Feb 6 Input Data Modeling (contd) Simulation Output Analysis Simulation Output Interpretation Terminating versus Steady-State Simulations

Lecture Notes; L: Ch 1 & 2

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes; L: Ch. 4 Lecture Notes; L: Ch. 6 Course Project Proposal DUE (by 11:59 PM) HW 1 ASSIGNED HW 1 DUE (by 11:59 PM) HW 2 ASSIGNED Lecture Notes; L: Ch. 9 & 10 HW 2 DUE (by 11:59 PM) HW 3 ASSIGNED

5 6

Wed Feb 13

Created: January 7, 2013

ESI5531: Discrete Systems Simulation Spring 2013 Week Day Date Topic(s) 7 Wed Feb 20 Simulation Output Analysis (contd) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Wed Feb 27 Verification and Validation of Simulation Models Wed Mar 6 Spring Break (No Class) Lecture Notes; L: Ch. 10 HW 4 ASSIGNED Relevant Reading Lecture Notes; L: Ch. 5

Dr. Christopher D. Geiger

Project Task HW 3 DUE (by 11:59 PM)

Wed Mar 13 Comparison of Multiple System Designs Wed Mar 20 Comparison of Multiple System Designs (contd) Wed Mar 27 Variance Reduction Techniques Wed Apr 3 Random Numbers and Random Variates

Lecture Notes; L: Ch. 11 Lecture Notes; L: Ch. 7 & 8

HW 4 DUE (by 11:59 PM) HW 5 ASSIGNED HW 5 DUE (by 11:59 PM) HW 6 ASSIGNED

HW 6 DUE (by 11:59 PM)

Wed Apr 10 Random Numbers and Random Variates (contd) Wed Apr 17 Simulation Optimization Wed Apr 24 Final Examination Period (10am 12:50pm) Lecture Notes Course Project Reports DUE (by 11:59 PM)

Note: The instructor reserves the right to modify the course content, sequence of topics, course assignments during the progress of the course.

Created: January 7, 2013

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