Lit Review and Proj Proposal

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Davis 1 Lindsay Davis ENC 1102 Professor Wolcott 4 April 2013 Space Exploration The world became fascinated

with space in the 1900s. The space race started in 1957 when the Soviet Union and the United states focused on attaining firsts in space exploration. Spitnik 1 was the first successful launch of an artificial satellite on October 4th, 1957. After this feet and years later humans went into space and then later humans landed on the moon. The USA was the first to land humans on the moon, this opened up tons of doors for possible space exploration. Since the space race countries all over the world have continued to explore space and think of different things to explore and ways to explore them. Also as technology progresses more exploration becomes possible. Already there has been exploration of Mars and many amazing things have been found. There are many different components of space exploration. You need about every type of engineer there is to send something into space. Most of the space exploration that has been done recently is satellite related. There are other types of exploration too. There is a new telescope being sent to space to replace the Hubble telescope and it will be able to take a much bigger range of pictures because it has newer technology in it. There are countless missions of robots in autonomous mode, which is when the robot is pre-programmed to do a number of tasks on its own over and over without someone controlling it with a remote, collecting things from Mars surface so that we can analyze it. Recently there was a satellite that was sent to analyze Saturn and Jupiter but it took a very specific trajectory so that it could be essentially sling-shot around

Davis 2 the sun to Jupiter and only have to burn its engines a couple times. Since there are so many of these projects going on people are always coming up with new ideas for research they want to do that hasnt been done yet. The ideas for future research in space are numerous but most center around the idea of more Mars exploration and also Moon inhabitance. Several ideas were to have a robot return mission to Mars and build on the previous NASA missions and collect more rock samples using different programing different from the previous robots sent there (P. Furgale, et al 2012; Kisdi, ron, and Adrian R.L. Tatnall 2011). Other researchers thought that making changes to existing things like space suits, robots and spaceships would better benefit space exploration (Khartov, V, 2012; Giovanni B. Palmerini, et al 2013; Matheson, Eloise, and Graham Brooker 2012). Some scientists were thinking way ahead to the future and were planning on ways to colonize the moon because they think that is the future of humanity (James Mantovani, et al, 2013). Through reading many articles I have found a conversation between scientists that I can understand. The conversation right now is circling around Mars and the Moon. I think there is potential for other things that we should be exploring also and not be putting all of our eggs in one basket. I think exploring Mars is great but I also think exploring other things in space would be more effective and interesting. I have seen that there isnt really any big conversation around researching other galaxies and solar systems. I think that exploring deeper into space would be a challenge but it would also be an amazing challenge to overcome. The things we can find out by exploring deeper into space amount to more than just new solar systems or planets with life on them, we can find new stars maybe new planets new anything. Space is so big that everything is changing everywhere. There may be new properties of black holes that we can discover, new limits to the universe possibly. In exploring deep space we can accomplish more things than just

Davis 3 collecting rocks from Mars. Exploring Deep Space Project Proposal I want to propose a specific space exploration project. The project is called Exploring Deep Space and its title matches closely to what it is about. This project would require a special spaceship, one that would be able to create its own energy so it can go deep into space. It would also need a very powerful engine. There would need to be a specific route that it would need to go in order to save the most energy. As I was talking about earlier with the satellite that went to Jupiter with its certain route sling-shoting it toward Jupiter, thats what would happen with this spaceship. The spaceship needs to have many capabilities to take tests and receive information. To plan its trajectory a very powerful telescope is needed. If the space ship ends up not being able to be built then I can use the new telescope that will be installed soon to see into deep space. Although it is difficult to do that because the universe is constantly expanding and the time it takes light to travel to the end of our telescope the star could already be dead. Either way I end up doing it I want to study the universe and how it changes over time and collect data of stars positions and galaxies positions and how they are moving and maybe discover what is making them move in that way. Then I can use that data to possibly create a theory and expand on Einsteins theory of Relativity and discover something else like that. Conclusion All of my annotations focus around a central topic: robotics in space exploration. Most of my articles had different things they wanted to accomplish but similar goals. I could see a conversation forming with all of my sources. I have come to think that a lot of scientists really want to focus on Mars and all of its potential. For scientists Mars is a great opportunity and research platform. Scientists are working to come up with ideas on how to better scope Mars. I

Davis 4 found a research gap in space exploration and I propose my project of exploring deep space to fill this gap of research and to increase our knowledge of space. I think space exploration is a great thing. It gives us new stuff to research about and discover and help technology move forward. Work Cited Aghili, Farhad. "A Prediction and Motion-Planning Scheme for Visually Guided Robotic Capturing Of Free-Floating Tumbling Objects With Uncertain Dynamics." IEEE Transactions on Robotics 28.3 (2012): 634-649. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Anthony C. Muscatello, et al. "Prototype Development Of An Integrated Mars Atmosphere And Soil-Processing System." Journal Of Aerospace Engineering 26.1 (2013): 5766. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Boning, Peggy, and Steven Dubowsky. "Coordinated Control Of Space Robot Teams For The On-Orbit Construction Of Large Flexible Space Structures." Advanced Robotics 24.3 (2010): 303-323. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Cohen, Barbara A., D. Gregory Chavers, and Benjamin W. Ballard. "NASA's Robotic Lunar Lander Development Project." Acta Astronautica 79.(2012): 221-240. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Giovanni B. Palmerini, et al. "Adaptive and Robust Algorithms and Tests for Visual-Based Navigation of a Space Robotic Manipulator." Acta Astronautica 83.(2013): 65-84. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013.

Davis 5 James Mantovani, et al. "Affordable, Rapid Bootstrapping of the Space Industry and Solar System Civilization." Journal of Aerospace Engineering 26.1 (2013): 18-29. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Kevin K. Williams, et al. "Field Testing Of Robotic Technologies to Support Ground Ice Prospecting In Martian Polygonal Terrain." Planetary & Space Science 58.4 (2010): 671681. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Khartov, V. "A New Stage in the Development of Robotic Spacecraft for Fundamental Space Research." Solar System Research 46.7 (2012): 451-457. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Kisdi, ron, and Adrian R.L. Tatnall. "Future Robotic Exploration Using Honeybee Search Strategy: Example Search For Caves On Mars." Acta Astronautica 68.11/12 (2011): 1790-1799. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Matheson, Eloise, and Graham Brooker. "Augmented Robotic Device For EVA Hand Manoeuvres." Acta Astronautica 81.1 (2012): 51-61. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Michle Lavagna, et al. "A Mars Communication Constellation for Human Exploration and Network Science." Advances In Space Research 45.1 (2010): 183-199. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. P. Furgale, et al. "A Mission Control Architecture For Robotic Lunar Sample Return As Field Tested In An Analogue Deployment To The Sudbury Impact Structure." Advances In

Davis 6 Space Research 50.12 (2012): 1666-1686. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Schmidt, George R., Geoffrey A. Landis, and Steven R. Oleson. "Human Exploration Using Real-Time Robotic Operations (HERRO): A Space Exploration Strategy For The 21St Century." Acta Astronautica 80.(2012): 105-113. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013.

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