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of the

McMaster University Young Liberal Club

As of January 17, 2006.


Table of Contents


ARTICLE 1 - DEFINITIONS In this document: 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 This organization shall be known as the McMaster University Young Liberal Club and shall be referred to henceforth as the Mac YLC. OYL means Ontario Young Liberals. YLC means Young Liberals of Canada. LPC mean Liberal Party of Canada. LPC(O) means Liberal Party of Canada (Ontario). OLP means Ontario Liberal Party. Member in good standing means any person, who is not younger than fourteen (14) years of age and not older than twenty five (25) years of age, who holds a current valid membership with the federal or provincial riding association and does not hold a membership with any other political party.

ARTICLE 2 - OBJECTIVES 2.1 The objects of the Mac YLC shall be: a) To develop, determine, and actively advocate and promote the policy positions of the Ontario Young Liberals; b) To advocate the support Liberal Party political principles; c) To promote the election of Liberal Party candidates; d) To promote and ensure active participation by youth members in the community; e) To promote youth issues; f) To promote gender equality; and g) To promote multiculturalism.

ARTICLE 3 OFFICIAL LANGUAGES 3.1 3.2 3.3 The official languages of the Mac YLC are English and French. Any member may address meetings of the organization in either official language. The Constitution is to be available and distributed in both official languages and both versions shall be equally binding.

ARTICLE 4 - JURISDICTION 4.1 This Club shall operate within the electoral boundaries of the Ancaster-Dundas-FlamboroughWestdale Federal and Provincial constituencies, and shall be affiliated with the Liberal Party of Canada (Ontario) and the Ontario Liberal Party.

ARTICLE 5 - MEMBERSHIP The following shall be members of the Mac YLC: 5.1 5.2 All persons who are between fourteen (14) and twenty-five (25) years of age shall be eligible for membership. Members must hold a valid memberships with either the McMaster Young Liberals. To be valid, a designated membership form must be filled out and a membership fee paid. The form must be processed and the membership fee collected by either the respective Constituency Associations, the Liberal Party of Canada (Ontario), or the Ontario Liberal Party. This Club must have a minimum of ten (10) members at all times. A minimum of ninety (90) percent of members must be residents of the affiliated Federal or Provincial Constituency. No person shall be eligible for membership if they hold a current membership in any other Federal Constituency Association than ADFW. If a current member has such status, their Mac YLC membership will immediately become invalid. No person shall be considered for membership if they hold a current membership in any other political party. If a current member holds a valid membership with any other political party, their Liberal Party Membership status will become invalid. Any person seeking to transfer their membership to or from this Club in the same membership year must obtain the approval of the Liberal Party of Canada (Ontario) or the Ontario Liberal Party.

5.3 5.4 5.5



ARTICLE 6 EXECUTIVE BOARD COMPOSITON 6.1 There shall be an Executive Board of the Mac YLC which consists of the Executive Council and the Board of Chairs. All members of the Executive Council and the Board of Chairs shall be voting members of the Executive Board provided they are members in good standing. 6.1.1 The following shall be voting members of the Executive Council provided they are members in good standing of the ADFW YLC and the OYL: (a) President (b) Vice President Provincial (c) Vice President Federal (d) Director of Communications

(e) (f) (g) (h)

Director of Finance Director of Policy Director of Francophone Affairs McMaster Liaison The Immediate Past President of the Mac Executive Council shall be a nonvoting member of the Executive Council and Executive Board provided he or she is a member in good standing. 6.1.2 The Executive Council shall have the ability to select up to ten (10) members in good standing to be committee chairs with clear and defined responsibilities, who will become voting members of the Executive Board. If a voting member of the Executive Board becomes ineligible to be a member of the OYL because of the age limit clause, the member shall continue in office until the next AGM.

6.1.3 6.2

The Executive Board shall meet at least six (6) times per year at a time and place determined by the President. 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 Set meetings shall be called no farther than 2 months apart. Notice to each member of the Executive Council and the Board of Chairs shall be given seven (7) days prior to each Executive Council Meetings. In the event of an immediate or emergency meeting of the executive council, the president may give a minimum of forty eight (48) hours notice. Quorum for Executive Board meetings shall be fifty (50) percent plus one (1) of Executive Board members.


In the event that a condition or situation occurs causing the need for constitutional change before the next scheduled Annual General Meeting (AGM), a unanimous decision can be made by the executive council to pass such changes as an executive order. This executive order then must be brought forth for ratification at the following AGM.

