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1. One purpose the Preamble to the Constitution listed of the new government was to form a more perfect union.

Another purpose was to insure domestic tranquility. 2. Article one of the Constitution established that the main roles of the legislative branch are to create laws, and levy taxes. The two houses of the legislative branch are Senate and the House of Representatives. Case Study: No, Alonzo cannot be a seat in the House of Representatives. He is two years under the age limit, and two years under the minimum years of citizenship. You have to be 25 years of age, and a U.S. citizen for at least 7 years. 3. An elected member of the House of Representatives can serve 2 years per term, and unlimited terms. 4. Each state has at least one member of the House of Representatives. The states population determines the actual number of representatives. 5. Impeachment is the removing of someone from office because of misconduct. The House of Representatives holds the power of impeachment. Case Study: No, this is not true. Although the House of Representatives has brought charges against him, Congress still must decide if President Butler is guilty or not before he can be officially impeached. 6. The leading officer of the House of Representatives is whomever the house chooses.

7. There are two Senators from each state. Their terms are six years, and they can serve as many terms as they want. 8. The Vice President of the United States is considered the President of the Senate. He has no vote in the Senate, but he will vote in the case of a tie. In the case that the Vice President is absent, a President pro tempore will act as the leader of the Senate. Case Study: Yes, Tim McClure can run for a seat in Senate. He is over the minimum age, and has been a U.S. citizen his whole life. He is also running for a seat in a state that he doesnt inhabit. 9. To remove the President from office, two-thirds of the Senate must vote against him.

10. A bill is a proposed law under legislation. When a bill is sent to the President he may sign a bill into law, veto it, or ignore it. Case Study: No, this is not true because after he vetoes a bill, it will need two-thirds of the Senate to approve it, and then it will sent to the House of Representatives for final consideration. If both houses approve it, it will become a law.

11. Article One Section Eight list the enumerated powers of Congress. Some of these are to borrow money on the credit of the U.S., to establish Post Offices and post Roads, to provide and maintain a Navy, to coin money, and to regulate commerce with foreign Nations. 12. The final enumerated power is often referred to as the elastic clause. This is because it lets Congress stretch its powers to meet situations the Founders did not anticipate. 13. The framers agreed to let the southern slave owners import slaves, but for each person they would have to pay a tax of ten dollars or less. The slave owners were willing to agree because in the end, they still got their slaves. Case Study: During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln was allowed to arrest 13,000 Confederate sympathizers in the Union. This was able to happen because it is stated in the Constitution that you can go against the Writ of Habeas Corpus in the case of rebellion. Case Study: No, Joe cannot be sentenced to prison without a trial. In Article One Section Nine it states that no Bill of Attainder Law shall be passed. Case Study: No, Victoria cannot be arrested for her actions prior to the passing of the law. In Article One Section Nine it is stated that no Ex Post Facto Law shall be passed. 14. Writ of Habeas Corpus says that you cannot be held against your will without just cause.

15. The Bill of Attainder is a legislative act that singles out an individual or group for punishment without a trial. 16. Ex Post Facto Law is a law intended to apply to crimes or events that took place before its passage. 17. The President is responsible for enforcing the laws written by Congress and appointing the heads of the federal agencies, including the Cabinet. The Vice President is also part of the Executive Branch, who assists the President in any need. 18. The Electoral College system is the system we use to elect our President.

Case Study: If Benjamin Gill won over all popular votes, there is a possible chance he would not become our 46th. There is this chance because the electoral votes count more than the popularity votes. 19. The number of electoral votes each state receives is equal to the number of Senators plus the number of House Representatives. Case Study: The State of California has a total of 55 electoral votes. 20. The presidential election occurs on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, every year that is divisible by four.

Case Study: Yes, Dirk Nowitzki can run for President because he has been a resident of Texas for 40 years. 21. The Presidents Cabinet consists of the Vice President and 15 other executive departments to advise the President on any subject he may require, relating to the duties of each member's respective office. Case Study: If Greg Butler dies in office the Vice President will take over his presidency. 22. When the President addresses congress on recommendations and nation problems, it is called State of Union Address. 23. The primary responsibility of the Judicial Branch is to interpret and apply the laws, and to make sure that all the laws abide by the Constitution. The Judicial Branch created The U.S Constitution. 24. Supreme Court justices hold office "during good behavior," which means they are appointed for life unless they commit an impeachable offense. Justices remain on the Court until they retire, resign or die. Case Study: If Northeastern PA decided to secede from PA they wouldnt be able to because its illegal. 25. An Amendment is a change or addition to a document. An Amendment is proposed by vote of two-thirds of both houses of congress or by two-thirds of the state legislative asking for a special convention on the amendment. 26. The U.S. Constitution and federal laws and treaties that adhere to the Constitution officially became the "supreme law of the land" in the United States. This indicates the Constitution is the ultimate authority to which all other laws and treaties must conform. 27. According to Article Seven, the Constitution was required to be ratified by 9 of the 13 states before it went into complete effect. Farmers found it necessary for all states to ratify the U.S. Constitution because they felt it would unite the states as one large nation. 28. The Bill of Rights includes the first 10 amendments.

Case Study: If the Government decided to make Roman Catholicism a religion the citizens must/should follow, they wouldnt be able to do this because a part of our first amendment is freedom of religion. Case Study: Yes, Jon is allowed to own his machine gun; its his right to bare arms, as stated in the 2nd Amendment.

Case Study: Yes, the police can search Georges trunk. Although the 4th Amendment protects people against unreasonable search and seizure, if the police have probable cause, they can search Georges car. Case Study: Janice cannot be put on trial for the same crime again. This is due to the 5th Amendment stating that no person shall be subject for the same offense to be twice but in jeopardy of life or limb. Case Study: Pleading the 5th means that you refuse to answer the question on the ground that your answer might incriminate you. Case Study: Yes, the fact that the arresting officer never mentioned Ernestos right to remain silent or to consult a lawyer does matter. It matters because every person accused of a crime has the right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense. Case Study: People against a states use of the death penalty usually cite the 8th Amendment because it states that no cruel or unusual punishments shall be inflicted, and the people against the penalty claim it to be a cruel and unusual punishment. 29. 30. All powers not listed in the Constitution are reserved to the States, or to the people. Ratify is to sign or make a document officially valid.

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