Transcript of Fan Chat With Author Nina Lane

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Fan Chat with Author Nina Lane

Thursday, April 18, 2013

9:00 – 11:10 PM

Nina Lane: Hi everyone! I brought brownies.

Marisol: Hi Nina

Maria D: hi Nina!

Denise: Hi Nina

Maria D: brownies...YUMM!

LoverMichelle: Woohoo! did you bring Dean with you too?

Nina Lane: Lol

LoverMichelle: It's 9:00 PM EST, and we are live!

Marisol: oooo, Dean & Brownies - now THAT's DELISH

Nina Lane: That would have been a better offering, Michelle

LoverMichelle: Nina, just so you know, people will trickle in throughout the
chat, and you may get asked the same question more than once.

DanielleF: michelle looooves Dean!

Nina Lane: No problem. I am an open book, and I'm chatty, so we're all good

LoverMichelle: Yes, Marisol, Dean and brownies. Dean feeding us brownies.

Nina Lane: So do I, Danielle!!

LoverMichelle: Okay, ladies, have at it!

LoverMichelle: Yes, I won't lie. Dean is my fav professor.

Nina Lane: Hi Patti

Patti S: Hello everyone!! Nina I am so excited - Aroused - I cant stop thinking

about it :-0

Patti S: Hi Nina!!!

Nina Lane: Aw, thank you!! <3

Maria D: I have to say I loved Arouse and can't wait for Allure

Nina Lane: I am so anxious to get Allure out there

LoverMichelle: Nina, I have to say that the

LoverMichelle: that "solo" shower scene with Dean was one of my favs.

LoverMichelle: I'm not going to lie!

DanielleF: I was a little scared to read about a married couple, but this was

LoverMichelle: I've highlighted it and re-read it numerous times.

Patti S: Yes, besides the fact that the story was AMAZING, it was so
refreshing to have a story about grownups. And grownups that live in the "real
world" and make normal money! lol

Marisol: that shower scene was awesome

Nina Lane: Hah! I rather liked that scene myself, Michelle

Patti S: Michelle me too!

Maria D: mine too Michelle

Marisol: I agree with Patti - married couple w/ real life problems was a
refreshing read - one I couldn't put down

Maria D: they were so real to me

LoverKaren: Hello

Nina Lane: Thank you so much! I really wanted to write about a married
couple, partly because I thought it would be different in the romance genre

Nina Lane: Hi Karen

LoverKaren: Hi Nina

Yesi: Hi everyone! Sorry I'm late.

Maria D: hi Yesi =)

Nina Lane: Hi Yesi

LoverKaren: BTW Absolutely owe Yesi for introducing us to Arouse

Patti S: Yay Yesi!!

Yesi: Hi!!!!

Nina Lane: Yesi, thank you!! And nice to finally meet you

Marisol: yes Yes - THANK YOU!

Stephanie: Hi All!!

Nina Lane: That review was awesome. I'm so grateful.

Nina Lane: Hi Stephanie!

Maria D: yes Thank You, Yesi!!!

LoverKaren: I have a question is Dean real and if so where is he????????????

Stephanie: I am only 55% into this book.... I won't get any spoilers?

LoverMichelle: Yesi, paging Yesi!

Yesi: Likewise Nina!

Nina Lane: I WISH Dean was real

Patti S: So Nina was this purely something from your imagination or based on
anything real?

Nina Lane: He's real to me

LoverMichelle: Stephanie, we may have to kick you out because we have

some things to ask.

LoverMichelle: If anyone is talking spoilers, please write "spoiler" before


Marisol: Nina, did you have a muse when writing about Dean?

Nina Lane: No, it was honestly entirely based on my fertile imagination

LoverKaren: Okay SPOILER

LoverMichelle: What was the inspiration behind the shower scene?

Yesi: You are welcome! Arouse has been my greatest find ever! Seriously, I
LOVE this book!!!
LoverKaren: Sorry couldn't resist

Nina Lane: Dean was harder to write than Liv -- Liv was a breeze

LoverMichelle: NVM, don't answer that!

Maria D: What an awesome imagination

Patti S: no no no answer

Maria D: answer please

Nina Lane: Big hug for Yesi

Maria D:

Nina Lane: Shower scene -- totally my imagination and...oh, yeah, my


Stephanie: I have to say, OMG, I love this book so far. Ok , If you need to,
I'm ok with it. I just need to say, I love this book! I am feeling what these
characters say before they say it!!

Yesi: Thank you Nina! And thanks everyone for all the love.

LoverKaren: Which shower scene, Dean or Dean and Liv

Nina Lane: Both -- LOL

LoverMichelle: Dean SOLO!!!!!!!

LoverMichelle: Okay, both were great, but I'm talking the solo scene!

Marisol: Dean solo was so erotic!

LoverKaren: Yes Michelle we all know you love Solo DEAN

yesi: Okay, this will be easier on my computer vs. ipad...

Nina Lane: LOL

LoverMichelle: My gosh, I'm blushing now.

yesi: Solo shower scene was AWESOME!!!! Holy smokes!!!

Patti S: hahaha Michelle is getting dirty - wow!!

Nina Lane: I DID totally picture all that as I was writing

LoverKaren: You should blush how many times have you read that scene

Patti S: how can you not? I am picturing it now?!?! lol

Nina Lane: But it wasn't based on any personal experience. I am very sorry to
have to admit that.

yesi: Haha Patti!

LoverKaren: Okay Nina needs to blush too!

Maria D: I pictured it while reading!! Lol

Nina Lane: I have a rather vivid picture of everything about Professor West.

LoverMichelle: I was talking about the scene with Author Priscilla Glenn
tonight. I told her she "HAD" to read the book!

LoverKaren: Everything about Professor West, Love your imagination. Best

author imagination ever.

yesi: I think Michelle has told EVERYONE about that scene! LOL

Stephanie: I am going to leave since I haven't finished! That way you don't
have to worry about spoilers. I just wanted Nina to know that I haven't felt
what the characters are feeling before they say it. I love it!! Can't wait to

Marisol: Nina, did you have a muse when writing Dean?

Nina Lane: Thank you so much, Stephanie! Email me with questions if you
have them when you're done!

Patti S: Not really a question but I have to mention that I love that he calls her
beauty. I swooned every time

Patti S: Go ready and enjoy Stephanie!!

yesi: I love that too Patti!

Nina Lane: Marisol, nope -- my only muse was my imagination

Maria D: Me too Patti!! {{sigh}}

Patti S: read not ready *

DanielleF: Yeah I really liked his nickname for her

Nina Lane: Patti, thank you -- it took me a while to come up with "beauty"

LoverKaren: What inspired you to write a story that goes back and forth
between present and when the characters first fall in love

yesi: Nina, did you have any concerns that people would not want to read
about a married couple?

LoverMichelle: Beauty, Beauty, Beauty. O.M.G. how did you come up with
that name?

Marisol: I love that he calls her Beauty too ~ so romantic & erotic

Nina Lane: First it was "Livvy" which SO DID NOT WORK

Patti S: really?? it seemed so natural for him to do s

LoverMichelle: Bye Stephanie!

DanielleF: Ok, so safe to say we hate Tyler?

yesi: YES!!! Hate Tyler! Ugh!

Nina Lane: And I didn't think they were the "sweetie" or "honey" types either

Patti S: No, I didn't hate him

Nina Lane: OMG

yesi: Going after a married woman? Not cool!

