Active City Administration

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Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Vyas Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jodhpur Department of Computer Science Engineering & Information Technology

Certificate This is to certify that Mr. Abhishek Sharma students of IV year B.Tech. VIII Semester Department of CS/IT Engineering Has Completed the his Project on Active City Administration under my guidance for partial fulfillment of B.Tech. Course.

Mr. Rashid Khan (Project GUIDE)


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration


We wish to express our deep sense of gratitude towards Prof. Rashid Khan, who helped us at every minute level of the project work. Our project head Mr. Rashid Khan, who helped us in conceiving and learning during the entire period of our Project. His insights and inspiration has imparted energy and enthusiasm in us .We am thankful to him for providing us interesting and challenging definition to work upon which helped us think bigger and better. We fall short of words to express profound gratitude to Prof. Ritu Raj Jain (HOD CSE&IT, VIET ) for guiding us and for sparing her valuable time to impart the information and directions which were required to successfully complete the Project documentation. We would also like to thank our parents, teachers, and all my friends who helped us in completing the work. We take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to all those who extended their whole hearted co-operation and have helped me in completing the minor project successfully.

Abhishek Sharma 4th Year B. Tech.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

The Active City Administration also known as E-City is the project with the objective to make it easy for the citizen to fire their query against the Development Authority of the city. It also helps the city development authority to manage and maintain the city effectively and in much better way. The aim of the project is to develop an admirable website which will help and assist the citizen and the city administrator to overcome the problems of city in a fast and better way. The time wasted by the citizens to register their query in municipal authority in present day, will be overcome greatly with help of this website. The Website will help the user to register his problem to the city admin online and thus will save the time of him/her. The user can also share his suggestions/petition with other people. The authority can also announce the online tenders for various departments through the news letter of website.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

CERTIFICATE ---------------------------------------------ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT --------------------------------ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. PREFACE ---------------------------------------------------ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CONTENTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. PROJECT PROPOSAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- V SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION (SRS) --------------------------------- VII SOFTWARE DESIGN DOCUMENT (SDD) --ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST PLAN DOCUMENT (TPD) --------------------------------------------------------------- XL IMPLEMENTATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L WORKING SNAPSHOTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LI TEST STATUS REPORT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LXI CONCLUSION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LXII ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS -------------------------------- LXIII REFERENCES------------------------------------ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

1. Project Proposal

Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

1. Project Proposal Name of Project: -Active City Administration

Objective/Aim: The aim of the project is to develop an admirable website which will help and
assist the citizen (user) and the city administrator to overcome the problems of city in a fast and better way. The time wasted by the citizens to register their query in municipal authority in present day, will be overcome greatly with help of this website.

Overview: The Website will help the user to register his problem to the city admin online and
thus will save the time of him/her. The user can also share his suggestions/petition with other people. There will be a dashboard for each user so that he can check the status of his registered problem. The main admin will redirect the user problem to municipal authority which will be further filtered to the respective department

Technology/Programming Languages/Databases Involved:Windows (as Operating System) Apache (as Web Server) MySql (as Database Server) PHP (Server Programming Language) AJAX (Client Side Programming Language)

Name of Team Members:1. Abhishek Sharma

Name of the Project Guide:Prof. Rashid Khan

Name/Branch/Year/Semester/Batch:1. Abhishek Sharma /Comp. Science Engineering/4th Year /A1


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

2. Software Requirement Specification (SRS)


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

The purpose of the project is to provide a simple way for the user (citizen) to interact with the administration of the city via e-mail. User can register the complaints, feedback or suggestion to respective department of city administration. The basic purpose is to avoid the paper work required to be done by the citizen to register any complaint to city administrator. To encourage the citizens to actively participate in city administration to bring transparency and flexibility in system.

User (citizen) is able to register his/her problems on the site. Administrative authority can log-in to their accounts through separate page. Administrative Authority can access all the complaints, suggestions from users. Administrative Authority can invoke proper activity in response to valid complaints. Administrative Authority can create and monitor accounts of users Administrative Authority can handle complaints about improper response by staff.

