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Program of M.A., M.Sc., M.Com., (Previous & Final) Main Exam 2013
Special Permission Improvement Exams - 2012

Day &
Time 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
M.A. (P&F) Urdu I
NAT, Marsiaaur QASIDA (1255)
M.A. (P) Economics I
Micro Economic Analysis (1701)

M.A. (P&F) Urdu II
Afsanavi Adab (1256)
M.A. (P) Philosophy I
Indian and Western Ethics (1227)
M.A. (P) Geography I
Geomorphology (1094)
M.A. (P) Psychology I
Research Methodology & Physiological Statistics (1078)
M.A. (P) Home Science I
Advanced Food & Nutrition (3001)
M.A. (P) Music I (Sitar, Tabla & Vocal) (1146)
M.A. (P) Drawing & Painting I
A Critical Study of Style & Technique of Different Schools
of Indian Painting up till 1947 (1137)
M.A. (P) Persian I
History Persian Literature (Earliest Time for Modern Period
M.A./M.Sc. (P) Statistics I
Statistical Mathematics (1335)
M.A./M.Sc. (P) Mathematics I
Advance Algebra (1173)
M.A./M.Sc. (P) Defense Studies (Military Studies) I
Theory and Practice of War (1155)
M.Sc. (P) Physics I
Mathematical Physics & Classical Mechanics (1310)
M.Sc. (P) Chemistry I (New Course)
Inorganic (1276)
M.Sc. (P) Zoology I Non Chordata (1293)


Day &
Time 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
M.Sc. (P) Botany I
Psychology & Microbiology (1321)

M.A. (P&F) Urdu III
Nazm and Masnavi (1257)
M.A. (P) Hindi I
+ti-i. l--i ( ~- n lii( (1187)
M.A. (P) Sanskrit I
< l-+ ~i l<+ =ilt- +i :lti= (+c+-)
M.A. (P) Political Science I
History of Political Thought from Plato to Marx (1034)

M.A. (P&F) Urdu IV
Ghazal (1258)
M.A. (F) Philosophy I
Epistemology (Indian & Western) (1234)
M.A. (F) Geography I
Geographic Thoughts & Research Methodology (1103)
M.A. (F) Psychology VI (New Course)
Psychological Assessment & Measurement (1083)
M.A. (F) Home Science I
Textile Manufacture Catering & Processing (3009)
M.A. (F) Music I
Vocal, Tabla, Sitar (1150)
M.A./M.Sc. (F) Defense Studies (Military Studies) I
Insurgency and Counter Insurgency (1163)
M.A. (F) Drawing & Painting I
History of Western Painting (1141)
M.A. (F) Persian V History of Indo Persian Literature (4005)
M.Sc. (F) Physics I
Advanced Quantum Mechanism (1315)
M.Sc. (F) Chemistry I (Old Course)
a) Inorganic - General and Analytical (1280)
b) Organic Theoretical (1284)
c) Physical Quantum Chemistry, Statistical Mechanics and
Spectrum (1288)
M.Sc. (F) Chemistry I (New Course) (2033)
Spectroscopy, Photochemistry and Solid State Chemistry
M.Sc. (F) Zoology I Chordata (1298)
M.Sc. (F) Botany VI (1328)
Taxonomy, Economic Botany & Morphology, Engosp

M.A. (F) Economics V (New Course)
Macro Economic Analysis (1705)

M.A. (F) Sanskrit V l--i ( i+i (1018)


Day &
Time 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
M.A./M.Sc. (F) Statistics IV
Multivariate Analysis and Sample Survey (1338)
M.A./M.Sc. (F) Mathematics I
Partial Differential Equations & Their Numerical Solutions
M.Sc. (F) Environmental Science - I
M.A. (P) Political Science II
Comparative Politics and Institutions(1035)
M.A. (P) Hindi II
i-i- ( =+ini- +i W1188)
M.A. (P) Sanskrit II -ii-i- ( ~i-i- +i (1015)