Marisol: I didn't hate Tyler BUT he shouldn't have crossed that line

Maria D: I didn't hate Tyler

HBetular: I agree Yesi!!

HBetular: no bueno!!

Patti S: Thank you Maria!

Nina Lane: Whew. That

LoverMichelle: I didn't hate Tyler either.

Nina Lane: is what I was going for

yesi: Okay, maybe not hate, but I really, really, did not like him. Is that better?
Denise: Liv crossed it too

Maria D: Lol

LoverMichelle: But she was just as guilty!

yesi: Yes, she did!

Nina Lane: I thought he gave Liv something that Dean didn't, which is why
she was attracted to him

Patti S: No I feel like he was trying to help. that she seemed to give the 'green
light' to make a move.

Maria D: I didn't like that they crossed that line

Marisol: I think Tyler played an important role in Liv finding herself - she
was questioning her place in life

yesi: I like the fact that she owned up to it right away.

DanielleF: By hate I meant what yesi said, in that he went for a married

LoverKaren: I want Tyler to find a love of his own

yesi: I agree Maria.

Denise was kicked out

Maria D: me too Karen

Patti S: me too Karen, I would love his story!

yesi: Speaking of crossing the line...

HBetular: Michelle, I agree, but he should have backed off when he found
out she was married, but at the same time, she shouldn't have put herself in
those situations

LoverMichelle: Exactly. It takes two.

Patti S: exactly hoang!

DanielleF: Yeah she was asking for it

Nina Lane: I think she recognized that Tyler filled a need that she didn't know
she even had

yesi: Nina, the only thing that bothered me in the book was the kiss between
Kelsey and Dean in the locker room. Can you tell us a little more about that
please? Why was Dean so into it?

Nina Lane: Plus Dean was so distant at the time

HBetular: AHHH Yesi, the KISS!!!

yesi: Why did Kelsey say what she said after? That made me really

Nina Lane: Yesi -- I have been SO surprised by people's reaction to that!

DanielleF: yes, that bothered me, the kiss!!!

HBetular: I really wanted to hate him during that

Maria D: Yes that kiss was not ok for me even though she proved her point to

Marisol: didn't like that kiss either & not sure if I'd be cool w/ my friend BUT
she did prove her point

LoverKaren: Plus DEAN lied!!!!

LoverMichelle: Okay, crazy, but I understood that part because she was
trying to prove a point.

Nina Lane: She was trying to prove a point, and Dean was a total mess when
she did it

yesi: The kiss that caused outrage in our!

Patti S: Lied about what Karen? (Sorry I can't remember)

LoverKaren: Omitting a first wife a big NO NO,

LoverMichelle: Yes, exactly!

Nina Lane: So his reaction was anger, frustration, hurt, guilt, etc...

Patti S: Ohhhhhhhhh duh!!!!

Nina Lane: Maybe some trying to get back at Liv

DanielleF: Agreed!

LoverKaren: Lie of omission, is still a lie.

yesi: Yes, she was trying to prove a point but OMG he was soooo into it and
he was thinking he would do more if she offered it up...

Marisol: yes LoverKaren

Maria D: But he was into it too and she said she knew he'd be good! Not ok
for me! Lol

LoverMichelle: Okay, but think back to when Kellan Kyle kissed Siena. Once
he closed his eyes, he imagined Kiera and got into. #TrueStory

yesi: So not okay for me either!

Nina Lane: I think Dean was just a disaster at that point

Patti S: HAHAHAHAH Michelle - so funny! KK to save the day and make a

point! lol

Patti S: HAHAHAHAH Michelle - so funny! KK to save the day and make a

point! lol

LoverKaren: Hmm BTW honey I had a first wife, who here would castrate
DEAN! I love him but would have had his balls in a vise.

LoverMichelle: Of course.

Maria D: ButbKellan had to do that

yesi: The Kellan thing is different because he was "acting" and he was
practically forced.

Maria D: me Karen!!

Nina Lane: Totally messed up, not knowing what to do or what to think, not
knowing if his marriage was a wreck

yesi: Dean was NOT forced! He enjoyed it and Kelsey with her comment
about knowing it was good was NOT cool!

Patti S: I think he was just trying to find some pleasure or happiness. No

matter how brief or wrong it was

Maria D: def not cool!

LoverMichelle: We can agree to disagree, remember.

Marisol: I agree Nina, when men are messed up in their head they do stupid

LoverKaren: I think Dean is a people pleaser, better to not talk about stuff
than cause waves,

Nina Lane: total stupid male thing

yesi: Not with his friend though!

Patti S: And so do chicks, she did mix it up with Tyler!

LoverMichelle: Now, him not telling about the first marriage, TOTALLY

HBetular: yeah, I was so not cool with Dean's "secret" how do you go 5 years
w/o telling your girlfriend, fiancé, then wife "hey, btw, I was married once"

Maria D: secret wife is pretty bad

Marisol: agreed Patti - that's why she kissed Tyler - her head was all outta

Maria D: ex wife

Nina Lane: No, that was not cool and wasn't supposed to be -- totally his fault

yesi: Last question about the kiss... sorry... Nina, did Kelsey fully explain the
extent of that kiss to Olivia? I would not have laughed it off. Just wondering.

Marisol: they belong together & fell into a funk - throws you off

Nina Lane: But I do think his intentions were real FOR HIM, even if they
were messed up

yesi: Secret wife, not cool!!!!

Maria D: agree Marisol


Nina Lane: Yes, she did -- and she and Dean discuss it a little in Allure

Marisol: I cannot wait for Allure - my most anticipated read!!

LoverKaren: Kelsey kissing Dean I would have laughed off as Kelsey is


LoverMichelle: Exactly, Karen, that's how I felt too. It was her personality.

yesi: Okay, I wondered if it would be brought up. Thanks Nina!

Maria D: I think he thought his reasons were valid but when he tells her the
truth, he kinda sees he messed up

yesi: totally agree Marisol...cannot wait!!!

Nina Lane: The kiss is NOT an issue in Allure -- it's over, and they know
each other well enough to know it didn't mean anything

Marisol: sometimes a kiss really is just a kiss

yesi: Great! Good to know.

Nina Lane: Kelsey and Dean have also known each other for years and have
never gone down that road

yesi: Yeah, not this one Marisol...just sayin'

LoverKaren: Sometimes a kiss is just a kiss. But then again only kissed one
dude in 21 years so I may not be best judge.

Patti S: So Allure - still about the Wests or do we meet others? I am just

worried about the drama that is to come!

Maria D: gotta say loved the sneak peek at the end of Arouse with the closet
and then the old lady

LoverMichelle: Yesi, go have a drink of your wine!

yesi: Haha! Me too!

Nina Lane: Thanks, Maria! I haven't figured out if she's going to reappear or
not yet

LoverMichelle: OMG, the closet!

yesi: I know! I need to calm

Patti S: yesi & her professors - she doesn't mess around

Nina Lane: LOL

Marisol: the old lady in the sneak peak ROCKS

LoverMichelle: Yesi doesn't own this professor!

Nina Lane: Yesi, I promise -- the kiss was just a kiss, really

Patti S: the old lady - SHE WAS THE BEST! lol

DanielleF: Yeah that closet scene was hot! Nice preview

Nina Lane: I swear

yesi: I do love intelligent men...that's why I am married to an engineer!

LoverMichelle: O.M.G. I need a re-read already.