ARTICLE 7 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL RESPONSIBILITIES 7.1 The Executive Council shall be responsible for the general affairs of the club including approving budgets and expenditures for the Mac YLC and promoting the Mac YLC objectives throughout the club and riding. Each member of the Executive Council shall be responsible for submitting an update at each Executive Council meeting and preparing a report for the General Membership at each AGM for review. In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Council, the President shall inform by email the notifiable Mac General Membership within seven (7) days after the vacancy occurred. This position



shall be filled at the next Executive Board meeting provided the meeting occurs more than fourteen (14) days after the vacancy occurred, by a vote of the Executive Council only. 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 7.4 All applicants for the vacancy shall submit a signed letter and/or resume for consideration a minimum of three (3) days before the scheduled Executive Board meeting. Should no one seek the position, the position shall remain vacant until the next Executive Board meeting. The Executive Council retains the right to select none of the applicants. A preferential ballot system shall be used if more than two applicants apply. The Executive Council shall have the power to delegate any authority they see fit to committee chairs which they have established.

In the event that a member of the Executive Council is deemed not to be fulfilling their full responsibilities, they may be removed by a motion that is set forth to all members of Executive Council two weeks (14 days) prior to the next Executive Board meeting. This motion must be voted and past by three-quarters (3/4) of the standing executive. The Executive Council is responsible for the appointment of the members of the Board of Chairs. 7.5.1 7.5.2 7.5.3 Appointments must be approved by the majority, equal to fifty (50) percent plus one vote, of the Executive Council. Each committee chair shall be able to attend any and all Executive Board meetings, and as such shall be entitled to exercise one (1) vote. Each member of the Board of Chairs shall be responsible for presenting an update at each Executive Council meeting at which they attend, and preparing a full report for the General Membership at each Annual General Meeting for review. The number of committee chairs allowed to be appointed may vary based on further constitutional amendments and executive orders. In the event that a committee chair is not fulfilling their duties, the Executive Council shall be able to remove set person from the board of chairs and re-delegate their responsibilities to another interested member in good standing. Set actions must be approved by fifty (50) percent plus one (1) of the standing executive council. Other Executive Board positions may be added by constitutional amendments only (refer to Article 10).


7.5.4 7.5.5

7.5.6 7.6

The following are the duties of the members of the Executive Council: 7.6.1 The president shall be responsible for: a) Calling and chairing Executive Council meetings. b) Calling and chairing delegate selection meetings for OYL events that require delegates.

c) Attending, or delegating a representative for each Federal and Provincial Liberal Association Meetings. As well, preparing or delegating the preparation of a Mac YLC update for set meetings. d) Keeping of up-to-date Mac Federal and Provincial youth membership lists. e) Representing the Mac YLC within the community in terms of media relations and publicity and implementing the media strategy of the executive council in an appropriate manner. f) Ensuring members of the Executive Council, as well as the Board of Chairs, are fulfilling their set duties. g) Delegating responsibilities to Executive Council members or the Board of Chairs where positions are vacant or the constitution does not clearly outline such. 7.6.2 The Vice President Federal shall be responsible for: a) Keeping of an up-to-date Mac federal youth membership list. b) Organizing the calling of Mac YLC federal members for any and all ADFW Federal Liberal Association events and meetings. c) Work towards promoting the Liberal Party of Canada in order to recruit new members within the constituency. d) Work as a liaison to the community for youth interested in participating and volunteering within the Liberal Party of Canada. The Vice President Provincial shall be responsible for: a) Keeping of an up-to-date Mac provincial youth membership list. b) Organizing the calling of Mac YLC provincial members for any and all ADFW Provincial Liberal Association events and meetings. c) Work towards promoting the Ontario Liberal Party in order to recruit new members within the constituency. d) Work as a liaison to the community for youth interested in participating and volunteering within the Ontario Liberal Party. The Director of Communications shall be responsible for: a) Distributing copies of the Agenda of current meetings and taking minutes. b) Distributing copies of the finalized minutes from the preceding meeting for approval. c) Working with the Executive Council to prepare strategies for public relations. As well as working with the President to implement set strategies. d) Working with the Executive Council, particularly the President, VP Federal and VP Provincial to develop and implement recruitment strategies for each party respectively. The Director of Finance shall be responsible for: a) Maintaining the financial records of the Mac YLC. b) Heading fundraising efforts unless otherwise delegated. c) Preparing a budget at beginning of term to be submitted to and approved by the executive Council no longer than one month after taking office.




As well, must be disclosed to the General Membership in no more than fourteen (14) thereafter. d) Jointly approving, with the president, any expenditures. e) Disclosing the end of year financial position of the club to the General Membership. As well, their report for the AGM shall include an updated end-of-term financial report. f) Promoting FLY. 7.6.6 The Director of Policy shall be responsible for: a) Aiding in the development of Mac YLC policy to be submitted at the Riding and Regional Policy Parliaments. b) To develop guidelines for Mac YLC members to develop individual policies. This included providing assistance and offering to review developed policies prior to the Riding Policy Parliament. c) Taking initiative to help bring together members with similar policy ideas. d) To chair the Riding Policy Parliament. e) Work with Area Coordinator for the Area Policy Parliament as well as assisting passing policies that have been developed by the club. 7.6.7 The Director of Francophone Affairs shall be responsible for promoting the bilingualism of the club. This includes: a) Encouraging the use of French whenever possible in riding dealings and in the general community by making readily available translations for documents that are requested in French. b) Welcoming francophones integrating themselves into the party. c) Maintaining contact and association with lAssociation canadienne franais dOntario de Hamilton, and participating in activities throughout the year with Centre franais de Hamilton. The ADFW Liaison shall be responsible for representing the McMaster Student club on the executive council. This includes: a) Promoting ADFW OYL events; b) Sharing the ideas and objectives of the youth involved in the ADFW riding club; and c) Acting as a liaison between McMaster student club members and ADFW YLC members.