Technologies to be used:
PHP: (HTML, JAVASCRIPT, AJAX) Application architecture. Apache: Web Server MySQL Server: Database by Sun. SqlYog: Creating Database. Adobe Dreamweaver CS4: Designing Tool. Xampp: Tool for providing Database & Web Server. Php Designer: Development Tool.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Product Perspective:
The present website is used by both city administrator and the citizens in order to manage the city problems like garbage, pollution and road development etc. effectively. The user can communicate to respective department of city administration directly by submitting his compliant through form available on website. Thus the website reduces the needs of the paper work and also save the time.

Product Functions:
Website deals with paperless work of the citizen to register his complaints and feedbacks directly to the city administration via website. It gives alerts via email to the user according to their requirements. Every tender applicant after sign-up have their own username and password. Administrative Authority can access all the complaints, suggestions from users. Users are given the facility to upload photos of the complaint. For e.g., garbage problem. Feedback forms are there for the user to give their feedbacks and suggestions to the city administrator.

User Characteristics:
Administrative Authority: Authority can log-in to its accounts. Authority can access all the complaints, suggestions from users. User (Tender applicant): User has to register himself to interact with administration. All users of the system are expected to have a basic knowledge of operating a computer as well as using internet.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Use Case Model Diagram:

Register or Log in

Confirms Registration

Update / Delete User


Issue Tender


News Letter

Share their suggestions

Authority User
Work upon feedback/ testimonial Tender Reg.

Verify Tender Applicant

Upload video of the problem

Fig 1

General Constraints:
The users (citizen) must have internet connection so as to use the features of the website. After registration they will be provided with username and password which will be used by them to login to their respective accounts. The constraint we faced is lack of knowledge of front i.e. Php and its linking with database i.e. back end.

Assumptions & Dependencies:

The project assumes that user has basic knowledge of computer as the web application is computer adaptive. x

Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Specific Requirement
User can share their suggestions with authority for better development of city. User can upload videos of their problem e.g., garbage problem. Municipal Authority changes the status of the compliant if it is processed. Alerts by email to the users. To make easy deployment of website from user point of view, different categories of departments. 24 X 7 availability for the user to register their complaints. Feedback forms for the good working of website.

Interfaces: Software
Web Browser Technologies Tools Database : : : : Any browser e.g IE 7, Mozilla Firefox. Php Designer, HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Adobe Dreamweaver CS4/ Php Designer. MySQL Server.

Supplementary requirements:


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

3. Software Design Document (SDD)


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

The Active City Administration also known as E-City is the project with the objective to make it easy for the citizen to fire there query against the Municipal Authority. It also helps the city admin authority to manage and maintain the city effectively and in much better way.

Objective/Aim: The aim of the project is to develop an admirable website which will help and
assist the citizen (user) and the city administrator to overcome the problems of city in a fast and better way. The time wasted by the citizens to register their query in municipal authority in present day, will be overcome greatly with help of this website.

Overview: The Website will help the user to register his problem to the city admin online and
thus will save the time of him/her. The user can also share his suggestions/petition with other people. There will be a dashboard for each user so that he can check the status of his registered problem. The main admin will redirect the user problem to municipal authority which will be further filtered to the respective department


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Functional Description
Functional Overview:
The brief descriptions of the features which will be included in the project are as follows:1. Online problem registrations: The citizen can register his problem online with the help of the website. He can share his suggestions and make petition as per the need. 2 .Upload Videos: The citizen can share the video or the photograph of the problem online with the help of website. This is the effective way to represent the problem of the citizen. 3. News Letter: The news letter of the municipal authority will be handled by the apex authority. It will be updated time to time as per any new activity that is happening. It will also issue notices inviting tenders for companies to carry out the work on behalf of the government. 4. Tender Registration: The company which wants to view the tender details should first register on the website. 5. Issuing of Tender: The authority can issue various tenders regarding road, electricity and various other developmental work. 6 Feedback/Suggestion: This module consists of a form which contains some fields where user can share his feedback or suggestion with the apex authority of the city. The feedback will help the working authority to overcome the shortcomings in their working methods. 7 Email Verification: The user who registers themselves on website can get mail verification by the admin authority.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Functional Block Diagram: Complete Project:

The functional block daigram is divided into 3 parts: Input Process Output

Login User Register Feedback News Letter Complaint Tender

Complaint/Tender Processing


User Acknowledgment




Fig 2.1


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

1.User(tender applicant):

Complaint form Valid Username and password/Signup Home Page Tender Form Upload Video News


Fig 2.2


2.Admin Authority:

Update news letter Valid admin name and password Home Page of admin Mail Verification Process user feedback Invite tender


Fig 2.3



Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Functional Partitions
Module Name: Login Module
Admin and User will have different login ids and password. If a user doesnt want to create an account, then the user cannot avail the facilities being provided by the application i.e. the user cannot access the functionalities of the website. New users can create a new account by signup. Functional Block Diagram




Home Page

Data Base Fig 3 Module Dependencies Input Dependencies User name Password Output Dependencies Module Login Data Verify username and password Description It checks the username and password. If they match with admin then it will be directed to admin module or if it matches with any of the user it will be directed to user module or it will be directed to homepage Table 1


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Module Name: Account Creation This module works for new user. If a new customer comes then the customer has to create a new account.

Functional Block Diagram

Only alphabets are accepted. Max(32char)


New User

Sign Up


Alphanumeric character are accepted

Contact no. Id

Only numbers are accepted. Max (10 no.) Alphanumeric characters are accepted. As per the options available in the drop down menu.


Submit Table 2 Module Dependencies: Input Dependencies User name Password Name Address Contact number Output Dependencies Module Data Description Account Verify username, A new account will be created with a user id Creation password, contact and a unique username and password number, address Table 3


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Module Name: Admin The main task of this module is: Process the user requirements (problems) accordingly. Update user dashboard. Invite online tenders. Monitoring of different departments. Update the problem status.

Functional Block Diagram

View and process problem

Department management

Username Password of admin

After admin authentication

Manage newsletter Mail Verification

Manage and invite tenders

Data base

Table 4 Module Dependencies Input Dependencies Selecting of any admin task will be the input to this module. Output Dependencies Module Admin Data Description Process user problem, It will update the database according to the tender invite, manages task and then the task will be performed. different departments. Table 5


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Module Name: Customer The main task of this module is: Online problem registration. Upload videos/photos of the problem. Give feedback and suggestions. Functional Block Diagram

Register problem
Upload Video

Username Password of user

After customer authentication

Feedback/ Suggestions Registration for tender Apply for tenders

Data Base

Table 6

Module Dependencies
Input Dependencies This input to this module depends upon the user. Selecting of any customer task will be the input to this module Output Dependencies Module Customer Data Description Register problem, It will update the database according to the upload video, check task and then the task will be performed. status of compliant, feedback. Table 7


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Data Description
Data Flow Diagram 0 Level DFD




Retrieve Access


Fig 4.1

1 Level DFD

Fig 4.2


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Flow Charts Flow chart of complete project:Start

Enter Username Enter password of admin/user



Access database

Database Yes Yes

User home page

Admin home page Update news letter Update user dash board Process user feedback Invite tender

Complaint form Tender Register Upload Video Feedback Form


End Fig 5.1


Department of CS & IT,VIET Flow chart of authority module

Active City Administration


Enter username and password



Is Valid?
Database Yes

Admin User Interface

Process problem

Email Verify

Invite Tender

News Letter

Process feedbacks

Log-out Stop

Fig 5.2


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Flow chart of user module


Enter username and password



Is Valid?


Customer User Interface


Tenders Reg.