Nina Lane: Kelsey made her point and she's done

Patti S: awwwwwwww

Maria D: ok gotta ask, they used condoms, why did he pull out? Was he that
scarred by his ex-wife?

yesi: Good!

Nina Lane: Totally, Yesi -- I'm all over the intelligent men

Patti S: Maria - lol


Marisol: great Q Maria

Nina Lane: Which scene, Maria?

yesi: I noticed the condom thing right away too

LoverKaren: @Nina as a very intelligent woman and a professor dish on real

academic life.

yesi: most of the beginning, he had a condom on but still pulled out if I
remember correctly

Marisol: I admit - I wasn't digging the condom usage btw H&W but I
understand why they were using them

Maria D: I think it was early in the book before Tyler's kiss but it was more
than once if I remember correctly

Nina Lane: Huh. Didn't even notice that. I guess they thought it was hotter
that way.

Nina Lane: Or I did.

yesi: I just thought it was weird for him to be pulling out and/or using
condoms when they were married
Patti S: Uh oh!! Someone is teasing us! lol

Maria D: oh ok here I'm thinking he was so traumatized by his wife tricking

him! LOL

yesi: Me too Maria!

Nina Lane: Oh, that was part of it Maria

DanielleF: Me too

Nina Lane: Liv couldn't tolerate hormonal birth control, so they just used

Nina Lane: Then when she found out about Helen, she accused Dean of not
trusting her

yesi: Speaking of his ex-wife...a few of wondered why they kept trying to get
pregnant after the miscarriage if he didn't want a baby, if she tricked the first
time, and their marriage wasn't strong?

Marisol: her accusation was kinda on point

Nina Lane: And it being part of his control thing

yesi: of us

LoverKaren: But condoms aren't 100% effective

LoverMichelle: No, and he even mentions it too in the book...about one


Nina Lane: They were really young, and the family pressure was a big part of
it. Dean was desperate to make it work, to do what everyone wanted him to do

LoverKaren: Dean just seems the type not to want the boat to rock,
something in his past?

LoverMichelle: When she didn't get her period, they talked about going to the
drug store.

Nina Lane: I don't remember the breaking condom...?

HBetular: lol, yeah i thought the whole condom thing was a lil weird. if they
really didn't want kids in the beginning, i was wondering why he just didn't get

LoverMichelle: No, it didn't break.

yesi: Thank you Nina. That makes sense.

Nina Lane: Lol

LoverMichelle: She said something about the condom not breaking or

anything. (I'm talking about Olivia and Dean).

Nina Lane: Oh -- when she missed her period?

LoverMichelle: yes

Nina Lane: Then Dean says, "Well it doesn't have to break" -- I think this has
something to do with the pulling out Yesi mentioned

DanielleF: Nina, what was your fav scene?

Nina Lane: Maybe I was foreshadowing the whole incident...and I didn't even
know it.

Nina Lane: I totally love that last scene when Liv has the panic attack at the
bookstore and calls Dean, and he runs to her without hesitating

yesi: Good question Danielle! I am curious many good ones!

Nina Lane: Then they go back to the apartment and she just breaks down in
his arms

LoverKaren: Remember this is an open forum, so don't be afraid to ask


yesi: Awww...loved that!

Nina Lane: And he is THERE

Patti S: Nina that one killed me!!!

Maria D: I LOVED that scene too!

DanielleF: I liked that scene too!

Marisol: the bookstore panic scene proved to me that despite their issues - the
bottom line is they love each deeply & will get past it

yesi: The monster slaying...that line had me swooning and tearing up all at
once! <3
Nina Lane: I admit I got a little emotional when I was writing that

Marisol: eachother*
Maria D: one of my favorite lines


Nina Lane: Exactly, Marisol - totally what I wanted to do

yesi: LOVED it!

Marisol: and you did it beautifully Nina!!

LoverMichelle: Nina, how long did it take you to write Arouse?

yesi: ^^^ yes!

Nina Lane: Oh, I love that too. I loved the way he evolved into Liv's modern

Patti S: The monster slaying is what did me in! Hook, line and sinker!

Nina Lane: I started in July 2011

yesi: I agree Marisol. There love is so strong.

yesi: LOL Patti! Me too!

Nina Lane: Aw, you're all making me emotional now. THANK YOU. I love
that Liv and Dean's story means a lot to you

yesi: their

Patti S: Their relationship, the good and bad, is why I loved this book -
sometimes, despite how great your marriage is, shit happens. It’s like from
Crazy, Stupid, Love "I love her even when I hate her. Only married people
will understand that" No matter what you always love that person

Maria D: me too Patti! Just love them <3

Marisol: Nina, I LOVED Dean & Liv so much, I had a book hangover for
nearly a week - couldn't read anything else

Nina Lane: When I finished Arouse, I told my husband, "I think this is the
best thing I've written."

LoverMichelle: I know there are at least two people in this chat who were
hesitant to read the book because it was about a married couple. Nina, would
you like to ask them any questions?

LoverMichelle: But they have since read it and loved it!

Patti S: Good for you Nina - it's amazing!

yesi: It is a beautiful love story Nina. Maria and I did a buddy read and were
in constant contact throughout. As soon as I finished I gushed to Michelle
about it and in turn she encouraged me to write a review.

LoverMichelle: I don't mean to put anyone on the spot.

Maria D: it is awesome!!

DanielleF: Lol, I'm the guilty one!

yesi: It is real life and it is relatable...that is just rare these days in this type of
genre I think.

Maria D: we could not put it down! =)

Nina Lane: Oh, the married aspect -- I know there are a lot of books about
married couples, but I didn't know of any that could also be considered

Nina Lane: Thank you so much!

LoverKaren: I think people think romance dies after you are married. Bad
stigma which your book really blast out of the water

Nina Lane: There's always the "happily ever after" at the end of romances, so
I thought it would be interested to see what happens AFTER the HEA

DanielleF: I was afraid I wouldn't get that hot and bothered feeling with a
married couple, but I loved the scenes of them meeting and getting together.

yesi: Karen, I agree! Good point!

Nina Lane: Danielle, those were SUCH fun scenes to write!

LoverKaren: DanielleF I betcha got really hot and bothered

Nina Lane: I loved how Liv was just all fluttery around him.

HBetular: Guilty! I was afraid that the major plot lines would revolve around
cheating/affairs. I'm glad it didn't go there.

DanielleF: Will there be more? I'm dying to read about their :first" time!

Maria D: I love that they were still so hot for each other

yesi: Danielle got hot and bothered QUICK!

Nina Lane: Thanks, Karen

LoverMichelle: Yes, Danielle, I agree. I want to read that as well.

DanielleF: Lol, yes I did lover karen

yesi: Didn't take much convincing after the mention of the shower scene. LOL

LoverMichelle: Did someone mention shower scene?

Nina Lane: Danielle, yes -- more in Allure

Nina Lane: First time too

Patti S: hahahahahahaha

LoverKaren: That shower scene needs to be made into a poster.

Nina Lane: And a few other times


DanielleF: Oh geez! I love shower scenes!

yesi: haha Michelle

Nina Lane: LOL

LoverMichelle: Holy heck, it's hot in here.

HBetular: LOL, yeah!! Shower scene... HOT HOT HOT!

Maria D: lol

DanielleF: Woo hoo, awesome Nina!

yesi: Will Allure be as HOT as Arouse? Hotter maybe???

LoverMichelle: See, it always circles back to the shower scene.

