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P ittsgrove P resbyterian P ress

312 Daretown Road, Elmer, NJ 08318 (856) 358-1104, Fax (856) 358-8439

April 2013 Dear fellow Church Member,

Worship Service on Sundays at 10 am.

In todays busy world, it is easy to fall into the habit of routine, where we need to do so much and be so many places that sometimes important things are merely forgotten about or innocently postponed. Over the years, as life has demanded more and more of your time, we may have seen less and less of you, or stopped seeing you all together around our church. Our mistake as Christian leaders was in not having reached out to you. Not letting you know that your church is here for you. Not letting you know that you are still loved. In Acts 15, Paul said to Barnabas, "Come, let us return and visit the believers in every city where we proclaimed the word of the Lord and see how they are doing" . All of the current Elders here at Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church want you to know that you are missed. We want you to know that you are loved. We also want to know how you are doing. Whether you have been away for 10 weeks or 10 years, you will notice some changes in your church. While we continue in our search for a permanent minister, our congregation is coming together as a family and celebrating all we have done over the last 272 years, and where we will go from here. Our manse has been recently restored and is being used as it was intended to be used. Our history is being reviewed and archived through our newly formed Heritage Project. We are building our Youth Programs and reinstating a Worship Committee. Our worship services are vibrant with positive readings and messages. Our interim pastor, Reverend Paul Tuttle, has re-focused our church leadership to help us access and regroup, and move forward with his experience-driven style. Wont you come back and see for yourself ? We hope to soon produce DVDs of our worship service for your perusal. Although we will make these DVDs available for members that sometimes cant make it to worship, we would love to see you here in person with your family and with your friends. Come see and experience wh ats new, and help us to make our and your church better than ever. On behalf of your church, we would love to see you come back into the fold. Kurt Reichert, for Your active Elders.

March Baptisms Andrew Dallas Skinner, born September 17 2010 to Mark & Diane Skinner Gabriella Marie McElroy, born December 17, 2008, & Rebecca Lynn String, born May 24, 2011, to Jeffrey & Nichole String Kaitlyn Eloise Crane, born September 5, 2012, to Josh & Tara (Hitchner) Crane Gwendolyn Sage Walker, born October 25, 2012, to Jon & Erin (Hitchner) Walker New Address:
Jack & Pat Barrett 218 Evans Lane Bayberry Branch Vineland, NJ 08361 Cell: 856-641-8161

"Not Your Momma's Quilt Anymore"

On Sunday, May 5th, 3 5 pm, the Congregational Life Committee will hold an All Ladies Tea, featuring quilting by Harriette Tuttle. This event will be open to Ladies of all ages. (If you are a girl you are welcomed!) So grab your neighbor, grab your friend, or grab another lady from the church... and plan to attend! Plan on enjoying time together, learn about quilting, and enjoy light food and beverages before the festivities begin. Tickets are now on sale, $5 each. You can purchase a ticket(s) from any member of the Congregational Life Committee.

submitted by Kitty Lamb The Board of Deacons would like to offer their help in these hard economic times. They are available to pray with you or for you. If there is a financial need, the Deacons may also be able to assist you with this matter via the Lillian Robertson Fund. Whatever the need, physical, financial or otherwise, please dont hesitate to contact any Deacon or Jill Stout (church secretary). The Deacons are here to serve, listen and help. In addition to our care of the sick and elderly, shortly we will be preparing Student Remembrance boxes for our nine (9) college students. Every spring and fall, just prior to exam time, each Deacon will contribute several items per box ranging from snacks to stationery supplies. We want them to know that, even though they are away, they are ever present in our hearts, minds and prayers.

to Robbie Griffith!
Robbie, a sophomore at St. Augustine Prep High School achieved academic honors by making the Presidents List last semester. He also received his varsity letter in swimming. Congratulations, Robbie!

Pray for America

Thursday, May 2nd, is the 62nd observance of the National Day of Prayer. Americans are to unite and pray. This years breakfast will be hosted by the Corpus Christi Parish of St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish in Carneys Point. Rev. Dave Bailey from Ranch Hope will be the guest speaker. The breakfast begins at 8 am and tickets are $15 each. If you are interested you can call Sharon at 856-935-1500.