Upload video

Problem register

Log-out Stop Fig 5.3


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Login Module :-




Verify Database Yes


Home Page Fig 5.4


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

E-R Diagram:
Fig 6 User

Login_id Login_pass

Is a

Id Name

Admin Reg_id

Contractor Field


Register Subject


News Letter





Detail Title Path Date




Complain_ id




Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

User Name Address Contact No. E-mail

Varchar(20) Varchar(30) Intger Varchar(30)

-NA-NA-NA-NATable 8

Contains the user name. Contains the address of the user. Tells the contact number of the user. Stores the email id of the user.

Table Name: Login This table contains the details of different login id and password of admin and user. Field Name U_id User Name Password Data Type Integer Varchar(20) Varchar(20) Synonyms -NA-NA-NATable 9 Table Name: Department This table contains the details of the different departments. Field Name D_id Dept Name Description Data Type Integer Varchar(20) Varchar(30) Synonyms -NA-NA-NATable 10 Table Name: Employee This table contains the details of the employee working in municipal corporation. Field Name U_id User Name Address Contact No. E-mail D_id Data Type Integer Varchar(20) Varchar(30) Intger Varchar(30) Integer Synonyms -NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NATable 11 Description It is the foreign key. Contains the user name. Contains the address of the user. Tells the contact number of the user. Stores the email id of the user. Act as foreign key. Description It is the primary key which is unique for each department. Contains the name of the departments. Contains the description of each department. Description It is the primary key that will be unique for each user. Contains the user name. Contains the password of the user.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Table Name: Dealers This table contains the details of the dealers who are allocated the tenders by authority. Field Name U_id Dealer Name Address Contact No. E-mail Data Type Integer Varchar(20) Varchar(30) Intger Varchar(30) Synonyms -NA-NA-NA-NA-NATable 12 Description It is the foreign key. Contains the dealer name. Contains the address of the dealer. Tells the contact number of the dealer. Stores the email id of the dealer.

Table Name: Tender This table contains the details of the tenders released by the municipal authority. Field Name U_id T_id D_id Work tenure Data Type Integer Integer Integer Varchar(40) Synonyms -NA-NA-NA-NATable 13 Description It is the foreign key that will be unique for each citizen. Contains the unique id for each tender. Acts as foreign key. Tells the details about work carried out like time period etc.

Table Name: Complaint This table contains the details about the compliant submitted by the user. Field Name U_id D_id Description Data Type Integer Integer Varchar(50) Synonyms -NA-NA-NADescription It is the foreign key that will be unique for each citizen. Acts as foreign key. Tells the description of the problem of the citizen and to which dept. it belongs.

Table 14


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

User Interface Design

Form/Webpage Name: Home Page
E-CITY Citizen service Tenders Departments Feedbacks Auctions


News Letter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contact Us About City Upcoming Projects Vacancies Current projects

Live Projects Fig 7

This webpage is the home-page of the website. Different users will login through this page. The tabs available on the homepage are: Citizen Service: It contains a drop menu where a user can register his complaint via filling a form online and can also upload the video of the same. Tenders and auctions: The basic use of these feature is to make easy for the dealers to apply for tenders generated by municipal authority. The online biding for the auctions will bring transparency in the system. Contact Us: For any query related to the services, one can contact us through the phone no. and address available on the website.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Login module: Those users will sign-in who have created their account on the website. Many extra facilities are provided to the account holders. Username and password are required to sign-in which are unique and decided by the customer when they create their account. Create a New Account: Any customer can create a new account to get benefit of different features available on the website.

Form/Webpage Name: ADMIN LOG-IN


Please enter valid username and password

Username Password Log-in

Fig 8 The web-form will be used to authenticate the admin member of the municipal corporation. It will ask for a valid username and password to log-in. By clicking on the HOME button, the user will be directed to the homepage.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Form/Webpage Name: Admin Home Page

E-CITY Admin Page Update news letter Management Update user dashboard Auctions Management Tenders Feedbacks View User Feedback

News Letter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Contact Us

About City

Live Projects Fig 9

This form is dynamic page which is handled by the main authority of Municipal Corporation. He can manage the complete site along with news letter, tenders, departments etc.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Form/Webpage Name: Compliant Form

Name Address Location Description

Department Ward no. E-mail id Contact no. Upload Video/Photo Browse Submit Fig 10 This form helps the citizen to register their complaints online. The details of each field must be filled correctly and he can even upload the video/photo of the problem. Cancel


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Form/Webpage Name: Feedback /Suggestion Form

Name Address Location Feedback

Ward no. E-mail id Contact no.