Marisol: I can' t wait to read about their first time **swoon**

Nina Lane: Yesi -- yes, it's hot!

LoverKaren: Make marriage sexy with Arouse!

HBetular: Marisol, I agree!!

yesi: YAY!!!!! You just made my night!

Nina Lane: hot married sex

Maria D: love it!!

Patti S: Sneak peeks???

HBetular: I loved loved LOVED, the flashbacks!

LoverKaren: Nina On a heat scale, is Allure Hotter than Arouse?

LoverMichelle: haha

yesi: Me too Hoang! Will we see that again in Allure Nina?

Nina Lane: Hmm, I don't know how to measure the scale...

Nina Lane: Yes, definitely more flashbacks. I love the back and forth between
past and present

Nina Lane: And it's really important for their relationship, to show what
they've been through together

HBetular: YAY, more flashbacks. I really hope their first time is in there...

yesi: I love that too.

LoverKaren: Will we get a hint of Dean’s upbringing?

Maria D: love the flashbacks

Patti S: Her mother doesn't make an appearance, does she?

Nina Lane: "The instant he closes the door behind us, I turn to meet his
imminent kiss. This time, there’s no need for haste or furtiveness. We shed
our coats slowly with our mouths still locked together, then he backs me up
toward the bedroom."

yesi: I would love to know more about Dean's past too.

Nina Lane: Oh, Karen and Patti....

Nina Lane: And Yesi...

LoverKaren: HOLY Hotness

yesi: Oh LORD...

yesi: HOT!!!!!

Maria D: that was HOT

Nina Lane: Dean's past is an issue, yes.

Patti S:

yesi: Thank you!!!!!

LoverMichelle: Do you have someone that you converse with about this
series, drum up fresh ideas?

LoverMichelle: Holy, hell, where did that come from?



HBetular: <3 wow!!


Nina Lane: Michelle, usually with my other books I rely on my writers group

LoverKaren: How many people in your writers group

Denise: How do you go from writing a book like Arouse to writing a book
like The Erotic Dark?

Nina Lane: But the Spiral of Bliss series I've relied mostly on editors

Marisol: how many books will the series have?

Nina Lane: 3 of us in my crit group, a lot more in my local RWA group

DanielleF: Grrrr, I have to go ladies, my husband wants me to go work out

with him! He doesn't understand my little book obsession, haha good night!
Nice chatting with you Nina, can't wait for Allure!!!

Maria D: is it just two books?

Patti S: Bye Danielle!!

Nina Lane: Thanks, Danielle! Have a great workout!

yesi: Bye Danielle!

Nina Lane: Maria, I have 3 planned for Liv and Dean

Maria D: bye Danielle


HBetular: Bye Danielle!

Maria D: YAY!!!

Patti S: 3?????????????? Yaya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yesi: More Liv and Dean...YAY!!!!

Nina Lane: But I called it a "series" rather than a "trilogy"

Nina Lane: in case I end up writing more books about other characters

Patti S: leave the door open for more - works for me

Nina Lane: like Kelsey!

yesi: That probably means more angst and obstacles I correct

LoverKaren: Yes just in case you want to write more for your fans

Maria D: works for me too!!

Patti S: yesi that worries me

Nina Lane: You are entirely correct, Yesi.

LoverKaren: Love Kelsey

yesi: Of I am going to be stressing out...

Maria D: but they will get through it because their love is strong

Nina Lane: I love her too, Karen! I think she needs a happy ending.

Marisol: 3 books about them & we get to read about their first time - I'm in

Maria D: Kelsey’s story would be great

Nina Lane: Another reader told me she wants Tyler to have a happy ending


LoverKaren: She needs a whole series

Nina Lane: I don't know about that one...

Patti S: Me too Nina - I really liked Tyler!

Nina Lane: Kelsey, yes!

Nina Lane: Patti, you're one of the few!

yesi: Nope, don't really care about

Patti S: I know I know lol

yesi: Again, pass at a married woman... not cool... just sayin'


LoverMichelle: I like any man who can cook!

Marisol: i liked Tyler too

Maria D: I think Tyler should find someone too

Patti S: Yea yea yea we know Yesi

yesi: haha

Nina Lane: LOL Michelle

LoverMichelle: Haha Patti S.

Nina Lane: Liv actually understands more about that whole incident in Allure

Patti S: Imagine all the sexy chef fun they could have with food! they would
need showers to clean up. just sayin

yesi: what incident?

Maria D: LOL Patti

Nina Lane: Her kiss with Tyler


yesi: Oh

yesi: okay

Nina Lane: She understands why it happened

yesi: Maybe Tyler and Kelsey can hook up...the end

LoverMichelle: Why she kissed him or why he kissed her?

Nina Lane: Why she was drawn to him

yesi: Yes, please clarify.

LoverMichelle: got it.

Nina Lane: And what Tyler gave her than Dean hadn't

yesi: oh ok

Nina Lane: that Dean hadn't

yesi: Which was? Attention?

LoverMichelle: He taught her to cook!

Nina Lane: LOL. I'd kiss a guy who could teach me that, Michelle

LoverMichelle: And Dean didn't seem interested in the least that Olivia could
make a soufflé.

Patti S: that hurt Michelle. He just didn’t really seem interested

yesi: Good point Michelle

LoverMichelle: Yes, it was sad when she was talking about everything Dean
had but she didn't have something...something to define who she was.

Nina Lane: No, and that's part of it - she starts to realize that the "safety" of
their marriage hasn't allowed her to grow

Patti S: oh man................... I can't wait for Allure

LoverMichelle: I think that's also why she wants a child. Many women make
that mistake.
Nina Lane: Allure is partly about Liv trying to establish a sense of self

yesi: I know Patti!

Nina Lane: Which clashes in some ways with Dean's protective instincts

LoverMichelle: Just what I think...not that Olivia and I are personal friends or

LoverKaren: I was worried that Liv wasn't interested in what Dean did and
vice versa. You have to be interested in each other’s lives.

Nina Lane: That is exactly it

Patti S: You're killing us Nina!

Patti S: lol

yesi: will make for a very interesting continuation and I CAN'T

LoverMichelle: How much of an appearance will the former wife make in


Maria D: Can't wait for Allure

Nina Lane: Karen, that's true!

yesi: I already told Michelle that no one will be allowed to speak to me in this
house when Allure comes out! LOL

LoverMichelle: Which means one word answers from Yesi on PM.

Patti S: lol

Nina Lane: How do you know the former wife will make an appearance?

yesi: Ooooo, great question Michelle! Definitely curious about that.

Maria D: LOL! Yesi, I will be pm'ing you

LoverMichelle: Isn't she going to be at the conference with him?

yesi: Isn't she going to the conference?

Nina Lane: <cackle>

LoverMichelle: Jinx
yesi: Well you of course can Maria! I'll need the support...

Maria D:

yesi: you owe me a coke Michelle

LoverMichelle: Look, I just texted you the screen shot of the shower scene,
what more do you want?

Maria D: LOL!!!

Nina Lane: Hi Ali!

Patti S: what??? screen shot?? share with the group?? lol

Nina Lane: I didn't get a screen shot

Nina Lane: But I want one

yesi: Okay, debt forgiven

yesi: haha

HBetular: screen shot?!?

LoverMichelle: Yesi loaned out her book and missed the shower scene. I just
happen to have it highlighted on my phone.

LoverMichelle: I know, I'm obsessed.