Meals on Wheels Volunteers

submitted by Anne Skinner
Over the years there have been several drivers from our church congregation who have volunteered to deliver Meals on Wheels: Peg and Joe Layman, Helen Sickler and Vivian Estes. However, special recognition goes to Dick and Jean Williams who are serving their 20th year! They began as substitutes for Vivian and Helen and as Jean says it is just a thing you have to do! Currently there are 325 volunteers in Salem County delivering these meals to those who can benefit from a daily cooked meal. Dick feels it is important to help this mission as it is local and one can see where the money is going. They are thankful that they are able to do this work now, as someday they too may need the service. The meals are prepared at Ranch Hope and then transported to different pick up sites around the area. Williams pick up their food at Voros Plumbing on Route 40, outside of Elmer. They were traveling about 35 miles and delivering to approximately 21 folks in the Elmer area. Recently a separate Upper Pittsgrove run was added so now their ride about as Jean calls it, is 19 miles for 8 deliveries. Dick and Geneva Hackett are also doing a Woodstown run. The deliveries are not just about food though. Many recipients do not get out, or perhaps have no family close by, so just to have this quick visit from caring folks means a lot. Dogs along the route are happy to see the Williams too as we understand dog treats may be in their pockets. Kudos to Dick and Jean Williams for their 20 years of compassionate service!

Salem County CROP Hunger Walk

submitted by Stephanie Ale
This years annual CROP Hunger Walk will be held on Sunday, April 21st, 2013. The walk begins at 2:00 pm and is being hosted by the First Baptist Church of Woodstown. Several area Churches have been preparing to help our Community Respond to Overcome Poverty. 25% of the funds raised will remain in Salem County and support Disciples Pantry in Woodstown. The balance of funds raised support Church World Service in their efforts to stop hunger and poverty around the world, through self-help initiatives. In 2012, over 130 walkers raised $13,000. The Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church was well represented with 65 walkers who brought in over $5,000. Lets help make this another successful walk! If you are able, please join us for an afternoon of fellowship by walking two miles through historic Woodstown. If you raise $100, you will receive a T-shirt indicating your commitment to end hunger one step at a time. If you are unable to walk, please consider sponsoring a walker. Please see Stephanie Ale or Jane Gandy with questions. The CROP Hunger Walk is a wonderful opportunity for members of our Church to reach out to the community. Please use this chance to invite family, friends, neighbors, and past members of our congregation to join us. In addition to the goal of raising awareness of hunger, this walk can promote a sense of togetherness as we all work towards a common goal. Thank you for considering this invitation to become part of this community event. See you on April 21st! Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has. --Margaret Mead 3

The First Francis

submitted by Anne Skinner

St. Francis of Assisi, born in 1182, suddenly seems to be forefront in our news with the selection of former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the new Pope Francis. However, even before this announcement, Presbyterians Today featured an article in their March edition about the hymn All Creatures of Our God and King, written by St. Francis of Assisi. Who was this man so talked about today from so long ago? St. Francis was born into a wealthy family, his father being a silk merchant living in Assisi, Italy. Francis renounced his privileged and luxurious life to preach good news to the poor, lived in rags and eventually started a monastic order. His rules for this order included a vow of poverty, a vow of obedience and a vow of chastity enabling one purity of mind and of body. Dallas and I visited the walled city of Assisi, Italy in 2004. Here the Basilica of San Francesco was started in 1228 to mark the place of St. Francis remains. It is the premier sight of this lovely medieval town. Because his spirit still seems to hover over the city, the city attracts and inspires people of all creeds and nations. (St. Francis is the only Saint recognized by the Muslim religion.) Pilgrims today still walk up the long hill to visit the Basilica to pay their respects. Our shuttered hotel room windows looked out over the wall to the peaceful, hilly fields. But before dinner, inside the wall, we walked the narrow medieval streets, fascinated by the ancient stone buildings and just trying to take it all in. The next day we were up early to visit the Basilica. We entered through richly carved wooden doors, under a beautiful rose window. The inside walls were decorated with frescoes exhibiting some of the most extraordinary pictorial art of the Italian Middle Ages. The suffused light of multi-colored hues streamed through beautiful stained glass. We were in awe! Upon completing our tour, we met pilgrims starting their walk up the hill to also see this spiritual place. I must say though, I wondered what St. Francis, with his vow of poverty, would have thought of this very special place in his honor. We sing hymns today written by St. Francis. San Francisco, California was named after him, many of his prayers and poems are familiar to us, and he is known to have portrayed the first nativityand now the new pope has chosen his name. Pope Francis says he chose this name because St. Francis was for the poor, lived a life of poverty himself, a man of peace and a man who loved and protected creation. The popes own life style of simplicity follows the example of St. Francis. St. Francis did spread the peace and goodness of God and he did not fail to act as a peacemaker whenever possible. He always signed his name with the peace symbol. Yes, peaceand yet, when we visited the Basilica, we were greeted by armed Italian guards. It seems that after 911, religious shrines were uneasy about their security, hence the guards. How sad the Basilica, honoring this peace loving man now needed armed strength. Here in the United States we too talk of peace through strength, is this peace which St. Francis was seeking? In the hymn, All Creatures of Our God and King, St. Francis writes about Gods creation noting we are all the works of Gods hands. He was perhaps best known for his special relationship with living creatures - especially birds. One can see lawn statuettes today of St. Francis with birds gathered around him. Apparently this gift or relationship with animals, earned him the title of Patron Saint of Animals and the Environment. Pope Francis has said, For me Francis of Assisiis the man who loved and protects creation. These days we dont have a very good relationship with creation, do we? It is said St. Francis was a close imitation of Jesus, and the dedication to the ideals that he espoused, is a message to people of all ages to live in peace, justice and brotherly love. 4