M.A. (F) Hindi I
~iil-+ lt-<i +i (1200)
M.A. (P) Economics II
Economics of Growth & Development (1702)

M.A. (P&F) Urdu V
Tanquidi Adab and Nasri Adab (1259)
M.A. (P) Philosophy II
Metaphysics (Indian & Western) (1228)
M.A. (P) Geography II
Geography of Resources (1095)
M.A. (P) Psychology II
Cognitive Processes (Experimental Psychology (1079)
M.A. (P) Home Science II Dietetics (3002)
M.A. (P) Music (Vocal, Sitar, Tabla) II
M.A. (P) Drawing & Painting II
Philosophy and Aesthetics of Indian Painting (1138)
M.A. (P) Persian II Classified Persian Prose (4002)
M.A./M.Sc. (P) Statistics II
Probability and Distributions (1336)
M.A./M.Sc. (P) Defense Studies (Military Studies) II
Military Psychology (1156)
M.A./M.Sc. (P) Mathematics II
Analysis (Real and Complex) (1174)
M.Sc. (P) Physics II
Spectroscopy and Quantum Mechanics (1311)
M.Sc. (P) Chemistry II (New Course)
Organic (1277)
M.Sc. (P) Zoology II
Cytogenetic and Biostatistics (1294)
M.Sc. (P) Botany II
Mycology and Plant Pathology (1322)
M.A. (P) Political Science III
Government and Politics of India (1036)
M.A. (P) Hindi III
lt-<i. =lt-. -iiii ~i < -ini lnl +i :lti= (1189)
M.A. (P) Sanskrit III
-iiii lai- ( i+i (1016)
M.A. (F) History V
National Movement in India c. A.D. 1857-1947
M.A. (F) Sanskrit VI
n -- ii iiilti= l- (1019)
M.A. (F) Hindi II
-i+. (+i+i ( --i= (1201)


Day &
Time 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
M.A. (P&F) Urdu VI
Urdu Zaban Aur Adab Ki Tarikh (1260)
M.A. (F) Geography II
Regional Geography of India (1104)
M.A. (F) Psychology VII (New Course)
Life Span Developmental Psychology (1084)
M.A. (F) Home Science II
Advanced Clothing Construction (3010)
M.A. (F) Philosophy II
Contemporary Western Philosophy (1235)
M.A. (F) Music II
Vocal, Sitar, Tabla (1151)
M.A./M.Sc. (F) Defense Studies (Military Studies) II (1164)
National Security (With the Special Reference to India)
M.A. (F) Drawing & Painting II Modern Movement in
Western Painting (1142)
M.A. (F) Persian VI
Indo Persian Poetry (4006)
M.Sc. (F) Physics II
Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics (1316)
M.Sc. (F) Chemistry II (Old Course)
a) Inorganic Non-Metals (1281)
b) Organic Acyclic and Cyclic (1285)
c) Physical Reaction Kinetics, Colloids & Surface
M.Sc. (F) Chemistry II (New Course)
Bioinorganic, Bioorganic, Biophysical Chemistry &
Environmental Chemistry
M.Sc. (F) Zoology II
Development Biology and Animal Behavior (1299)
M.Sc. (F) Botany VII
Plant Anatomy, Plant Embryology & Morphogenesis (1329)
M.A./M.Sc. (F) Statistics V
Statistical Inference (1339)

M.A. (F) Sanskrit VII g (New Course)
-i+ ii -i ziiz (1022)
M.A. (F) History VI
Worlds History 1870-1950 (1127)


Day &
Time 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
M.A./M.Sc. (F) (Mathematics) II
Operational Research (1179)
M.Sc. (F) Environmental Science II
M.A. (P) Economics III
Quantitative Methods (1703)
M.A. (F) Economics VI (New Course)
Public Economics (1706)