Nina Lane: LOL

LoverMichelle: So, anyhow, back to the question about the former wife!!!!


Nina Lane: Oh, yes -- she does make an appearance

Nina Lane: Good call

LoverMichelle: Welcome, Ali, join in.

yesi: yes

Maria D: will she be trouble for Liv???

LoverMichelle: If your question doesn't get answered, ask again.

Nina Lane: One reader told me she hoped Liv would kick Helen's ass

yesi: Yes!!! I'd like to see that! LOL

Nina Lane: But I always thought Helen was sympathetic to a degree

LoverMichelle: I don't think Liv has it in her though.

yesi: Only if she causes trouble though...

Maria D: I'm good with that especially if she tries anything

Nina Lane: She had 3 miscarriages

yesi: Hey, if the ex messes with her man, why not?

Ali: In the next 2books will we get more about what Liv & Dean went thru
early on- in Arouse it is referenced and mentioned when counseling is brought

Nina Lane: Ali - yes! Book 2 deals with a lot of what happened in the past

Nina Lane: And the obstacles they've already overcome together

Nina Lane: Which set the groundwork for what they're dealing with now

yesi: Again...cannot wait!

Ali: Will we see Liv find her own path as well?

Nina Lane: She tries much harder to do that, yes!

Denise: How do you go from writing a book like Arouse to writing a book
like the Erotic Dark?

Nina Lane: "Except now, our lives have changed so much. I’ve changed. So
has he, even if he doesn’t quite know it yet. There’s still a long path ahead of
us, and I need to start on it by not being afraid."

HBetular: If I remember correctly, Dean's family doesn't like Liv, do we get

more into his family dynamic?

Nina Lane: Denise, I wrote Erotic Dark quite a while ago!

Nina Lane: Before Arouse

Nina Lane: And I'm still shocked that I wrote it

Patti S: Just added it to be TBR list - can't wait!

Nina Lane: Yes, definitely more about Dean's family

Nina Lane: It was originally published by a UK publisher who deals with

hardcore themes

yesi: I love that Nina!

Ali: Thx for the snippet!

yesi: Thanks!

Patti S:

yesi: Ali, there is another one further up.

Denise: How did you come up with that story?

LoverMichelle: Someone else wanted to know when the sequel to Erotic

Dark is going to come out?

Nina Lane: Arouse or Erotic Dark, Denise?

Denise: Erotic Dark

Nina Lane: Michelle, hoping for Fall 2013

Maria D: I read The Erotic Dark and thought it was really good. But was
wondering will we see a softer side to Preston

Nina Lane: Totally my imagination. The readers who have really liked ED
are the ones who recognize that it's a complete fantasy

readingisfun: In Arouse, Liv talks about how her and Dean have sex all the
time for not only the usual reasons, but also for deeply personal reasons. Will
we learn more about that? It really stuck with me for some reason

Nina Lane: And not meant to be a real depiction of the BDSM lifestyle

Denise: you have one hell of an imagination

Patti S: I have to go but Nina thank you again for your amazing work!
Eagerly awaiting more. Night all

yesi: Goodnight Patti!

Maria D: night Patti!

Nina Lane: Thanks, Patti! Have a great night!

Marisol: I have to go as well. Nina, thank you for Dean & Liv - looking
forward to more of them. Night all

HBetular: Bye Patti!!

Nina Lane: Readingisfun -- yes!

LoverMichelle: Maria, was it you who wanted to know about the next book
after The Erotic Dark or was it Christine?

Nina Lane: Bye, Marisol -- thanks!

Maria D: Good night Marisol

yesi: Bye Marisol! Night

LoverMichelle: Great question, Readingisfun

Maria D: yes I did

Nina Lane: Liv and Dean have a great sex life, but not just because they're a
hot couple

Maria D: thanks Michelle, almost forgot

LoverMichelle: Nina has agreed to keep chatting as long as y'all have


yesi: Hmmmm...interesting

LoverMichelle: thank you Nina for offering to stay longer.

Nina Lane: Their sex life is part of their whole marriage dynamic, and maybe
is part of the problem....

HBetular: Thanks Nina!!

readingisfun: gah Nina, you're killing me. I'm so excited to read the next one!

Ali: It seems they have a deep-seeded need to feel loved, connected on some
deep but also basic level. It is very interesting.

yesi: Me too! Soooooo excited for Allure!

Nina Lane: They are really a lot more alike than it intially seems
LoverMichelle: I think she's killing all of us Ali!

LoverMichelle: Nina, has your husband read Arouse?

Nina Lane: I had an editor early on tell me she couldn't understand how Liv
and Dean could ever have gotten together, just because they're so different

Nina Lane: Michelle, no!

Ali: It's all good getting a better insight into an amazing book, marriage and
the characters!

LoverKaren: Thank is why it is such a great character dynamic because they

are so different.

Nina Lane: He used to read my smutty stuff, but we've been together for so
long that it's no longer alluring

Maria D: But they saw something in each other that they needed I think

LoverMichelle: What? He hasn't read it. Hey, we've been together for a long
time, and is it bad that I want him to re-enact that "one" scene? O.M.G.

Nina Lane: exactly, Maria -- I think it's easier to see why Liv needs Dean, but
less why he needs her

Ali: I agree they saw something in one another they needed.

HBetular: Hmmm, Michelle, I wonder what scene you're talking about.

Nina Lane: LOL, Michelle. That's not asking too much

LoverMichelle: Did I mention that I read it while my husband was gone for
an entire week?

LoverMichelle: Yeesh.

LoverMichelle: it = Arouse

Maria D: LOL!!

Yesi: Lol

LoverMichelle: Will you include any of the counseling sessions in Allure?

Did they attend counseling together or separate?

Yesi: Will we see more of Dean showing he does in fact need Liv just as
Nina Lane: Yes, there is more about that!

Nina Lane: Liv goes alone at first, but they do go together in time

LoverMichelle: And you are referring to "the past?"

Nina Lane: Yesi, you will see why Dean needs Liv and why they are really a
lot alike

Yesi: Will they atten counseling again? Especially after the revelation of his

Nina Lane: No, the counseling is in the present

LoverMichelle: Oh, okay.

Yesi: Great!

Yesi: I just want ALL the Dean I can get!

Ali: And the pregnancy must factor into the counseling?

Maria D: Will he freak at first about the baby?

Nina Lane: Yes, the pregnancy is a factor -- and no, he doesn't freak!

Nina Lane: He's Mr. Fix-It.

Nina Lane: Mr. I Will Take Care of Everything

Maria D: love him <3 <3

Yesi: We trust you!

readingisfun: will book 2 end in a cliffhanger since it's part of a trilogy?

Ali: Because of his upbringing- I think that freaks him out

LoverMichelle: And we don't even know IF she stays pregnant, right?

Nina Lane: cliffhanger -- sigh.

Yesi: Hmmm....

Yesi: I wondered that too Michelle

Maria D: hmmm....was afraid to ask

Yesi: Nooooo.... Cliffhanger

Nina Lane: The second book in a trilogy is a tough one for a writer because
there has to be forward momentum for Book 3

LoverMichelle: Ugh!

Yesi: I hope at least they are together and ready to face the obstacles

Maria D: will we have a long wait btwn 2 and 3?

Peeps: If she stays pregnant!! Oooh...

Nina Lane: So not everything gets resolved. But does that ever happen in a
second book in a trilogy??

