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Handling Several TWinSoft versions

This is important ! Read the following if you want to use several TWinSoft versions

It is not sufficient to install TWinSoft to another directory as TWinSoft uses system files, which can be at only one location and not shared by 2 different versions. The next pages explain the procedure to work with several versions of TWinSoft, that you are always sure you use the common files and other accessory softwares like WebForm Studio corresponding to the TWinSoft running. We will take the example of having version 10.02 installed that we want to share with the version 10.03.

Version : 2.02

Multiple TWinSoft Installation

Backup the current version

TWinSoft installs files to 2 directories: A directory that you can choose for TWinSoft files. by default: \Program Files\Techno Trade\TWinSoft A directory that you cannot choose for TWinSoft system files. : \Program Files\Common Files\Techno Trade Presume that you are currently working with TWinSoft 10.02. 1. Backup of TWinSoft Create the subdirectory Twin1002 to the directory TWinSoft. Copy all the files from TWinSoft to Twin1002 You have then: Program Files Techno Trade TWinSoft Twin1002 2. Backup of the system Files Create the subdirectory Com1002 to the directory Techno Trade. Copy the files from Techno Trade to Com1002 You have then: Program Files Common Files Techno Trade Com1002

TWinSoft installation
Install TWinSoft 10.03 to your default directory. Then on a windows point of view, there is one TWinSoft installation. by default: \Program Files\Techno Trade\TWinSoft When prompted to uninstall current version, you can accept it as it has been backed up. After installation, the new common files and TWinSoft files must be backed up, as they should be replaced by the old ones when working with previous versions of TWinSoft. Do the same as above, backup Common Files to a subdirectory Com1003 and TWinSoft Files to a subdirectory TWin1003. You have then: Common Files Program Files Common Files Techno Trade Com1002 Com1003 TWinSoft Files Program Files Techno Trade TWinSoft Twin1002 TWin1003

Version : 2.02

Multiple TWinSoft Installation

Selecting the version of TWinSoft

To select the version of TWinSoft you want to start, you use batch files (text files with the extension .bat). You create batch files with Notepad editor and save them with the extension .bat To start TWinSoft 10.02: file: Twin1002.bat
copy "c:\Program Files\Common Files\Techno Trade\Com1002\*.*" "c:\Program Files\Common Files\Techno Trade" copy "c:\Program Files\Techno Trade\TWinSoft\Twin1002\*.*" "c:\Program Files\Techno Trade\TWinSoft" "c:\Program Files\Techno Trade\TWinSoft\Twinsoft.exe"

To start TWinSoft 10.03: file: TWin1003.bat

copy "c:\Program Files\Common Files\Techno Trade\Com1003\*.*" "c:\Program Files\Common Files\Techno Trade" del "c:\Program Files\Techno Trade\TWinSoft\Twinsoft.exe.manifest" copy "c:\Program Files\Techno Trade\TWinSoft\Twin1003\*.*" "c:\Program Files\Techno Trade\TWinSoft" "c:\Program Files\Techno Trade\TWinSoft\Twinsoft.exe"

As of TWinSoft 10.03, a file used in previous versions must be deleted. See above :
del "c:\Program Files\Techno Trade\TWinSoft\Twinsoft.exe.manifest"

Version : 2.02

Multiple TWinSoft Installation

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