M.A. (F) Hindi III
lli l+- l---lnli = = +i: (+ (7201-7213)
+) l+=i =lt-+i +i lzii ~-
+. +i (/.c+)
.. i=i (/.c.)
.. =<i= (/.c.)
-. n=i<i= (/.c-)
:. zi+ =i< (/.c:)
-. =-< (/.c-)
/. tii =i< l,<i (/.c/)
i) lt-<i ni+ =ilt- (/.c)
n) z+ili (/.c)
i) -iiii lai- (/.+c)
) zi l=zi ~i lt-<i =ilt- (/.++)
-) <ln l=zi ~i lt-<i =lt- (/.+.)
) i- =n+ lt-<i (/.+.)
M.A. (P) Political Science IV
International Politics (1037)
M.A. (P) Hindi IVs
=ilt-ziiz ~i ==ini--i + l=zi- (++c)

M.A. (P) Philosophy III
Modern Indian Thought (1229)
M.A. (P) Geography III & IV
(i) Agricultural Geography (1096)
M.A. (P) Psychology III
Personality Theories (1080)
M.A. (P) Home Science III
Research Methods and Statistics (3003)
M.A. (P&F) Urdu VII An Special Author of Urdu
i) Sir Sayyad Ahmad Khan (1261)
ii) Ghalib (1262)
iii) Iqbal (1263)
iv) Meer (1264)
v) Hali (1265)
vi) Abu Kalam Azad (1266)
vii) M.A. Raza Khan Bareilvi (1267)


Day &
Time 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.

M.A. (P) Persian III
Classified Persian Poetry (4003)
M.Sc. (P) Physics III
Advanced Solid State Physics (1312)
M.Sc. (P) Chemistry III (Old Course)
Physical (1278)
M.Sc. (P) Zoology III
Physiology and Related Biochemistry (1295)
M.Sc. (P) Botany III
Bryophyta, Pteridophytes & Gymnosperms (1324)
M.A./M.Sc. (P) Statistics III
Matrix Algebra & Design of Experiments (1337)
M.A./M.Sc.(P) Defense Studies (Military Studies) IV
International Law (1158)
M.A./M.Sc. (P) Mathematics III
Differential Equations (1175)
M.A. (P) History I
Historiography Theory & Method (1118)
M.A. (F) Economics VII (New Course)
Indian Economic Policy(1707)

M.A. (F) Hindi IV
l--i -EC EO4>` )=4 (1203)
M.A. (P) Hindi V
-iii =ilt- (+++)
M.A. (P) Economics IV
International Trade and Finance (1704)
M.A. (P) History II
Worlds History (1453-1870) (1119)
M.A. (F) Sanskrit VIII g
+i ziiz (1023)
M.A. (F) Urdu VIII
Essay (1268)
M.A. (F) Philosophy III
A) Logic (Indian & Western) (1236)
B) Applied Ethics & Society (1237)
C) Feminism & Gender Study (1238)
D) Philosophy of Value Education (1239)
M.A. (F) Geography III & IV
(a) Regional Planning & Development (1105)
M.A. (F) Psychology VIII (New Course)
(a) Psychopathology
(b) Health Psychology
(c) Psychology Physiological
M.A. (F) Home Science III
Consumer Economics (3011)
M.A. (F) Persian VII
Modern Persian Prose poetry (4007)

M.A. (F) History VII
a) History of Ancient India & South East Asia
(C.A.D. 650-1200) (1128)
b) History of Medieval India (C.A,D, 1658-1761)
c) History of Modern India (CAD 1920-1964)