HBetular: nooo, not a cliffhanger!

Yesi: Like Arouse...if they aren't together I'll be heartbroken.

Nina Lane: I can firmly state that I am a VERY strong believer in happy

Nina Lane: Especially for Liv and Dean

Peeps: I love them together. They are one of my fav book couples! Meant to

Maria D: thank God!!

Yesi: Ok...feel a little better.

Nina Lane: Thanks, Peeps! Great name

LoverMichelle: Yea, that's all I need to hear, although I'm sure I'll finish off a
bag of Hershey Kisses with almonds during the angst.

Yesi: Haha!

Nina Lane: They do have to work for it, but it's good because they both grow
a lot

LoverMichelle: so, what time frame are we looking out from Allure to book

Nina Lane: And change a lot

LoverMichelle: You have it written, right?

Nina Lane: Which is not easy for Professor West to do

LoverKaren: Shipping Michelle bunch of Hershey kisses with almonds for


Nina Lane: Book 3 is in the summer

Peeps: Thanks@nina! I'm just annoyingly sweet as the marshmallow peeps!

Maria D: when I hear Just Give Me A Reason by Pink, I think of them and
their struggle <3

Nina Lane: Rewriting as soon as Allure is out of my hands

LoverMichelle: Oh, thank God.

Nina Lane: LOL Peeps

Yesi: Love that Maria!

Maria D: YAY!! Summer isn't too far!!

Nina Lane: Oh, Maria, that's awesome!

LoverMichelle: We'll go to 10:30 so keep asking your questions!

Maria D:

LoverMichelle: Is that time okay with you, Nina?

Yesi: Summer is good...I'll survive.

Nina Lane: I've been through several drafts of book 3 already

Nina Lane: Totally fine, Michelle

LoverMichelle: You'll survive, Yesi, you'll be re-reading.

LoverMichelle: OMG, Maria, you are so right with that song!

Yesi: Of course I will! And I'll have Allure to reread too!!

LoverMichelle: No wonder I love it as I'm not really a fan of Pink. Sigh.

Maria D: it's perfect for them!

Ali left the chat 108 minutes ago

Nina Lane: I also love that Phillip Phillips song Home for them

Maria D: yessss!! Great song!

Peeps: Yes to Philip Phillips

Nina Lane: Because that's what Dean has always tried to give to Liv

Yesi: Me too Nina!

Maria D: and they boy

Yesi: Ho Hey by The Lumineers

Maria D: and they both have demons

Peeps: Trent dabbs, inside these lines. Good song too for them

Nina Lane: OMG, Yesi -- I just thought that same thing yesterday!

Maria D: love Ho Hey too

Nina Lane: Heard it on the radio and thought, "Liv and Dean."



Peeps: Ooh, I like ho hey too

Yesi: Me too! Love that song!

Peeps: Will there be any more Tyler

Yesi: I love when music is incorporated in books.

Nina Lane: I think I'm done with Tyler, Peeps

Maria D: me too Yesi

LoverMichelle: Have you changed your thoughts anymore on casting for

Dean and Olivia?

Nina Lane: Though I mentioned earlier that some readers have wanted his
story, so you never know
Peeps: Yay. Too many complications

Nina Lane: Not yet, Michelle -- any ideas?

Yesi: Yay!!!! Best news ever! Ha! J/k

readingisfun: Am I the only one who pictured Tyler Florence from the food

Maria D: lol Yesi!

Peeps: Yes need dean ideas


Nina Lane: LOL readingisfun

Nina Lane: You know, halfway through I changed his name to Ryan

Nina Lane: But then I didn't like that it was a four-letter name ending in N

Nina Lane: Like Dean

Peeps: Haha

Nina Lane: So I changed it back

Nina Lane: Then I bonded with him as Tyler and there was no turning back

Yesi: I have a question...why did it take finding Tyler's chef jacket for Dean to
finally say they needed an official break? Just wondering...

Peeps: Awww

Nina Lane: I think that was like the final straw for him -- he finally had to
admit that he'd "failed"

Nina Lane: And for him, that is a huge, crushing admission

Maria D: UGHH hated when he found it bc she hadn't told him

Nina Lane: Especially where Liv is concerned

Peeps: Not just a kiss

Yesi: Thank you...

Maria D: that was big for Dean

Peeps: They were hanging out together

Yesi: That part broke my heart...he was just so defeated.


Nina Lane: And he tells her "I don't know what it is I'm not giving you."

Maria D:


LoverMichelle: defeated, that is definitely the correct word.

Nina Lane: Because he has always tried so hard to give her everything she
never had


Peeps: So sad and true

Maria D: he was her hero and protector

Yesi: Ok..let's move back to happy...I am officially depressed again! Lol

Nina Lane: exactly, and then he realized in that moment that she'd turned to
someone else

LoverMichelle: OMG, I'm in love.

Nina Lane: LOL Yesi

Yesi: Shower scene anyone???

Maria D: me too Yesi

LoverMichelle: Haha!

Maria D: lol

Yesi: Lol

HBetular: lol.

Peeps: Anyone have any ideas for liv and dean

Maria D: and we're back!

LoverMichelle: Okay, since we all know my favorite scene, what was
everyone's favorite scene?

readingisfun: how come at the end, nina and dean are seemingly back
together, but she hasn't moved back home?

Nina Lane: Here, Yesi:

Peeps: I need


Nina Lane: "He wraps his hand around his erection and starts to stroke
himself—the sight of which he knows very well makes me hot in two seconds

LoverKaren: OMG

Nina Lane: Happy!

Peeps: Haha!

Maria D: OMG!!! **jaw drops**

readingisfun: lol

LoverMichelle: I think a lot of husbands will be getting lucky tonight!


Nina Lane: lol

Maria D: I think you're right Michelle lol

Nina Lane: Was that against the rules??


Nina Lane: I forgot to ask if there are Chazy rules

LoverMichelle: heck no, it's your chat.

LoverMichelle: Your rules!

Peeps: What was the inspiration for King’s College?

LoverKaren: No Chatzy Rules in Lover land

Yesi: Haha Michelle!

Nina Lane: Peeps, I wanted a private college that runs in part by its own rules

Nina Lane: (speaking of rules)

Nina Lane: And where Dean can create his own niche

Peeps: Dean is going to be in trouble with crazy rich student's benefactor dad!


Peeps: Meeee tooo!

Peeps: Brat!

Nina Lane: Now HER I didn't like all that much either

Nina Lane: But every character has a reason for being the way they are

Maria D: troublemaker!!!

Nina Lane: Just sayin'

Yesi: I wondered if that would come up.

Maria D: true...

Peeps: Jessica is good though, right?

Nina Lane: Jessica is totally fine, yes!

Peeps: Whew!

LoverKaren: The location of Mirror Lake, is it modeled on the real Mirror


Nina Lane: Great student, one of the best

Nina Lane: Karen, no --

Nina Lane: Interesting you should ask, though

Nina Lane: Originally it was Crescent Lake

LoverKaren: I do my research

LoverMichelle: haha
Nina Lane: But then I realized I was incorporating a Alice in Wonderland

Nina Lane: And Wizard of Oz

Nina Lane: So there are a lot of references to both of those stories in the

Peeps: Wizard ?

LoverMichelle: Really?

Nina Lane: And Mirror Lake is a reference to "Through the Looking Glass"

Peeps: Home

Nina Lane: Looking Glass Lake was too much of a mouthful

LoverKaren: Through the looking glass

Nina Lane: Home -- Peeps, EXACTLY!

