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Level : Form 2 Key feature (1) 1) Tenses (past tense) Objectives 1) Students identify verbs in a text.

2) Students change the verbs into the past tense correctly. Activities 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Teacher revises with students about simple past tense. Teacher gives a text to students (in groups). Students identify and underline all the verbs in the text. Students change the verbs into past tense. Students present their work.

What is Simple Past Tense

The simple past tense is sometimes called the preterite tense. We can use several tenses to talk about the past, but the simple past tense is the one we use most often.

Identify and underline all the verbs in the text

Scientist says monkey thought extinct may be alive

Associated Press Feb. 6, 2004 07:00 AM COLUMBUS, Ohio - A species of monkey thought likely to be extinct may still be swinging through the trees in Africa, according to an anthropologist. The Miss Waldron's red colobus monkey was declared likely extinct in 2000 by a team that included W. Scott McGraw, an assistant professor of anthropology at Ohio State University. None had been seen since 1978, but McGraw said Wednesday he has evidence the species survives. Two years ago, McGraw retrieved the skin of a monkey a hunter killed in Ivory Coast that had the markings of the red colobus, he said.

Identify the present tense verbs and change the past tense.

Last holidays,my parents,two brothers and I go to Pulau Mandurah for a short trip.This island is off the coast of Sabah.We take a 45 minutes ferry ride from the mainland to Madurah jetty.The water is crystal clear and the golden sandy beaches is really inviting. We stay at the mandurah Resort.The chalets are make of wood and look like attap houses but they are very comfortable.Throughout the four days there,we enjoy all the activities and have seafood most of the time. Although it is a short holiday I enjoy myself very much.I learn to appreciate nature and the environment.

Level : Form 2 Key feature (2) 1) Singular and Plural Objectives 1) Students identify singular and plural nouns in a text. 2) Students use the singular and plural nouns correctly. Activities 1) 2) 3) 4) Teacher reminds with students about singular and plural nouns. Teacher gives a text to students (in groups). Students identify and underline all the singular and plural nouns in the text. Students present their work.

Of, relating to, or being a noun, pronoun, or adjective denoting a single person or thing or several entities considered as a single unit. e.g. table,chair,book,box,beach,baby,city,man,ox

Grammar Of or being a grammatical form that designates more than one of the things specified. e.g. tables,chairs,books,boxes,beaches,babies,cities,men,oxen

Identify and underline all the singular and plural nouns in the text Last holidays,my parents,two brothers and I went to Pulau Mandurah for a short trip.This island is off the coast of Sabah.We took a 45 minutes ferry ride from the mainland to Madurah jetty.The water was crystal clear and the golden sandy beaches were really inviting. We stayed at the mandurah Resort.The chalets were made of wood and looked like attap houses but they were very comfortable.Throughout the four days there,we enjoyed all the activities and had seafood most of the time. Although it was a short holiday I enjoyed myself very much.I learned to appreciate nature and the environment.

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