Microbiology Course Syllabus

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School of Biotechnology, International University-HCMC Department: BioTechnology

Course Syllabus Form BT.Exxx

Microbiology (Code: BT164IU/BT164UN)

COURSE OVERVIEW This microbiology course is designed for the biotechnology major interested in learning about the microbial world. In this course, students will study the fundamental structural and metabolic characteristics of microorganisms, the interactions between them and their environments; and will learn basic techniques for enrichment, selection, isolation, enumeration and identification. The course also offers introductory information on the applications of microorganisms in a number of different industries. LEARNING OUTCOMES
Students will be able to:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Describe the basic cellular structures and their functions in a typical prokaryotic cell. Discuss the importance of nutrients, temperature, oxygen, osmotic potential, and pH on bacterial growth. Explain the fundamentals of bacterial genetics Describe the diversity of prokaryotic organisms in terms of morphology, ecology and metabolic system Outline basic methods to control microbial growth Describe viral cell structure and discuss about the two major modes of viral reproduction. Describe microbial roles in the ecosystems, including nutrient recycling, symbiotic relationships, and adverse effects on certain ecosystems (acid mine drainage, mercury mineralization, ore leaching). Outline the major taxonomic bacterial groups including sample species in each group. Describe the interactions between human and microbes Discuss the major industrial products produced by microbes

8. 9. 10.


Tran Thi My Hanh (PhD), Rm. 501, ttmhanh@hcmiu.edu.vn

RESOURCES Recommended book(s): Madigan, M.T., Martinko, J.M., Dunlap, P.V., Clark,D.P. (2005). Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 11th Ed, Benjamin Cummings. Hogg, S. (2005). Essential Microbiology, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Prescott, L.M., Harley, J.P., and Kle, D.A. (2004). Microbiology. McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math.

Revision: April 21, 2013

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School of Biotechnology, International University-HCMC Department: BioTechnology On IU Blackboard

Link to course documents on BB

Course Syllabus Form BT.Exxx

Other Website(s) CONTENTS (3 lecture credits + 1 lab credit) Lecture (3 credits = 45 total hours) 1. Lecture 1 (4 hours): Course outline, and overview of microbial life 2. Lecture 2 (4 hours): Cell structure and function in Bacteria and Archaea 3. Lecture 3 (4 hours): Nutrition, laboratory culture, and metabolism of microorganisms 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Lecture 4 (4 hours): Microbial growth Lecture 5 (4 hours): Bacterial genetics Lecture 6 (4 hours): Prokaryotic diversity Lecture 7 (4 hours): Eukaryotic microorganism and Viruses Lecture 8 (4 hours): Microbial habitats, nutrient cycles and interactions with plants and animals 9. Lecture 9 (4 hours): Microbial growth control 10. Lecture 10 (4 hours): Human-Microbe interactions 11. Lecture 11 (5 hours): Industrial Microbiology Laboratory (1 credit = 30 hours) 1. Lab 1 (4 hours): Allocation of laboratory place, introduction to the course, and medium preparation 2. Lab 2 (4 hours): Aseptic technique, culture technique, and subculture 3. Lab 3 (4 hours): Use of the microscope, prepare a wet mount, smear preparation, and gram stain 4. Lab 4 (4 hours): Oxy requirement, temperature conditions, and preparation and care of stock culture 5. Lab 5 (4 hours): Bacterial population counts, and introduction to bacterial identification process 6. Lab 6 (4 hours): Bacterial population counts, and introduction to bacterial identification process, and lab test GRADING
Midterm Exam: 30% Final Exam: 40% Others:1 30% Included: Assignment: 10%; Lab report: 20 %


May consist of assignment, presentation and/or labworks. Please specify so that students should be informed how they will be evaluated in advance. Attendance is a requirement to sit for the mid-term and final exams. No marks should be given for attendance. For labworks it is recommended that students are evaluated after each class and overally at the end. The final examination for labworks should not contribute more than 30% of the final score for labworks.

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School of Biotechnology, International University-HCMC Department: BioTechnology Language

Course Syllabus Form BT.Exxx

Both students and instructors are encouraged to use English for all communications, either in or outside class. Attendance Students must attend at least 80% of the classes in order to qualify for sitting the midterm and final exams. All absence, if not emergent, requires approval of the instructor(s) in advance. Absence for exams requires in-advanced approval of the Office of Academic Affairs. Safety Both instructor(s) and students are requested to strictly follow the rules/regulations related to safety issued by the university and/or the school. Violation, no matter on intention or not, implies immediate dimission from class or labwork session. Teaching hours All classes start sharply at 08:00 in the morning and 13:00 in the afternoon. Each teaching period lasts for 45 mins and must be delivered in the presence of either the instructor(s) or his/her teaching assistant. Students that do not come on time can be considered as not attending the class. Communication Conversation between instructor(s) and students is possible via in-person contact or email. It is recommended that students check with the instructor(s) first before attempting to use telephone for communication. Qualification of the instructor(s) Instructor(s) and his/her teaching assistant, once approved by the university and the school, i.e. names appear on the semesters official schedule, are qualified for teaching. They are fully responsible for the quality of teaching reflected via the preparation of this syllabus, available materials uploaded on IU-Blackboard, lecture notes or handouts and, if the course requires labwork, lab manual. Without permission from the university and the school no other person could teach on behalf of the instructor(s) Report Any matter related to the course should be directly reported and discussed with the instructor(s) before attempting to resolve it at the school or the university levels. Appointment to meet with the Dean of School could be made via the schools secretary or via email biotechnology@hcmiu.edu.vn. Students who wish to remain anonymous could write and drop their complaints in the White Box in front of the schools office.

The following policies are applied to all courses offered by the School of Biotechnology, International University VNUHCM. Instructor(s) is encouraged to add and discuss with the students additional policies that could help improve the quality of the course or its delivery.

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