Nina Lane: Liv is trying to find her way home

Peeps: I'm from Kansas!

LoverMichelle: O.M.G. all this hidden stuff. I definitely need to read again.

Nina Lane: We should do a contest!

Yesi: I see it all now and I love it!!!

LoverKaren: But I did google Mirror Lake when making graphics,

Nina Lane: How many references can you find?

LoverMichelle: Nina, we'll have another private chat. I've got some ideas.

Maria D: Me too!! love it

Nina Lane: Great! I have been wondering if anyone picked up on that

LoverMichelle: Are you happy with the response to the book so far?

LoverMichelle: especially with the blog tour coming up?

LoverKaren: Just like Harkness in Discovery of Witches, Now us Arouse

readers need to hunt
Nina Lane: I'm thrilled with the response! I had NO idea how people would
react to the story

Nina Lane: The married couple thing

LoverKaren: The're be monsters

Nina Lane: Plus Liv not being a "kick-ass" kind of gal at first

Yesi: Karen ADOW is one of my favorite books!!!

Nina Lane: Oh, that is on my TBR list!

Peeps: But it transcends to non-marrieds.

Yesi: It is fanastic Nina!

LoverMichelle: I love Liv, and Dean, and this book. I'm obsessed, what can I

LoverKaren: Yesi where we separated at birth

Nina Lane: Thank you so much! I am nuts about both of them, and I'm so
happy that they're finding their way into readers' hearts

Yesi: One of the main things that drew me to Arouse is just that...that they
were a married couple.

Yesi: Haha Karen! Quite possibly

Nina Lane: That was set from the beginning, Yesi

Maria D: Loved ADOW too

Nina Lane: Before I wrote the first word, I knew they would be married

LoverMichelle: Because you wanted something different?

Nina Lane: It never started as a traditional romance, with them getting

married in the end

Yesi: I love that!

Maria D: I love that they were married!

Peeps: Love that it starts with them married!

Peeps: Then flash backs to single!

Nina Lane: And I just really wanted to explore this idea of a married couple
who are intensely in love and will fight for each other no matter what

readingisfun: yes, peeps, I loved that too. best of both worlds.

Maria D: it's like you said, what happens after the traditional HEA

Yesi: The flashbacks are perfect!

Peeps: True Maria

Nina Lane: So glad you liked them! I totally loved writing them

Peeps: The timing of the flash backs are perfect too

LoverMichelle: I love it having been married for 20 years, plus dating an

additional years. Now we've not gone through anything like Liv and Dean, but
marriage is hard.

LoverKaren: Loved we get the full range of emotions with Liv and Dean.
Highs and Lows and in between

Peeps: They work in with present day too

Yesi: I love it all!

Nina Lane: I kind of saw the flashbacks as a movie, in terms of pulling back
the lens


Peeps: Yep!

Nina Lane: showing them in a different light, what things were like "before",
how they got to where they are now

LoverMichelle: Okay, we need to petition for a movie now!

Peeps: Would be a great movie

Maria D: YES!!!!

Yesi: Yes!!!

Nina Lane: Yesi, you are so awesome!

Yesi: Nina who would you cast as Dean and Liv?

Nina Lane: Maria, who would you cast in a movie?

Nina Lane: LOL

Yesi: Awww, thank you Nina.

Maria D: umm me! No just kidding


Yesi: Lol Maria!

LoverMichelle: Who is the dude Yesi, the good guy?

Peeps: No leaving this chat until we do! Haha!

Nina Lane: LOL, Maria -- I'll put in the request

Maria D:

Nina Lane: I'd love to hear your casting ideas

LoverMichelle: I could see Penelope Cruz as Olivia. I don't know why. But I
see Olivia as strikingly beautiful like her.

Yesi: What dude Michelle?

Maria D: I haven't found the right Dean yet, not for lack of trying

Nina Lane: I told Michelle I'd seen Liv as a younger Sandra Bullock

LoverMichelle: that guy that we googled. The one I made the graphic of.

Peeps: Like Penelope

Yesi: I see Minka Kelly as Olivia

Nina Lane: Kind of wholesome and pretty

LoverMichelle: See, I don't see Sandra, although I love her. I don't think she's
pretty enough. But it's your book.

Maria D: Ashley Greene? Like her, pretty and natural

Nina Lane: Ohhh, interesting...

Nina Lane: What about...what's her name...

Yesi: I don't either...Liv is much prettier like Minka Kelly.

Nina Lane: The girl who was in Black Swan, but not Natalie Portman

Peeps: Milan ku is

Yesi: Mila Kunis

Maria D: Milan kunis


Nina Lane: Yes! What about her?

Maria D: Yes she's pretty

Yesi: Dean has to be perfect...

Maria D: perfect

LoverMichelle: That guy there ^^^^ click on the link

Nina Lane: Oh -- who is that, Michelle? Is he an actual person or an

anonymous model?

LoverMichelle: No, he has a name. He's actually an actor too.

LoverMichelle: My friend had her picture taken with him.

Nina Lane: He's stunning


Yesi: He is hot in THAT picture but not totally convinced.

LoverKaren: I just want to throw in a visual

Peeps: Kunis is pretty beautiful

Yesi: Eduardo Saralegui I think is his name

Nina Lane: Liv has to have long, dark hair

LoverMichelle: Just NO DAVID GANDY!!!!!

Yesi: He is hot in THAT picture but not totally convinced.

LoverKaren: I just want to throw in a visual

Peeps: Kunis is pretty beautiful

Yesi: Eduardo Saralegui I think is his name

Nina Lane: Liv has to have long, dark hair

LoverMichelle: Just NO DAVID GANDY!!!!!

Nina Lane: Crucial


Nina Lane: Now I have to look him up

Maria D: He is gorgeous

Peeps: He's beautiful, but over used

Nina Lane: oh! Why not him?

Nina Lane: Wow

Peeps: GANDY?


Maria D: no I meant Eduardo but Gandy is hot

Nina Lane: I can't stop looking at these pictures of David Gandy

Nina Lane: Had never heard of him before

Nina Lane: Wow


Peeps: He IS beautiful

Nina Lane: Is he an actor?'

LoverMichelle: David Gandy is the "other" professor so we must move on.

Maria D: Ohh yes love the Gandy Candy

Peeps: Model

Yesi: Gandy is my main man! Love him!

Maria D: lol Michelle

Peeps: Jen and Gitta love him

LoverMichelle: Yesi, who is that?

Nina Lane: Oh, good one, Yesi!

Nina Lane: LOL Maria

LoverMichelle: everyone loves him. Gandy is cast for almost every book out
there, most notably Gabriel's Inferno/Gabriel's Rapture, which has a professor.

Yesi: Pedro Soltz he is Brazilian

LoverMichelle: Pedro is beautiful.

Yesi: Thank you Nina! I think so too!

Maria D: Pedro is stunning!!

Peeps: Nina is in love with Gandy <3


Yesi: Yes he is Maria!

Nina Lane: My eyes are bugging out of my head

LoverMichelle: Vanessa Marcil for Olivia. She is beautiful.

Nina Lane: Oh, VERY good one, Michelle

Yesi: No, she is too old Michelle

Peeps: LOVE Vanessa!!

Nina Lane: a younger version

LoverMichelle: Shush Yesi.

LoverMichelle: Yes, I know, but she is beautiful.