Fig 11 This feedback form helps the citizens to give their feedback or suggestions to the municipal authority. The feedback are redirected to the admin where they are verified. The user has to fill the required details before submitting the form.

Form/Webpage Name: Tender form

This form gives the information about the recent tender details with the documents and date. 5.6.1. Recent Tenders:NIT No. Document Subject Date Download Download

Table 15 xxxiii

Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

5.6.2. Tender Form:-This form helps the citizen to apply for tenders and dealerships. Name Address Location Qualification

Ward no. E-mail id Contact no. Submit Fig 12 Cancel

Form/Webpage Name: CONTACT US

Contact Us

Municipal Corporation Photo or flash

Name: Address: Contact no. Fig 13 The above webpage will display the contact information of the municipal authority i.e. name, Address or location and contact no.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Module Description
Module Name: Login Admin and User will have different login ids and password. If a user doesnt want to create an account, then the user can directly register his compliant but no other services will be available to that user. New users can create a new account by signup. Class Name: -NAClass Dependencies -NAClass Functions Function Name: login(); Declaration int login(); Input Parameters Variable Type char * char* Output Parameters Variable Type NA Return values 0 or 1 Variable Name NA Variable Description NA Variable Name username password Variable Description Stores the username Stores the password


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Pseudo code Step1:- Enter user name and password (Admin/Customer) Step 2:- If valid then either Admin/Customer interface open. Step3:- If invalid, then page is reloaded. Step 4:- Exit. Account Creation This module works for new user If a new user comes then the user has to create a new account

Class Name: -NAClass Dependencies -NAClass Functions Function Name: signup It creates an account for a new user. Declaration Void signup ( ); Input Parameters Variable Type Varchar(40) Varchar(40) Int Varchar(20) Char Variable Name password address Phone_no. id U_name Variable Description Stores password of user Stores address of user Stores phone no of user Stores e-mail id of user Stores user name

Output Parameter Variable Type Variable Name -NA-NAReturn values

Variable Description -NA-


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

0 or 1 Pseudo code Step1:- Signup form for new user. Step 2:- Fill the entries as per the form. Step3:- If all entry are valid and on clicking submit form, entries are made in database. Step4:-If invalid then pages will be reloaded. . Step5:- Exit. Admin The main task of this module is: Process the user requirements (problems) accordingly. Update user dashboard. Invite online tenders. Monitoring of different departments. Update the problem status. Class Name: -NAClass Dependencies -NAClass Functions Function Name: U_account(); Declaration Void u_account(); Input Parameters Variable Type Variable Name -NA-NAOutput Parameters
Variable Type -NAVariable Name -NAVariable Description -NA-

Variable Description -NA-

Return values xxxvii

Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

-NAPseudo code Step1:- Enter valid username and password. Step 2:- Home page of admin opens. Step3:- Make changes as per requirement or update user dash board. Step4:- logout/Exit. User (citizen) The main task of this module is: Online problem registration. Upload videos/photos of the problem. Apply for tender. Give feedback and suggestions. Class Name: -NAClass Dependencies -NAClass Functions Function Name: Feedback(); Declaration :Void feedback(); Input Parameters Variable Type Varchar(40) Varchar(40) Int Varchar(20) Char

Variable Name password address Phone_no. id U_name

Variable Description Stores password of user Stores address of user Stores phone no of user Stores e-mail id of user Stores user name

Output Parameters Variable Type Variable Name -NA-NA-

Variable Description -NA-


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Return values -NAPseudo code Step1:- Enter username and password. Step 2:- If not valid reload the login page. Step3:- Else home page of user opens. Step4:-User can select the operations available on website Step5:- logout/Exit.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

4. Test Plan Document (TPD)


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

The Active City Administration also known as E-City is the project with the objective to make it easy for the citizen to fire there query against the Municipal Authority. It also helps the city admin authority to manage and maintain the city effectively and in much better way.