Day &
Time 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
M.Sc. (F) Physics III
Advanced Electronics (1317)
M.Sc. (F) Chemistry III (Old Course)
a) Inorganic Metals (1282)
b) Organic Recent and Applied Chemistry (1286)
C) Physical Thermodynamics Phase rule & Electro Chemistry
M.Sc. (F) Chemistry III (New Course)
a) Inorganic Organotransition Metal Chemistry + Bioorganic and
Supramolecular Chemistry (2035)
b) Organic Synthesis I + Synthesis II(2037)
C) Physical Chemistry of Materials + Advance Quantum
Chemistry (2039)
M.Sc. (F) Zoology III
a) Fish and Fisheries (1300)
b) Entomology (1302)
c) Cytology & Cytogenetic (1304)
d) Animal Physiology (1306)
M.Sc. (F) Botany VIII
Ecology and Soil Science (1330)
M.A./M.Sc. (F) Statistics VI
Linear Programming and Operational Research (1340)
M.A./M.Sc. (F) Defense Studies (Military Studies) III
Disarmament, Arms Control and Peace (1165)
M.A./M.Sc. (F) Mathematics III Topology (1180)
M.Sc. (F) Environmental Science - III
M.A. (P) Sanskrit IV
-iii <zi- (1017)

M.A. (P) Philosophy IV
A) Social & Political Philosophy (1230
B) Peace Study & Human Rights (1231)
C) Philosophy of Science & Environment (1232)
D) Philosophical Approach to Gandhi (1233)
M.A. (P) Geography III & IV
(ii) Industrial Geography (1097)
M.A. (P) Psychology IV
Social & Cultural Psychology (1081)
M.A. (P) Home Science IV
Resource Management (3004)

M.A. (F) Sanskrit IX g (New Course)
=ilt- l=zi- (+c.-)


Day &
Time 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
M.A. (P) Persian IV
Essay, Prosody Grammar and Translation (4004)
M.Sc. (P) Physics IV
Electronics & Electrodynamics (1313)
M.A. (P) History III (a,b,c)
a) History of Ancient India & Greco Roman Contacts
(C.B.C.600-78 A.D.) (1120)
b) History of Medival India & Central Asia (c.A.D.
1200-1526) (1122)
c) History of Modern India (c.A.D. 1757-1857) (1124)
M.A. (F) History VIII
a) Society Economy & Culture of Ancient India
(UPTOc 1200 A.D.) (1129)
b) Society Economy & Culture of Medieval India
(c.A.D. 1200-1750) (1131)
c) Society Economy & Culture of Modern India
c.A.D. 1750-1950 (1133)
M.Sc. (P) Chemistry IV (New Course)
a) Group Theory, Spectroscopy& Differaction Methods
b) Mathematics for Chemists (1280) OR
Biology for Chemists (1281)
M.Sc. (P) Zoology IV
Ecology, Taxonomy and Evolution (1296)
M.Sc. (P) Botany IV
Plant Physiology and Crop. Physiology (1325)
M.A./M.Sc. (P&F) Statistics VII
Economic Statistics (1341)
M.A./M.Sc. (P) Defense Studies (Military Studies) V
International Relation (From 1914 to Present day) (1159)
M.A./M.Sc. (P) Mathematics IV
Advanced Fluid Dynamics (1176)

M.A. (P) Sociology I
Classical Sociological Tradition (1058)

M.A. (P) Geography III & IVs
(iii) Population Geography (1098)
M.A. (F) Geography III & IV
(b) Urban Geography (1106)
M.A. (F) Persian VIII
Special Study of Iqbal (4008)
M.A. (P/F) Economics (New Course)
Paper IX Industrial Economics (1709)
Paper X Labor Economics (1710)
Paper XI Economics of Social Sector and Environment
Paper XII Demography (1712)
Paper XIII Mathematical Economics (1713)
Paper XIV Econometrics (1714)
Paper XV Agricultural Economics (1715)
Paper XVI Financial Institutions and Markets (1716)
Paper XVII Economics of Infrastructure (1717)
Paper XVIII History of Economics Thought (1718)
Paper XIX Advanced Statistics (1719)
M.A. (P) Sociology II
Methodology Of Social Research (1059)


Day &
Time 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.