ARTICLE 8 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) 8.1 8.2 The Annual General Meetings of the Mac YLC shall be held no more than fourteen (14) months apart at a time and place fixed by the executive. Notice in writing must be given a minimum of fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the Annual Meeting to all members of the Club, to the Ontario Young Liberal office, to the Presidents of the Mac Federal and Provincial Riding Associations. As part of the notice delivered to the Ontario Young Liberal office, a copy of the current club Constitution and a current membership list must be included.


In order to vote at the Annual Meeting, persons must be members in good standing a minimum of seventy-two (72) hours prior to the time of the meeting. Immediate past members may renew up to the time of the Call to Order of the Meeting. 8.3.1 Voting in absentia and voting by proxy are forbidden in any elections or voting of this Club. However, an individual may run for candidacy provided they have submitted written notification and consent to the chair prior to the Call to Order. As well, they must be nominated and seconded according to set rules by members present and in good standing.


The Executive shall be elected at the Annual Meeting according to the following: 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.3 Candidates shall be nominated and seconded from the floor by members present and in good standing. Candidates shall be allowed to address the Annual Meeting. The speaking time shall be determined by the Chair and Candidates shall speak in reverse order of nomination. The Chair shall determine the means of balloting and may appoint a returning officer to conduct voting procedures. A secret ballot shall be taken for those offices for which more than one candidate is nominated. The candidate receiving the most votes or majority of valid votes cast shall be declared elected. In the case of a tie, each candidate will be allocated 1 minute of speaking time and a revote will take place. If the result is still a tie, a coin toss shall determine the candidate deemed to have received the most votes. In the event that a losing candidate wishes to drop down and run for another position which has an election succeeding their failed candidacy, he or she may do so providing they are nominated and seconded in accordance with the set rules. A candidate may drop down no more then twice after their initial candidacy.




Within fourteen days following the Annual Meeting, the following information must be forwarded to the Ontario Young Liberal office: a) the current constitution of the Club, including any amendments; b) the list of Executive members, including addresses and phone numbers; c) the membership list of the Club, including addresses and phone numbers; d) the minutes of the Annual Meeting; and e) a list of those in attendance at the meeting. Failure to comply with Articles 8.1, 8.2, and 8.5 shall empower the Executive Committee of the Ontario Young Liberals to suspend the authority of the club to elect delegates to any convention or meeting of the Ontario Young Liberals, the Young Liberals of Canada, and the Liberal Party of Canada (Ontario). This failure shall also empower the Executive Board of the Ontario Young Liberals to de-ratify the club and recommend to the Liberal Party of Canada (Ontario) and the Young Liberals of Canada to no longer recognise the Club. A person may vote in only one Federal and Provincial Club in any one membership year.




Quorum for an Annual Meeting shall be ten (10) persons or ten (10) percent of membership whichever is greatest.

ARTICLE 9 - OTHER MEETINGS 9.1 9.2 General Meetings of the Mac YLC shall be called by the Executive for the purposes of electing delegates or for any other purpose. Notice in writing must be given a minimum of fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the Meeting to all members of the Club and the Presidents of the ADFW Federal and Provincial Riding Associations. In the case of a Delegate Selection Meeting notice must also be given to the Ontario Young Liberal office. As part of the notice delivered to the Ontario Young Liberal office, a copy of the current Club Constitution and a current membership list must be included. In the case of Delegate Selection Meetings, the proceedings must comply with the requirements of the Ontario Young Liberals, Liberal Party of Canada (Ontario) or the Young Liberals of Canada, whichever is appropriate. Voting in absentia and voting by proxy are expressly forbidden in any elections or voting of this Club. However, an individual may run for a delegate position provided they have submitted written notification and consent to the President of the ADFW YLC before the Call to Order of the DSM. Members may vote in only one Federal and Provincial Club in any one membership year. Quorum for General Meetings shall be five (5) members eligible to vote, or ten (10) percent of members eligible to vote, whichever is greater.



9.5 9.6

ARTICLE 10 - CONSTITUTION 10.1 10.2 10.3 This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting at an Annual General Meeting. Notice of proposed amendments to the constitution shall be provided to the members along with the Notice of Meeting. Where this constitution is silent, the Constitution of the Ontario Young Liberals shall hold authority. Where this constitution is in conflict with the constitution of the Ontario Young Liberals, the Constitution of the Ontario Young Liberals shall have authority on the decision of the Prime Minister.

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