The aim of the project is to develop an admirable website which will help and assist the citizen (user) and the city administrator to overcome the problems of city in a fast and better way. The time wasted by the citizens to register their query in municipal authority in present day, will be overcome greatly with help of this website.

The Website will help the user to register his problem to the city admin online and thus will save the time of him/her. The user can also share his suggestions/petition with other people. There will be a dashboard for each user so that he can check the status of his registered problem. The main admin will redirect the user problem to municipal authority which will be further filtered to the respective department. The authority can also announce the online tenders for various departments through the news letter of website.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

System Test System passing Criteria

The system will be accepted if it full fills following criteria:1. Each module should work properly and should produce desired output. 2. The layout of the website should be same in all the browsers. 3. All the test cases should be functionally passed. 4. The Graphical User Interface Module must be fully functional. 5. Successful connection of front end with the back end.

Functionalities Test

Requirem ent ID / Test ID

LO 01

Module/ Class

The login module validates the user and the admin. If the username and the password match with existing values in the database then the user is redirected to the home page. The module is tested by the entries made by the user In this information provide by user is tested by administrator of the city. The information is verified first and then the user is allowed to signup. All entries of the tender form are first checked that they are correctly filled or not, by the admin. If the entry is not valid the form will not be submitted. All entries of the complaint form are first checked that they are correctly filled or not, by the admin. If the entry is not valid the form will not be submitted. All entries of the feedback form are first checked that they are correctly filled or not, the form is checked and validated by the admin. If the entry is not valid the form will not be submitted. The photos or the video uploaded by the user are first verified before uploading to the site. The correct linking of the database tables with the front end is necessarily tested before the product is made available to the end user. The match of the user entry with the database depends on the database linking. To test / to verify that all GUI interface are working as desired.

SU 02

Sign up

TF 03

Tender form

CF 04

Complaint form

FF 05

Feedback form

UV 06 DL 07

Upload video Database linking

GU 08

Graphical user interface


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

TB 09 TB 09.1 TB 09.2 TB 09.3

Text Boxes Name field Contact no. field E-mail Id field

The attributes of the forms are tested as per their specified format. Name of the user must be in correct format. Contact Number of the user must be in correct format. E-mail id of the user must be in correct format.

Functionalities to be not tested or verified -NA-

Test Setup
This section describes the required components used in the test environment. Hardware HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS CPU Intel dual core or any other. RAM At least 64MB Hard disk min(20 GB) Operating System Windows XP or 7

Software SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Operating system : Windows XP or any of the newer Windows OS. Browser : Mozilla Firefox or any browser. Database : Mysql.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Test Case Specification

Test Case: LO 01 Objectives It allows the user to login if he/she is already registered with correct id and password. This enables the user to further proceed for other functionalities in the web application. Module / Class /Function It will be in the Login Module. Test Configuration Enter correct username Enter correct password. Expected Output or Results The user should enter into application homepage. Test Passing Criteria A valid Username and Password are the criterion. Test Case: LO 02 Objectives It allows the login form to show error message when any of the erroneous condition occurs. Module / Class /Function It will be in the Login Module. Test Configuration Mismatched ID and Password Empty Username with Password Empty password with username Mismatched ID Expected Output or Results An Error will be reported for the following cases: Mismatched ID and Password Empty Username with Password Empty Username with Password Mismatched Password


