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Acute Gastroenteritis

Kristin Wong & Cara Kerr, Baylor University Louise Herrington School of Nursing

Definition of Acute Gastroenteritis: A common infection of the stomach and intestines usually causing diarrhea (increased amount and number of watery bowel movements) The big problem is that the child is losing a lot of water (dehydration) Dehydration from diarrhea is a leading cause of death and illness in children worldwide

Causes A virus, bacterium, or parasite Spread from person to person through oral contact with human feces or contaminated water or food (unwashed vegetables, unpasteurized milk, and uncooked meat) Prevention Basic hygiene, such good handwashing A good, balanced diet Clean food preparation Breastfeeding can boost the babys immune system to help to protect from infection Prevent spreading diarrhea to other children by keeping your child out of contact with other children (especially day care) until the diarrhea subsides Rotavirus vaccine is recommended for all infants to help prevent infection Treatment Lots of fluids, especially Gatorade-type drinks, Pedialyte, or a homemade rehydration drink Homemade rehydration drink: 200 ml water (3/4 cup), 2 teaspoons sugar, 1/8 teaspoon salt. You can add a little lemon juice or Kool-ade. Adding a spoon of infant rice cereal improves the drink. Acetaminophen for fever or discomfort Come to the clinic or Emergency Department if your child has Decreased intake or not keeping it down Not urinated for 8 or more hours Sunken eyes No tears Lack of energy Fever of 101.8 or more Dry mucus membranes (mouth)

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