Maria D: Love Vanessa! But she's too old saw her on GH today

Peeps: She always looks so young bc she is petite

Yesi: Thank you Maria!

Nina Lane: I still think of Liv as somewhat wholesome

Peeps: Not obvious vixen

Nina Lane: Not really sultry or anything

Nina Lane: exactly

Maria D: what about Rachel Bilson?

Peeps: Oooh!

Peeps: Bilson

LoverMichelle: Okay, I hate to say it, but I will play Olivia even though I'm
too old. I just want to hang out with Dean!

LoverKaren: Liv is every woman.

Yesi: I like Rachel Bilson!

Yesi: Haha

Nina Lane: I like Rachel too! Great call!

Maria D: You and me both Michelle

Peeps: She has the lips!

Maria D:

Yesi: Yes!

Peeps: Maria picked a winner!

Maria D: And she's wholesome but beautiful

Maria D: wooHoo

Nina Lane: Totally -- I'm looking at the pics right now

Peeps: YES!

LoverMichelle: agreed.

Nina Lane: Perfect!

Peeps: Yay!!

Maria D: i will introduce her to Dean

Yesi: Yes! Okay Rachek Bilson for Liv!

LoverMichelle: Haha!

Peeps: Now, dean....

Nina Lane: LOL

Nina Lane: I told Michelle maybe Chris Hemsworth, if he ever looks CLEAN

Yesi: Pedro Soltz...HOT!!!

Maria D: well then he's out! Lol


LoverMichelle: ^^^ This is Pedro looking like a professor indeed.

Maria D: Pedro, yes!!

Peeps: Problem with dean is you have to find a bulky FB player type and he
must look intelligent

LoverKaren: No all FB players are bulky depends on what position they play
on bulk and size.

Maria D: Jase Dean? Too young?

Nina Lane: Pedro is very hot

LoverKaren: My husband is so happy he married an football gal

Nina Lane: Dean is "lean and muscular" -- so tall and broad, but not too bulky


Peeps: PEDRO!!

Yesi: Mine too Karen! I can talk football with the best of them! Love it!

LoverMichelle: ^^^ Pedro is hot! All of his looks fit The Professor.

LoverMichelle: I'm married to a football player. Tall, lean, 7% body fat and
built. But skinny.
Maria D: Def Pedro!!!


Peeps: Whoa, Michelle!

Maria D: Sooo yummy


LoverMichelle: Look, he has a FB page too that we can stalk!

Nina Lane: Oh, wow -- great pictures!

Nina Lane: LOL

Maria D: already do!! Research purposes

Nina Lane: "Vote for Pedro"

LoverKaren: We are building the perfect man in DEAN

Peeps: Haha

Yesi: Did someone say muscular???

LoverKaren: We need a contest. Perfect Dean West.

LoverMichelle: I think we have found him, Karen.

LoverMichelle: I voted for Pedro!

Yesi: Research!

Maria D: great idea!! Post your pic for Dean and we vote

LoverMichelle: Well,maybe he needs to audition first---shower scene, of


LoverKaren: Need new graphics

Nina Lane: I love this kind of research

Yesi: Me too! I vote for Pedro!

LoverKaren: Guess what will be on our blog


Maria D: i'll "read lines" with him


LoverMichelle: Haha Maria!

Peeps: He does need to look nine years older than liv

LoverKaren: Need the Map of Power

Maria D: Pedro's got my vote too

Nina Lane: Oh, good point, Peeps

Nina Lane: That is true

Nina Lane: He is pushing 40

Peeps: The age gap is hot

Maria D: Rachel can look younger and a lil makeup can age him

Yesi: I agree!

LoverMichelle: agree!

Peeps: Haha!!

LoverKaren: Men in 40's HOT

Peeps: Totes!

Peeps: What are the other Wizard of Oz ref other than home

Maria D: Pedro is 27

Nina Lane: Michelle -- is it okay to say??


Pedro Soltz
Height 185 Suit Size 50 Collar 40 Chest/Bust 99 Waist 82 Shoes44 Hair Color
brown Eye Color green

Peeps: She always had the ability in her

LoverMichelle: ^^^ Got his measurements.

Nina Lane: Pedro is a baby, then

LoverMichelle: He's only 27? He looks older.

Peeps: The confidence in the cooking class

Maria D: make up can fix that

Yesi: Michelle you totally Rock!

LoverKaren: Well Ladies I have been sick all week, so I am going to bed.
Night all. Michelle will you turn off the sweep up and turn off the lights.

Maria D: feel better! Good night!

Yesi: Good night Karen!

LoverKaren: Michelle fix my flub in transcripts.

LoverMichelle: Yes, I think we're rapping up here anyhow. Nina takes the
award for the longest fan chat!

LoverMichelle: Which is a good thing!

Nina Lane: Bye karen!

Yesi: Yes!!!

Peeps: This has been so much fun!!

Nina Lane: An award -- yay!

Nina Lane: I have had a great time!

Maria D: Nina before we go, will the characters be the same in the erotic

Nina Lane: And the brownies are all gone

Yesi: Thank you Nina for giving us Dean and Liv's beautiful story!

Peeps: Hehe


LoverMichelle: Definitely an award.

readingisfun: thank you, nina. your books is one of my faves!

Nina Lane: Thank you so much, Yesi!

Nina Lane: And readingisfun too -- so appreciate the support and love!

Nina Lane: Maria

Nina Lane: Yes, the characters will be the same, plus a few new ones!

Peeps: This book was really great. Can't wait for the others

Yesi: Thank you! One of my favorite books ever!

LoverMichelle: top 10 list without a doubt ~ obviously!

Maria D: Thank you Nina!!! Arouse is def one of my fave books ever!!

Nina Lane: Yay, Yesi! One of my favorite reviews ever! <3

Peeps: True

Maria D: Cant wait for Allure and bk 3

Yesi: Awww...thank you.

Nina Lane: Thank you so much -- I'm so exicted to get them out there into the

Nina Lane: I love Liv and Dean dearly, but I've been living with them for a
long time

Nina Lane: And would like them to get out of my house at some point

LoverMichelle: Thank you for sharing them with us.

LoverMichelle: I'll take 'em!

Maria D: Send them to mine

Peeps: Well, thanks for sharing them

Yesi: Me too! I'll take them!

Nina Lane: Thanks for all the fun and the great questions!

Peeps: They can shack up with all of us!

Nina Lane: And all the support -- it really means so incredibly much to me

Peeps: Awww

LoverMichelle: Yes, we'll take turns Peeps!

Maria D: Thank you!! Loved chatting with you!! <3

Yesi: Great chat! Thank you again!

Nina Lane: Good night everyone - thanks so much for inviting me! This has
been a lot of fun

Yesi: Any chance we can have another chat after Allure comes out?

Peeps: So much fun! Thanks girls for hosting and Nina for chatting!!

Maria D: good night!

Yesi: Good night!

LoverMichelle: Night ladies ~ thanks everyone for coming! Be sure to keep

an eye on the tour coming at the end of the month! And then the Allure Tour
right after that!

Maria D: thank you, Michelle!!! Such an awesome chat!

Maria D: Good night all!!

LoverMichelle: Thank you Nina for being so gracious with your time!

Nina Lane: Good night, all! Big hugs all around!

Yesi: Thank you Michelle! Good night everyone! Sweet dreams of Dean


Maria D: Sweet Dreams!!


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