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Test Passing Criteria A valid Username and Password are the criterion. Test Case: SU 02 Objectives The user needs to be registered to access further pages. New User can register through the registration and create a unique ID and Password for himself. Module / Class /Function It will be in the Login Module. Test Configuration Invalid Username Short Password Numeric in name Valid Pin code Invalid Mobile No. Invalid E-mail Expected Output or Results The ID and Password shall be checked against the database and new user shall be created. An Error will be reported for the following cases: Invalid Username Short Password Numeric in name Valid Pin code Invalid Mobile No Test Passing Criteria All the mandatory information must be entered in the correct format. Test Case: UV 03 Objectives To upload the video or the photo of user problem he/she must be registered or login in the account. Module / Class /Function It will be in the complaint Module. Test Configuration Invalid format of video/photo. Authentication of user.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Expected Output or Results The video or the photo of user problem will be uploaded in his complaint form if the format is valid else an error message will be generated. An Error will be reported for the following cases: Invalid Format- Format of the video in which it is uploaded. Test Passing Criteria All the mandatory information must be entered in the correct format. Test Case: TF 04 Objectives The user needs to be registered to access the tender form, if not then he must register himself to apply for the tender dealership. Module / Class /Function It will be in the Tender Module. Test Configuration Invalid name Invalid qualification detail. Numeric in name Valid Pin code Invalid Mobile No. Invalid E-mail Expected Output or Results All the entries of the tender form are checked before submitting the form. If any entry is invalid then error message is generated. An Error will be reported for the following cases: Invalid Username. Invalid Qualification Numeric in name Valid Pin code Invalid Mobile No Invalid E-mail Test Passing Criteria All the mandatory information must be entered in the correct format.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Test Case: CF 05 Objectives The user needs to be registered to fire his complaint to the municipal authority. If not then he must register himself to submit his problem. Module / Class /Function It will be in the Complaint Module. Test Configuration Invalid name Invalid qualification detail. Numeric in name Valid Pin code Invalid Mobile No. Invalid E-mail Expected Output or Results All the entries of the complaint form are checked before submitting the form. If any entry is invalid then error message is generated. An Error will be reported for the following cases: Invalid Username Invalid Description Numeric in name Valid Pin code Invalid Mobile No Invalid E-mail Test Passing Criteria All the mandatory information must be entered in the correct format.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Test Case: FF 06 Objectives The user needs to be registered to give suggestions /feedback, if not then he must register himself to apply for the user account. Module / Class /Function It will be in the Feedback Module. Test Configuration Invalid name Invalid Mobile No. Invalid E-mail Expected Output or Results All the entries of the feedback form are checked before submitting the form. If any entry is invalid then error message is generated. An Error will be reported for the following cases: Invalid Username Numeric in name Valid Pin code Invalid Mobile No. Invalid E-mail Test Passing Criteria All the mandatory information must be entered in the correct format. Test Case: DL 07 Objectives This test case tests the connectivity concerned between the tables. The database tables should be properly connected with the front end, so that the user gets the succinctness and precision in response of what is being requested. Test Configuration We apply various queries in database. Expected Output or Results Database should be accessed accurately. Test Passing Criteria Results of all basic and advanced operations are normal


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

Test Case: GU 08 Objectives To test / to verify that all GUI interface are working as desired. Test Configuration Open the website in some browser. Expected Output or Results All GUI should work as desired and interact with database without any difficulty. Test Passing Criteria If all GUI will interact with database and work as designed and the user is able to access all the links of available on the website. Test Case: TC 09.1 Objectives The objective of this test case is to check the name field for user. Test Configuration Invalid format of the name (other than alphabets). Valid format (only alphabets) Expected Output or Results Enter correct name. Test Passing Criteria Valid name format. Test Case: TC 09.3 Objectives The objective of this test case is to check the e-mail id field for user. Test Configuration Invalid format of the e-mail id (other than prescribed format). Valid format ( Expected Output or Results Enter correct e-mail id. Test Passing Criteria Valid format of e-mail id.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

