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Part 2: Individual task

Write a reflection of about 500 words on these two points. In my opinion, all themes and values from this short story somehow related to my personal life. First theme which is related to me is appreciation. As a human being we should have the feel of appreciation towards the people who helped is even in a small matter. Especially when I am feeling very lonely and disappointed about my assignments or any tasks, my classmates always help me by sharing and get through my problems. They willing to scarify their time to help me even though its a small matter and I just feel grateful to them. I also should be proud with what uniqueness I have since everyone is special in the world. So, I shouldnt feel down or envy of others talent. For example, my friends always commenting that I am always strict in the class and they scared to get along with me. Although its a negative view from them but f or me being strict is uniqueness. This is because I can keep myself steady which will help me to handle my students easily when I go to practicum later. Thirdly, I also should believe in originality. Originality means the genuine of my character which reflects me to others especially to the lecturer. I always want to make sure that all my works and assignments should come from my own hard work and must be valuable. I always want to give the best from my work and worth it to everyone. While I am reading this story, I used SQ3R reading strategy to analyse my story to understand more clearly. Firstly, for the survey part I go through the title and the name of author of the story. Secondly, there are few questions I can form while I skimmed and scanned my story. Questions that I can create are what is story actually about? , who is Nightingale in the story? , Is that story about a human or other creature?. Next, for 3R part, the first section is read. I tried to fill in the information around the mental structures I have been building. Read each section with my questions in mind and look for the answers, and notice if I need to make up some new question. Secondly, recite section which retrains my mind to concentrate and learn as it reads. After reach this section I stop recall my questions, and see whether I can answer them from memory and looking good caption for my storyboard.

Lastly, review section. This section refines my mental organization and begins building memory. After I finished reading the entire chapter using the preceding steps, I go back over all the part of the story and find some interesting clues for my storyboard. In addition, I also make a storyboard for my assignment task. I feel very excited to do my storyboard as it is my first time making a storyboard. Anyhow, my lecturer gave a short briefing about the making of a storyboard before the task has been started. With help of my group mate Ting Ji Er, I managed to plan my storyboard more systematically within a few days. My part in making storyboard is to colour and putting captions. For this I need understand the plot of the story more clearly to make a story to be more interesting. At last, I successfully presenting my storyboard and finished all my tasks according to the needs of assignment.

Punggodi Maniam 3 PISMP SAINS 1

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