MYL Executive Job Descriptions 2013-2014

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VP Finance
Skills Budgeting and financial experience Attention to detail Ability to work independently Strong understanding of MSU policy on club budgeting, funding, and finances and of Elections Canada policy on electoral financing

Responsibilities Prepare a budget at the start of each semester for submission to the Clubs Admin Together with the president, hold signing authority for the MYL bank account Deposit all monies received by the Club into the MYL bank account Supervise the collections and disbursement of the funds to the Club Render to the Executive Council whenever required, and at each AGM, an account of all transactions he/she has undertaken and of the financial position of the club Identify and access new sources of revenue (ex USIF, Forward with Integrity funding at McMaster) Head fundraising efforts unless otherwise delegated

VP Federal
Skills Experience in PR and public speaking Event management Ability to commit to regularly scheduled meetings Campaign experience is an asset

Responsibilities Liaise with the LPC(O), the Hamilton-area federal riding associations, and federal candidates/MPs Represent the MYL at meetings and functions of those riding associations Assist in the organization of all events and policies hosted with the federal Party Prepare the club for federal election readiness

VP Provincial
Skills Experience in PR and public speaking Event management Ability to commit to regularly scheduled meetings Campaign experience is an asset

Responsibilities Liaise with the OLP, the Hamilton-area provincial riding associations, and provincial candidates/MPPs Represent the MYL at meetings and functions of those riding associations Assist in the organization of all events and policies hosted with the provincial Party

Prepare the club for provincial election readiness

Communications Director
Skills Background in communications and public relations Background in policy and Canadian politics Ability to work independently Leadership experience Strategic planning abilities Strong research and critical thinking skills

Responsibilities Responsible for all media, branding, and promotions strategies. In particular, to develop and oversee Welcome Week operations in conjunction with the Recruitment Director In particular, to develop and oversee all advertising campaigns to promote upcoming policy workshops and fundraising events. In particular, to work with the Media Relations Director to raise the MYLs profile in local media (Silhouette, Spectator, CBC Hamilton, Frontline, Urbanicity, Coffee News, Flamborough Review, etc) In particular, to develop a YouTube Campaign with the Media Relations Director featuring shorts on current events, the fundamentals of government, raise the clubs profile. Responsible for all communications with the MYL membership (emails, twitter, facebook) Maintaining an up-to-date list of the MYL membership Taking of minutes during all meetings of the Executive Council

Media Relations Director

Skills Background in Photoshop and web design Background in policy and Canadian politics Background in editing and journalism Ability to work independently Leadership experience

Responsibilities Develop and maintain the MYLs website, social media outlets, and all related initiatives In particular, to work with the Communications Director to raise the MYLs profile in local media (Silhouette, Spectator, CBC Hamilton, Frontline, Urbanicity, Coffee News, Flamborough Review, etc) In particular, to develop a YouTube Campaign with the Communications Director featuring shorts on current events, the fundamentals of government, raise the clubs profile. Write editorials and letters to local media outlets in order to raise the clubs profile. Coordinate with the media campaigns of the ADFW and Hamilton Centre communications directors.

Policy Director


Strong background in Canadian politics and public policy Ability to make reasoned and impartial decisions Attention to detail Leadership experience Ability to work independently and to take initiative

Responsibilities Work with the policy directors of the LPC(O) and Hamilton riding associations Develop MYL policy for submission at riding and regional policy parliaments Chair meetings of the Policy Committee Develop and organize policy conferences and events Before each AGM, assess and propose amendments to the MYL Constitution

Membership Director
Skills Ability to work independently and to take initiative Strong leadership and motivational skills Knowledge of the room/table-booking procedures of MUSC and Housing and Conference Services Management experience is an asset Responsibilities Supervise and coordinate all recruitment drives Ensure recruiting tables are booked well in advance, and develop and enforce staffing schedules Instruct and motivate recruiters Develop a manual on recruiting strategies and membership retention Develop in-house recruitment material and literature Obtain, store, and appropriately distribute recruitment material and literature Compile membership lists and submit them to the Communications Director and President Distribute applications for membership, and collect any membership fees and transfer them to the VP Finance

Community Outreach Director

Skills Event management Ability to work independently and to take initiative Background in public relations Leadership experience

Responsibilities Liaise with community groups, other student organizations, and local riding associations Identify and connect with new community organizations and student groups. Identify opportunities to promote Liberal activism and volunteering in the community and oncampus

Develop, coordinate, and oversee volunteering and outreach campaigns (for example, campus fundraisers for local charities, blood drives, food bank drives)

First Year Representatives (x2)

Responsibilities Liaise between the club and the first-year population of McMaster Identify opportunities to engage and recruit the first-year population (for example, workshops, social events, volunteer opportunities) Assist the executive in general

Opposition Director
Skills Background in Canadian politics Leadership experience Campaign experience is an asset Responsibilities Monitor and recommend responses to the activities of the opposing political parties and their affiliated student and community organizations Maintain the clubs federal and provincial election readiness, in conjunction with the VPs Provincial and Federal

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