5. Implementation
S.No Name of function/module 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 User Home Page Login Module Sign_Up Complaint Form Video Upload Tender Form Feedback Form Admin Login News Letter Admin Home Page Start Date 20-DEC-20122 1-JAN-2013 12-JAN-2013 24-JAN-2013 6-FEB-2013 13-FEB-2013 23-FEB-2013 3-MAR-2013 13-MAR-2013 20-DEC-2012 End Date 1-JAN-2012 12-JAN-2013 24-JAN-2013 6-FEB-2013 12-FEB-2013 23-FEB-2013 3-MAR-2013 13-MAR-2013 26-MAR-2013 26-MAR-2013 Owner Abhishek Sharma Abhishek Sharma Abhishek Sharma Abhishek Sharma Abhishek Sharma Abhishek Sharma Abhishek Sharma Abhishek Sharma Abhishek Sharma Abhishek Sharma

Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

6. Working Snapshots
1. Home Page Graphical User Interface visible to user.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

2. Projects and Plans User can view the project related information and can download content also.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

3. Tenders User can view the tender related information and can download content also.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

4. Complaint Form User can view register the complaint using this form.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

5. Contact us User can contact with development authority.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

6. Admin Admin of the website can login with help of this form.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

7. Admin Home Page Home page that will be visible to admin to carry out various task.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

8. Tender Upload Admin can upload tender with help of this form.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

9. News Upload Admin can upload news with help of this form.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

10. Project Upload Admin can upload project with help of this form.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

7. Test Status Report

Status Severity(High/ Status(Fixed (Pass/ Low/Medium) /Open) Fail) Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Moderate Low Low Moderate High Low High Moderate Low Low Not Found Moderate Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed NA Fixed

S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Test Case ID LO 01 SU 02 TF 03 CF 04 FF 05 UV 06 DL 07 GU 08 TB 09 TB 09.1 TB 09.2 TB 09.3

Remarks Session Maintainance User Entry was validated by java script. Email Verfication User Entry was validated by java script. Java Script Java Script Query Evaluation HTML Codes User Entry was validated by java script. User Entry was validated by java script. User Entry was validated by java script. User Entry was validated by java script.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

8. Conclusion
The Active City Administration also known as E-City is the project with the Objective to make it easy for the citizen to fire there query against the Municipal Authority. It also helps the city admin authority to manage and maintain the city Effectively and in much better way. The aim of the project is to develop an admirable website which will help and assist the citizen (user) and the city administrator to overcome the problems of city in a fast and better way. The time wasted by the citizens to register their query in municipal authority in present day, will be overcome greatly with help of this website. The project can be concluded as the complete package that could serve the people of city effectively in order to handle their problems regarding city management. Future Scope of the project: PIL(Public interest litigation) against the governments current policy or to do amend the authorities functioning can be done, implementing this feature in the website would be able to generate a platform on which the interest, opinions, needs and criticism of the mass can be presented, the threshold for generating the PIL can be implemented by online polling on the given issue. SMS Verification: in this project we have only been able to implement the email verification by the authority , the same verification process can be extended to verification by SMS on the cell phones. Online Bidding: The bidding process for the tender can also be made electronic, by allowing the registered applicants to bid online and submit their proposals in a given time under an undisclosed procedure by the authority, the comparison of the received bids and allotment of the tender to the deserved party or firm.


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

9. Abbreviations, Acronyms and Definitions

Ajax (Asynchronous Java Script and XML): It is a technique used in java script to create dynamic web pages. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a transaction oriented browser & a Web Server. client/server protocol between web

HTTPS: Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a HTTP over SSL (secure socket layer).


Test plan document Software requirement analysis Giga Bytes Mega Bytes Hyper Text Markup Language Software Design Document Not Applicable Data Flow Diagram


Department of CS & IT,VIET

Active City Administration

10. Bibliography
Programming php Rasmus Lerdorf, Edition I (Oreilly Media) Beginner to php 5 - Lurix, Edition-V Author-SilberschatzKorthSudarshan Name-Database System Concepts, Edition-IV.


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