M.A. (F) Philosophy IV
Essay (1240)
M.A. (F) Home Science IV
Advanced Child Development (3012)
M.A. (F) Geography III & IV
(c) Geography of Rural Development (1107)
M.A. (F) Psychology IX (New Course)
(a) Clinical and Community Intervention
(b) Stress, Coping and Health Management
(c) Comparative Psychology
M.Sc. (F) Physics IV
Operational Amplifier Microprocessor and Digital
Electronics (1318)

M.A. (P) Sociology III & IV
a) Gender & Society (1060)

M.Sc. (F) Zoology IV
a) Fish and Fisheries (1301)
b) Entomology (1303)
c) Cytology & Cytogenetic (1305)
d) Bio-Chemistry (1307)
M.Sc. (F) Botany IX
Biochemistry and Photobiology (1331)
M.Sc. (F) Chemistry IV (New Course)
a) Inorganic Photo inorganic Chemistry + Analytical
Chemistry (2036)
b) Organic Heterocyclic Chemistry + Chemistry of Natural
Products (2038)
C) Physical Liquid State + Polymers (2040)
M.A./M.Sc. (P&F) Statistics VIII
Engineering Statistics (1342)
M.A./M.Sc. (F) Mathematics IV & V (i)
Functional Analysis (1181)
M.A./M.Sc. (F) Defense Studies (Military Studies) V
Geo Strategy and Geo Politics (1167)
M.Sc. (F) Environmental Science IV (A,B,C)
M.A. (P) Geography III & IVs
(iv) Geography of Tourism & Landscape Management
M.A. (F) Political Science I
Foreign Policies of USA, UK, China & India (1038)
M.A. (P) Sociology III & IV
b) Environment & Society (7002)


Day &
Time 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.

M.A. (F) Geography III & IV
(d) Climatology & Oceanography (1110)
M.A. (P) Geography III & IVs
(v) Environmental Geography (1100)
M.Sc. (P) Botany V
Cytology and Molecular Biology (1326)
M.A./M.Sc. (F) Mathematics IV & V (ii)
Mathematical Statistics (1182)
M.A./M.Sc. (P) Mathematics V
Advanced Discrete Mathematics (1177)

M.A. (P) Sociology III & IV
c) Rural Society in India (1061)
M.A. (F) Geography III & IV
(e) Man & Environment (1111)
M.A. (F) Psychology III & IV
(e) Psychology of Personality (1089)
M.Sc. (F) Botany X
Genetics, Plant Breeding & Biostatistics(1332)

M.A. (P) Sociology III & IV
d) Society of Marginalized Communities (7001)

M.A./M.Sc. (F) Mathematics IV & V (iii)
Programming in C : (With ANSI Features) Theory and
Practical (Only for Regular Students) (1183)
M.A. (F) Sociology I (New Course)
Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology(1065)

M.A./M.Sc. (F) Mathematics IV&V (iv)
Difference Equations (1184)
M.Com. (F) I
Corporate Financial Accounting (6007)
M.A. (F) Political Science II,III,IV (I)
a) Contemporary Political Theory (1039)
b) International Law (1045)
c) Indian Administration (1050)

M.A./M.Sc. (F) Mathematics IV&V (v)
Integral Equations and Boundary Value Problems (1185)

M.A. (F) English I
Nineteenth Century English Poetry (1005)
M.Com. (P) I
Management Concept and Organizational Behavior (6001)

M.A. (F) (Philosophy, Sanskrit, Urdu, Hindi, Persian & Economics) Viva-Voce Examination at 10-00 am in Concern College.
M.A./M.Sc. (F) Mathematics IV&V (vi)
Solar Magneto Hydrodynamics (1186)
M.Sc. (P)
Environmental Science - I
M.A. (F) English II
Twentieth Century English Literature (1006)
M.Com. (P) II
Indian Economic Environment OR E-Commerce (6002)