Monday, April 1st Deacons Meeting @ 7:30 pm Monday, April 2nd Mission Team Meeting, 7:00 pm Worship/Music Cmte Meeting, 7:30 pm Saturday, April 6th Trustee Church Yard Clean up Day Monday, April 8th Trustee Meeting @ 7:30 pm Monday, April 8th Ladies Luncheon, 12 noon Tuesday, April 9th Congregational Life Meeting, 7 pm Monday, April 15th Mission Study Cmte, 7 pm Sunday, April 21st CROP Walk, 2 pm Tuesday, April 23rd - Session Meeting @ 7:00 pm Tuesday, April 30th Mission Team Meeting 7:30 pm

Thursday, May 2nd National Day of Prayer Sunday, May 5th Healing Service, 10 am worship Sunday, May 5th All Ladies Tea, 3 5 pm Monday, May 6th Deacons Meeting @ 7:30 pm Monday, May 13th Ladies Lunch, 12 noon Monday, May 13th Trustee meeting @ 7:30 pm Sunday, May 26h Old Church Worship Service, 10 am June June 24th June 28th Vacation Bible School, 6:30 pm - 8:50 pm ***************************************************** Youth Group Sunday evenings from 5 -6 pm Praise Band Rehearsal Wednesdays at 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal Wednesdays at 7:30 pm Pastors Winter Bible Study Thursday mornings at 9 am in the manse.

**Join us for worship every Sunday morning at 10 am**

Vacation Bible School

June 24 28, 2013 6:30 8:50 pm
Registration is now open for VBS at Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church! If you would like to register a child please fill out the attached form, contact your Serengeti Trek Coordinator Melanie Richman (856-935-8818), call the church office (856-358-1104), or visit our website at
A giraffe casually nibbles leaves from a lush acacia tree. A lion crouches in the tall grass, watching a herd of zebras. Suddenly an elephant thunders by in a cloud of dust. And you? Youre standing on the vast savanna, gearing up for the adventure of a lifetime on a Serengeti Trek where kids are wild about God!

Join us!

If youre looking for some high-flying fun this summer, STOP right where you are and call Melanie about volunteering at this years VBS.

Lets Get Wild About God!

Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church

312 Daretown Road Elmer, NJ 08318 (856) 358-1104, Fax: (856) 358-8439

Vacation Bible School


June 24 28, 2013

6:30 pm 8:50 pm Last School Name: _______________________ Age: ______ Grade Completed ______ Last School Name: _______________________ Age: ______ Grade Completed ______ Last School Name: _______________________ Age: ______ Grade Completed ______ Last School Name: _______________________ Age: ______ Grade Completed ______

Parents/Guardians: ____________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________________ E-mail Address: _______________________________________________ Emergency Contact / Phone No. during VBS: _____________________________________________________________ Allergies/Medical Conditions: ___________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
To register your children, please fill out the attached registration form and return it to Melanie Richman or the church office. To register on-line visit 7

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