Day &
Time 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
M.A./M.Sc. (F) Mathematics IV&V (vii)
Information Theory (1187)
M.Com. (F) II
Financial Management (6008)
M.A. (F) Political Science II,III,IV (II)
a) Political Thinkers of Ancient India(1040)
b) International Organization (1046)
c) State and Local Administration (1051)
M.A. (F) Sociology II (New Course)
Perspective on Indian Society (1066)

M.A./M.Sc. (F) Mathematics IV&V (viii)
Fuzzy Sets and Their Applications (1188)
M.A. (F) English III
Literary Criticism (1007)
M.Com. (P) III
Human Resource Management (6003)

M.A./M.Sc. (F) Mathematics IV&V (ix)
Differential Geometry of Manifolds (1189)
b) Commonwealth Literature (1011)
M.Com. (F) III
Income Tax Law, Accounts and Tax Planning (6009)

M.A./M.Sc. (F) Mathematics IV&V (x)
Wavelets Preliminaries (1190)
M.A. (F) English IV
a) History of English Literature (1008)
b) American Literature (1009)
M.Com. (F) Elective Group I,II,III,IVs I
a) Accounting Theory and Contemporary Concepts (6011)
b) Advertising and Sales Management (6014)
c) International Business Environment (6017)
d) Human Resource Planning and Development (6020)
M.A. (F) Political Science II,III,IV (III)
a) Political Thinkers of Modern India (1041)
b) West Asian World Politics (1047)
c) West Asia in World Politics (1052)
M.A. (F) Sociology III (New Course)
a) Urban Society in India (1067)
b) Sociology of Aging (1068)
c) Industry and Society in India (1089)
d) The Study of Indian Diaspora (1090)

M.A./M.Sc. (F) Mathematics IV&V (xi)
Biomechanics (1191)
M.Sc. (P) Environmental Science - II
M.A. (F) English V
a) Indian English Literature (1010)
M.Com. (P) IV
Statistical Analysis (6004) (Calculator Allowed)

M.A. (P) Sociology III & IV
e) Globalization and Society (1062)
M.A. (P) English I Prose (1001)
M.A./M.Sc. (F) Mathematics IV&V (xii)
Plasma Dynamics (1192)
M.Com. (P) V
Accounting For Managerial Decisions (6005)
M.A. (F) Political Science II,III,IV(IV)
a) History of Socialist Thought (1042)
b) South East Asia in World Politics (1048)
c) South East Asia in World Politics (1053)


Day &
Time 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.

M.A. (F) Political Science II,III,IV (V)
a) Political Sociology (1043)
b) Indias Neighbourers in World Politics (1049)
c) Indias Neighbourers in World Politics (1054)
M.A. (P) English II
Poetry From Chaucer to 1798 (1002)
M.A./M.Sc. (F) Mathematics IV&V (xiii) General Relativity
& Cosmology (1193)
M.Sc. (P) Environmental Science - III
M.Com. (F) Elective Group I,II,III,IVs II
a) Financial Institution & Markets (6012)
b) Consumer Behavior (6015)
c) International Marketing (6018)
d) Legal Framework Governing Human Relations ( 6021)

M.Com. (P) VI
Marketing Management (6006)
M.Com. (F) Elective Group I,II,III,IVs III
a) Security Analysis & Portfolio Management (6013)
b) Marketing Research (6016)
c) Foreign Trade Policy, Procedure & Documentation
d) Cross Cultural and Global Human Resource
Management (6022)
M.A. (F) Sociology IV (New Course)
a) Political Sociology
M.A. (P) English III
English Drama (1003)
M.Sc. (P) Environmental Science - IV
M.A. (P) History IV
a) History of Ancient India (c.A.D. 78-650) (1121)
b) History of Medieval India (c.A.D. 1526-1657) (1123)
c) History of Modern India (c.A,D. 1857-1919) (1125)

M.A. (P) English IV Fiction (1004)
M.A. (F) (Political Science, Sociology, English, History) & M.Com. Viva-Voce Examination at 10-00 am in Concern College.

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